576 research outputs found

    Brief communication "Application of mobile laser scanning in snow cover profiling"

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    We present a snowmobile-based mobile mapping system and its first application to snow cover roughness and change detection measurement. The ROAMER mobile mapping system, constructed at the Finnish Geodetic Institute, consists of the positioning and navigating systems, a terrestrial laser scanner, and the carrying platform (a snowmobile sledge in this application). We demonstrate the applicability of the instrument to snow cover roughness profiling and change detection by presenting preliminary results from a mobile laser scanning (MLS) campaign. The results show the potential of MLS for fast and efficient snow profiling from large areas in a millimetre scale

    Plasmin aktivering i mastitmjölk

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    Received 22 April 1988 Published 23 January 2021 Issue Date September 1988Peer reviewe

    Treatment of keloid scars with intralesional triamcinolone and 5-fluorouracil injections - a randomized controlled trial

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    Keloids have high recurrence rates. Current first-line therapy is triamcinolone (TAC) injection, but it has been suggested that approximately 50% of keloids are steroid resistant. We compared the efficacy of intralesional 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and triamcinalone injections in a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Forty-three patients with 50 keloid scars were treated with either intralesional TAC or 5-FU-injections over 6 months. There was no statistically significant difference in the remission rate at 6 months between the 5-FU and TAC groups (46% vs 60%, respectively). Local adverse effects were higher in the TAC group compared to the 5-FU group. Occurrence of skin atrophy in TAC group was 44% and in the 5-FU group 8% (p <0.05). Also the occurrence of telangiectasia in the TAC group was 50% and in the 5-FU 21% (p <0.05). Vascularity of the keloids, assessed by spectral imaging and immunohistochemical staining for blood vessels, after treatment decreased in the TAC group, but not in the 5-FU group (p <0.05). Fibroblast proliferation evaluated by Ki-67 staining significantly decreased in the TAC group (p <0.05) but increased in the 5-FU group (p <0.05). TAC and 5-FU injections did not differ in their clinical effectivity in this randomized study, but 5-FU injections lead to increased proliferation rate and did not affect vascular density in histological assessment. Due to the greater number of adverse effects observed after TAC treatment, 5-FU injections may be preferable for cosmetically sensitive skin areas. (C) 2018 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Atrioventricular cushion transformation is mediated by ALK2 in the developing mouse heart

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    AbstractDevelopmental abnormalities in endocardial cushions frequently contribute to congenital heart malformations including septal and valvular defects. While compelling evidence has been presented to demonstrate that members of the TGF-ÎČ superfamily are capable of inducing endothelial-to-mesenchymal transdifferentiation in the atrioventricular canal, and thus play a key role in formation of endocardial cushions, the detailed signaling mechanisms of this important developmental process, especially in vivo, are still poorly known. Several type I receptors (ALKs) for members of the TGF-ÎČ superfamily are expressed in the myocardium and endocardium of the developing heart, including the atrioventricular canal. However, analysis of their functional role during mammalian development has been significantly complicated by the fact that deletion of the type I receptors in mouse embryos often leads to early embryonal lethality. Here, we used the Cre/loxP system for endothelial-specific deletion of the type I receptor Alk2 in mouse embryos. The endothelial-specific Alk2 mutant mice display defects in atrioventricular septa and valves, which result from a failure of endocardial cells to appropriately transdifferentiate into the mesenchyme in the AV canal. Endocardial cells deficient in Alk2 demonstrate decreased expression of Msx1 and Snail, and reduced phosphorylation of BMP and TGF-ÎČ Smads. Moreover, we show that endocardial cells lacking Alk2 fail to delaminate from AV canal explants. Collectively, these results indicate that the BMP type I receptor ALK2 in endothelial cells plays a critical non-redundant role in early phases of endocardial cushion formation during cardiac morphogenesis

    TiF1-Gamma Plays an Essential Role in Murine Hematopoiesis and Regulates Transcriptional Elongation of Erythroid Genes

