100 research outputs found

    The effects of the ethanolic extract of mahogany seeds (Swietenia macrophylla King) on the renal function of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

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    Diabetes-associated oxidative stress causes glomerular hypertrophy, decrease ofglomerular filtration rate and inhibits cell proliferation that lead to the decrease of renalfunction as indiated by the increase of serum creatinine level and the presence ofprotein in urine. Mahogany seed (Swietenia macrophylla King) has been proven to haveantidiabetic activity. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the ethanolicextract of mahogany seeds on the renal function of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.Six normal rats as control (Group I) and 24 diabetic rats were used in this study. Thediabetic rats were randomized allocated into four groups with six rats in each group.Group II was considered as diabetic rats control and received aquadest. Group III-V wereconsidered as extract administered diabetic group and received ethanolic extract of S.macrophylla seed for 21 days at a dose of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg BW, respectively.Serum malondialdehyde (MDA), serum creatinine, and urine protein levels were monitored,before and after the ethanolic extract of S. macrophylla seed administration. Serum MDA,serum creatinine and urine protein levels of all rats after STZ induction (Group II-V) weresignificantly higher than without STZ induction (p < 0.05). A significant decrease in theserum MDA and serum creatinine as well as urine protein levels were observed after thetreatment with ethanolic extract of S. macrophylla seed compared to before treatment(p < 0.05). In conclusion, the ethanolic extract of S. macrophylla seed is able to correctrenal dysfunction of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

    Expression of receptor advanced glycation end products (RAGE) and histological picture of pancreatic -cells of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats after yellow soybean powder suspension (Glycine max) administration

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    Diabetes mellitus is a multisystemic disease characterized by hyperglycemia due to defects ininsulin secretion and action, or both. Hyperglycemia is the most important factor in the onsetand progress of diabetic complications. Hyperglycemia increases the expression of receptor foradvanced glycosylation end products (RAGE) which leads to pancreatic -cells damage. Yellowsoybean (Glycine max) is reported to contain isoflavones which have various biological propertiesincluding antidiabetes. Dietary soybean can prevent the progression of diabetic complications.This study was conducted to investigate the effects of yellow soybean powder suspension onexpression of RAGE and pancreatic -cells damage of diabetic rats. Thirty streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic Sprague Dawley male rats aged 11-12 weeks with body weight 200-250 g wereused in this study. The rats were divided into 5 groups with 6 rats in each group. Group 1 wasnon diabetic rats. Group 2 was diabetic rats without treatment. Group 3-5 were given yellowsoybean powder suspension of 400, 800 and 1600 mg/kg BW for four weeks, respectively. Atthe end of the experiment, pancreases tissues were removed for examination of RAGE expressionand pancreatic -cells. The results showed that yellow soybean powder suspension ingestionsignifantly decreased blood glucose level of diabetic rats toward normality (p0.05). Meanwhile, the percentage of RAGE expression onGroup 4 (42.43±4.08%) and Group 5 (40.62±3.42%) were significantly lower than Group 2(p0.05), whereas the percentage of pancreatic-cells in Group 4 (16.78±7.79%) and in Group 5 (22.03±11.51%) were significantly higherthan Group 2 (p<0.05). In conclusion, yellow soybean powder suspension can decrease RAGEexpression and prevent pancreatic -cells damage on STZ-induced diabetic rats.Keywords: pancreatic cells - Langerhans islets - streptozotocine - diabetic rats - soybean

    Perubahan jumlah sel purkinje cerebellum dan koordinasi motorik akibat pemberian alkohol pada tikus

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    Background: Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant which had effect on cerebellum. The mechanism of alcohol-induced cerebellar damage possibly involves increase of the fluidity of cell membranes, hypoxia due to spasm of cerebral blood vessels, accumulation of toxic acetaldehyde, and nutritional deficiency. Objective: To reveal the effect of alcohol administration with different concentration on motor coordination disorder and the amount of Purkinje cells of adult male rats. Methods: Twenty four adult male rats (Fiattus norvegicus), with body weight range of 180-250 grams, were divided randomly into four groups. Group I, as control, was given aquadest 2 mUday. Each group II, Ill and IV were given alcohol 3%, 13%, and 24% 2 mUday, consecutively. Alcohol or aquadest was given orally during 30 days. After 30 days, motor coordination was assessed by measuring the survival of rats on rotarod with different speeds, 16, 24, and 32 rpm. And then, rats were decapitated and the brain was taken out for histological evaluation, paraffin method, and toloudine blue staining. Result: Motor coordination of alcohol groups with rotarod speed of 16 rpm, decreased significantl

