53 research outputs found

    L’apprentissage politique en zones d’exclusion, de conflits et d’organisation populaire

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    Cet article évalue différentes approches théoriques de l’apprentissage politique en situations d’exclusion sociale, de conflits et d’organisation populaire, par l’étude d’un groupe de favelas situées en bordure du centre-ville de Florianópolis, dans l’État de Santa Catarina, au Brésil. Une de ces situations d’exclusion est présentée dans la première partie du texte. La deuxième partie décrit l’approche qui étudie l’apprentissage politique parmi les élites. La troisième partie examine quant à elle les approches de la recherche sur la culture politique de la population, tandis que la quatrième partie présente une approche alternative de l’apprentissage politique, dérivée de la théorie de l’action communionnelle de Jürgen Habermas. Cet article soulève donc des questions théoriques qui touchent l’apprentissage politique et cherchent des solutions concrètes aux problèmes liés à l’organisation populaire. L’objectif est de mieux comprendre comment ce processus d’apprentissage a évolué jusqu’à maintenant et ce qui doit être fait pour améliorer et accélérer son développement. Cette analyse pourrait servir d’étude de cas de l’apprentissage politique dans des zones d’exclusion sociale et d’organisation populaire et avoir des implications générales pour le Brésil.This work discusses some theoretical approaches to political learning, in situations of social exclusion, conflict, and popular organization. The paper relates these approaches to the study of a group of favelas adjacent to downtown Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. One such situation is described in the first part. The second part discusses the approach to the study of political learning among this case’s elites ; the third part examines approaches to the research on political culture among the population ; and the fourth part outlines an alternative approach to political learning derived from Jürgen Habermas’s theory of communicative action. Therefore, these notes raise theoretical questions about political learning looking for solutions to the practical problems of popular organization. The aim of this project is to understand how this process has evolved until now and what should be done to improve and accelerate its development. It may serve as a case study of political learning with general implications for Brazil in zones of social exclusion and popular organization

    Aprendizado político em territórios de exclusão, conflito e organização popular (notas de pesquisa)

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    This paper discusses some interfaces between the approaches to political learning, and their reference to situations of social exclusion, conflict and popular organization. The first part of the paper discusses the approach to the study of political learning among the elites; the second part examines approaches to research of political culture among the masses; and the third part outlines an alternative approach to political learning derived from Jürgen Habermas’s theory of “communicative action”. In the paper these approaches are applied to the study of a territory of exclusion, conflict, and popular organisation (a group of favelas in downtown Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil). Finally, the paper outlines some procedures to achieve a more general understanding of political learning. Key words: political learning, elites, social exclusion, conflict, popular organization.Este trabalho discute algumas interfaces entre as abordagens ao aprendizado político e sua referência a situações de exclusão social, conflito e organização popular. A primeira parte examina a abordagem ao estudo do aprendizado político entre as elites; a segunda parte considera as abordagens à pesquisa da cultura política de massas; e a terceira esboça uma abordagem alternativa derivada da teoria da “ação comunicativa” de Jürgen Habermas. No decorrer do trabalho, essas abordagens são referidas ao estudo de um território de exclusão, conflito e organização popular (um grupo de favelas no centro de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina). Finalmente, esboçam-se alguns procedimentos para atingir uma compreensão mais geral do aprendizado político. Palavras-chave: aprendizado político, elites, cultura política, exclusão social, conflito, organização popular

    Edgar J. Dosman ”“ The life and times of Raúl Prebisch, 1901-1986

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    Profile of brazilian youth: questions about political culture and democratic participation

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    This article raises questions for the formation of hypotheses about the possible changes and present features of youth political culture in Brazil. It is aimed at preparation for an analysis of the data of a national survey (“”Profile of Brazilian Youth”) undertaken by the São Paulo “Instituto Cidadania” in November 2003. It is intended that the analysis should take into account the results and interpretations presented by previous surveys of youth political culture, both in Brazil and abroad. The first part of the article examines the Brazilian youth’s commitments (as well as lack of commitment) to democracy, through indicators and interpretations, of conventional political participation. The second part considers other data and interpretations of political participation, which are held to be unconventional. The latter include the value-orientations and associational practices of the youth. The text will be included as a chapter of the book “Retratos da Juventude Brasileira” (provisional title) co-edited by Helena Wendel Abramo and Paulo Martoni Branco for the “Instituto Cidadania” and “Fundação Perseu Abramo”

    Aprendizado político em territórios de exclusão, conflito e organização popular (notas de pesquisa)

