694 research outputs found

    Changing Banking Habits in Low-income Communities

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    This paper examines how the current practices within the banking industry have helped influence banking habits within low-income communities. Using existing research data that studied low-income communities’ current banking habits, the growth in check-cashing businesses, and current banking industry practices, this article suggests that changes in the banking industry practices are vital to help promote better banking habits within low-income communities. The impact of such changes will reduce unnecessary financial costs while generating savings that can help these communities build additional cash reserves. The findings show that with the support of banking industry leaders, government regulations, and philanthropic community revitalization efforts, these changes will create more inclusive products and services

    Effect of Isosporiasis Prevention with Toltrazuril on Long-Term Pig Performance

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    The efficacy of toltrazuril treatment was assessed in two experiments in Polish swine herds. Experiment 1 included a toltrazuril treatment group, Group A (n = 410), and untreated control, Group B (n = 386). Time to sale in Group A was 108 days versus 120 days for Group B, with average body weights at sale of 114.2 kg and 108.8 kg, respectively (P < 0.05). In experiment 2, the health status and body weight gain of 238 piglets treated with toltrazuril (Group D) were compared to 235 untreated piglets (Group K). A similar difference was observed in average body weights of slaughtered animals, being on average 104 kg in Group D and 101 kg in Group K (P < 0.01). Animals from Group D were slaughtered 5 days earlier than animals from Group K (day 166 versus day 171). Data from clinical trials suggest treatment of coccidiosis with toltrazuril offering potential for improved animal welfare and yields, however this has remained unproven in field conditions in large swine production facilities. The present study confirms the efficacy of toltrazuril treatment when used in the field and the subsequent positive impact on time to weaning, time to market, and on weight gain at all time points

    Evaluating Distance Learning Experience During Corona Pandemic as Perceived by Media Students in Arab Universities

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    The main purpose of this study is to investigate and understand the experience of Communication and Media students in Arab countries toward Distance Learning. An online survey questionnaire was used to collect data and investigate students’ perceptions of distance learning. A total of 494 students (293 females and 201 males) affiliated with 54 universities from 12 Arab countries participated in the survey. The findings of the study show that 25 out of 54 participating universities used at least two platforms for distance learning during the Corona pandemic. The top three platforms used by the participants were Zoom, WhatsApp, and Microsoft Teams. The majority of participants indicated that they attended both theoretical and practical courses online during the pandemic

    Using Multimedia Instructional Materials in MIS Classrooms: A Tutorial

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    Instructors typically communicate technical concepts to information systems (IS) students via lectures and textbooks. In some cases, instructors supplement this traditional approach with written case studies and projects. In this tutorial, we present a non-traditional approach that could be used to communicate technical, as well as non-technical, concepts to IS students - use of multimedia instructional materials. This article also provides practical advice on how to adapt and implement pedagogy that includes multimedia instructional materials in MIS classrooms. The instructional materials include multimedia case studies that communicate concepts such as choosing appropriate operating systems for specific purposes; understanding Internet and satellite technologies; and decision support and expert systems used to solve real-world problems. The purpose of this article is to present a step-by-step tutorial on using multimedia instructional materials in a typical IS class

    Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: The Role of Left Atrial Posterior Wall Isolation and Ablation Strategies.

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a global disease with rapidly rising incidence and prevalence. It is associated with a higher risk of stroke, dementia, cognitive decline, sudden and cardiovascular death, heart failure and impairment in quality of life. The disease is a major burden on the healthcare system. Paroxysmal AF is typically managed with medications or endocardial catheter ablation to good effect. However, a large proportion of patients with AF have persistent or long-standing persistent AF, which are more complex forms of the condition and thus more difficult to treat. This is in part due to the progressive electro-anatomical changes that occur with AF persistence and the spread of arrhythmogenic triggers and substrates outside of the pulmonary veins. The posterior wall of the left atrium is a common site for these changes and has become a target of ablation strategies to treat these more resistant forms of AF. In this review, we discuss the role of the posterior left atrial wall in persistent and long-standing persistent AF, the limitations of current endocardial-focused treatment strategies, and future perspectives on hybrid epicardial-endocardial approaches to posterior wall isolation or ablation

    Information Technology Assessment of Cognitive Comfort for Adaptive E-learning Systems

