67 research outputs found

    Soluciones sintácticas para las frases de subjuntivo en la versión inglesa de Cien años de soledad

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    This study investigates a contrast between Spanish subjunctive clauses and their English correspondences in a Márquez’s novel. English resorts to different grammatical solutions in order to convey the subjunctive character of the clause. The linguistic variations are going to be analysed in this paper from two perspectives: syntactic and semantic. The investigation aims at examining parallel constructions in the original and the rendition of Márquez’s novel and classifying them into the corresponding syntactic groups. It intends to trace the semantic contexts of subjunctive occurrences in the English text. Este estudio compara el modo subjuntivo en español y sus correspondencias inglesas en la novela de Gabriel G. Márquez. El modo subjuntivo en español difiere sensiblemente del inglés. Se analizan en este trabajo las distintas soluciones lingüisticas desde dos perspectivas: sintáctica y semántica. Se examinan las construcciones paralelas en la versión original y en la traducción de la novela de Márquez y se clasifican según sus propiedades sintácticas. Se intenta encontrar los contextos semánticos de las ocurrencias del subjuntivo en el texto inglés

    Własny potencjał dochodowy gmin wiejskich w Polsce

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    Własny potencjał dochodowy samorządów gminnych stanowi jeden z czynników pozwalających kreować stabilny rozwój lokalny. Jego poziom, jak i struktura są jednak silnie zróżnicowane nie tylko pomiędzy gminami różnych typów administracyjnych, ale także wewnątrz tych grup, a szczególnie wśród gmin wiejskich. Celem głównym artykułu jest analiza kształtowania się własnego potencjału dochodowego wśród gmin wiejskich w Polsce. Analizie poddano kształtowanie się własnego potencjału dochodowego gmin wiejskich na tle pozostałych typów administracyjnych gmin w latach 2007-2016, a także wewnętrzne zróżnicowanie gmin wiejskich w tym zakresie w zależności od reprezentowanego typu funkcjonalnego. Badania przeprowadzono w oparciu o dane statystyczne pochodzące z Banku Danych Lokalnych Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego, które przetworzono z wykorzystaniem podstawowych metod statystyki opisowej i metod taksonomicznych

    Voz pasiva en inglés y en español en los medios de comunicación escritos : un estudio contrastivo

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    [Abstract] The following dissertation is dedicated to the passive voice in English and Spanish press. This research aims at tracing the differences between the two languages under study and examining the choice of passive constructions in particular settings. The investigation is divided into a theoretical part, focused on passive voice in English and Spanish as well as on the linguistic contrasts between them, on the structure and style of the newspaper language, and a practical one which entails the methodology and the investigation itself. Articles from eight different sections in qualities and tabloids were scanned in the search of passive structures which then were classified according to their syntactic type. Since the number of words falling on each section was not alike, the figures have been normalized to 10,000. The analysis has been has been performed on three layers: on the level of the newspaper type, the language and the passive type. The first one establishes a link between the type of newspaper, that is to say, a tabloid or quality and the use of passivized information. The language variable serves as a practical verification of the theoretical issues presented in the second chapter. The last step of this research, the category of the passives, examines the relation of the passive form and the type of newspaper, section or language.[Resumen] La siguiente tesis trata de la voz pasiva en la prensa inglesa y española. El objetivo de este análisis es examinar las diferencias entre estos idiomas y los contextos en los que aparecen las estructuras pasivas. La investigación está dividida en dos partes: teórica, centrada en la voz pasiva en inglés y español, tanto como en los contrastes entre esta cuestión gramatical y en la estructura y estilo de la lengua de prensa. La parte práctica incluye la metodología y el análisis. Se examina los artículos sacados de ocho distintas secciones buscando las estructuras pasivas que luego se clasifican según sus tipos sintácticos. Como el número de las palabras por secciones no han sido comparables, se ha aplicado una normalización de datos hasta las 10000 palabras. El análisis se lleva a cabo en tres niveles: en nivel del tipo del periódico, de la lengua y de los tipos sintácticos de las pasivas. En cuánto al primero, se establece una relación entre el tipo de periódico, la prensa sensacionalista o no-sensacionalista, y el uso de las estructuras pasivas. La variable lingüística sirve como una verificación de la parte teórica del capítulo 2. La última parte de esta investigación sirve para examinar la influencia de varios tipos de pasiva en el periódico, la sección o el idioma.[Resumo] A seguinte tese trata sobre a voz pasiva na prensa inglesa e española. O obxectivo desta análise é examinar as diferenzas entre estes idiomas e os contextos nos que aparecen as estruturas pasivas. A investigación está dividida en dúas partes: teórica, centrada na voz pasiva en inglés e español, tanto como nos contrastes entre esta cuestión gramática e na estrutura e estilo da lingua de prensa. A parte práctica inclúe a metodoloxía e a análise. Examínase os artigos sacados de oito distintas seccións buscando as estruturas pasivas que logo se clasifican segundo os seus tipos sintácticos. Como o número das palabras por seccións non foi comparable, aplícase a normalización de datos ata as 10.000 palabras. A análise lévase a cabo en tres niveis distintos: a nivel do tipo de xornal, da lingua e dos tipos sintácticos das pasivas. En canto ao primeiro, se establece unha relación entre o tipo de xornal, a prensa sensacionalista ou non-sensacionalista, e o uso das estruturas pasivas. A variable lingüística serve como unha verificación da parte teórica do capítulo 2. A última parte desta investigación serve para examinar a influencia de varios tipos de pasiva no xornal, a sección ou o idioma

