3,557 research outputs found

    Electro-Mechanical Fredericks Effects in Nematic Gels

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    The solid nematic equivalent of the Fredericks transition is found to depend on a critical field rather than a critical voltage as in the classical case. This arises because director anchoring is principally to the solid rubbery matrix of the nematic gel rather than to the sample surfaces. Moreover, above the threshold field, we find a competition between quartic (soft) and conventional harmonic elasticity which dictates the director response. By including a small degree of initial director misorientation, the calculated field variation of optical anisotropy agrees well with the conoscopy measurements of Chang et al (Phys.Rev.E56, 595, 1997) of the electro-optical response of nematic gels.Comment: Latex (revtex style), 5 EPS figures, submitted to PRE, corrections to discussion of fig.3, cosmetic change

    The physical properties of AM CVn stars: new insights from Gaia DR2

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    AM CVn binaries are hydrogen deficient compact binaries with an orbital period in the 5-65 min range and are predicted to be strong sources of persistent gravitational wave radiation. Using Gaia Data Release 2, we present the parallaxes and proper motions of 41 out of the 56 known systems. Compared to the parallax determined using the HST Fine Guidance Sensor we find that the archetype star, AM CVn, is significantly closer than previously thought. This resolves the high luminosity and mass accretion rate which models had difficulty in explaining. Using Pan-STARRS1 data we determine the absolute magnitude of the AM CVn stars. There is some evidence that donor stars have a higher mass and radius than expected for white dwarfs or that the donors are not white dwarfs. Using the distances to the known AM CVn stars we find strong evidence that a large population of AM CVn stars have still to be discovered. As this value sets the background to the gravitational wave signal of LISA, this is of wide interest. We determine the mass transfer rate for 15 AM CVn stars and find that the majority have a rate significantly greater than expected from standard models. This is further evidence that the donor star has a greater size than expected.Comment: Accepted by A&A in main journa

    Aging and memory phenomena in magnetic and transport properties of vortex matter: a brief review

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    There is mounting experimental evidence that strong off-equilibrium phenomena, such as ``memory'' or ``aging'' effects, play a crucial role in the physics of vortices in type II superconductors. We give a short review, based on a recently introduced schematic vortex model, of current progresses in understanding out of equilibrium vortex behaviours. We develop a unified description of ``memory'' phenomena in magnetic and transport properties, such as magnetisation loops and their ``anomalous'' 2nd peak, logarithmic creep, ``anomalous'' finite creep rate in the limit of vanishing temperature, ``memory'' and ``irreversibility'' in I-V characteristics, time dependent critical currents, ``rejuvenation'' and ``aging'' of the system response.Comment: updated versio

    Identification and Environmental Assessments for Different Scenarios of Repurposed Decommissioned Wind Turbine Blades

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    The rapidly growing wind industry poses a fundamental problem for wind turbine blade (WTB) disposal in many areas of the world. WTBs are primarily manufactured from composites consisting of a thermoset matrix and reinforcing fibers. Currently, there are no economically viable recycling technologies available for such large-scale composite products. Thus, other treatment strategies for disposed WTBs have to be considered. This study explores the repurpose of WTBs as a promising alternative approach from a processual and technological point of view. For this purpose, the study is guided by the categorization into four different types of repurposed applications: high-loaded complete structure (T1), low-loaded complete structure (T2), high-loaded segmented structure (T3), and low-loaded segmented structure (T4). A three-dimensional CAD model of an Enercon-40/500 (E40) wind turbine blade is derived in a reverse engineering procedure to obtain knowledge about the actual geometry of the WTB. Based on the design, three ecosystems of product scenarios (S) with different manufacturing technologies involved are investigated: a climbing tower (S1), a playground (S2) and the combination of a photovoltaic (PV)-floating pontoon, and a lounger (S3). A screening life cycle assessment (LCA) is conducted to evaluate the three repurposed scenarios according to environmental aspects. It is shown that the repurpose of E40 WTB composite material can reduce the environmental impact and leads to significant resource savings in relation to a reference product of similar quality. A particularly high saving potential is identified for the substitution of emission-intensive materials in construction applications. Furthermore, it is found that transport processes are the primary contributor to the environmental impact of repurposed applications

    Zwicky Transient Facility constraints on the optical emission from the nearby repeating FRB 180916.J0158+65

