368 research outputs found

    “you’re Not Gonna Get Any Help, No Matter How Hard You Try” A Qualitative Analysis Of “severity” As A Barrier To Mental Health Care

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    Abstract Objectives: This qualitative analysis explores how severity of need influences how patients perceive, experience and navigate mental health care. Methods: Participants are English-speaking adults aged 18-64 with private insurance who have severe mental illness (SMI). After gauging interest in participating in telephone interviews, the principle investigators sampled those that used an out-of-network mental health provider (n=8), in-network mental health provider (n=8) and oversampled those that tried to use a mental health provider but ultimately didn’t (n=14). The 30 participants were interviewed for ~30 minutes each using semi-structured interview guides. All coding took place within Dedoose version 8.2.32. Findings: “Severity” emerged and was perpetuated through individual interactions with providers and structural barriers. Participants expressed repeatedly advocating for treatment and having their symptoms normalized (mainly by their PCP). They not only internalized these minimizing consultations but also expressed seeking future care beyond the healthcare system, if at all. Scarcity of providers and burdensome costs of care also reinforced “Severity” by making treatment inaccessible through availability, affordability or both. Due to these barriers, participants identified the emergency room and hospitalization as crucial agents in expediting access to treatment. While these sites were successful in addressing immediate needs and sometimes even catalyzing long term care, it was clear that early opposed to emergent intervention was participants’ preference. Recommendations: Based on participant narratives, the following actions are recommended. (1) Mental health capacity should be built within primary care in order to increase PCP mental health competence and in turn, lessen patient self-advocacy burdens. This would also profoundly relieve scarcity issues. (2) Insurance payers should increase reimbursements for in and out of network mental health providers in order to garner in network participation and mitigate out of network costs. (3) The development of behavioral health specific emergent care options should be supported in order to provide more appropriate and timely care for high need patients

    Simulation of Cognitive Electronic Warfare System With Sine and Square Waves

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    Today’s Electronic Warfare (EW) receivers need advanced technology to achieve real-time surveillance operations. Dynamic and intelligent systems are required for UAVs and other airborne applications. The airborne Electronic Warfare systems must be knowledge-based systems, learning from the threat scenario with highly integrated capabilities to detect, react, and adapt to radar threats in real-time. Artificial intelligence is a machine-dependent process, by adapting certain rules and logic supported by human intelligence, AI can be used for cognitive processing. Cognitive signal processing is required for making the system autonomous and dynamic in nature. Military action on radar signatures requires a set of commands to be executed dynamically with the help of the proposed EW system. It is proposed to design and develop a cognitive EW architecture and simulation of machine learning that combines neural network architecture with the help of sine and square waves as input. This paper presents the Cognitive signal processing for EW systems with Neural Network, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Machine learning (ML), and Deep learning (DL) techniques with their simulation with sine and square waves

    Modelling and Simulation of IDMA-OFDM for Underwater Acoustic Communication

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    The Ocean exhibits phenomenon of changing acoustic signal transmission due to its non-stationary nature. Water columns in between transmitter and receiver are not fixed at any point of time. Thus, designing of a wireless communication systems for underwater applications becomes significantly challenging. The speed of sound in water is 1500 m/s which introduces large delay spread in acoustic signal due to multipath phenomenon. The large time delay causes Inter-symbol Interference; this ISI degrades the performance of many receivers. However orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is multi-tone modulation reduces long time delay spreads of acoustic channels. The interleave division multiple access distinguishes each user with the unique random interleaver code. The IDMA-OFDM is superior design for reducing error bursts in multi-access underwater applications. A Simulink based simulation modell of IDMA-OFDM system has been discussed in this paper. Satisfactory performance of the implementation was observed through analysis of BER with respect to SNR. The results have been concluded by comparing simulated data in BER tool of Simulink.Defence Science Journal, Vol. 65, No. 4, July 2015, pp. 307-311, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.65.860


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    Back ground: In Ayurveda head is said to be root of the plant for possessing all special senses and Prana, so one has to protect and care the head. In modern era, among diseases related to head due to varying factors lot of people suffering from this faulty lifestyle related disorders, in this context visual perception of individually distinguishable flakes on the scalp, in the hairs, or on the clothing is considered an abnormal condition frequently referred to as Pityriasis capititis i.e., Dandruff (Darunaka). Darunaka is an irritative disease of the scalp, affecting almost half of the population at the pre-pubertal age and of any gender and ethnicity. It occurs in both sexes and persons of all races. The response to treatment is commonly swift, but transient..So there is a need to find a safe and effective remedy in the management of Darunaka, which initiated for the study. Aims of study: To evaluate the efficacy of Gunjatailashiroabhyanga and Nimbatwak churna in the management of Darunaka i.e Pityriasis Capititis. Materials and Methods: It was an open trail randomised clinical study of 30 patients, was taken for the study with pre and post-test design. The patients were assigned to single group and were administered Gunjataila and Nimbatwak Churna for a duration of 40 days and the results were analysed statistically. Results: Results were assessed in terms of change in subjective parameters taken before and after the treatment. Out of 30 pts,8pts got Complete relief,15ptsgot good relief, and 7 pts got moderate relief. Conclusion: The present study reveals that clinically Gunjatailashiroabhyanga with Nimbatwak churna showed better results in treating Darunaka

    An Experimental Study On Strength Characteristics Of Fiber Rinforced Concrete By Using Pozzolanas

