108 research outputs found

    The Casual Relationship Between Macroeconomic Variables and Economic Growth: Evidence from Algeria Economy

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    Theoretically, less developed countries that are short of domestic resources can further their economic expansion by utilizing foreign capital under conditions of perfect capital mobility, these inflows would also help equalize rate of return on capital across countries and narrow the development gap (Gupta & Islam, 1983). in the context of Algeria, is this inflow helps the domestic resources further expansion at economic growth.This paper focuses on the study by using time-series data over the period of 1970-2009 in Algeria. In this study, I used economic growth as dependent variables and export, import, FDI domestic investment were independent variable. This study analyzed the relationship between these variables using unit root test, Vector Autoregressive (VAR) and Impulse Response Function (IRF). The evidence indicates that export has positive influences on economic growth. The VAR and Impulse Response Function (IRF) show that the increases in export will have significant effect on economic growth and there are no strong relationships between FDI, import, Domestic investment and economic growth. The economic growth is influenced by its own past value. In the presence of studies, change in FDI has no positive effect on growth, so the proper monitoring of the foreign funded projects in order to avoid the misutilization of the foreign capital resources is needed. For maintaining and increasing economic growth rate, Algeria need to stabilize the macroeconomic environment, improve human capital, facilitate financial development and gradually liberalize financial sector

    Multiple meningiomatosis

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    Multiple meningiomas or meningiomatosis are defined by the presence of at least 2 lesions that appear simultaneously or not, at different intracranial locations. Early classification of Cushing and Eisenhardt claimed that a diagnosis of multiple meningioma can only be made if the patient does not suffer neurofibromatosis type I (NF1 is associated with neurofibromin, ras pathway). Majority of multiple meningiomas associate with neurofibromatosis type-II, multiple meningiomatosis refers to the association of at least 2 tumors in two different sites, in a patient who has no evidence of neurofibromatosis. The incidence of this condition varies between series between 1 and 3%, reaching a frequency of 8% with the onset of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This entity combines benign tumors of a different histological nature in 30% of cases. A 39-year-old woman patient, with no significant pathological history, who consulted for heaviness in both lower limbs having progressed for 6 months with paresthesias without genitosphincteric disorders, the examination found a spastic paraparesis rated at 3/5. The patient underwent a medullary MRI which revealed 4 lesions, the radiological semiology of which was suggestive of spinal meningiomas, the most compressive projecting in relation to T2. A cerebral computed tomography (CT) was systematically performed and objectified two intra cranial meningiomas, which until then were asymptomatic. Although its incidence is only 1 to 3%, the discovery of multiple meningiomatosis justifies morphological exploration (MRI) of the entire neurax, in which case any symptomatic location should suggest surgical management

    Caractérisation physico-chimique des eaux d’alimentation de la ville de Tijikja (Mauritanie)

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    Les ressources en eau de la Mauritanie sont limitées alors que ses besoins en eau augmentent. Dans le but d’étudier les caractéristiques physico- chimiques de la qualité des eaux d’alimentation de la ville de Tijikja capitale de la Wilaya du Tagant (région au centre de la Mauritanie) des analyses physicochimiques ont été effectués au niveau des quatre forages qui alimentent la ville ainsi qu’au niveau d’un robinet, d’une potence pour les citernes et de trois puits avec des paramètres physico-chimiques tels que la température, le pH, la conductivité électrique, le TDS, la dureté, les ions calcium, magnésium, sodium, potassium, les chlorures, les bicarbonates, les nitrites, les nitrates, l’ammonium, les sulfates, le fluorure et les métaux lourds (fer, zinc, chrome, cadmium, plomb et le cuivre). Les résultats des analyses physico-chimiques montrent que le pH est proche de la neutralité, il varie entre 7,1 et 7,6 ; la conductivité est élevée au niveau du forage d’El Arghoub (1885 μS/Cm). Elle est moyenne au niveau des puits. On remarque une moyenne minéralisation variant entre 250,5 et 352 mg/L due à une conductivité moyenne au niveau des autres forages. Les chlorures et le potassium dépassent les normes de l’OMS pour le forage T1 et le puits P3, ils sont respectivement 310 mg/L et 32 mg/L. Les concentrations des ions calcium, magnésium, sodium, sulfate et fluorures sont toujours inférieures aux normes de l’OMS de l’eau potable pour l’ensemble des échantillons prélevés. En ce qui concerne les composés azotés on observe des concentrations négligeables en nitrites et que l’ammonium n’a pas été détecté pour tous les échantillons des eaux d’alimentation de la ville de Tijikja. Cependant les teneurs en nitrates sont inférieures à 5 mg/L pour les échantillons prélevés sauf pour les échantillons prélevés au niveau du puits P1, P3 et au forage T1 avec des teneurs respectives de 36,7 mg/L, 43,5 mg/L et 36,44 mg/L. Les eaux des forages de Tijikja analysées montrent l’existence de métaux lourds tels que le chrome, le zinc, le cadmium et le plomb à des concentrations variables restant toujours inférieures aux normes de l’OMS. Dans l’espoir que la Mauritanie, à l’instar de ses voisins maghrébins et ouest africains mettra en place des normes en matière de l’eau potable. Dans ce cas la caractérisation physico-chimique des eaux d’alimentation de cette ville importante qui est Tijikja va servir comme base de données.Mots clés: Physico-chimique, eau Tijikja, puits, forages, Mauritani

