79 research outputs found

    Narodowy zasób biblioteczny jako dobro chronione w prawie administracyjnym

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Impact of information and communication technologies on the tourism sector

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    PURPOSE: The article aims to assess the impact of information and communication technologies on the operation of the tourism sector.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research methodology was based on the application of the desk research method, involving the verification of data obtained from publicly available found sources (professional literature, Internet, web research).FINDINGS: The continuous development of information and communication technologies over the past decade has radically changed tourism. ICT technologies offer a broad spectrum of solutions affecting the entire tourism industry, including travel, transportation, leisure, and hospitality, and increase the efficiency of economic processes in the tourism sector.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article contains valuable information that can serve as source material and a reference for further research related to the development of the tourism sector.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This article contributes to recent European and global academic discussions on the competitiveness of ICT and its importance in the tourism sector.peer-reviewe

    Little Steps Towards Big Goals. Using Linked Data to Develop Next Generation Spatial Data Infrastructures (aka SDI 3.0)

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    Ponencias, comunicaciones y pósters presentados en el 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science "Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place", celebrado en la Universitat Jaume I del 3 al 6 de junio de 2014.Society is moving at an increasing pace toward the next stage of the information society through linked data. Among the relevant developments in geographic information science, linked data approaches offer potential for improving SDI functionality [12]. Linked data uses Semantic Web technologies and makes it possible to link at a very granular level data resources of the web for a multitude of purposes. While the technological implementation in many ways is still in a phase of adolescence, vast amounts of data, including geographic information (GI) have been prepared, for example by the UK Ordinance Survey [8] and other governmental and non-governmental bodies. The overwhelming focus has been on producing RDF formatted data for linked data applications--the foundation for applications. In this short paper, we provide an overview of potentials of linked open data for SDI 3.0 developments. Through two exemplary use cases we illustrate specifically some first steps towards a more web-oriented and distributed approach to creating SDI architectures. The cases demonstrate applications based on the LOD4WFS Adapter, which opens the way for multi-perspective GI applications, created on-demand from multiple GI data resources. These applications automate geometry-based selections of data using spatial queries with the use of RCC8 and OGC Simple Features topological functions. Future work in this area includes adding semantic operators to refine GI processing with multiple ontologies

    Inappropriate sinus tachycardia — ailment or disease?

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    We present a case of a 36-year-old female patient with a long history of persistent palpitations, limited exercise tolerance, and pre-syncope. ECG recordings revealed long lasting episodes of inappropriate sinus tachycardia (IST). IST is characterised by persistent cardiac arrhythmias with sinus P waves in the ECG, and an exaggerated response to a minimal physical effort or stress. Using 24-h Holter definition the average heart rate in patients with IST should be > 90 bpm or daytime heart rate > 100 bpm. The syndrome is associated neither with structural heart disease nor with any reversible causes of sinus tachycardia (i.e. fever, anemia, infection, hyperthyroidism, drug abuse). Therefore the diagnosis is generally one of exclusion. Beta-blockers are most frequently used as first line therapy. Other potentially effective drugs are nondihydropyridine calcium antagonists or ivabradine. The prognosis in patients with IST is very good but in some cases the symptoms can be severe and debilitating

    TLR receptors in laryngeal carcinoma - immunophenotypic, molecular and functional studies.

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have been shown to play crucial role in the recognition of unicellular pathogens. We have shown the expression of three TLRs on tumor cells of human laryngeal carcinoma by means of immunohistochemistry. In the current study we searched presence of TLR1-10 on protein and molecular level in larynx carcinoma cell lines and the impact of respective TLR ligands on TLR expression. Larynx carcinoma cell lines have been used. Cell were subjected to immunocytochemistry. RNA isolated from the cells was tested by RT-PCR. Cells were cultured in the presence of respective TLR ligands. Cells than were harvested and subjected to flow cytometry, using anti TLR1-10 Moabs. The cells were evaluated of membrane and cytoplasmic cell staining. TLR reactivity varied in individual cell lines. RT-PCR allowed to show mRNA for all TLRs tested. After short-term cell culture each cell line exhibited distinct pattern of expression of TLRs following interaction with respective ligand. Cytoplasmic TLR staining had usually higher MFI value than membrane one, but after culture with ligand it became reversed. TLRs 7 and 9 showed highest expression in the majority of tumor cells tested. In conclusion, larynx carcinoma cell lines exhibit rather universal expression of TLRs, both on protein and molecular level. Culture of TLR expressing tumor cells with ligands points out for potential reactivity of tumor cells with TLR agonists, what may have therapeutic implications

    Non-conducted supraventricular beats or retrograde atrial activation? One ECG strip, two interpretations

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    W artykule przedstawiono opis przypadku młodej pacjentki z wywiadem napadowych częstoskurczów nadkomorowych poddanej inwazyjnemu badaniu elektrofizjologicznemu i jednoczasowo ablacji drogi wolnej węzła przedsionkowo-komorowego. W 24-godzinnym monitorowaniu elektrokardiograficznym metodą Holtera, wykonanym dobę po zabiegu, okresowo obserwowano zapis, który, zdaniem autorów, można równoprawnie interpretować na dwa sposoby — jako przedwczesne pobudzenia przedsionkowe zablokowane lub wsteczną aktywację przedsionków.This article presents a case of a young female patient with a history of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia subjected to electrophysiology study and an atrioventricular node slow pathway ablation. The 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring was performed the day after the procedure. According to the authors ECG recording can be equally interpreted in two ways — as blocked premature atrial beats or retrograde atrial activation

