448 research outputs found

    Marcus Persson

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    Marcus Persson is a famous video game designer and programmer. He owns the video games company 'Mojan' which he co-founded in 2010. He has received many accolades and recognition for his contributions to the video game industry

    Selective removal of organics for water reclamation

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    Electrooxidation is a means of removing organic solutes directly from waste waters without the use of chemical expendables. The feasibility of the concept for oxidation of organic impurities common to urine, shower waters and space habitat humidity condensates was demonstrated. Electrooxidation of urine and waste water ersatz was experimentally demonstrated. The electrooxidation principle, reaction kinetics, efficiency, power, size, experimental test results and water reclamation applications are described. Process operating potentials and the use of anodic oxidation potentials that are sufficiently low to avoid oxygen formation and chloride oxidation are also described. The design of a novel electrochemical system that incorporates a proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyte is presented based on parametric test data and current fuel cell technology

    Frontline staff motivation levels and health care quality in rural and urban primary health facilities:a baseline study in the Greater Accra and Western regions of Ghana

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    BackgroundThe population of Ghana is increasingly becoming urbanized with about 70 % of the estimated 26.9 million people living in urban and peri-urban areas. Nonetheless, eight out of the ten regions in Ghana remain predominantly rural where only 32.1 % of the national health sector workforce works. Doctor-patient ratio in a predominantly rural region is about 1:18,257 compared to 1:4,099 in an urban region. These rural–urban inequities significantly account for the inability of Ghana to attain the health related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) before the end of 2015.PurposeTo ascertain whether or not rural-urban differences exist in health worker motivation levels and quality of health care in health facilities accredited by the National Health Insurance Authority in Ghana.MethodsThis is a baseline quantitative study conducted in 2012 among 324 health workers in 64 accredited clinics located in 9 rural and 7 urban districts in Ghana. Ordered logistic regression was performed to determine the relationship between facility geographic location (rural/urban) and staff motivation levels, and quality health care standards.ResultsQuality health care and patient safety standards were averagely low in the sampled health facilities. Even though health workers in rural facilities were more de-motivated by poor availability of resources and drugs than their counterparts in urban facilities (p < 0.05), quality of health care and patient safety standards were relatively better in rural facilities.ConclusionFor Ghana to attain the newly formulated sustainable development goals on health, there is the need for health authorities to address the existing rural–urban imbalances in health worker motivation and quality health care standards in primary healthcare facilities. Future studies should compare staff motivation levels and quality standards in accredited and non-accredited health facilities since the current study was limited to health facilities accredited by the National Health Insurance Authority

    Esquisse phonologique du Mmaala : (dialecte Yambassa)

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    PL8021.C35, ISO 639-3 : mmu, Cameroon --Language

    Does preventive single dose of intravenous dexketoprofen reduce pain and swelling after orthognathic surgery? A prospective, randomized, double blind clinical trial

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a single-dose intravenous dexketoprofen administration for preventive analgesia on postoperative pain and reducing swelling in double jaw surgery. The authors designed a prospective, randomized, and double-blind cohort study. Patients who have Class III malocclusion were randomly divided in two groups. 50 mg intravenous dexketoprofen trometamol were administrated 30 minutes before incision in treatment group, while intravenous sterile saline was administrated 30 minutes before incision in placebo group. The primary predictor variable was treatment group. Primary outcomes were pain, swelling and 24-hour opioid intake. Patient- controlled analgesia with tramadol was given for management of postoperative pain. Other variables were demographic and operation related parameters. Visual analogue scale was used to evaluate postoperative pain. 3dMD Face System (3dMD, USA) was used to measure postoperative swelling. Data were analysed using two independent samples t test and Mann Whitney U test. The study sample was composed of 30 patients with a mean age of 20,63 years and 21 were female. Preemptive dexketoprofen administration decreased postoperative tramadol consumption by 25.9% compared to placebo group, and there was a statistically significant decrease in VAS scores (p0,05). Preventive administration of intravenous dexketoprofen provides adequate analgesic effect in the postoperative 24-hour period and reduces opioid consumption in orthognathic surgery

