122 research outputs found

    Performing Political Persuasion in the United States in the Early Years of the Republic

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    Theater productions were born out of a paradox in the United States of the Revolutionary War and shortly afterwards. While the nation’s dominant ideology was anti-theatrical, theater often served a nationalist agenda, co-defining the new American nation and its nascent identities – such were, for example, productions of Joseph Addison’s Cato at Valley Forge in 1778 and William Dunlap’s André at the New Park in New York in 1798. These theater events empowered the audience to publicly perform their national identity as Americans and exercise their republican fervor. Similarly, a production of Bunker-Hill by J. D. Burk at the Haymarket in Boston in 1797 was crucial in helping define the social and political identities of its audiences, who were motivated to attend the performances as an expression of their partisan preferences. This article shows that literary, theatrical and social practices served to constitute performatively the early American national identity

    Multilayer neural network

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    Bakalářská práce popisuje základy problematiky vícevrstvých neuronových sítí a vysvětluje princip fungování algoritmu backpropagation. Další část práce se zabývá vývojem programu pro učení a testování vícevrstvých neuronových sítí a popisem jeho grafického uživatelského rozhraní a principu ovládání. Poslední část práce je věnována výukovým příkladům a praktickým ukázkám využití vícevrstvé neuronové sítě.Bachelor's thesis describes the basics of issue of multilayer neural networks and explains principle of backpropagation algorithm. Next part of thesis is about development of a software for learning and testing multilayer neural networks and describes its graphical user interface. Last part of thesis is dedicated to tutorial examples and practical demonstrations of multilayer neural network usage.

    Prestressed bridge over the river

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    Jako téma bakalářské práce jsem zvolil statické řešení přemostění pozemní komunikace. Jedná se o skutečnou silnici první třídy nacházející se nedaleko města Kolín ve středočeském kraji. Most bude sloužit k převedení dopravy přes tamější Sendražický potok. Na počátku jsem stanovil 3 základní varianty hlavní nosné konstrukce a po sléze vybral jednu pro podrobnější zpracování. Jedná se o železobetonovou desku ztuženou dvěma předepnutými žebry, překlenující rozpětí 18,3m. Výpočet je realizován za pomoci softwaru Scia Engeneer v souladu s evropskými normami.As the thesis I chose static solving bridging the road. This is a real first-class roads situated near the city Kolín in the Central Region. The bridge will be used to transfer traffic across of local Sendražický stream. At the beginning I determined three main variants of supporting design and then I chose one for more detailed processing. It is a armored concrete slab solidified two prestressed ribs arching spanning 18.3 m The calculation is implemented by software Scia Engeneer in accordance to European standards.


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    Critical points for damage in the athletes active life, especially with regard to the role of a coach who (not) works lege artis

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    Autori su u ovom tekstu obradili pravni okvir moguće odštetne odgovornosti trenera prema sportašu. Pošli su od dvije hipoteze – prva je moguća odgovornost sportaša zbog stručnih propusta trenera u trenažnom procesu, druga je da treneri u pravilu nisu svjesni gdje su granice njihove odgovornosti. Potpuno su sigurni da trenerima po obje hipoteze prijeti velika opasnost. Naime, točno je da velik broj trenera radi a da nisu ispunili propisane zakonske uvjete, a još je sigurnije da treneri nemaju ni minimum pravničkih znanja. Autori su sigurni (iako je samo iznimno moguće zaključivati bez posebnog znanstvenog istraživanja) da stvarno vrlo mali broj trenera udovoljava pravnom standardu „pažnja dobrog stručnjaka“ iz Zakona o obveznim odnosima i to čak i kada se radi o stručnjacima s najvišim akademskim i stručnim i titulama i dosezima, što znači da je kod mnogih stanje stvarno zabrinjavajuće. Ukoliko ne bude kvalitetne naobrazbe, sličica u kojoj trener podučava dijete, a okružuju ga (i čine rad nemogućim) policajac, državni odvjetnik, privatni odvjetnik, vještak, možda i još poneka osoba – vrlo brzo će se od daleke budućnosti pretvoriti u zabrinjavajući prikaz stvarnosti. S nevjericom se svojedobno gledalo na takva predviđanja u odnosu na liječnike, a pokazalo se da je vrlo skora stvarnost bila (i ostala, kazali bismo) daleko lošija.The legal framework of the coach’s possible damages liability towards the athlete is analysed in this article. Two hypotheses are starting points. The first one is possible responsibility of the athlete due to expert omissions of the coach in the training process. The second is that coaches are not aware of the limits of their liability. It is completely certain that both hypotheses place coaches in grave danger. Namely, it is correct that there is a great number of working coaches who have not satisfied legal regulations and it is even more certain that there are coaches who do not possess minimal legal knowledge. The authors are sure (although it is only exceptionally possible to make such an assumption without specific scientific research) that a very small number of coaches satisfy the legal standard of „ duty of care of a good expert “from the Contracts Act, even where experts with the highest academic and practical tiles and achievements are concerned. This means that the situation with many coaches is really of the utmost concern. In so far as there is no quality education, the picture of a coach training a child surrounded by (and impede work) the police, district attorney, experts, and perhaps a few more people very quickly will soon turn into worrying picture of reality. Unbelievably, will such predictions be looked upon by physicians. It has been shown that the reality very soon was and is, in our opinion, much worse