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    The problems of ergonomic quality in education are described. The model of cognitive comfort for e-learning system is developed

    Combined uses of water-table fluctuation (WTF), chloride mass balance (CMB) and environmental isotopes methods to investigate groundwater recharge in the Thiaroye sandy aquifer (Dakar, Senegal)

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    The quaternary sandy sediments which cover most part of the Cap Vert peninsula bear considerable groundwater resources. The aquifer lying beneath a densely populated suburb zone is encountered with major issues such as induced recharge from anthropogenic surface derived pollution and rising water table to ground surface. The present study was aimed at investigating the recharge in the unconfined aquifer of Thiaroye zone using both water table fluctuation (WTF), chloride mass balance(CMB) methods and environmental isotopes. Seasonal fluctuations of groundwater in response to precipitation are monitored during time period (2010 to 2011) using “Thalimede Orpheus mini” recorders in two piezometers (P3-1 and PSQ1) as well as long term record. Chemical and isotopic characterization of groundwater, rainfall and the unsaturated zone were also carried out using a network of 48 points consisting of 8 rainfall stations, 10 unsaturated zone profiles and 30 dug wells, boreholes and piezometers. The concentrations of chloride in rainwater are between 3.2 and 53.4 mg/L. These unsaturated zone profiles range from 65 and 572 mg/L. The recharge obtained by WTF method ranged between 18 and 144 mm during the rainy season (June to October), whereas the recharge givenby CMB method ranged between 8.7 and 73 mm/year. The Thiaroye aquifer recharge obtained from these different methods also showed relatively similar range values. In this study, the WTF method applied computes both infiltration from rainwater and domestic waste water, while the CMB method estimates potential recharge from rainwater. Therefore, in the urban area, the CMB method cannot be applied due to the chloride input from waste water infiltration.Key words: Thiaroye basin, recharge, isotopes, chloride mass balance (CMB), quaternary sandy aquifer (Dakar)

    Contribution à la dépollution d’un rejet textile par adsorption sur un coagulant à base du mélange fer/aluminium préparé par électrocoagulation

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    L&#8217;industrie textile consomme une grande quantit&#233; d&#8217;eau, g&#233;n&#233;rant ainsi des rejets liquides &#224; charge &#233;lev&#233;e en divers types de polluants. Ces derniers produisent des effets nocifs sur l&#8217;environnement. Ce travail s&#8217;int&#233;resse &#224; la d&#233;pollution d&#8217;un rejet d&#8217;une industrie textile, par addition d&#8217;un coagulant synth&#233;tique &#224; base de fer et d&#8217;aluminium, pr&#233;par&#233; par le proc&#233;d&#233; d&#8217;&#233;lectrocoagulation. Les r&#233;sultats ont montr&#233; que le traitement de ce rejet par ce coagulant, a permis d&#8217;atteindre un rendement d&#8217;&#233;limination des mati&#232;res colorantes de 83.37% en terme de demande chimique en oxyg&#232;ne (DCO).Mots cl&#233;s: traitement, hydroxyde, coagulation, demande chimique en oxyg&#232;n

    Dual harm: an exploration of the presence and characteristics for dual violence and self-harm behaviour in prison

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    Objective: The study aimed to quantify the rate of dual-harm behaviour in comparison with sole self-harm or assault rates; with an analysis of the distinguishing features. Method: Official data on in-prison incidents, demographic and offending information was analysed for two prisons in England. Results: Proportions of up to 42% of offenders who assault others in prison will also engage in self-harm and vice versa. Dual harm prisoners will engage in a broader and greater frequency of prison incidents than either sole group; with dual-harm prisoners reflecting greater proportions of damage to property and fire setting. Connectedly, dual harm prisoners receive a far higher rate of adjudication. There were no differences in their time in prison, presence of serious violent offences or for the dual harm prisoners whether the first incident was self-harm or violence. An index offence of drug supply was less likely in the dual-harm group, with minor violence slightly more likely in longer sentence prisoners. Implications: In-prison behaviour can assist in the identification of prisoners at dual-risk of harm. Greater inclusion of in-prison behaviour and awareness of dual-harm in research methodologies may assist in improving risk management. A wider use of joint risk assessment and single case management approach is suggested for prisoners with dual-harm profile