235 research outputs found

    Unemployment in Saudi Arabia: Assessment of the Saudization program and the imperatives leading to youth unemployment

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    Unemployment is one of the biggest challenges facing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially among youth. The Saudi government embarked on a national plan to increase employment among nationals and decrease the number of foreign labor force. The Saudization program did not yield the expected results, and efforts were made to reform the program in 2011 under the “Nitaqat Programâ€Â. Despite enhancements to the Saudization program, the analysis reveals that unemployment levels remained almost stagnant throughout the past decade. The Saudi labor force is increasing by a rate equal to the rate of employment among nationals, thus keeping unemployment rates stagnant. The Saudi labor market suffers from number of distortions; chiefly; the wage differential between nationals and non-nationals in the private sector, the wage differential between nationals in both private and public sectors, and decreased labor productivity in the private sector. Also, the reservation wage among Saudi-nationals is high due to dependency ratio and the introduction of an unemployment benefit that is two-thirds the amount of the national minimum wage. On the other side the cost of foreign labor in the market remains low despite the introduction of measures to increase this cost on private sector employers. In addition, the education system has not catered to the needs of the labor market, which suffers a skill gap in demand and supply. The lack of vocational and technical skills is visible in the market, while a mismatch exists between higher education and labor market needs. The dependence of the Saudization program on quota-based, legal-interventionist methods is proving to be a challenge, further attesting to the need to rely more on a market driven system. Unless the distortions in the labor market are addressed, the Saudization efforts will remain stagnant, since these distortions are creating an imperative for youth unemployment

    Patient Related Outcomes for Dental Implant Therapy with Fixed Prostheses: A Systematic Review

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    Aim: To explore the available literature compiling studies that discuss patient related outcomes in terms of function and comfort for dental implants with fixed restorations. Materials and Methods: To identify studies relevant to the field of patient related outcomes in terms of function and comfort for treatment with dental implants in fixed restorations, literature review search was done via PubMed, Scopus, Ovid and Cochrane. Review articles were searched for any related studies that could be included in this systematic review. Results: 107 studies were initially identified from the search; 13 studies met the inclusion criteria and were selected for this systematic review. The analysis of the data related to comfort shows that the patients’ satisfaction ranged between 75.3% to 99.5% with an average of 90.8% and a standard error (SE) of ±2.6. Data analysis of the perception of function’s improvement showed that patients’ satisfaction ranged between 69.9% to 100% with an average of 92.1% and a standard error (SE) of ±2.4. Conclusion: The results indicate that the patient’s satisfaction in terms of function and comfort for treatment with dental implants and fixed restorations is relatively high and this is an acceptable modality of treatment. Further standardized studies with larger sample sizes and standardized evaluation scales are recommended

    Social Finance and Sustainable Development Goals: A Literature Synthesis, Current Approaches and Research Agenda

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    The debate, especially in policy circles, around the emergence of Social and Sustainable Finance (SSF), depict as 'paradoxical' the contrast between SSF as a relatively under-developed field of knowledge and thought, and yet as an area of practice with 'vast potential' that is experiencing an 'explosion' in practitioner numbers. Such potential, in term of economic and social value that SSF can deliver, is reflected in the increasing of interest within the public policy-making arena in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). More in detail, it is also underlined by the raising of public and private investment into promoting and supporting them. Within such evolving arena, the exact scale and scope of SSF's contribution to the improvement of SDGs worldwide is difficult to delineate and measure accurately, but there seems to be universal agreement that SDGs represent an ideal and widespread area where SSF can register a significant growth. However, limited research addressed the marriage of these two fields. The purpose of this research are: i) to shed light on existing academic literature embracing both Social and Sustainable Finance and SDGs issues, ii) explore emerging trends deriving from international policy-making actors, market builders, managers, senior academics and, iii) to identify the main areas for further research focusing on SSF and SDGs. In order to derive a research agenda about such emerging research topic, the study adapts a triangulated approach based on qualitative mixed methods. With such objectives in mind, the study provides an extensive literature review in order to depict a comprehensive overview of existing knowledge considering both SSF and SDGs topics. The analysis is therefore enhanced by the trends identified from literature deriving from public policy-making actors and market-builders as well as from invited commentaries on SSF from senior scholars and managers. Thus, a holistic perspective on SSF experience, useful to identify the main areas for further research on SSF in the sustainability industry, was derived. The study, therefore, aims to provide, through a triangulated analysis of the concepts, frameworks and trends, a detailed understanding of the mechanisms for managing the interplay between SSF and SDGs, by highlight future avenues of research in this field

    Initial training of male elementary school teachers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia : an empirical study of contributions by principals and teachers to teaching practice

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    Background.Official documents and academic writings call for the improvement of initial teacher training in Saudi Arabia. Interest focuses especially on the absence of school mentoring roles in the teaching practice of student teachers from Teacher Colleges.AimsThis study explores the mentor role as practised in developed countries such as the UK, where such roles are well-developed, and explores what roles the elementary school head teacher and co-operating subject teacher could perform for student teachers during the teaching practice programme. Views of college advisors, elementary school head teachers, co-operating subject teachers and college student teachers are examined.SampleThe study sample consisted of 25 College advisors from Al-Madinah Teachers' College, and Jeddah Teacher College, 70 Elementary School Head Teachers and 230 Elementary School Subject Teachers from Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah District, and 103 Student Teachers in the final semester of training from Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah Teacher College.MethodsQuestionnaires were administered to the four groups to ascertain their opinions about the importance of various mentoring activities, and who should perform them. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 college advisors, to determine what experience and information student teachers need, and what difficulties student teachers face on teaching practice.ResultsRespondents suggested 23 activities for the school head and four for the school teacher to perform during the teaching practice. These activities cover teaching skills development, information, involvement of the student teachers in non-teaching activities, relationships, evaluation, support, liaison and monitoring. Concerns about the information and experience student teachers need and difficulties faced covered similar categories.ConclusionsSaudi respondents recognised the importance of the school mentoring roles. The study findings provide a basis for developing such roles in Saudi teacher college training programmes, and for creating a new sense of partnership between teacher colleges and schools