    Insufficiency of the normative as a characteristic of Sports Law

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    U tekstu autori raspravljaju o sportskom pravu kao novijoj grani prava koja bi po prirodi stvari trebala trpjeti određene nedostatke kojih nema u tradicionalnim pravnim granama poput građanskog ili kaznenog prava. Autori zagovaraju postojanje posebnih pravnih normi koje bi popunile praznine kojih sada nema u sportskom pravu. Trenutnu situaciju na normativnom planu autori opisuju katastrofalnom. Primjeri dviju nacionalinh udruga koje su zbog pravnog nereda bile prisiljene bankrotirati rječiti su primjer potrebe za usvajanjem specijaliziranih pravnih normi na planu sportske legislative i drugih propisa. Autori proporučuju modus operandi, te ukazuju na nužnost djelovanja Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske.Sports Law is quite a young branch of law which by its nature creates a danger due to certain insufficiencies which are not contained in traditional legal branches such as civil or criminal law for example. Given the legal principle which is permanently applicable generally, lex specialis derogate legi generali, it is relatively easy when that particular (sports in this case) legal norm exists. However, when, in a particular area full of specificities such as sports, certain legal norms do not exist and when it is necessary to apply that legal norm where the creator of which certainly did not consider sport, a problem occurs, sometimes even a legal catastrophe. It is not possible in any other way to describe this situation where the existence of a normative impedes the foundation of another national federation while the one in which bankruptcy has been declared exists. This becomes even more of a problem when it comes to the redemption of claims of the insolvency debtor, in this way assuming the insolvency debtor with all their rights (including Croatian Olympic Committee membership) as if it were the case of the bankruptcy of a factory for example. The only solution is to enact special, original, sports specialised legal norms even though this is very possible with the so called reciprocal or retroactive effect of that norm. A direct impetus to this paper are the occurrences in Croatian sport where two Croatian national sports federations ( volleyball and golf) have gone bankrupt and had those legal norms applicable to company insolvency applied to them because alternatives do not exist. Unfortunately, the reaction of Croatian legislators in the way which was expected (and demanded) is missing. Yet again a constitutional law question has arisen of whether to do something (within the system of tripartism of power). How can one sanction (apart from election results) the unacceptable passivity of the legislators which has occurred in the case of sports law several times and in general exists as a constant characteristic in law and has happened too many times already? The modus operandi is almost there. This is the modus operandi of the same legislator who with large numbers of regulations every year Pis included among the world top legislators measured according to that criterion, which unfortunately by the nature of things is indicative of poor quality and consequently not only of a large number of amendments, but also of a large number of interventions by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia

    Organometallics: Exploration Tool for Surface Phenomena in Heterogeneous Catalysis

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    Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyses have sufficient common features that are based on the same molecular phenomena, thus permitting them and their benefits to be directed to the same objective. Moreover, conditions that apply to one of them can yield benefits to the other. In this chapter, the progress of combining these advantages is demonstrated on a particular topic of testing a suitable structural model from the field of organometallic compounds, whose structure resembles complexes adsorbed on the surface of heterogeneous catalysts. The adsorbed complexes represent key structures in the conversion of reactants to products, while their demanding structural characterization is one of the main persistent topics of heterogeneously catalyzed reactions. These include compounds procuring a precious mechanistic interpretation of such complex concepts as the catalytic activity and selectivity. The knowledge of the structure of an adsorbed complex leads to a better understanding of the complex surface processes and more precisely defined heterogeneous catalysts. The understanding of processes on the molecular level allows discussing the structure-activity. Analogies and differences between molecular (homogeneous catalysis) and surface (heterogeneous catalysis) chemistry are addressed in this review. The work demonstrates that these two fields are complementary, presenting a large potential for the development of novel and superior catalysts when the advantages of both sub-disciplines are combined

    Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation of C=O and C=N Bonds Catalyzed by [Ru(η6 arene)(diamine)] Complexes: A Multilateral Study

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    In these days, asymmetric transfer hydrogenation (ATH) is a very attractive method for synthesis of enantioenriched chiral compounds, especially fine chemicals such as drugs or agrochemicals. In this review, several topics related to the asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of ketones and cyclic or acyclic imines are discussed. Initially, the reaction mechanism of the ATH of ketones and imines, mainly 3,4-dihydroisoquinoline derivates, is examined. Next, typical reaction conditions, structural effects of the catalyst and a substrate, and analytical methods used for ATH monitoring and practical applications of the ATH in the chemical industry are described

    Bosna a Hercegovina, sousedé a budoucnost regionu

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    The fundamental question of this thesis is: what impact has the process of Europeanization had on Bosnia-Herzegovina's (BiH) constitutional development, political process, economic development and security sector reform? Also how much it has contributed to maintaining teritorrial integrity of BiH? The thesis does show the obstacles and problems associated with existence of BiH, particularly hinting at historical often hatred and struggle among the main ethnics - Bosniaks (Muslims), Serbs and Croats and their lack of trust especially after the 1992-1995 war atrocities. It also deals with the possible threats that could endanger the territorial integrity of BiH and addresses the weaknesses of the current political arrangement. Neverthless, it attempts to convince the reader that BiH is indeed capable of surviving as a single territory and avoid its disintegration. This is attributed to the process of Europeanization. In particular, Europeanization in constitutional development, political process and security sector reform of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The thesis provides several examples supporting the argument that Europeanization process in the in these three areas have indeed had an integrative effect. The Logic of Consequence and Conditionality concepts furtermore lead to the conclusion, that the...Fundamentální otázka této rigorózní práce je: jaký vliv měl doposud proces europeizace na konstituční vývoj, politický proces, ekonomický vývoj a reformu bezpečnostního sektoru Bosny a Hercegoviny (BaH)? A jak tento proces přispíval k zachování teritoriální integrity BaH? Tato rigorózní práce ukazuje překážky a problémy spojené s existencí BaH, obzvláště poukazuje na historicky často nenávist a boj mezi hlavními etniky - Bosňáky (Muslimy), Srby a Chorvaty, a také i nedostatek důvěry mezi nimi, obzvláště po válečných krutostech z let 1992-1995. Práce se rovněž zabývá možnými nástrahami, které by mohly ohrozit současnou teritoriální integritu BaH a zmiňuje proto i slabé stránky současného politického uspořádání. I přes tyto problémy se práce nicméně snaží přesvědčit čtenáře o tom, že BaH je skutečně schopna existovat jako jednotné území a vyhnout se disintegraci. Toto je připisováno procesu europeizace, obzvláště europeizace v konstitučním vývoji, politickém procesu a reformě bezpečnostního sektoru Bosny a Hercegoviny. Práce poskytuje několik příkladů potvrzujících argumentaci, že europeizační proces v těchto třech oblastech má skutečně integrační účinek. Koncepty logiky následnosti a kondicionality navíc vedou k závěru, že externí tlak, který je činěn Evropskou unií na Bosnu a Hercegovinu posílený...Department of International RelationsKatedra mezinárodních vztahůFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Molecular Diagnostics of Pulmonary Diseases Based on Analysis of Exhaled Breath Condensate

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    Measurements of biomarkers in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) extend a novel route for monitoring lung physiology and provide a beneficial insight into the pathophysiology of a specific disease. From the medicinal point of view, biomarkers present in EBC depict rather the processes occurring in lungs than those in the entire system. Therefore, particular profiles of exhaled biomarkers (e.g. cys-LTs, LTB4, 8-isoprostane, etc.) apparently reveal information exclusively applicable to differential lung disease diagnoses. This chapter describes the developed analytical method being applied to a clinical study for differential diagnostics of various phenotypes of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, etc. In particular, having determined cys-LTs and LXs by the described method, and having applied them as biomarkers of bronchial asthma, their distinctive potential was demonstrated to differentially diagnose the specific disease, clearly suggesting this method to be reckoned as a beneficial alternative to existing diagnostic methods. Consecutively, the developed method was expanded to other asthma markers as aldehydes, nitrotyrosine, 8-isoprostane, PGE2, adenosine and finally, a supplementary study was carried out, engaging in detecting serotonin. The multi-marker screening and importance in the diagnostics of pulmonary diseases are referenced in the text as well