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    Transcriptional regulators play critical roles in the regulation of cell fate during hematopoiesis. Previous studies in zebrafish have identified an essential role for the transcriptional intermediary factor TIF1Îł in erythropoiesis by regulating the transcription elongation of erythroid genes. To study if TIF1Îł plays a similar role in murine erythropoiesis and to assess its function in other blood lineages, we generated mouse models with hematopoietic deletion of TIF1Îł. Our results showed a block in erythroid maturation in the bone marrow following tif1Îł deletion that was compensated with enhanced spleen erythropoiesis. Further analyses revealed a defect in transcription elongation of erythroid genes in the bone marrow. In addition, loss of TIF1Îł resulted in defects in other blood compartments, including a profound loss of B cells, a dramatic expansion of granulocytes and decreased HSC function. TIF1Îł exerts its functions in a cell-autonomous manner as revealed by competitive transplantation experiments. Our study therefore demonstrates that TIF1Îł plays essential roles in multiple murine blood lineages and that its function in transcription elongation is evolutionally conserved.Stem Cell and Regenerative Biolog

    Power line mapping technique using all-terrain mobile laser scanning

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    Power line mapping using remote sensing can automate the traditionally labor-intensive power line corridor inspection. Land-based mobile laser scanning (MLS) can be a good choice for the power line mapping if an aerial inspection is impossible, too costly or slow, unsafe, prohibited by regulations, or if more detailed information on the power line corridor is needed. The mapping of the power lines using MLS was studied in a rural environment outside the road network for the first time. An automatic power line extraction algorithm was developed. The algorithm first found power line candidate points based on the shape and orientation of the local neighborhood of a point using principal component analysis. Power lines were retrieved from the candidates using random sample consensus (Ransac) and a new power line labeling method, which takes into account the three-dimensional shape of the power lines. The new labeling method was able to find the power lines and remove false detections, which were found, for example, from the forest. The algorithm was tested in forested and open field (arable land) areas, outside the road environment using two different platforms of MLS, namely, personal backpack and all-terrain vehicle. The recall and precision of the power line extraction were 93.3% and 93.6%, respectively, using 10 cm as a distance criterion for a successful detection. Drifting of the positioning solution of the scanner was the largest error source, being the (contributory) cause for 60–70% of the errors. The platform did not have a significant effect on the power line extraction accuracy. The accuracy was higher in the open field compared to the forest, because the one-dimensional point density along the power line was inhomogeneous and GNSS (global navigation satellite system) signal was weak in the forest. The results suggest that the power lines can be mapped accurately enough for inspection purposes using MLS in a rural environment outside the road network.</p

    Plasma Membrane Factor XIIIA Transglutaminase Activity Regulates Osteoblast Matrix Secretion and Deposition by Affecting Microtubule Dynamics

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    Transglutaminase activity, arising potentially from transglutaminase 2 (TG2) and Factor XIIIA (FXIIIA), has been linked to osteoblast differentiation where it is required for type I collagen and fibronectin matrix deposition. In this study we have used an irreversible TG-inhibitor to ‘block –and-track’ enzyme(s) targeted during osteoblast differentiation. We show that the irreversible TG-inhibitor is highly potent in inhibiting osteoblast differentiation and mineralization and reduces secretion of both fibronectin and type I collagen and their release from the cell surface. Tracking of the dansyl probe by Western blotting and immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrated that the inhibitor targets plasma membrane-associated FXIIIA. TG2 appears not to contribute to crosslinking activity on the osteoblast surface. Inhibition of FXIIIA with NC9 resulted in defective secretory vesicle delivery to the plasma membrane which was attributable to a disorganized microtubule network and decreased microtubule association with the plasma membrane. NC9 inhibition of FXIIIA resulted in destabilization of microtubules as assessed by cellular Glu-tubulin levels. Furthermore, NC9 blocked modification of Glu-tubulin into 150 kDa high-molecular weight Glu-tubulin form which was specifically localized to the plasma membrane. FXIIIA enzyme and its crosslinking activity were colocalized with plasma membrane-associated tubulin, and thus, it appears that FXIIIA crosslinking activity is directed towards stabilizing the interaction of microtubules with the plasma membrane. Our work provides the first mechanistic cues as to how transglutaminase activity could affect protein secretion and matrix deposition in osteoblasts and suggests a novel function for plasma membrane FXIIIA in microtubule dynamics