    Mutation of the Seaside Architecture in Algeria and its Impact on Coastal Landspace. A Case Study: Ain El Turc, Algeria

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    The sea strongly contributes to the identity of coastline areas. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the coastline is a geographical entity which calls for specific organization. From an architectural point of view, design elements have been associated with the assets (or constraints) of the site. Thus, the view is associated with the bow window, protection against the climate with canopies and protruding roofs, and quality of the soil and bedrock. Integration into the site is also highly desirable, both in form (ship) and in construction materials. The urbanization of coastal areas in Algeria is a colonial fact. In pre-colonial times, little importance was given to these areas, whereas later they became a priority: port sites, the speed of communications with Europe, rich agricultural plains, a mild climate and welcoming beaches. The developments and seaside constructions carried out during this period were part of the logic of attractiveness to welcome more European settlers and promote the sedentarization and growth of those already living in Algeria. After independence, political and economic choices did not unfortunately take into account the geographical and climatic specificity of Algeria’s coastal zones. Thus, population growth and rural depopulation have led to a sharp increase in the demand for real estate, which has resulted in unbridled urbanization, regardless of the seaside vocation of these territories. In this article, based on the case of the seaside resort of Ain El Turc, which has colonial architectural production of an exceptional quality that takes into account the specificities of the coastline and the presence of the sea, the aim is to assess and verify if this architecture was perpetuated after independence. To this end, we have highlighted, through bibliographic research, the characteristics of seaside architecture from the 19th and 20th centuries and those of the contemporary time. An analysis of all the dwellings located in the Saint Rock district in the municipality of Ain El Turc consisted in identifying these characteristics and establishing a classification of these constructions.Il mare contribuisce fortemente all'identità delle zone costiere. Inoltre, è stato dimostrato che il litorale è un'entità geografica che richiede un'organizzazione specifica. Da un punto di vista architettonico, elementi di design sono stati associati agli asset (o vincoli) del sito. Pertanto, la vista è associata al bovindo, alla protezione dal clima con tettoie e tetti sporgenti e alla qualità del suolo e del substrato roccioso. Anche l'integrazione nel sito è altamente auspicabile, sia nella forma (nave) che nei materiali da costruzione. L'urbanizzazione delle aree costiere in Algeria è un fatto coloniale. In epoca precoloniale, a queste zone veniva data poca importanza, mentre in seguito divennero una priorità: siti portuali, velocità di comunicazione con l'Europa, ricche pianure agricole, clima mite e spiagge accoglienti. Gli sviluppi e le costruzioni marittime realizzate in questo periodo facevano parte della logica di attrattività per accogliere più coloni europei e promuovere la sedentarizzazione e la crescita di coloro che già vivevano in Algeria. Dopo l'indipendenza, le scelte politiche ed economiche non hanno purtroppo tenuto conto della specificità geografica e climatica delle zone costiere algerine. Pertanto, la crescita della popolazione e lo spopolamento rurale hanno portato a un forte aumento della domanda di immobili, che ha portato a un'urbanizzazione sfrenata, indipenden-temente dalla vocazione balneare di questi territori. In questo articolo, basato sul caso della località balneare di Ain El Turc, che ha una produzione architettonica coloniale di una qualità eccezionale che tiene conto delle specificità della costa e della presenza del mare, lo scopo è valutare e verificare se questa architettura è stata perpetuata dopo l'indipendenza. A tal fine, abbiamo messo in luce, attraverso la ricerca bibliografica, le caratteristiche dell'architettura balneare dei secoli XIX e XX e quelle della contemporaneità. L'analisi di tutte le abitazioni situate nel distretto di Saint Rock nel comune di Ain El Turc è consistita nell'individuare queste caratteristiche e stabilire una classificazione di queste costruzioni

