141 research outputs found

    A Fluid Model of Spillback and Bottleneck Phenomena for Determining Dynamic Travel Times

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    In this paper we introduce travel time models that incorporate spillback and bottleneck phenomena. In particular, we study a model for determining the link travel times for drivers entering a link as well as drivers already in the link but whose travel times are affected by a significant change in traffic conditions (e.g. spillback or bottleneck phenomena). To achieve this goal, we extend the fluid dynamics travel time models proposed by Perakis [11] and subsequently by Kachani and Perakis [6], [7], to also incorporate such phenomena. These models utilize fluid dynamics laws for compressible flow to capture a variety of flow patterns such as the formation and dissipation of queues, drivers' response to upstream congestion or decongestion and drivers' reaction time. We propose variants of these models that explicitly account for spillback and bottleneck phenomena. Our investigation considers both separable and non-separable velocity functions

    Modeling Travel Times in Dynamic Transportation Networks; A Fluid Dynamics Approach

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    In this paper, we take a fluid dynamics approach to determine the travel time in traversing a network's link. We propose a general model for travel time functions that utilizes fluid dynamics laws for compressible flow to capture a variety of flow patterns such as the formation and dissipation of queues, drivers' response to upstream congestion or decongestion and drivers' reaction time. We examine two variants of the model, in the case of separable velocity functions, which gives rise to two families of travel time functions for the problem; a polynomial and an exponential family. We analyze these travel time functions and examine several special cases. Our investigation also extends to the case of non-separable velocity functions starting with an analysis of the interaction between two links, and then extending it to the general case of acyclic networks

    A Fluid Model of Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Management for Make-to-Stock Manufacturing Systems

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    In this paper, we introduce a fluid model of dynamic pricing and inventory management for make-to-stock manufacturing systems. Instead of considering a traditional model that is based on how price affects demand, we consider a model that relies on how price and level of inventory affect the time a unit of product remains in inventory. Our motivation is based on the observation that in inventory systems, a unit of product incurs a delay before being sold. This delay depends on the unit price of the product, prices of competitors, and the level of inventory of this product. Moreover, delay data is not hard to acquire and is internally controlled and monitored by the manufacturer. It is interesting to notice that this delay is similar to travel times incurred in a transportation network. The model of this paper includes joint pricing, production and inventory decisions in a competitive, capacitated multi-product dynamic environment. In particular, in this paper we (i) introduce a model for dynamic pricing and inventory control that uses delay rather then demand data and establish connections with traditional demand models, (ii) study analytical properties of this model, (iii) establish conditions under which the model has a solution and finally, (iv) establish an algorithm that solves efficiently a discretized version of the model

    Anorexia nervosa and mental retardation

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    OBJETIVO: Revisar a literatura pertinente, observando a prevalência, etiopatogenia, aspectos nutricionais, diagnóstico e tratamento da anorexia nervosa (AN) em pacientes com retardo mental (RM). MÉTODO: Revisão bibliográfica realizada nos sistemas Medline, SciELO e PubMed usando os descritores "transtornos alimentares", "anorexia nervosa" e "retardo mental". RESULTADOS: A AN pode se manifestar de formas atípicas em indivíduos com RM, exigindo critérios diagnósticos específicos. O mais utilizado atualmente é o Diagnostic Criteria for Psychiatric Disorders for Use with Adults with Learning Disabilities/Mental Retardation, conhecido por DC-LC. A prevalência é incerta e o tratamento ainda não está estabelecido, apesar de exigir treinamento específico da equipe. A alimentação costuma ser "pobre" e alimentos que engordam normalmente são evitados. Na maioria das vezes, é difícil acessar a complexa psicopatologia da AN nesses pacientes, em virtude das dificuldades de obter o relato de insatisfação e/ou distorção da imagem corporal, baixa autoestima e crenças alimentares. CONCLUSÃO: Muitos fatores indicam a necessidade de maiores estudos de AN no RM, entre eles a falta de critérios diagnósticos próprios validados e diretrizes para tratamento. Paralelamente, o debate da forma de acesso à conceitualização e ao tratamento dos distúrbios da imagem corporal nessa população deve ser intensificado.OBJECTIVE: To review prevalence, ethiopathogenesis, nutritional aspects, diagnostic and treatment in patients with MR and anorexia nervosa (AN). METHOD: A literature review was carried out in Medline, SciELO and PubMed using the key words "eating disorders", "anorexia nervosa" and "mental retardation". RESULTS: Anorexia nervosa may have an atypical presentation in patients with MR, and therefore requires specific diagnostic criteria. It is currently used the Diagnostic Criteria for Psychiatric Disorders for Use with Adults with Learning Disabilities/Mental Retardation (DC-LC). There are no recommendations on treatment either but the care team requires specific training. Eating is usually "poor" and fattening foods are often avoided. It is most often difficult to access the complex psychopathology of AN in these patients due to difficulty obtaining an account of dissatisfaction and/or distorted body image, low self-esteem, and food beliefs. CONCLUSION: There is a need for further studies investigating AN in patients with RM, especially because there are no validated diagnostic criteria and guidelines for treatment. In addition, the discussion on how to approach these patients as well as on the conceptualization and treatment of body image disorders in this population should be stimulated

