36 research outputs found

    Covering a bounded set of functions by an increasing chain of slaloms

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    A slalom is a sequence of finite sets of length omega. Slaloms are ordered by coordinatewise inclusion with finitely many exceptions. Improving earlier results of Mildenberger, Shelah and Tsaban, we prove consistency results concerning existence and non-existence of an increasing sequence of a certain type of slaloms which covers a bounded set of functions in the Baire space

    Pcf theory and cardinal invariants of the reals

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    The additivity spectrum ADD(I) of an ideal I is the set of all regular cardinals kappa such that there is an increasing chain {A_alpha:alpha<kappa\} in the ideal I such that the union of the chain is not in I. We investigate which set A of regular cardinals can be the additivity spectrum of certain ideals. Assume that I=B or I=N, where B denotes the sigma-ideal generated by the compact subsets of the Baire space omega^omega, and N is the ideal of the null sets. For countable sets we give a full characterization of the additivity spectrum of I: a non-empty countable set A of uncountable regular cardinals can be ADD(I) in some c.c.c generic extension iff A=pcf(A).Comment: 9 page

    Preservation of a Convergence of a Sequence to a Set

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    We say that a sequence of points converges to a set if every open set containing the set contains all but finitely many terms of the sequence. We investigate preservation of convergence of a sequence to a set in forcing extensions

    Galois-Tukey connection involving sets of metrics

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