    The level of housing conditions in the EU countries

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    PURPOSE: This article mainly aims to assess the level and identify the differences in terms of housing conditions of the EU population in 2008 and 2019.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The study was based on empirical data obtained from Eurostat, which were processed using basic descriptive statistics methods and taxonomic methods. The presented study required conducting empirical research to achieve the main research objective and to answer research questions. The empirical research consisted of two stages including unidimensional and multidimensional (synthetic) analyses. In the first stage of the research using basic descriptive statistics methods, the level and diversity of housing conditions of the EU population were assessed based on the analysis of selected indicators. In the second stage of the research, due to the complex nature of the studied phenomenon, the selected model method of construction of the synthetic measure was used for assessing the level and diversity of housing conditions of the EU population.FINDINGS: The study reveals that during the period under review there was a significant improvement and reduction in disproportions concerning the level of housing conditions of the EU population. The highest level of housing conditions was observed in Finland, while the lowest in Greece. The level of housing conditions is significantly higher in the Central Western European and Scandinavian countries.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results of the conducted empirical research are of both cognitive and applied nature to create an appropriate cohesion policy in the European Union. The implementation of cohesion policy in the EU is not possible without efforts to reduce economic poverty, including housing poverty. Therefore, it is of great importance to monitor the level of housing conditions in each country to create appropriate social policies.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The results of the conducted research and of theoretical considerations included in this article complement previous research in the field of the assessment of living standards and housing conditions of the EU population.peer-reviewe

    Ecophysiological determinants of the human skeletal system

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    This review assessed relationships between external factors and the level of joint pathology (hip, knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder, hands and feet) in humans with dysplastic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren’s syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis, degenerative joint disease, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoporosis, osteomalacia and gout. The accumulation of physiologically different chemical elements in different types of bones in humans of different ages allows for a more accurate assessment of the causal quoted response from parallel biochemical systems. These allow a better understanding of the link between exposure arising from smoking, alcohol, drugs, diseases, heredity, effects of amalgam dental fillings, diet, food preferences, chemical elements, occupational and environmental exposure to toxicants, lipoperoxidation and pro-antioxidant reactions. Physiology of the osteoarticular system determines what is responsible for bone and long-term body accumulation of toxic metals, which may be involved in the pathogenesis of bone diseases. While relationships between stressors, antioxidant system and bone condition predict potential risks in certain abnormalities and change oxidative stress. Elemental instability in the environment combined with salinity, acidity, redox potential and local changes in hydrochemical balance, enhances adverse effects. Processes of remodeling and bone mineralization continue throughout life and therefore may be a determinant of long-term accumulation of toxicants. Environmental issues affecting bioaccumulation of chemical elements in the osteoarticular system in humans is poorly understood. Alloplastic procedures, including the need for prostheses, supplemented by image layouts oxidative enzyme activities, as well as lipoperoxidation and the level of stress proteins, give a complete picture of skeletal response to external stressors. Simultaneously, the analysis of the impact of stressors on bones allows a more accurate tracing of causal quoted responses from parallel reactions. They have a direct relationship with stressors and affect the nature and degree of responses and defense capabilities. Thus they have a role in the diagnosis of diseases of the skeletal system