    Peningkatan Ketrampilan Membaca Pemahaman Melalui Cooperative Learning Model :STAD [Penelitian Tindakan Kelas di Sekolah Dasar 03 Demaan Kabupaten Kudus]

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    Sebelum dilakukan penelitian tindakan kelas, kondisi pembelajaran keterampilan membaca pemahaman siswa kelas 5 SD 03 Demaan Kudus dirasa kurang memadai. Hal ini disebabkan beberapa faktor, yaitu : model pembelajaran yang masih tradisional sehingga proses belajar mengajar sangat membosankan dan kurang efektif, mayoritas siswa kurang memiliki motivasi belajar dan kurang menyukai pelajaran membaca, teknik pembelajaran langsung pada evaluasi dengan sistem siswa langsung diberi tugas untuk membaca sehingga tidak ada pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, siswa secara umum pasif dalam pembelajaran, dan prestasi belajar keterampilan membaca kurang memuaskan. Berpijak dari kondisi inilah selanjutnya dilakukan penelitian tindakan kelas. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Apakah terdapat peningkatan keterampilan membaca pemahaman bahasa Indonesia dengan diterapkannya cooperative learning model jenis: STAD? (2) Bagaimanakah tanggapan siswa tentang penerapan cooperative learning model jenis: STAD untuk meningkatkan keterampilan membaca pemahaman bahasa Indonesia? Tujuan yang dicapai (1) Seberapa besar peningkatan keterampilan membaca pemahanamn bahasa Indonesia dengan diterapkannya cooperative learning model jenis: STAD (2) Bagaimana tanggapan siswa tentang penerapan cooperative learning model jenis: STAD untuk meningkatkan keterampilan membaca pemahaman bahasa Indonesia. Adapun manfaat secara langsung penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan secara signifikan keterampilan membaca bahasa Indonesia melalui cooperative learning model: STAD bagi siswa SD 03 Demaan Kudus. Keterampilan membaca pemahaman adalah keterampilan membaca pemahaman siswa terhadap bacaan ditinjau dari aspek pengenalan kata, pemahaman lateral, pemahaman interpretatif, pemahaman kritis, dan pemahaman kreatif. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan di kelas 5 SD 03 Demaan Kabupaten Kudus yang berlokasi di Desa Demaan, Kecamatan Kota, Kabupaten Kudus tahun pelajaran 2009/2010. Pelaksanaan tindakan dalam penelitian ini dilaksanakan secara berdaur ulang. Apabila tindakan I (siklus I) sudah bisa atau belum mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan maka langsung dapat ditarik kesimpulan dan disusun refleksi, untuk dilakukan perbaikan pada siklus selanjutnya. Dari refleksi tersebut dilakukan tindakan selanjutnya (Siklus 2). Demikian berlanjut pada siklus berikut sampai tindakan dirasa memenui tujuan yang diinginkan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tahapan-tahapan berikut ini. Pada siklus I dilakukan pembelajaran dengan model STAD, namun berdasarkan observasi dan tes akhir siklus 1, hasil yang diperoleh masih belum memuaskan baik kognitif ataupun afektif. Kebelumberhasilan itu tecermin dalam nilai: pengenalan kata = 6.41, pemahaman lateral = 7.30, pemahaman interpretatif = 7.37, pemahaman kritis = 6.60, dan pemahaman kreatif = 6.50. Secara rata-rata (6.84) nilai ini masih di bawah KKM = 7.50. Hal ini disebabkan kurang optimalnya penerapan model STAD yang disebabkan guru dan murid, belum memahami secara mendalam model pembelajaran jenis ini. Oleh karena itu, dilanjutkan dengan siklus II. Pada siklus II inilah hasil pembelajaran dirasa sangat memuaskan, baik dalam ranah kognitif maupun dalam ranah afektif. Ini tecermin dari nilai kognitif dan kondisi afektif siswa berikut : pengenalan kata = 8.60, pemahaman lateral = 8.40, pemahaman interpretatif = 8.10, pemahaman kritis = 7.80, dan pemahaman kreatif = 7.90. Secara rata-rata (8.16) nilai ini di atas KKM = 7.50. Hal ini disebabkan guru dan siswa sudah dapat menerapkan model pembelajaran dengan baik. Bahkan suasana pembelajaran menunjukkan hampir semua siswa serius belajar, penuh kreatif, dan memiliki motivasi tinggi

