305 research outputs found

    Interoceptive Attention Tendencies Predict Trait Anxiety in Undergraduate Students and Hospital Nurses Participating in Stress Management Programs

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    Interoceptive attention tendencies have been posited as the dimensions of change in body awareness gained through the acquisition of self-regulatory skills from engaging in contemplative and body-mind health practices such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, and relaxation training. However, efforts are still needed to confirm the model of the dimensions and to delineate the “positive” (adaptive) and “negative” (maladaptive) forms of attention to the body due to their relationships with anxiety. This study tests the factor and predictive incremental validity assumptions of positive body awareness through correlational and regression analysis of interoceptive attention tendencies measured by the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA) with trait anxiety as the response variable measured by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Data were analyzed from one-hundred and sixty-nine undergraduate students (n = 169; M age = 19.07, SD = 0.73) and sixty-six early-career nurses (n = 66, M age = 25.68, SD = 3.01) participating in stress management programs in southwestern Japan. Negative correlations between trait anxiety and the MAIA dimensions suggested divergent validity in both samples in line with previous studies, except for Noticing. Providing evidence that contrasts with other work on the instrument in Japan, Self-Regulation was found to negatively correlate with and predict trait anxiety with regressions that were consistent in direction with the original MAIA validation for both samples. Among hospital nurses, the regression coefficient for Body Listening was consistent in direction but shown to differ in magnitude from the original validation. Implications for these relationships as they relate to research on the MAIA are discussed


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    内容の要約広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(心理学)Doctor of Philosophy in Psychologydoctora

    Physiotherapy effectiveness on muscle strength, flexibility, pain and function in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome

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    Study objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness on muscle strength, flexibility, pain and function of a six-week physiotherapy treatment for patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome delivered in a district North-West Wales National Health Service Hospital. Methods: 26 patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (9 males, 16 females) who were referred to the NHS physiotherapy department where asked to complete an AKP Scale and two VASs along with a series of clinical tests that measure lower limb isometric strength and flexibility in two different occasions; The first occasion took place directly after the first treatment session with the physiotherapist; the second occasion took place directly after the last physiotherapy visit which was approximately after 5-8 weeks. Results: The data showed that physiotherapy treatment in patients with PFPS did not improve strength (measured by the lower limb isometric strength tests or flexibility (measured by the modified Thomas and hamstrings flexibility test) however; pain measured by two VASs (one for usual pain and one for pain on the day of the assessment) and function measured by the AKP Scale function, were significantly improved (VASs p<0.02 & AKP Scale p<0.01 ). Conclusions: This study reported that physiotherapy treatment in patients with PFPS works, not through strength and flexibility but through other components. There are several possible explanations for the results of this study. Future studies should aim to identify the different treatment components and which of these really work for patients with PFPS

    Utilization of antenatal care among pregnant women of urban slums of Dhaka City, Bangladesh

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    Maternal health services have a potentially critical role in the improvement of reproductive health. The use of health services is related to the availability, quality and cost of the services, as well as to social structure, health beliefs and the personal characteristics of the users. Antenatal care (ANC) is an important determinant of high maternal mortality rate and one of the basic components of maternal care on which the life of mothers and babies depend. It is a key strategy for reducing maternal mortality, but millions of women in developing countries do not receive it. Extracting 3549 women from the 2006-2007 Urban Health Survey, this study assessed the utilization of antenatal care and its related factor in urban slums for pregnant women. A Cross-sectional survey was carried out large, medium and small urban squatter settlements of Dhaka City. Two hundred married women in the age range 15-49 years were interviewed. Socio-demographic characteristics of women who received and who did not receive antenatal care in their previous pregnancy were assessed by frequency distribution and bivariate analysis. Antenatal care used in any of the previous pregnancy among women under study was 861(64.3%). Education and ANC is significantly related suggesting that the higher the level of education the higher is the likelihood of receiving ANC during pregnancy because educated women are aware about the importance of ANC during pregnancy. There is a strong association between the income of the respondents and ANC received by the respondents. This study indicates that overall knowledge about antenatal care was found to be better among women who had utilized antenatal care as compared to women who did not receive antenatal care.. There is also a need to evaluate the services provided by government health facilities and to find out why women are not utilizing the government health services though these services are available at subsidized rate

    Perceptions of physiotherapists of their role in reducing pain and increasing, function, strength and flexibility in patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

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    Study objectives: The purpose of this focus group study was to establish the physiotherapy treatment of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome in North-West Wales. In addition the study aimed to report the barriers that stopped physiotherapists from increasing strength and flexibility and the contradictions of physiotherapists’ beliefs regarding their practice. Methods: The investigation was based on specific and priori designed questions. Two focus groups were conducted, where physiotherapists discussed the results of a feasibility study conducted in their department. 11 hypotheses discussed whilst 13 evidence statements reported by the merger of the answers to the hypotheses. A level of consensus was described using the moderator’s notes. Results: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome physiotherapy works; not through strength and flexibility but through pain and function improvement. However, this practice often only has a short-term effect. Conclusions: Group classes and better education on the importance of specific exercises and self-managing should be researched whilst the long-term effect of these treatment components should also be assessed

    Categorizing Qualitative Insights from an Itemized Inventory of Interest in Study Abroad

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    Study abroad is a transformative life and learning opportunity that is thought to motivate student expectations of the university and cross-cultural travel experience. Few studies, however, ask students directly about what they desire to know prior to embarking on a study abroad sojourn. Here, we report on qualitative findings from an interest inventory of feedback given by university students who responded to a standardized worksheet designed to align student and teacher expectancies about the expectations and provisions of learning experiences. Categories were summarized according to fit and similarity with factors discussed in studies of intercultural awareness, pedagogical design, and study abroad assessment. The results showed that students generally“ wanted to know” deeper domain knowledge about their host culture (New Zealand) and expressed being motivated to obtain a broader understanding about demography with authentic experiences. Implications for study abroad program design and assessment are discussed

    A Cross-sectional study to explore the challenges faced by Myanmar women in accessing antenatal care services

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    Background: Myanmar has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the Southeast Asian region, with most maternal deaths occuring at the time of delivery. The aim of this research was to identify the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics of Myanmar women and utilisation of antenatal care services. Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study utilising the Myanmar Demographic and Health Survey Data 2015-16. A total of 13,454 women agedbetween 15-49 years were surveyed. This study sampled married women only (n=7870). Results: The mean age of the respondents was 35 years and the majority of respondents (50.7%) belonged to the 35-49 age group. Approximately 46.3% of respondents reported more than four antenatal care service (ANC) visits and almost 54% respondents attended ANC during their second and third trimesters. This study found that women with no education, poorer socioeconomic status, less access to mass media, living in rural areas and with more children were not utilising ANC services adequately. Conclusion: Strategies should be introduced to encourage pregnant women to attend a minimum of four antenatal check-ups and there should be adequate monitoring in place of the timing of ANC visits during pregnancy

    Overcoming Barriers to Health and Wellbeing : Community Assets in North East Essex

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    The Overcoming Barriers to Health and Wellbeing report presents research carried out by Public Health and Social Science researchers at Anglia Ruskin University. Colchester Borough Council commissioned this independent study with funding from the North East Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance. The aim of the research is to provide Local Authorities and health and wellbeing commissioners with insight into the public health benefits of community assets from the perspective of citizens who access them in their local communities. This report provides an evidence-based rationale for the support of community assets to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes of citizens in North East Essex. There is a focus on populations considered to be at increased risk of poor health and wellbeing outcomes, and on addressing populations in places where there are areas of comparative social deprivation in the context of growing health inequalities in the region