39 research outputs found

    Effects of morphogenetic and diurnal variability on the hypericin content in St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.)

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    This research was conducted to investigate effects of morphogenetic and diurnal variability on the hypericin content of St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) populations originating from Turkey formaximum utilization of the active substance in plants. During 2002 and 2003, field trials were conducted at Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops, Bursa, Turkey. Samples of bud,flower and capsule of H. perforatum L. populations were collected in the second year of cultivation (2003). Factorial arrangements of three H. perforatum L. populations (Bursa, Edirne, Izmir), three part ofplant (bud, flower, capsule) and six collection h (8:00, 10:00 a.m; 12:00 (noon), 2:00, 4:00, 6:00 p.m) were evaluated in a completely randomized block design with three replications. Hypericin content (%) in parts of H. perforatum L. populations was determined according to DAC (1986). Consequently, the content of hypericin in the examined populations varied from 0.260% in Bursa to 0.283% in Izmir.Evaluating plant parts revealed that the hypericin content both in floral parts (0.309%) and buds (0.308%) were higher than capsule tissues (0.208%) for all populations. When collection hours wereexamined for the hypericin content of plants, the highest content was recorded at 10:00 a.m (0.279%) and the lowest value at 4:00 p.m (0.272%) and 6:00 p.m (0.272%). As a result, this study showed that the highest hypericin ratio was determined in flowers and buds generally collected between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m within a day for examined Hypericum populations

    Molecular diversification and preliminary evaluations of some satsuma selections’ performance under mediterranean conditions

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    Satsuma (Citrus unshiu Marc.) has been cultivated for a long time in Turkey, and therefore variations for agronomical traits are likely among cultivated satsumas due to bud mutations. The objectives of this study were to determine variations for some selected agronomical traits and genetic markers among 21 new satsumas derived from selections. Fruit yield, fruit quality and molecular diversification of these clones were determined. The clones of 62 Adana, 4/2 Izmir and 11/1 Izmir indicated the highest yield. The fruits obtained from all clones were heavier than the control (Owari Satsuma). Molecular analysis, as assessed with 9 random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and 14 simple sequence repeats (SSR) primers, indicated that satsuma clones showed a narrow genetic base suggesting that the observed morphological polymorphism within the group must be associated with  somatic mutations which were not detected by these molecular markers.Key words: Mandarins, clonal selection, citrus

    Interpratation and adaptation of dermoscopic terminology to our language: Consensus report of the Turkish society of dermatology dermoscopy working group

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    "Dermoscopic Terminology Consensus Meeting" was held at Ege University Medical Faculty Dermatology Department on the 24th of February in 2012 with the aim of establishing a common language in the translation of the dermoscopic terminology in English literature into Turkish. In this article, the Turkish terminology in which the consensus was reached at that meeting is presented together with the definitions and representative images as a dictionary. © 2013 by Turkish Society of Dermatology

    New parallel immitance simulator realizations employing a single OTRA

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    In this study, four novel grounded parallel immitance simulator topologies employing single OTRA are proposed. The presented topologies require fewer passive components than the counterparts in the literature. The performance of the proposed immittance simulators is demonstrated on a current-mode multifunction filter. PSPICE simulation results are included to verify theory

    Artificial Intelligence-Based Prediction of Crude Oil Prices Using Multiple Features under the Effect of Russia–Ukraine War and COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on crude oil prices just faded; at this moment, the Russia–Ukraine war brought a new crisis. In this paper, a new application is developed that predicts the change in crude oil prices by incorporating these two global effects. Unlike most existing studies, this work uses a dataset that involves data collected over twenty-two years and contains seven different features, such as crude oil opening, closing, intraday highest value, and intraday lowest value. This work applies cross-validation to predict the crude oil prices by using machine learning algorithms (support vector machine, linear regression, and rain forest) and deep learning algorithms (long short-term memory and bidirectional long short-term memory). The results obtained by machine learning and deep learning algorithms are compared. Lastly, the high-performance estimation can be achieved in this work with the average mean absolute error value over 0.3786

    Artificial Intelligence-Based Prediction of Crude Oil Prices Using Multiple Features under the Effect of Russia–Ukraine War and COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on crude oil prices just faded; at this moment, the Russia–Ukraine war brought a new crisis. In this paper, a new application is developed that predicts the change in crude oil prices by incorporating these two global effects. Unlike most existing studies, this work uses a dataset that involves data collected over twenty-two years and contains seven different features, such as crude oil opening, closing, intraday highest value, and intraday lowest value. This work applies cross-validation to predict the crude oil prices by using machine learning algorithms (support vector machine, linear regression, and rain forest) and deep learning algorithms (long short-term memory and bidirectional long short-term memory). The results obtained by machine learning and deep learning algorithms are compared. Lastly, the high-performance estimation can be achieved in this work with the average mean absolute error value over 0.3786