    To Get or Not to Get the Kaust Library E-Resources Acquisition Experience

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    In the challenging times of budget cuts and reviews, libraries are faced with issues such as justifying acquisition, negotiating deals and reviewing current subscriptions (pertaining to electronic resources) among others. With the rapid growth of electronic resources, libraries have to continuously assess their acquisition models and policies to constantly ensure that they are balancing their budget and users’ needs as well. This paper highlights the role played by Technical and Digital Services (TADS) section of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) library (Saudi Arabia) in acquiring the electronic resources (electronic books, electronic journals, databases, image and reference) for the community. It will describe the processes during the early days when KAUST library was inaugurated; how electronic resources were acquired and what went through during those days. The paper will elaborate further how the acquisition model has evolved and the various important roles played by the library staff in ensuring that acquisitions/subscriptions are justified, within the budget and provides ROI for the library. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology is a graduate research university which opened in September 2009 with its first cohort of 800 graduate students (25% female) taught by 100 faculties. The focus of study and research in the university are: Mathematics and Computer Science, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences. The university library started with 10 staff. The library has a “state-of-the-art learning and information resource center supporting graduate education and advanced scientific research” (KAUST, 2010)

    Identification and Characterisation of Cell Division Proteins in Staphylococcus aureus

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    In vivo high field magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy of adult zebrafish

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    This thesis contains the results of imaging of adult zebrafish by using different MR approaches. We present the first high resolution mMR images of adult zebrafish. To achieve high spatial resolution we used a magnetic field of 9.4T, in combination with strong magnetic field gradients (1000 mT/m) and specialized radio frequency coils. To support imaging of living fish, we designed a special flow-through setup for continuous flow of aerated water to support living zebrafish inside the magnet. Clear morphological proton images were obtained by T2-weighted RARE sequences revealing many anatomical details in the entire intact zebrafish in vivo. We successfully implemented MRS at 9.4T and obtained for the first time detailed composition of zebrafish brain in vivo. Our results in this thesis suggest that zebrafish brain has similar metabolite profile as the human brain, which proves that zebrafish is a go od model organism to study human brain disorders. This thesis demonstrates also the application of high resolution mMRI methods to track spontaneous tumors in stable transgenic zebrafish models expressing a RAS oncoprotein and lacking P53 (mitf:Ras::mitf:GFP X p53-/-). Tumors were successfully visualized at different locations in live zebrafish.UBL - phd migration 201

    Méthotrexate en médecine interne: Methotrexate in Internal Medicine

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    Méthotrexate (MTX) is an immunosuppressant belonging to the class of anti-metabolites or antifolates. It is always prescribed at high dose in oncology and at low dose for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. MTX has several actions such as antiproliferative, antiinflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Its metabolism is mainly hepatic and its elimination is renal. On the down side, MTX possesses multiple side effects that require careful monitoring. Its indications are mainly to treat certain types of neoplasia such as leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and breast cancer. It is also used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. The indications, benefits and safety of use of MTX in internal medicine should be further documented by prospective and comparative trials. Méthotrexate (MTX) est un immunosuppresseur appartenant à classe d’anti métabolites ou antifolates. Il est prescrit à haute dose en cancérologie et à faible dose pour le traitement des maladies auto-immunes. Il possède plusieurs actions à la fois antiproliférative, anti-inflammatoire et immunomodulatrice. Il a un métabolisme hépatique et une élimination rénale. Cependant, le méthotrexate présente de multiples effets secondaires nécessitant une surveillance rigoureuse. Il s’utilise pour traiter certains types de néoplasies comme les leucémies, les lymphomes non hodgkinien, et le cancer du sein. On l’utilise également pour le traitement de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde, de l’arthrite psoriasique et du psoriasis. Les indications, les avantages et la tolérance du méthotrexate en médecine interne doivent être mieux documentés par des essais prospectifs et comparatifs

    Stochastic Programming Model for Fuel Treatment Management

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    Due to the increased number and intensity of wild fires, the need for solutions that minimize the impact of fire are needed. Fuel treatment is one of the methods used to mitigate the effects of fire at a certain area. In this thesis, a two-stage stochastic programming model for fuel treatment management is constructed. The model optimizes the selection of areas for fuel treatment under budget and man-hour constraints. The process makes use of simulation tools like PHYGROW, which mimics the growth of vegetation after treatment, and FARSITE, which simulates the behavior of fire. The model minimizes the costs of fuel treatment as well as the potential losses when fire occurs. Texas Wild re Risk Assessment Model (TWRA) used by Texas Forest Service (TFS) is used to quantify risk at each area. The model is applied at TX 12, which is a re planning unit under the administration of TFS. Results show that the total of the expenditures on fuel treatment and the expected impact justify the efforts of fuel treatment

    Minor fishery for the Indian oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) along Saurashtra coast

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    During October 1987 to March 1988 the total estimated oil sardine, Sardinella longiceps, landed by cast net at Poibander was about 1 300 tonnes with an average monthly landings of about 21S.9 tonnes. The length (L)-weight (W) relationships of male and female were W = 1.514 + 2,744 L and 4!237 + 2.617 L, respectively. The mean modal length increased from 75 mm in October - November to 155 mm in Febmary - March. The stage of maturity progressed from immature in October to maturing (stage IV) in March