    The impact of alcohol consumption on weight gain

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    CONTEXTO: Considerando-se que o álcool possui um valor energético, ele tem a habilidade de suprimir as necessidades calóricas diárias de um indivíduo, e/ou levá-lo ao sobrepeso, dependendo da quantidade, freqüência e modo de consumo. OBJETIVOS: Revisar o efeito do álcool no metabolismo energético e suas conseqüências no peso corporal. MÉTODOS: Revisão bibliográfica realizada no sistema MEDLINE (Index Medicus) cruzando os descritores "alcohol" e "weight gain". RESULTADOS: O álcool tem prioridade no metabolismo alterando outras vias metabólicas, incluindo a oxidação lipídica, o que favorece o estoque de gorduras no organismo. Dependendo da forma que ele é metabolizado, sua participação como fonte calórica é diferente. CONCLUSÕES: O valor energético dos alimentos adicionados ao consumo alcoólico e o patamar de consumo devem ser observados na relação de ganho de peso. Respostas ao consumo de álcool são diferentes de um indivíduo para o outro e são determinadas por fatores individuais e por possíveis fatores genéticos desconhecidos.BACKGROUND: Due to alcohol’s energy content, its intake can meet an individual’s daily energy requirements, and/or lead to an individual becoming overweight based on amount, frequency, and pattern of consumption. OBJECTIVES:To review alcohol’s effect on energy metabolism and its consequences for body weight. METHODS: A review of literature was conducted in MEDLINE (Index Medicus), searching with the keywords "alcohol" and "weight gain". RESULTS: Alcohol takes priority in metabolism and affects other metabolic pathways, including lipid oxidation, which facilitates fat accumulation in the body. Depending on the metabolic pathway activated, alcohol can play a different role as an energy source. CONCLUSIONS: The energy content of foods consumed together with alcohol and the level of consumption should be monitored to prevent weight gain. Individuals have varying responses to alcohol consumption which are determined by their specific characteristics and possibly by other unknown genetic factors as well

    Processamento caseiro de congelamento e descongelamento por microondas e sua relação com o conteúdo de vitaminas e minerais (revisando o uso de microondas e congelamento)

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    Since 2004. a review about the effect of freezing and microwaves in vitamins and minerals has been evaluated. The freezing is one of the process more natural to keep food shelf-life mainly due to the lack of sensorial changes even when the food is cooked and precooked. However, if the food is raw, the freezing must 'be applied carefully and fast to avoid ice crystals formation, which break through the food structure and may alter food texture, flavor, color, and even odor. The freezing may also avoid or even reduce the microorganisms viability, oxygen and enzyme actions that may accelerate the degradation process, always when handled under hygiene-sanitary conditions. The microwaves uses micro irradiation -radiation from short waves and low frequency to warm up foods. It’s action makes the water molecules present in the food cheer generating heat, which spread through food molecules to heat and cook them (Komaroff, 2015). Nowadays is well-known the fast heating provoked by microwaves is one of the less damaged to the nutrients. Th reason why is the time spent to cook food, as longer easier to break down the food structure to have denatured and destabilized nutrients. The fact of is not need to add water to cook feed lead to preserve better the hydro soluble vitamins. Therefore, there is no significant vitamins and minerals loss using these food process techniques

    Human exposure to Anaplasma phagocytophilum in two cities of Northwestern Morocco

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    Anaplasma phagocytophilum is an emerging tick-borne zoonosis with extensive increased interest. Epidemiological data are available in several regions of the USA, Europe and Asia in contrast to other parts of the world such as North Africa. Blood samples of 261 healthy individuals divided in two groups i.e., dog handlers and blood donors were analysed. Indirect immunofluorescent assay using a commercial kit was performed to detect specific A. phagocytophilum IgG. Two dilutions were used to assess the prevalence of seroreactive samples. Demographic variables were assessed as potential risk factors using exact logistic regression. Seropositivity rates reached 37% and 27% in dog handlers and 36% and 22% in blood donors. No statistically significant differences were found in the prevalence rates between the two groups. Analysis of risk factors such as gender, age groups, outdoor activities, self-reported previous exposure to ticks, or contact with domestic animals (dogs, cats, ruminants and horses) did not shown any significant difference. A. phagocytophilum exposure was common in both high-risk population and blood donors in Morocco