    Assessing Patients’ Needs in Greek Intensive Care Units. Validation of a Respiratory Patient Satisfaction Scale

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    Respiratory patients constitute a specific and large category of patients hospitalized in Greek Intensive Care Units (ICUs). These patients have specific needs which differ significantly from other groups of patients treated in general ICUs. Assessing the needs and satisfaction levels of respiratory patients is a crucial issue, related to the quality of care provided in ICU.  Many questionnaires have been developed to measure patient satisfaction or patient needs. However, no previous attempt has been made to develop an instrument focused on respiratory patient needs with the appropriate psychometric properties. The aim of this study was to describe the development and evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Respiratory Patient Satisfaction Scale, and its validity and reliability, by ICU respiratory patients’ satisfaction.Τhe questionnaire was pilot tested with 20 ICU respiratory patients to identify problems of wording or length of the instrument. Based on feedback, the wording was adjusted and certain items were combined. A new convenience sample of 164 ICU respiratory patients then performed a test-retest of the questionnaire. Internal consistency was assessed using Cronbach alpha coefficients and stability of items was evaluated through test and retest comparison and expressed through intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The internal consistency reliability coefficients exceed the minimum 0.50 for Cronbach’s coefficient alpha. An exploratory factor analysis revealed seventeen factors, explaining 74.5% of the variability. Respiratory Patient Satisfaction Scale found to be a comprehensive instrument with satisfactory psychometric properties. The results from this study would serve as references for continuous improvement in intensive care practice helping all patients hospitalized in Greek ICUs and not only the respiratory patients. Keywords: Respiratory patients, Intensive Care Unit, Patient Satisfaction Scale, Validation,   Quality care. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-17-01 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Information Technology Assessment of Cognitive Comfort for Adaptive E-learning Systems

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    The problems of ergonomic quality in education are described. The model of cognitive comfort for e-learning system is developed

    : The impact of war on the evolution of sleeping sickness in west-central Cote d'Ivoire

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    International audienceTo evaluate the situation of sleeping sickness in west-central Cote d'Ivoire from 2000 to 2003, in view of the war which broke out in September 2002. Active surveys by medical teams and passive case detection. Between 2000 and 2003, 250 patients were diagnosed with sleeping sickness. At first it appeared that sleeping sickness prevalence had fallen since the beginning of political troubles. But this apparent drop was due to poor population coverage. Participation in medical surveys differed according to ethnic group, reflecting land use conflicts between ethnic communities. Such conflicts are common in this area, but have been exacerbated by the war. In war, assessing the importance of sleeping sickness by medical surveys only is very difficult. But detection of sleeping sickness cases by passive surveillance increased.Evaluer la situation de la maladie du sommeil dans le centre-ouest de la Cote d'Ivoire de 2000 a 2003, en tenant compte des evenements survenus depuis en septembre 2002. Enquete active realisee par des equipes medicales et detection passive des cas. Entre 2000 et 2003, 250 patients ont ete diagnostiques pour la maladie du sommeil. De prime abord la prevalence de la maladie du sommeil semblait avoir baisse depuis le debut de la guerre. Mais cette baisse apparente etait due a une faible couverture de la population. La participation dans l'enquete medicale etait differente selon le groupe ethnique, refletant les conflits entre les differentes communautes pour les terres. De tels conflits sont courants dans la zone mais ont ete exacerbes par la guerre. L'evaluation de l'importance de la maladie du sommeil durant la guerre par enquete medicale seule est tres difficile. Mais la detection de la maladie du sommeil par surveillance passive a augmente

    Планування індивідуальних тренувальних навантажень у швидкісно-силових видах легкої атлетики

