Molecular diversification and preliminary evaluations of some satsuma selections’ performance under mediterranean conditions


Satsuma (Citrus unshiu Marc.) has been cultivated for a long time in Turkey, and therefore variations for agronomical traits are likely among cultivated satsumas due to bud mutations. The objectives of this study were to determine variations for some selected agronomical traits and genetic markers among 21 new satsumas derived from selections. Fruit yield, fruit quality and molecular diversification of these clones were determined. The clones of 62 Adana, 4/2 Izmir and 11/1 Izmir indicated the highest yield. The fruits obtained from all clones were heavier than the control (Owari Satsuma). Molecular analysis, as assessed with 9 random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and 14 simple sequence repeats (SSR) primers, indicated that satsuma clones showed a narrow genetic base suggesting that the observed morphological polymorphism within the group must be associated with  somatic mutations which were not detected by these molecular markers.Key words: Mandarins, clonal selection, citrus

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