    Da ópera-bufa ao caos nosológico: pica

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    INTRODUCTION: Pica is compulsive ingestion of non-nutritive substances. There is no consensus on its etiology but social, cultural, psychological, biological and behavioral factors seem to be involved. Pica prevalence is unknown as this behavior is rarely reported during visits. OBJECTIVE: To review pica-related information: causes, populations at risk, adverse effects, diagnosis, and treatment, among others. METHODS: Literature review carried out in MedLine (Index Medicus), SciELO and PubMed using the keywords "pica," "geophagy," "amylophagia," among others. RESULTS: This syndrome has supposedly a multifactorial etiology and its prevalence is indeterminate due to its difficult diagnosis. Pica patients should be cared by a multiprofessional team. Pica seems to be a common behavior associated to several psychiatric disorders. DISCUSSION: Pica needs to be further explored and better understood as a frequent comorbidity of other psychiatric conditions.INTRODUÇÃO: Define-se pica como a ingestão compulsiva de alimentos não nutritivos. Não há concordância a respeito de sua etiologia, no entanto admite-se a influência de fatores sociais, culturais, psicológicos, biológicos e comportamentais. Sua prevalência é desconhecida, uma vez que o hábito é dificilmente relatado em consultas. OBJETIVO: Atualização de conceitos relacionados à pica: causas, populações de risco, efeitos adversos, diagnóstico, tratamento, entre outros. METODOLOGIA: Revisão bibliográfica realizada nos sistemas MedLine (Index Medicus), SciELO e PubMed, usando os descritores "pica", "geofagia", "amilofagia", entre outros. RESULTADOS: A síndrome possui suposta etiologia multifatorial e prevalência imprecisa em razão da dificuldade de diagnóstico. O tratamento deve ser conduzido por uma equipe multiprofissional. Pica parece ser um comportamento comum em diferentes transtornos psiquiátricos. CONCLUSÃO: A síndrome ainda carece de descrição adequada, e a comorbidade com outros quadros psiquiátricos é frequente

    Canine cardiopulmonary nematodes in Morocco: Prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis and report of the first autochthonous infection with Angiostrongylus vasorum

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    Dirofilaria immitis and Angiostrongylus vasorum are two of the most important, life-threatening cardiopulmonary nematodes affecting dogs. This study aimed to determine the current prevalence of D. immitis and to investigate, for the first time in Morocco, the occurrence of A. vasorum in dogs. Two hundred and thirteen blood and 291 fecal samples were collected from Moroccan dogs. Blood samples were examined using both the modified Knott’s test and the in-clinic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, whereas fecal samples were examined using the Baermann technique. Fecal analysis revealed the presence of A. vasorum larva in one sample. This was the first reported case in a dog from Morocco. We believe that these preliminary results are of great interest to veterinary practitioners in Morocco, suggesting that veterinarians should consider D. immitis, but also A. vasorum in their differential diagnosis, and should perform regular screenings for these parasites. Keywords: Cardiopulmonary nematodes, Dirofilaria immitis, Angiostrongylus vasorum, Dogs, Morocc

    Anaplasma spp. in dogs and owners in north-western Morocco

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    Background: Anaplasma phagocytophilum is an emerging tick-borne zoonotic pathogen of increased interest worldwide which has been detected in northern Africa. Anaplasma platys is also present in this region and could possibly have a zoonotic potential. However, only one recent article reports on the human esposure to A. phagocytophilum in Morocco and no data are available on canine exposure to both bacteria. Therefore, we conducted a cross-sectional epidemiological study aiming to assess both canine and human exposure to Anaplasma spp. in Morocco. A total of 425 dogs (95 urban, 160 rural and 175 working dogs) and 11 dog owners were sampled from four cities of Morocco. Canine blood samples were screened for Anaplasma spp. antibodies by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and for A. phagocytophilum and A. platys DNA by a real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) targeting the msp2 gene. Human sera were tested for specific A. phagocytophilum immunoglobulin G (IgG) using a commercial immunofluorescence assay (IFA) kit. Results: Anaplasma spp. antibodies and A. platys DNA were detected in 21.9 and 7.5% of the dogs, respectively. Anaplasma phagocytophilum DNA was not amplified. Anaplasma platys DNA was significantly more frequently amplified for working dogs. No statistically significant differences in the prevalence of Anaplasma spp. antibodies or A. platys DNA detection were observed between sexes, age classes or in relation to exposure to ticks. A total of 348 Rhipicephalus sanguineus (sensu lato) ticks were removed from 35 urban and working dogs. The majority of dog owners (7/10) were seroreactive to A. phagoyctophilum IgG (one sample was excluded because of hemolysis). Conclusions: This study demonstrates the occurrence of Anaplasma spp. exposure and A. platys infection in dogs, and A. phagocytophilum exposure in humans in Morocco