    Effects of using of some stabilisers together with locust bean gum on properties of Kahramanmaraş-type ice cream

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    Bu çalışmada, ilk aşamada keçiboynuzu sakızı ile farklı stabilizerler % 0.25 oranında karıştırılarak, ikinci aşamada sırasıyla % 0.20 ve 0.15 oranlarında keçiboynuzu sakızı ve jelatin kombinasyonuna % 0.15 diğer stabilizerler ilave edilerek Kahramanmaraş tipi dondurmalar üretilmiştir. % 0.5 salep içeren dondurma kontrol örneği olarak alınmıştır. Keçiboynuzu sakızı ile karaya ve karregenan kombinasyonunun kullanımı dondurmaların duyusal ö/elliklerini olumsuz yönde etkilemiştir. Keçiboynuzu sakızı ve salep karışımının kullanımının dondurmaların ilk damlama süreleri ile hacim artışı değerlerini arttırdığı belirlenmiştir. Dondurmaların tamamı kontrole göre daha yüksel viskoziteye ve daha kısa ilk damlama süresine sahip olmuş ve guar sakızı içeren dondurmaların hacim artışı değerleri artmıştır. Stabilizer karışımında salep ve CMC bulunan dondurmaların yapısı yumuşaktır. Duyusal özellikler açısından da karragenanh dondurmaların panelistler tarafından en az beğenildiği bulunmuştur. Keçiboynuzu sakızı-jelatin kombinasyonuyla karaya sakızı ve karregenanın kullanımının dondurmaların özelliklerini olumsuz yönde etkilediği ve bu stabilizer karışımının kullanımının uygun olmadığı belirlenmiştir.Kahramanmaras-type ice cream were manufactured from cow milk which was mixed locust bean gum with stabilisers at the rates of 0.25 %: 0.25 % in first part and different stabilisers were added at the rate of 0.15 % in to locust bean gum-gelatine combination (0.20 %: 0.15 %) in the second part. Ice cream with 0.5 % salep was control sample. Use of locust bean gum-karaya-carregenan combinations negatively effected on organoleptical properties of ice cream. It was determined that use of locust bean gum and salep mixtures increased overrun value and first dripping time of ice cream. In the each part, all ice cream samples were higher viscosity and shorter the first dripping time than the control sample and overrun increased in ice cream which was containing guar gum. When there was salep and CMC in stabiliser mixture, the structure softened. Ice cream with carregenan was found to be least expectable ice cream by the panellist. It was determined that use of karaya gum and carregenan with LBG-gelatine combinations negatively effected properties of ice cream, usage of these stabiliser mixture is not suitable for ice cream production

    Efects of using antimicrobial matter and packaging material on properties of kaşar cheese during ripening

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    Bu çalışmada, antifungal madde uygulamasının, ambalaj materyalinin ve olgunlaşma süresinin Kaşar peynirlerinin özellikleri üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Ambalaj materyallerinden PVC kullanımı peynirlerin kurumadde, yağ ve protein oranlarını, peynirdeki fire oranını, peynir sertliğini ve peynirin duyusal özelliklerini önemli düzeyde etkilemiştir (p<0.05). Sperdex (Ref. 99017) kullanımının peynirlerin sadece sertliklerini önemli derecede etkilediği belirlenmiştir (p<0.05). Antimikrobiyal madde olarak kullanılan Delvocid peynirlerde 2 ay süreyle küflenmeyi engelleyebilmiş, ambalaj materyali ile kombine uygulama yapılan peynirlerde 6 aylık olgunlaşma süresince küf gelişimi olmamıştır. Olgunlaşma süresince peynirlerin kurumaddede tuz oranları dışındaki incelenen tüm özelliklerinin önemli düzeyde değiştiği bulunmuştur (p<0.05).In this study, effects of using antifungal matter, packaging material and ripening period on properties of Kaşar cheese were investigated. The use of PVC affected significantly dry matter, fat, protein, rate of lose weight, values of penetration and organoleptic properties of Kaşar cheese (<0.05). It was also determined that the use of Sperdex (Ref. 99017) affected significantly only penetration values (<0.05). Delvocid used as an antimicrobial matter in cheeses prevented growth of mould during 2 months. In the cheese sample combining with packaging material, the growth of mould during six months storage was not observed. During ripening, changing of chemical, physicaland organoleptic properties of cheeses -except salt in dry matter- were found to be at important level (<0.05)