    The standard of living of the population and its diversity in the European Union

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    This paper presents the results of the comparison standard of living for Poland and other European Union countries (based on specific diagnostic features that describe different groups of the population's needs). In the study of the spatial diversity of life taxonomic methods were used – classical TOPSIS method


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    The main aim of the study was to assess the level, dynamics of changes and diversification of the financial autonomy of small towns with the status of urban communes in Poland in 2011 and 2020. Two basic indicators used in the assessment of the studied phenomenon were used: the level of own income per capita, as well as and their share in the own income of the surveyed entities. The subjective scope of the research included small towns (less than 20 thousand inhabitants) with the status of urban communes (116 entities in 2020). Empirical research was carried out on the basis of secondary data from the Central Statistical Office. The empirical research conducted was aimed at answering the following research questions: is the distance between small towns and larger urban centers in terms of the level of financial autonomy high and increasing over the years, does the lowest level of financial autonomy distinguish small cities from the Eastern Macroregion, what are the most important determinants of the level of financial autonomy of small towns. The conducted research has shown that small towns are characterized by the lowest level of financial autonomy, but also the highest diversity in this respect. However, disproportions in the level of financial autonomy of small towns in relation to urban communes in general are relatively small and have decreased in the analyzed period. The highest level of the studied phenomenon is observed in small towns from the Northern and Southern Macroregions, and the lowest in the Eastern Macroregion. Disproportions in the financial autonomy of small towns in the Eastern Macroregion in relation to, among others, to small towns in Poland in general, however, decreased. However, the financial autonomy of these entities is still the result of local entrepreneurship, conditions for the development of tourism and location benefits

    Жилищные условия населения в странах-членах Европейского Союза

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    Celem rozważań jest identyfikacja zróżnicowania warunków mieszkaniowych ludności w krajach Unii Europejskiej w 2011 roku. Zróżnicowanie to przedstawiono na podstawie wyodrębnionych, za pomocą miernika syntetycznego typów państw UE różniących się warunkami życia ludności w zakresie sytuacji mieszkaniowej. Miernik syntetyczny skonstruowano za pomocą klasycznej metody TOPSIS. Rozpatrywany problem badawczy został opracowany na podstawie danych Eurostatu. Artykuł ma charakter badawczy. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że wśród 27 państw członkowskich w 2011 roku występowało duże zróżnicowanie w poziomie warunków mieszkaniowych ludności – miernik syntetyczny dla poszczególnych państw przyjmował wartości od 0,342 (Łotwa) do 0,799 (Malta).The aim the article was to identify the diversity of housing conditions of the population in the EU countries in 2011. The differentiation was presented on the basis of the types of EU countries with different living conditions of the population in terms of housing conditions. The types were extracted, using a synthetic measure. The synthetic measure was constructed by the classic TOPSIS method. The data used in the article come from the Eurostat database. The article has a research character. The study shows that among the 27 Member States in 2011 there were observed wide variations in the level of housing conditions of the population – the synthetic indicator for each country received values from 0.342 (Latvia) to 0.799 (Malta).Цель рассуждений – выявить дифференциацию жилищных условий населения в странах-членах Европейского Союза в 2011 г. Эту дифференциацию представили на основе выделенных с помощью синтетического измерителя типов государств-членов ЕС, отличающихся друг от друга условиями жизни населения в отношении жилищной ситуации. Синтетический измеритель построили с помощью классического метода TOPSIS. Рассматриваемая исследо- вательская проблема разработана на основе данных Евростата. Статья имеет исследовательский характер. Из проведенных исследований вытекает, что в числе 27 государств-членов ЕС в 2011 г. имела место большая дифференци- ация уровня жилищных условий населения – синтетический измеритель для отдельных государств составлял от 0,342 (Латвия) до 0,799 (Мальта)