    Expression of receptor advanced glycosilation end product (RAGE) and active caspase-3 of the streptozotocin-induced chronic diabetes mellitus Sprague Dawley rats’ sperm with soybean (Glycin max) powder suspension treatment

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) affects all the process of spermatogenesis. Chronic hyperglycemia in DM increases the expression of receptor for advanced glycosilation end products (RAGE) that is responsible for the activation of signal production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and caspase 3. Active caspase 3 plays an important role in cell apoptosis. Soybean (Glycin max) is reported to have antihyperglycemic and antiadvanced glycosilation end products (antiAGE) and antioxidants activities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of soybean powder suspension on the expression of RAGE and active caspase 3 of diabetic rats’ sperm. This was an experimental study with post test only control group design using 30 male Sprague Dawley rats, aged 11-12 weeks old and weighed 200-250g. The rats were divided into five groups with six rats in each group. Group 1 was non diabetic rats and  Group 2 was diabetic rats that were given aquadest. Group 3-5 were diabetic rats that were given a soybean powder suspension at dose of 400; 800 and 1600 mg/kg body weight (BW)/day, respectively. Diabetic rats were made by induction of a single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ) at a dose of 60 mg/kg BW. Soybean powder suspension was ingested for four weeks after 14 days STZ induction. Blood glucose levels were monitored before and three days after STZ induction and four weeks after suspension ingestion. The expression of RAGE and active caspase-3 were analyzed using immunohistochemistry method four weeks after suspension ingestion. The results showed that soybean powder suspension ingestion significantly decreased blood glucose level of diabetic rats toward normality (p<0.05). However, the expression of RAGE and active caspase-3 in diabetic rats’ sperm were not significantly lower than those after suspension ingestion. In conclusion, soybean powder suspension does not significantly affect the expression of RAGE and active caspase-3 in diabetic rats’ sperm

    The effect of measurable and regular exercise on ovariectomized Sprague Dawley rats in improving skin quality

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    The decline of estrogen level causes various skin changes including amount of fibroblast, the thickness of epidermis and dermis. Physical exercise is believed can increase the estrogen level and give benefit impacts on skin. It mechanism is often associated with the increase of extragonadal aromatization and estrogen serum, the activation of insulin-like growth factor (IGF), and the expression of estrogen receptor (ER). This study was conducted to investigate the effect of physical exercise in ovariectomized rat on the amount of fibroblast, the thickness of epidermis and dermis, the levels of ER β in skin and serum estrogen. Eight female Sprague Dawley rats aged 3 months were used in this study. Rats were divided into two groups i.e. Group 1 consisted of ovariectomized rats without physical exercise and Group 2 consisted of ovariectomized rats and given measurable and regular physical exercise. Rats ran on treadmill with the speed 18 m/min, the tilt of 5%, duration for 60 min/experiment/day, 5 times a week for 12 weeks. The amount of fibroblast, the thickness of epidermis and dermis, the levels of ERβ in skin and serum estrogen were measured after physical exercise. The result showed that there was a significant difference amount of fibroblast between group 1 and group 2 (p0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between the level of serum estrogen and the thickness of epidermis (p<0.05), and negative correlation between the serum estrogen level and the level of ERβ (p<0.05), and negative significant correlation between the level of ERβ and the thickness of epidermis (p<0.05).  In conclusion, the amount of dermal fibroblast of ovariectomized rats increase after underwent measurable and regular exercise. There is correlation between the serum estrogen level and  the thickness of epidermis as well as ERβ.

