536 research outputs found

    Solvation of positive ions in water: The dominant role of water-water interaction

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    Local polarization effects, induced by mono and divalent positive ions in water, influence (and in turn are influenced by) the large scale structural properties of the solvent. Experiments can only distinguish this process of interplay in a generic qualitative way. Instead, first principles quantum calculations can address the question at both electronic and atomistic scale, accounting for electronic polarization as well as geometrical conformations. For this reason we study the extension of the scales' interconnection by means of first principle Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics applied to systems of different size. In this way we identify the general aspects dominating the physics of the first solvation shell and their connection to the effects related to the formation of the outer shells and eventually the bulk. We show that while the influence of the ions is extended to the first shell only, the water-water interaction is instead playing a dominant role even within the first shell independently from the size or the charge of the ion.Comment: 4 pages 3 figures (color

    Improvement of the Implant-Bed With an Autogenous Bone-Graft

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    Suvremena stomatologija bez implantologije danas je nezamisliva. Pri planiranju kirurškoga zahvata moramo odrediti najpovoljnije mjesto i najpovoljniji smijer za implantaciju. To naravno ne ovisi samo o planiranju buduće protetske nadgradnje već u prvome redu o količini i kakvoći kosti kako bi implantat mogao biti osteointegriran, a žvačne sile tako raspodijeljene da ne izazovu koštanu resporpciju. Okolna kost mora biti zdrava, bez znakova upalnih procesa. Samo vitalna kost ima opisane značajke. Ako na mjestu buduće implantacije nema dovoljno kvalitetne kosti, moramo učiniti koštanu augmentaciju. To se uspješno može učiniti samo autolognim koštanim transplantatom. Na temelju kliničkih iskusatva biti će prikazani suvremeni kirurški zahvati, njihove prednosti i nedostatci.Modern dentistry without implants is unthinkable today. When using implants we need presurgical plannig to find the right place and the right angle for the artificial post. Planning not only depends on the superstructure but much more on sufficient bone structure, which is able to inegrate the implant and to distribute chewing forces without bone loss. In addition this surrounding bone must be able to maintain a healthy structure free of inflammation. For this we need vital bone. If there is no bone we have to create new bone. This is only possible with autogenous bone transfer. Many methods to gain and to augment the bone are recommended. Many clinical examples are used to demonstrate current methods and their advantages and disadvantages will be discuissed

    Clinical Experience with Vertical Bone Augmentation

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    Da bi se zubni usadak trajno usidrio, nužno je da postoji dovoljno kosti za očekivanu oseointegraciju. Nema li dovoljno kosti, moramo pokušati pojačati strukturu. To nije teško postići u horizontalnom smjeru, no često je nepouzdano kada se obavlja u visinu. Opisane su različite metode, no malo ih ima dobru prognozu. Kliničko je iskustvo pokazalo da je blok-augmentacija s pomoću autologne kosti - barem kada je riječ o gornjoj čeljusti - ili distrakcija vertikalne kosti unutarnjim ili vanjskim distraktorom nadmoćna svim ostalim metodama.A permanent anchorage of dental implants needs sufficent bone for the expected osseointegration. If there is not enough bone we have to try to augment the structure. This is not difficult in the horizontal direction but often unreliable in the height. Different methods are described, and only a few with good prognosis. Clinical experience has shown that block-augmentation with autologeous bone- at least for the upper jaw- or vertical bone-distraction with internal or external distractors in superior to all other methods