    Towards an Analytical Habitability Grid for Heritage: the Medina of Mostaganem as a Case Study

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    Conservation of historic cities is limited in many countries to valorization and safeguarding which is performed utilizing several types of interventions. Many countries aware of the importance of their heritage in the development of human life, are currently concerned with their inhabitants’ participatory role in conservation. The historic cities in Algeria are not immune to this fact. Nowadays, particular attention is paid to the quality of life in historic Algerian cities which are in continuous transformation. It has become an urgent issue to inquire into the state of these medinas. The aim of this article is to design an analysis grid of habitability for these historical cities in order to interpret the quality of life, as well as the understanding of the man-made quest for ideal livability. The adopted methodology is divided into two parts: first, making the grid and second, its projection and analysis. Application of the grid requires very diverse data and a field of study. For this purpose, several tools were mobilized: a questionnaire survey, field measurements and direct diagnosis. For a positive outcome to the research, fieldwork is essential. This is the case study of the Medina of Mostaganem.La conservazione delle città storiche è limitata, in molti Paesi, alla valorizzazione e alla salvaguardia che viene eseguita utilizzando diversi tipi di interventi. Molti Paesi, consapevoli dell'importanza del loro patrimonio nello sviluppo della vita umana, sono attualmente interessati al ruolo partecipativo dei loro abitanti nella conservazione. Le città storiche in Algeria non sono immuni da questo fatto.Oggigiorno, particolare attenzione è rivolta alla qualità della vita nelle città storiche algerine che sono in continua trasformazione. Analizzare lo stato di queste città storiche è diventato un problema urgente. Lo scopo di questo articolo è di progettare una metodologia di analisi di abitabilità al fine di interpretare la qualità della vita e comprendere gli standard di vivibilità ideale.La metodologia adottata è divisa in due parti: la griglia e la sua proiezione e analisi. L'applicazione della griglia richiede dati molto diversi e un settore di studio. A tal fine, sono stati utilizzati diversi strumenti: un questionario, misurazioni sul campo e analisi diretta. Per il positivo risultato della ricerca è essenziale il lavoro sul campo: il caso studio presentato é relativo alla città di Mostaganem

    Contribution of G.I.S. for the survey and the management of water resources in the basin “Benhandjir – Tirkount” (Ain Sefra) – mounts of Ksour - Saharian Atlas – Algeria

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    This work relates to the space numerical data processing, containing information having a relationship with the study and the management of the water resources of the basin of « Benhandjir – Tirkount » (Ain Sefra) characterized by his principal aquifer system of the lower Cretaceous sandstone. The study aims to geographical information system (GIS). The adopted methodology is based on two steps. The first approach practical was to reconstitute the aquifer geometry and study of the hydrodynamic and hydrochemical parameters. Analysis of an important variation of the flow and mineralization helped highlight the leading role hydrogeological fault “Ras Touil-Ain Sefra”. The second approach methodological, elaboration from the thematic analyses the synthetic map will serve as a support to a better approach for the management and to identify the zones that are most favourable to wells for the drinkable water, and the agriculture.Keywords: Ain Sefra – G.I.S. - water resources - lower cretaceous sandstone - fault “Ras Touil-Ain Sefra