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    The discovery rate of fast radio bursts (FRBs) is increasing dramatically thanks to new radio facilities. Meanwhile, wide-field instruments such as the 47 deg2^2 Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) survey the optical sky to study transient and variable sources. We present serendipitous ZTF observations of the CHIME repeating source FRB 180916.J0158+65, that was localized to a spiral galaxy 149 Mpc away and is the first FRB suggesting periodic modulation in its activity. While 147 ZTF exposures corresponded to expected high-activity periods of this FRB, no single ZTF exposure was at the same time as a CHIME detection. No >3σ>3\sigma optical source was found at the FRB location in 683 ZTF exposures, totalling 5.69 hours of integration time. We combined ZTF upper limits and expected repetitions from FRB 180916.J0158+65 in a statistical framework using a Weibull distribution, agnostic of periodic modulation priors. The analysis yielded a constraint on the ratio between the optical and radio fluences of η200\eta \lesssim 200, corresponding to an optical energy Eopt3×1046E_{\rm opt} \lesssim 3 \times 10^{46} erg for a fiducial 10 Jy ms FRB (90% confidence). A deeper (but less statistically robust) constraint of η3\eta \lesssim 3 can be placed assuming a rate of r(>5r(>5 Jy ms)= hr1^{-1} and 1.2±1.11.2\pm 1.1 FRB occurring during exposures taken in high-activity windows. The constraint can be improved with shorter per-image exposures and longer integration time, or observing FRBs at higher Galactic latitudes. This work demonstrated how current surveys can statistically constrain multi-wavelength counterparts to FRBs even without deliberately scheduled simultaneous radio observation.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL, 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Illuminating Gravitational Waves: A Concordant Picture of Photons from a Neutron Star Merger

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    Merging neutron stars offer an exquisite laboratory for simultaneously studying strong-field gravity and matter in extreme environments. We establish the physical association of an electromagnetic counterpart (EM170817) to gravitational waves (GW170817) detected from merging neutron stars. By synthesizing a panchromatic dataset, we demonstrate that merging neutron stars are a long-sought production site forging heavy elements by r-process nucleosynthesis. The weak gamma-rays seen in EM170817 are dissimilar to classical short gamma-ray bursts with ultra-relativistic jets. Instead, we suggest that breakout of a wide-angle, mildly-relativistic cocoon engulfing the jet elegantly explains the low-luminosity gamma-rays, the high-luminosity ultraviolet-optical-infrared and the delayed radio/x-ray emission. We posit that all merging neutron stars may lead to a wide-angle cocoon breakout; sometimes accompanied by a successful jet and sometimes a choked jet

    The AM Canum Venaticorum binary SDSS J173047.59+554518.5

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    The AM Canum Venaticorum (AM CVn) binaries are a rare group of hydrogen-deficient, ultrashort period, mass-transferring white dwarf binaries and are possible progenitors of Type Ia supernovae. We present time-resolved spectroscopy of the recently discovered AM CVn binary SDSS J173047.59+554518.5. The average spectrum shows strong double-peaked helium emission lines, as well as a variety of metal lines, including neon; this is the second detection of neon in an AM CVn binary, after the much brighter system GP Com. We detect no calcium in the accretion disc, a puzzling feature that has been noted in many of the longer period AM CVn binaries. We measure an orbital period, from the radial velocities of the emission lines, of 35.2 ± 0.2 min, confirming the ultracompact binary nature of the system. The emission lines seen in SDSS J1730 are very narrow, although double-peaked, implying a low-inclination, face-on accretion disc; using the measured velocities of the line peaks, we estimate i ≤ 11°. This low inclination makes SDSS J1730 an excellent system for the identification of emission lines

    Photoinduced anisotropic lattice dynamic response and domain formation in thermoelectric SnSe

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    Identifying and understanding the mechanisms behind strong phonon–phonon scattering in condensed matter systems is critical to maximizing the efficiency of thermoelectric devices. To date, the leading method to address this has been to meticulously survey the full phonon dispersion of the material in order to isolate modes with anomalously large linewidth and temperature-dependence. Here we combine quantitative MeV ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) analysis with Monte Carlo based dynamic diffraction simulation and first-principles calculations to directly unveil the soft, anharmonic lattice distortions of model thermoelectric material SnSe. A small single-crystal sample is photoexcited with ultrafast optical pulses and the soft, anharmonic lattice distortions are isolated using MeV-UED as those associated with long relaxation time and large displacements. We reveal that these modes have interlayer shear strain character, induced mainly by c-axis atomic displacements, resulting in domain formation in the transient state. These findings provide an innovative approach to identify mechanisms for ultralow and anisotropic thermal conductivity and a promising route to optimizing thermoelectric devices