    Investigation of municipal solid waste (MSW) and industrial landfills as a potential source of secondary raw materials

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    Many of the secondary raw materials (SRM) in landfills constitute valuable and scarce natural resources. It has already been recognised that the recovery of these elements is critical for the sustainability of a number of industries and SRM recov¬ery from anthropogenic waste deposits represents a significant opportunity. In this study, the characterisation of the different waste fractions and the amount of SRM that can potentially be recovered from two landfill sites in Finland is presented. The first site was a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill site and it was specifically in¬vestigated for its metals, SRM, plastics, wood, paper, and cardboard content as well as its fine fraction (<20 mm). The second site was an industrial landfill site contain¬ing residual wastes from industrial processes including 1) aluminium salt slag from refining process of aluminium scrap and 2) shredding residues from automobiles, household appliances and other metals containing waste. This site was investigated for its metals and SRM recovery potential as well as its fine fraction. Results suggest that the fine fraction offers opportunities for metal (Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) and SRM extraction and recovery from both landfill site types while the chemical composition of the industrial waste landfill offered greater opporutinity as it was comparable to typical aluminium salt slags. Nevertheless, the concentrations of rare earth metals (REE) and other valuable elements were low even in comparison with the concentra¬tions found in the Earth’s crust. Therefore mining landfill sites only for their metals or SRM content is not expected to be financially viable. However, other opportunities, such as waste-derived fuels from excavated materials especially at MSW landfill sites, still exists and fosters the application and feasibility of landfill mining

    Prescribing antimicrobial agents for dogs and cats via University Pharmacies in Finland : Patterns and quality of information

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    The aim of our study was to evaluate antimicrobial use in dogs and cats in Finland. Information on veterinary prescriptions was gathered from University Pharmacies (n = 17) over a one-month period, April 2001. A total of 2719 prescriptions for veterinary use were delivered, of which the majority were for dogs (70%, n = 1898) and cats (14%, n = 384). The most prescribed therapy group was per-oral antimicrobial agents (53%, n = 1449), of which 16% (n = 237) were medicines approved for humans. The most commonly used substances for dogs and cats were betalactams, 66% and 78%, respectively. The proportion of fluoroquinolones was 3–5%. The average duration of the treatment periods was 10 days with the exception of treatment of cats with macrolide lincosamides, where the mean period was 20 days. Indication was mentioned only in 37% of the prescriptions

    Morphological changes and riffle-pool dynamics related to flow in a meandering river channel based on a 5-year monitoring period using close-range remote sensing

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    The maintenance of riffle-pool sequences and morphological changes in the long-term have received little attention in the literature. The aims of this study are to determine morphological changes and riffle-pool maintenance in relation to flow conditions in a meandering river channel over a 5-yr period. Change detection was focused on riffle and pool maintenance in a river reach covering three successive meander bends. Changes in a meandering river channel were studied utilizing detailed digital terrain models and flow data. The results indicated that riffle-pool sequences are maintained by high discharge events and the development of pools and riffles was linked. During high discharges, the riverbed eroded on the concave sides and the inflexion points aggraded, causing riffle–pool sequences, whereas during low discharges, concave sides aggraded and inflexion points eroded, causing pool filling and riffle erosion. While discharge increased, near-bed flow velocities increased faster on the concave sides of the bends than at the inflexion points, becoming higher at a discharge of 8 m3/s, ~20% of the bankfull discharge. Changes in the three successive meander bends were mainly similar, and the geometry of meandering rivers contributed to the locations of riffles and pools. Pools and riffles were not stable in size and shape, but their longitudinal location remained the same, instead of migrating up and down the channel. Morphological changes occurred in meander bends year-round, but they were non-linear. Annual channel change was not similar from year to year owing to different flow regimes and morphological changes during the previous year. However, seasonal detection revealed similarities between high and low discharge periods between the years. Concave sides of meander bends may act to temporarily store sediment; however, storage is preserved only under the effective hydrological discharge.</p