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    This paper discusses some interfaces between the approaches to political learning, and their reference to situations of social exclusion, conflict and popular organization. The first part of the paper discusses the approach to the study of political learning among the elites; the second part examines approaches to research of political culture among the masses; and the third part outlines an alternative approach to political learning derived from Jürgen Habermas’s theory of “communicative action”. In the paper these approaches are applied to the study of a territory of exclusion, conflict, and popular organisation (a group of favelas in downtown Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil). Finally, the paper outlines some procedures to achieve a more general understanding of political learning. Key words: political learning, elites, social exclusion, conflict, popular organization.Este trabalho discute algumas interfaces entre as abordagens ao aprendizado político e sua referência a situações de exclusão social, conflito e organização popular. A primeira parte examina a abordagem ao estudo do aprendizado político entre as elites; a segunda parte considera as abordagens à pesquisa da cultura política de massas; e a terceira esboça uma abordagem alternativa derivada da teoria da “ação comunicativa” de Jürgen Habermas. No decorrer do trabalho, essas abordagens são referidas ao estudo de um território de exclusão, conflito e organização popular (um grupo de favelas no centro de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina). Finalmente, esboçam-se alguns procedimentos para atingir uma compreensão mais geral do aprendizado político. Palavras-chave: aprendizado político, elites, cultura política, exclusão social, conflito, organização popular


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    The fact that fundamental postulates and theories in urban sociology arebeing questioned generates, in this articie, a theoretical and methodological discussionon the theme of urban needs, considerating some of the central pointsof the marxist approach and of what is being called “methodological individualism”.The author’s choice lies in analysing these needs as historical mediationsor “micro-foundations" of society, in order to avoid problems generated by the“hegelian legacy” which opposes deterministic “objectivism" and voluntaristic“normativism”.La mise en question des postulats et cadres théoriques fondamentaux deIa sociologie urbaine suscitent, ici, une réflection thèorique et méthodologique àpartir du théme des carences, considérant quelques points centraux de l’approchemarxiste et de ce qu’il est convenu appeler “individualisme méthodologique”.L’option de I’auteur est d'analyser les carences en tant que médiationshistoriques ou “micro-fondations” de Ia sociéte, pour éviter une rechute dans Iaproblématique du "légat hegélien” qui oppose un “objectivisme” déterministe etun “normativisme” volontariste.A preocupação com o questionamento dos postulados e quadros teóricosfundamentais da sociologia urbana gera uma reflexão teórica e metodológica apartir do tema das carências, considerando alguns pontos centrais da abordagemmarxista e do que se convencionou chamar “individualismo metodológico”.A opção do autor é de analisar as carências como mediações históricas ou“microfundamentos” da sociedade, para evitar a recaída na problemática do “legadohegeliano” que contrapõe o “objetivismo” determinista e o “normativismo”voluntarista

    Definições e trajetórias das práticas ambientais no Brasil

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    Resnho do livro de Agripa Faria Alexandre, editado em Florianópolis, EdUFSC, 2010, ainda no prel

    Cultural democratization and the politics of recognition: notes on the trajectory of the workers´ party (PT)

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    These research notes raise the hypothesis that the Worker´s Party (PT) actively participates in the cultural democratization of the country - for instance, through its initiatives for the recognition of the citizen´s sociopolitical and cultural diversity. First, there is a need to distinguish between the policies of socioeconomic redistribution and those policies geared to sociopolitical and cultural recognition. Second, it is also necessary to focus on the relations between participatory policies and changes in the political culture. Such relations may show that the increasing support to democracy accompanies the recognition of pluralism and of the right to difference, among the youth, and in the locations administered by the PT during the last decade


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    Desde o "impeachment" de 2016 tem havido um debate tumultuado na análise política, no Brasil e no exterior, acerca da ameaça de um "retorno do populismo" e das semelhanças com o golpe de Estado em 1964. Este artigo apresenta indícios das complexas condições que conduziram ao golpe de 1964 no Brasil, sugerindo que houve então uma mudança no padrão geral de acumulação da economia e na reorganização das forças sociais, condições gerais ainda não estudadas adequadamente para o caso do Brasil atual. Isto sugere também uma revisão inicial dos debates sobre o "populismo" brasileiro, inspirada pelo conceito de "revolução passiva" de Antonio Gramsci. Recebido em 12 de julho de 2019Aprovado em 29 de julho de 2019Editado em 10 de setembro de 201