    Penggunaan Teknik Analisis AMMI Biplot Untuk Mengenali Aksesi Wijen Tahan Salin

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    Kendala dalam produksi wijen di lahan salin yaitu salinitas yang mengakibatkan perubahan kondisi morfologi, fisiologi, biokimia dan molekuler pada tanaman. Analisis AMMI (Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction) adalah salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan dan menginterpretasikan tanggapan genotipe terhadap keragaman lingkungan, mencari model yang tepat, menjelaskan interaksi antara genotipe dengan lokasi, meningkatkan keakuratan dugaan tanggapan interaksi antara genotipe dengan lokasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh salinitas terhadap bobot biji per tanaman pada enam aksesi wijen dan menentukan aksesi wijen yang stabil pada lingkungan salin dengan menggunakan analisis AMMI Biplot. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Rumah Kaca Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UGM  mulai bulan Maret hingga Juli 2012. Metode yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial dua faktor yang terdiri dari tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama enam aksesi wijen dan  faktor kedua 6 konsentrasi NaCl (0 g/L, 2 g/L, 4 g/L, 6 g/L, 8 g/L dan 10 g/L). Sifat yang diamati adalah bobot biji per tanaman. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode AMMI Biplot. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa genotipe III det 36 (G2) dan Sbr 3 (G3) adalah genotipe yang stabil di lingkungan salin dengan bobot biji per tanaman di atas rerata umum sehingga berpotensi dikembangkan dilahan salin, sedangkan genotipe Lokal Hitam (G5) tergolong stabil di lingkungan salin namun dengan bobot biji per tanaman lebih rendah dari rerata umum. AMMI biplot dapat digunakan untuk mengenali aksesi wijen tahan salin.ABSTRACTConstraints to production of sesame in saline fields are salinity which causes changes in morphological, physiological, biochemical and molecular conditions in plants. AMMI (Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction) analysis is a method that can be used to explain and interpret genotypic responses to environmental diversity, find the right model, explain the interaction between genotype and location, increase the accuracy of the predicted interaction responses between genotype and location. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of salinity on seed/plant weight in six sesame accessions and determining sesame accessions that are stable in the saline environment using the AMMI Biplot. This research was conducted at Faculty of Agricultural Greenhouse, UGM from March to July 2012. The method used was a two-factor factorial completely randomized design consisting of three replications. The first factor was 6 sesame accessions and the second factor was 6 concentrations of NaCl (0 g/L, 2 g/L, 4 g/L, 6 g/L, 8 g/L and 10 g/L). The trait observed was seed weight per plant. Data were analyzed using the AMMI Biplot method. The results showed that the genotypes III det 36 (G2) and Sbr 3 (G3) were stable in the saline environment with seed/plant weights above the general average so that it has the potential genotypes to be developed in saline soil while the local black genotypes (G5) were classified as stable in the saline environment but with seed/plant weight lower than the general average. The AMMI biplot can be used to recognize saline resistant sesame accession

    Cytochrome P450 aromatase (CYP19) gene expression in ovarian granulose cells of hypothyroid rats induced by propylthiouracil

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    Thyroid hormones are proven to have a direct effect on granulose cells, luteal cells and oocytesdue to their role in gonadotropin action on steroid hormone production. In vitro study showedthat tiroxine (T4) on granulose cells can stimulate ovarian steroidogenesis. Moreover, highconcentration of triiodothyronine (T3) increases the estradiol secretion and aromatase mRNAexpression. Hypothyroidism influences the cytochrome P450 aromatase (CYP19) gene expression.The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of the CYP19 gene in granulosa cells ofhypothyroid rats induced by propylthiouracil (PTU). This was quasi experimental study withpost-test only control group design. Eleven female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into twogroups i.e. five rats as treated group that induced by PTU 0.1 g/L in aquadest for 30 days andcontrol group that not induced by PTU. Blood sample was taken and then T4 blood level wasmeasured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Whereas, CYP19 gene expressionin ovarian granulose cells was measured using immunohistochemistry. Unpaired t test was usedto compare the data obtained from treated and control groups. The results showed that T4blood level on treated group (4.02 ± 0.39 ng/dL) was significantly lower than control group(8.08 ± 1.63 ng/dL) (p = 0.000). However, CYP19 gene expression on treated group (30.84 ±8.01%) was not significantly different compare to control group (25.06 ± 6.79%) (p = 0.227).In conclusion, the CYP19 gene expression in ovarian granulose cells of rats is not change afterinduction of PTU 0.1 g/L for 30 days, although the T4 blood level decreases