    Dermatofibrosarcome de Darier et Ferrand: Ă  propos de 38 cas

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    Le dermatofibrosarcome protubérans de Darier et Ferrand est une tumeur cutanée rare. Le but de cette étude est de décrire les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques, histologiques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs avec comparaison aux données de la littérature. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective sur 10 ans à propos de 38 cas de dermatofibrosarcome de Darier et Ferrand pris en charge à l'Institut National d'Oncologie. Les données épidémiologiques, diagnostiques, thérapeutiques et évolutives ont été recueillies à partir des dossiers cliniques des patients et rapportées sur une fiche préétablie. L'âge médian des patients était de 41,5 ans. Tous les patients avaient une preuve histologique de dermatofibrosarcome. Seulement 30 patients ont été traités à l'Institut National d'Oncologie. L'exérèse chirurgicale de la tumeur était large, avec des marges de sécurité de 6-10 cm chez 6 patients (20%), 5 cm chez 16 patients (53%), 2-3 cm chez 4 patients (13%). En profondeur, l'exérèse emportait une barrière anatomique saine. 5 malades ont bénéficié d'une radiothérapie externe avec une dose médiane de 59,5 Gy. Le recul médian était de 64,4 mois (28- 138 mois). Le dermatofibrosarcome protubérans de Darier et Ferrand est une tumeur se distinguant par son évolution lente, son agressivité locale, son haut pouvoir de récidive et la rareté des métastases. Le traitement consiste en une exérèse large et profonde. Le pronostic dépend essentiellement de la qualité de l'exérèse initiale chirurgicale. La série étudiée présente des similitudes épidémiologiques, cliniques, et thérapeutiques avec les données de la littérature

    Le méningiome du sinus maxillaire: à propos d’un cas avec revue de la littérature

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    Les méningiomes extracrâniens sont rares, leur localisation au niveau du sinus maxillaire est exceptionnelle. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente âgée de 41 ans, ayant présenté une exophtalmie avec des céphalées intermittentes évoluant depuis 8 ans. Le diagnostic a été retenu à partir de la biopsie et du scanner cérébral et du massif facial. Le traitement a consisté en une irradiation exclusive à la dose de 54 Gray (Gy). La patiente est restée en bon contrôle locorégional, après un recul de 18 mois. A travers ce cas clinique on a démontré que le sinus maxillaire peut être touché par le méningiome, et qu'il doit être inclus dans le diagnostic différentiel des tumeurs des tissus mous.Key words: Méningiome, extra crânien, sinus maxillaire, radiothérapie, cance

    An Exploration of the Impact of Industry 4.0 Approach on Corporate Communication in the German Manufacturing Industry

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the Industry 4.0 approach on Corporate Communication in the German manufacturing industry. Industry 4.0 is currently one of the most discussed topics within the German industry with its aim to strengthen the competitiveness of German manufacturers. Industry 4.0 comprises the entire life-cycle of a product through an intelligent networked production. Smart factories symbolize the main objective of Industry 4.0 by implementing Cyber-Physical Systems, the Internet of Things and Internet of Services. The impact of Industry 4.0 on Corporate Communication has not yet been investigated. Therefore, a significant gap of research exists, which will be closed by this study on the impacts of Industry 4.0 on internal as well as external communication. The study was conducted through primary data collection, using a mono-method qualitative research technique in form of semi-structured expert interviews. The sampling comprises six interviewees from varying industry sectors in Germany. The interview partners were chosen due to their expertise on thematic aspects of Corporate Communication and/or Industry 4.0 within organisations which deal with Industry 4.0 implementations. The sampling represents different perspectives on Industry 4.0 as it illustrates different Industry 4.0 operators and Industry 4.0 service providers. Data is examined by a thematic analysis approach involving a vertical and horizontal analysis of the cases. Deriving from the data analysis and findings, an overview of the impact and potential opportunities for manufacturers is formulated. Lastly, to conclude the topic a prospective outlook will be given

    New Eco-friendly process tanning by concentrated recovered from Olive Oil Mill Wastewater

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    Olive Oil Mill Wastewater (OMW) is a serious environmental problem in Morocco, which is known for producing olive. OMW is characterized by a high organic load and the presence of high concentrations of organic substances (COD:67.2 g/L; BOD5: 70.6 g/L; CE: 11.5 mS/cm). The main objective of the present study was to optimise the conditions of treatment of olive mill wastewater. The waste was treated by solar energy to reduce quantity of OMW without affecting the environment. The concentrate containing 14% of phenol was obtained by this procedure of treatment and was applied aseco-leather tanning agent to replace chrome-tanning process who represent more than 85% of global leather production. Despite the polluting power of this tanning process and that toxicology reasons unfairly associating the chromium (III) commonly used with hazardous chromium (VI). The characteristics of the leather indicate that the vegetable tanning system used in our study provides leather with a good physical and chemical property.          
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