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    Використання контролю за функціональним станом центральної нервової системи і нервово-м'язового апарату позитивно впливає під час планування індивідуальних тренувальних навантажень спортсменів, які спеціалізуються у швидкісно-силових видах легкої атлетики. Набули подальшого розвитку дані про нормування параметрів (потужності м'язів, вибухової м'язової сили, час включення м'язів, ступінь активації, втоми центральної нервової системи), які характеризують функціональний стан організму спортсменів. Доповнено дані та розширено уявлення провідної ролі контролю у процесі індивідуальної адаптації організму спортсменів до тренувальних навантажень. Практична значимість полягає у тому, що результати дослідження можуть бути запроваджено під час планування навчально-тренувального процесу спортсменів, які спеціалізуються у швидкісно-силових видах легкої атлетики, юними спортсменами дитячо-юнацьких спортивних шкіл, збірними командами різного рангу, на всіх рівнях майстерності. Це дозволяє тренерам планувати оптимальні параметри індивідуальних тренувальних навантажень та використовувати дидактичний принцип доступності та індивідуалізації у тренувальному процесі річного циклу підготовки.Использование контроля за функциональным состоянием центральной нервной системы и нервно-мышечного аппарата оказывает положительное влияние при планировании индивидуальных тренировочных нагрузок спортсменов, специализирующихся в скоростно-силовых видах легкой атлетики. Получили дальнейшее развитие данные о нормировании параметров (мощности мышц, взрывной мышечной силы, времени включения мышц, степени активации, усталости центральной нервной системы), которые характеризуют функциональное состояние организма спортсменов. Дополнены данные и расширены представления ведущей роли контроля в процессе индивидуальной адаптации организма спортсменов к тренировочным нагрузкам. Практическая значимость состоит в том, что результаты исследования могут быть введены при планировании учебно-тренировочного процесса спортсменов, специализирующихся в скоростно-силовых видах легкой атлетики, юными спортсменами детско-юношеских спортивных школ, сборными командами разного ранга, на всех уровнях мастерства. Это позволяет тренерам планировать оптимальные параметры индивидуальных тренировочных нагрузок и использовать дидактический принцип доступности и индивидуализации в учебном процессе годового цикла подготовки.The use of control over the functional state of the central nervous system and neuromuscular apparatus has a positive effect when planning individual training loads of athletes who specialize in speed and strength athletics. Data on the normalization of parameters (muscle power, explosive muscle strength, time of muscle activation, degree of activation, fatigue of the central nervous system), which characterize the functional state of the body of athletes, have been further developed. The data are supplemented and the idea of the leading role of control in the process of individual adaptation of the body of athletes to training loads is expanded. The practical significance is that the results of the study can be introduced during the planning of the training process of athletes who specialize in speed and strength athletics, young athletes of children's and youth sports schools, national teams of various ranks, at all skill levels. This allows trainers to plan the optimal parameters of individual training loads and use the didactic principle of accessibility and individualization in the training process of the annual training cycle

    Detection and identification of pathogenic trypanosome species in tsetse flies along the Comoe River in Cote d'Ivoire

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    In order to identify pathogenic trypanosomes responsible for African trypanosomiasis, and to better understand tsetse-trypanosome relationships, surveys were undertaken in three sites located in different eco-climatic areas in Cote d'Ivoire during the dry and rainy seasons. Tsetse flies were caught during five consecutive days using biconical traps, dissected and microscopically examined looking for trypanosome infection. Samples from infected flies were tested by PCR using specific primers for Trypanosoma brucei s.l., T. congolense savannah type, T. congolense forest type and T. vivax. Of 1941 tsetse flies caught including four species, i.e. Glossina palpalis palpalis, G. p. gambiensis, G. tachinoides and G. medicorum, 513 (26%) were dissected and 60 (12%) were found positive by microscopy. Up to 41% of the infections were due to T. congolense savannah type, 30% to T. vivax, 20% to T. congolense forest type and 9% due to T. brucei s.l. All four trypanosome species and subgroups were identified from G. tachinoides and G. p. palpalis, while only two were isolated from G. p. gambiensis (T. brucei s.l., T. congolense savannah type) and G. medicorum (T. congolense forest, savannah types). Mixed infections were found in 25% of cases and all involved T. congolense savannah type with another trypanosome species. The simultaneous occurrence of T. brucei s.l., and tsetse from the palpalis group may suggest that human trypanosomiasis can still be a constraint in these localities, while high rates of T. congolense and T. vivax in the area suggest a potential risk of animal trypanosomiasis in livestock along the Comoe River