    Serum iron level shortly after iron supplementation shortly after and 2 hours after meal in women with iron deficiency anemia

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    ABSTRACT Erna Kristin, Muhammad Hakimi, Sri Kadarsih Soejono, Lukman Hakim - Serum iron level shortly after iron supplementation shortly after and 2 hours after meal in women with iron deficiency anemia Background: Incidence of anemia in women in developing countries is still high, that is, around 43%. This incidence rate is far more hig\u27her that that in industrial countries, which is ranged between 10-12 %. The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia is still high, particularly in developing countries. The cause of the high prevalence of iron deficiency anemia is not known, since it involves various factors. Two of the probable etiologic factors is variability in dosage administration, and the effect of co-administered food. Studies on the pharmacokinetic \u27of iron after single dose iron tablet administration in women with anemia and pharmacokinetic of iron coadministered with food in healthy women have been done, but study on repeated dose has never been conducted. Objective: To understand serum iron level after ingestion of repeated dose of iron shortly after and 2 hours after meal for 12 weeks in women with iron deficiency anemia. Method: The research design was a fase II clinical trial. Subjects were 24 women with iron deficiency anemia, classified into two groups, who were treated as follows: the first group was consisted of 12 women with iron deficiency anemia, treated with twice-a-day ferrous sulphate tablet @ 300 mg orally, given shortly after meal for 12 weeksthe second group was consisted of 12 women with iron deficiency anemia, treated with twice-a-day ferrous sulphate tablet @ 300 mg orally, given 2 hours after meal for 12 weeks. Blood samples were taken in week 2,4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 after treatment. Serum (ferric) iron level was measured with Vitros Fe Slides method. Result: Minimum, maximum, and average steady-state iron levels (Css min, Css max, Css average) of treatment 1 were 108,78:t 13.79 ug/dL, 121 .44:t 15.79 ug/dL, and 115.11 :t 13.13 ug/dL (mean:t SEM), respectivelywhile minimum, maximum, and average steady-state iron levels (Css min, Css max, Css average) of treatment 2 were 115.15 :t 46.27 ug/dL, 141.36:t 61.36 ug/dL, and 124.92:t 53.43 ug/dL (mean:t SEM), respectively. No statistical significant difference were found within treatment in minimum steady-state level between week 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 after treatment. There was also no significant difference in minimum steady-state level between treatment group in week 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12. , Conclusion: There were no differences inserum iron level after ingestion of repeated dose of iron shortly after and 2 hours after meal for 12 weeks in women with iron deficiency anemia. Key Words: iron supplementation-serum iron-iron deficiency anemia-steady-state iron leve

    Intermittent Exercise Triggers Synthesis of CYP19 Aromatase as a Key Enzym for Estrogen Formation In Sprague Dawley Rat Bone Innovarectomy

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    Menopause is a permanent cessation of menstrual cycle due to reduced secretion of the hormone estrogen which can result in osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is characterized by the process of bone resorption faster than the process of bone formation, resulting in a decrease in bone mineral density and bone microarchitecture damage resulting in bones becoming brittle and easily fracturing. Physical exercise is a holistic intervention to prevent osteoporosis due to menopause. This study is a pure experimental study using a post-test only control group design research design. The subjects of the study were the 12-week-old Sprague Dawley rat. The number of groups is 5 with the number of rats per 6 animals. There was a significant difference between the ovarectomy group of rats and the ovarectomy group of mice and were given intermittent exercise treatment of CYP19 aromatase expression. Discussion: Muscle contractions that occur due to intermittent exercise treatment can produce large amounts of IL-6 and IL-6 mRNA which can stimulate estrogen production. Local estrogen production can reduce bone resorption and increase bone formation and bone density Intermittent exercise can trigger the process of the synthesis of the CYP19 aromatase enzyme in ovarectomy rat femur bone
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