    A pseudodysfunction of dual chamber pacemaker — an unusual switch of atrial to ventricular pacing and vice versa observed in Holter monitoring

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    W przypadku pacjentów z implantowanymi elektronicznymi urządzeniami kardiologicznymi (CIED), takimi jak rozrusznik serca lub kardiowerter-defibrylator, ocena badań elektrokardiograficznych może nastręczać trudności. Autorzy przedstawili przypadek 67-letniego mężczyzny ze wszczepionym, z powodu dysfunkcji węzła zatokowego, dwujamowym kardiostymulatorem. W 24-godzinnym EKG metodą Holtera powtarzalnie obserwowano nietypowe zjawisko zmiany stymulacji z przedsionkowej na komorową i odwrotnie. Pacjent był konsultowany w ośrodku elektrokardiologii inwazyjnej z rozpoznaniem zaburzeń pracy stymulatora. Uproszczone badanie elektrofizjologiczne, przeprowadzone przy użyciu oprogramowania kardiostymulatora, doprowadziło do wyjaśnienia obserwowanych zjawisk. Często nietypowe zjawiska obserwowane w EKG imitują dysfunkcję CIED, co może prowadzić do błędnego stwierdzenia awarii wszczepionego układu. Jednak dokładna analiza zapisów, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem mechanizmów algorytmów urządzeń wszczepialnych, pozwala na postawienie właściwej diagnozy. W prezentowanym przypadku przeprogramowanie urządzenia w prosty i szybki sposób rozwiązało przedstawiony problem kliniczny i doprowadziło do zaniechania dalszych, zbędnych działań diagnostyczno-leczniczych.In patients with cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED), i.e. pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, interpretation of electrocardiographic tracings may be sometimes difficult. We present a 67-year-old male with a dual chamber pacemaker implanted due to the sinus node dysfunction. A 24-hour Holter monitoring revealed an unusual switching from atrial to ventricular pacing and vice versa. The patient was consulted in Invasive Electrocardiology Unit with a diagnosis of pacemaker dysfunction. The simplified electrocardiophysiologic study was performed using pacemaker modalities, which led to understanding the observed phenomena. Often unusual phenomena observed in electrocardiograms imitate dysfunctions of CIED, which may lead to misdiagnosis of a malfunction of the implanted system. However, detailed analysis of the tracings with special attention to mechanisms of device algorithms, led to proper diagnosis. In presented case, a reprogramming of the device appeared to be curative, and further interventions, being pointless, were discarded

    Latent Brugada syndrome — success or failure? Implantable loop recorder will provide the answer

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    Pacjent w wieku 29 lat został przyjęty do szpitala z powodu 2 epizodów zasłabnięć oraz pełnej utraty przytomności. W wywiadzie, badaniu przedmiotowym oraz badaniach dodatkowych nie stwierdzono odchyleń od normy. W elektrokardiogramie (EKG) spoczynkowym zaobserwowano zmiany sugerujące podejrzenie zespołu Brugadów typu 2. Po wykonaniu próby prowokacyjnej z zastosowaniem ajmaliny zapis EKG wykazał cechy zespołu Brugadów typu 1. Ze względu na niskie ryzyko nagłego zgonu sercowego oraz niejasny mechanizm omdleń pacjenta nie kwalifikowano do implantacji kardiowertera-defibrylatora. Zdecydowano o wszczepieniu rejestratora zdarzeń w celu weryfikacji arytmicznej etiologii omdleń.29-year-old patient was admitted to a hospital due to 2 episodes of presyncope and one syncopal episode. There were no significant abnormalities in medical history, physical examination and additional tests. Resting surface ECG showed changes suggestive of type 2 Brugada syndrome. Ajmaline challenge revealed typical ECG features of type 1 Brugada syndrome. Due to low risk of sudden cardiac death, and unclear mechanism of syncope a implantable cardioverterdefibrillator was not implanted. However the patient was provided with an implantable loop recorder in order to verify arrhythmic etiology of syncope

    Acceptance of home support and integrated care among advanced COPD patients who live outside large medical centres

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    Background. Poor self-management constitutes a risk factor for COPD deterioration. Patients from rural areas located at a considerable distance from large medical centres frequently need home-support in advanced stages of the disease. Integrated care has been proposed as a comprehensive model for appropriate treatment, coordination and holistic support. The aim of the study was to assess whether home visits provided by trained assistants are needed and accepted by advanced COPD patients living in rural areas a to evaluate whether an individual short educational program can actually improve such patients’ knowledge of COPD and inhaler use. Methods. Thirty patients with severe or very severe but stable COPD participated in one-month home-assistance interventions twice a week. Results. The total value > 70 of SGRQ (St George's Respiratory Questionnaire) was recorded in 18 (60%) patients. At the beginning of the study, the patients’ knowledge of COPD and inhalation techniques was highly unsatisfactory. Significant improvement in all items (p=0.00) was obtained after the intervention. The risk for poor self-management was high. All patients had at least one ‘factor’ that indicated the need for home-support. A total of 240 visits (100%) were completed. Patients expressed high acceptance for home-based support delivered by medical assistants twice a week for one month. No patients opposed this kind of care and most of them expressed interest in receiving it in the future. Conclusions. The results suggest a compelling need for home care and demonstrate full acceptance of this kind of support on the part of advanced COPD patients