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    High Performance Concrete Is Defined As Concrete That Meets Special Performance Sets And Standardization Requirements That Cannot Always Be Routinely Achieved Using Conventional Ingredients And Normal Mixing, Formulation And Curing Practices. It Has Been Widely Used In Large-Scale Concrete Construction Requiring High Strength, High Flow Capacity, And High Durability. High-Strength Concrete Is Always High-Strength Concrete, But High-Performance Concrete Is Not Always High-Strength Concrete. Durable Concrete Selecting High-Strength Concrete Does Not Guarantee The Achievement Of Durable Concrete. It Is Very Difficult To Get A Product That Meets All The Characteristics At The Same Time. So Various Pozzolanic Substances Like Granular Floor Kiln Slag (Ggbs), Silica Fume, Rice Husk Ash, Fly Ash, And Highly Reactive Methacholine Are Some Of The Pozzolanic Materials That Can Be Used In Concrete. As A Partial Substitute For Cement, Which Are Very Basic Ingredients To Produce High-Performance Concrete. We Prepare Grout, Cube, Cylinder, Sawing And Finally Compression Test, Split Test And Bending Test. Finally, The Porosity And Permeability Test Was Carried Out. Furthermore, To Obtain Such Performances That Cannot Be Obtained From Conventional Concrete And With The Current Method, A Large Number Of Experimental Mixtures Are Required To Determine The Desired Combination Of Materials That Meet The Particular Performance. 

    Assessment of non-carious root surface defects in areas of gingival recession: a descriptive study

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    Background: The purpose of this descriptive study was to observe the distribution of four different classes of noncarious cervical root surface discrepancies in teeth with gingival recession. Additionally to explore the different treatment modalities in the literature for each of these defects. Material and Methods: A total of 150 subjects with at least one labial gingival recession were included in the study. 1400 teeth were evaluated using 2.5 X magnification loupes and UNC -15 probe for the presence of the cementoenamel junction and step like defects according to Pini-Pratoâ s classification: A-, identifiable CEJ without defect; A+, identifiable CEJ with defect; B-, unidentifiable CEJ without defect, B+, unidentifiable CEJ with defect. Further a comprehensive electronic and hand search of pubmed indexed journals was performed to identify appropriate treatment modalities for these defects and their predictability following restorative/surgical or combination of both. Results: A total of 1400 teeth with exposed root surfaces were examined (793 Maxillary; 607 mandibular). 499 teeth were A-, 405 were A+, 322 were B+ and 174 were B-. The distribution of these defects in different teeth was: 36% premolars, 32% molars, 21% incisors and 11% canines, collectively 68% in the aesthetic zone. Conclusions: Majority of these lesions are in the maxillary aesthetic zone. Hence the presence of the CEJ and the defect must be taken into account while managing these defects surgically

    Radar Signal Recovery using Compressive Sampling Matching Pursuit Algorithm

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    In this study, we propose compressive sampling matching pursuit (CoSaMP) algorithm for sub-Nyquist based electronic warfare (EW) receiver system. In compressed sensing (CS) theory time-frequency plane localisation and discretisation into a NĂ—N grid in union of subspaces is established. The train of radar signals are sparse in time and frequency can be under sampled with almost no information loss. The CS theory may be applied to EW digital receivers to reduce sampling rate of analog to digital converter; to improve radar parameter resolution and increase input bandwidth. Simulated an efficient approach for radar signal recovery by CoSaMP algorithm by using a set of various sample and different sparsity level with various radar signals. This approach allows a scalable and flexible recovery process. The method has been satisfied with data in a wide frequency range up to 40 GHz. The simulation shows the feasibility of our method

    Assessment of genetic diversity in quality protein maize (QPM) lines using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers

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    Maize is a primary source of energy supplement and can contribute up to 30% protein, 60% energy and 90% starch in an animal’s diet. In the present investigation, 48 microsatellite markers, spread across the maize genome were used for analyzing genetic diversity among the sixty three quality protein maize (QPM) lines, including lines developed in India and CIMMYT, Mexico. Polymorphic profiles for 37 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci aided in differentiating the QPM inbred lines. Using SSR procedures, the number of alleles per locus ranged from two to six, giving a total of 151 alleles for the 37 SSR loci. The genotypes were grouped into different clusters using NTSYSpc2.11 programme. The polymorphic information content (PIC) value was found to be highest for the primers bnlg1401, bnlg2136, bnlg1633 and umc 1357 (0.96) while the lowest value was for the primer umc 1656 (0.75) with the mean value of 0.48. From this study, the inbred line CML 142(w) is to give better combinations with CML 172, CM 161, CML 163, CLQRCYQ 281, CML 121, HQPM 5, HQPM 7, CML165 and CML 161 × CML 165 for the development of hybrids suitable for India.Key words: QPM, SSR, cluster analysis

    Effect of Polyethylene Glycol Induced Water Stress on Physiological and Biochemical Responses in Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.)

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    Water deficit induced by Polyethylene glycol (PEG) affect physiological and biochemical changes in pigeonpea. The plants were subjected to two progressive stresses: moderate (-0.51 MPa) and severe (-1.22 MPa) respectively. The water stress condition was created by irrigating 14 days old grown seedling pot with PEG nutrient solution and decreasing the osmotic potential -0.04 MPa regularly. Relative water content (RWC) content was significantly reduced under water stress condition. Increase in the free proline content during water stress condition suggests that proline is one of the common compatible osmolytes under water stress condition. The genotype exhibited lower accumulation of catalase (CAT) and increased activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and Peroxidase (POD) under stressed condition. The present data suggest a relation between proline content and water stress and a well developed antioxidant defense mechanism activated during water stress
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