    Establishing pin oak reproduction in bottomland forests in southeastern Missouri

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    Title from PDF of title page (University of Missouri--Columbia, viewed on June 14, 2010).The entire thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file; a non-technical public abstract appears in the public.pdf file.Thesis advisor: Dr. Dan Dey and Dr. John Kabrick.M.S. University of Missouri--Columbia 2010.In pin oak (Quercus palustris Muenchh.) bottomland forests in southeast Missouri, we revisited clearcuts, shelterwood harvests, and controls within the Mingo Basin. Seventeen years later, we found significant changes, in both the change in basal area and changes in trees per acre for each of the species and genera present. We compared pretreatment midstory tree species' conditions with their mortality following a dormant season herbicide injection. Tree mortality rates varied significantly by species. Models developed suggest that green ash and American elm (Ulmus americana L.) trees were effectively deadened by the midstory treatment, and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.) and red maple trees were not deadened effectively. We compared the survival and growth of underplanted pin oak acorns, bareroot seedlings, and RPM[copyright] container seedlings in plots that were thinned with and without ground flora control. After one growing season, we found that RPM[copyright] container seedlings had the greatest survival followed by bareroot seedlings. Survival of planted stock was similar to natural reproduction. Direct-seeded seedlings had the poorest survival. Diameter growth of planted stock was significantly less than that of direct-seeded or natural stock; height growth of bareroot stock was significantly less than the other stock types.Includes bibliographical references

    The Valuation of Family Limited Partnership Interests

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    The focus of this report is on using family limited partnerships to reduce wealth transfer taxes. This report will explain how valuation discounts applicable to family limited partnership interests enable wealth to be transferred which avoids gift and estate tax. Furthermore, the report will discuss why some family partnership valuation discounts are accepted by the IRS and others are rejected, including steps taxpayers and their professional advisors can take to increase their chances of success. Senior family members throughout the U.S. have a growing interest in preserving their wealth for the next generation. Many are not aware that 55% or more of their wealth will disappear without proper lifetime planning. Family limited partnerships are incredibly useful vehicles to avoid this result and accomplish other non-tax objectives. A critical factor in successful wealth transfer planning using family partnerships is engaging experienced professional advisors, including those with legal, tax, and financial appraisal credentials. The internal Revenue Service perceives family partnerships as a threat to the U.S. transfer tax revenue base. They have openly stated their goal of reducing or eliminating family partnerships ,as a wealth transfer vehicle. Towards this end. the [RS has launched attacks against family partnerships on several fronts. including legal and tax based arguments, valuation adequacy challenges, and legislative attacks, all with varying degrees of success. This report will explain (1) the factors driving the demand for wealth transfer planning, (2) our system of transfer taxation, (3) the tax and non-tax benefits of family partnerships, (4) family Limited partnership valuation methodology, (5) threats to family partnerships, and (6) the future of family partnerships. The results of this study indicate that, despite IRS threats, taxpayers can achieve great success in accomplishing tax and non-tax objectives using family limited partnerships. There are specific steps taxpayers can take which will increase the odds that their planning and valuation discounts will stand up to an IRS challenge and result in tax savings. Avoiding what the IRS considers abusive family partnership situations, engaging a qualified professional appraisal firm to support valuation discounts, and retaining an experienced legal advisor all work to achieve success. Some experts in the field expect a landmark U.S. Tax Court ruling, or new federal law, to curtail family partnership valuation discounts. In the meantime, there is a tremendous window of opportunity for those who act now

    Korpustraining und datengestütztes Lernen im Wirtschaftsdeutsch-Unterricht

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    Beim data-driven learning (DDL) werden Lernerinnen und Lerner angeleitet, sprachliche Muster mit Hilfe von Korpuswerkzeugen zu entdecken und eigene Korpusabfragen durchzuführen. Am Beispiel einer Unterrichtseinheit für den Wirtschaftsdeutsch-Unterricht wird der Einsatz von DDL erläutert. Es wird deutlich, welche Chancen korpuslinguistische Verfahren bieten, aber auch, welche Probleme beim DDL auftreten können. Vor allem für die Planung des Fachsprachenunter-richts können korpuslinguistische Analysen hilfreich sein: Zu nennen sind die Bedarfsermittlung, die Auswahl von Materialien, die Identifizierung von typischem Wortschatz und häufigen Mustern sowie die Erstellung von Übungsmaterialien. Das Praxisbeispiel, das auf andere Kontexte übertragen werden kann, illustriert, wie sich korpuslinguistische Verfahren und DDL auf die Unterrichtsplanung und -durchführung auswirken: Sprache wird als Datenmenge betrachtet; der Fokus liegt auf sprachlichen Mustern; Fragen nach der Korrektheit bzw. der Angemessenheit werden thematisiert