529 research outputs found

    Simultaneous appearance of leukemoid reaction and phlegmasia cerulea dolens

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    A leukemoid reaction is an extreme form of reactive leukocytosis defined as granulocytic leukocytosis above 50 7 109/L produced by normal bone marrow, mostly in response to systemic infection or cancer. The mechanism as to how the haematopoetic system is altered to elevate production of myeloid cells is not known. A 69-year-old man presented with phlegmasia cerulea dolens caused by massive iliofemoral thrombosis. His workout at admission revealed absolute white blood cell count of 73.4 7 109/L, with neutrophil granulocyte of 68.5 7 109/L. The new increase in white blood cell count happened at day 5 after admission, when the haematoma of the anteromedial thigh was evacuated in general anaesthesia. There was a gradual decrease in counts until they reached the normal range. Deteriorated general condition with signs of systemic inflammatory response syndrome improved with supportive therapy, and the patient was discharged from hospital after 30 days. During hospitalization we did not identify any infectious focus, or any malignancy. We could not exclude other occult chronic conditions (malignancy) but the patient did not develop any other condition during 4.5 years of follow-up

    Influences of precipitation and temperature trend on maize yields

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    Maize yield for three decade period of the last century (1961-1990) were in Hungary for 15% higher than in Croatia (means 3.81 and 4.39 t/ha, respectively) and this trend was continued in the 1996-2007 period. However, amplitude of maize yields (differences among year (for the 1996-2007) in Hungary were higher (from 3.60 to 7.56 t/ha) than in Croatia (from 3.86 to 6.92 t/ha). Aim of this study was testing maize yield, precipitation and air-temperature variations in four Counties (Croatia: Vukovarsko-Srijemska =VSC and Virovitiţko-Podravska =VPC; Hungary: Békés = BC and Fejér =FC). Mean yield in VSC for 1996-2007 period was for 16% higher than in VPC. Yields in three less favorable years (LFY: 2000, 2003 and 2007) were considerably lower (means 5.22 and 4.41 t/ha, for VSC and VPC, respectively) than in three more favorable years (MFY: 1997, 2002 and 2005) years (means 7.50 and 7.00, respectively). Precipitation (means of two sites: Osijek and Virovitica) in 3-months period June-August was in LFY for 58% lower than in MFY (129 mm and 305 mm, respectively). At the same time, air-temperatures were for 2.0°C higher (22.7 and 20.7°C, respectively). Mean yield in BC for 1996-2007 period was for 21% higher than in FC. Yields in three LSY were considerably lower (means 3.78 and 3.79 t/ha, for BC and FC, respectively) than in three MFY (means 6.13 and 7.30 t/ha, respectively). Precipitation (means of two sites: Békéscsaba and Székesfehérvár) in 3-months period June-August was in LFY for 51% lower (115 mm and 235 mm, respectively) and air-temperatures were for 1.9°C higher (22.1 and 20.2°C, respectively) than in MFY. Precipitation and temperature trends for LFY and MFY in two sites of both countries were similar with emphasis that in Hungary they were negligible lower

    Stark Broadening of in III Lines in Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasma

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    Besides the need of Stark broadening parameters for a number of problems in physics, and plasma technology, in hot star atmospheres the conditions exist where Stark widths are comparable and even larger than the thermal Doppler widths. Using the semiclassical perturbation method we investigated here the influence of collisions with charged particles for In III spectral lines. We determined a number of Stark broadening parameters important for the investigation of plasmas in the atmospheres of A-type stars and white dwarfs. Also, we have compared the obtained results with existing experimental data. The results will be included in the STARK-B database, the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center and the Serbian Virtual Observatory

    Dominant Role of the pi Framework in Cyclobutadiene

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    The extrinsic antiaromaticity of archetypal cyclobutadiene (CBD) is addressed with particular emphasis on the sigma-pi separability problem. The destabilization energy E(d)(CBD) of CBD is obtained by appropriate homodesmotic reactions involving the open chain zigzag, polyene(s). It is shown that E(d)(CBD) does not depend on the electron correlation and the zero-point vibrational energy contributions, since they are small and of the opposite sign. Consequently, they cancel in the first approximation. Further, it turns out that E(d)(CBD) can be estimated accurately enough with a very modest cc-pVDZ basis set at the Hartree-Fock (HF) level. The extrinsic antiaromatic destabilization E(ean)(CBD) of CBD is deduced after extracting the angular strain energy estimated to be 32 kcal/mol. The resulting E(ean)(CBD) value of 52 kcal/mol is in excellent agreement with the experimental thermodynamic data. If the E(ean)(CBD) is estimated relative to two isolated C=C double bonds, then it assumes 38 kcal/mol, which is roughly 10 kcal/mol per one pi electron. It is, therefore, safe to state that extrinsic antiaromaticity of CBD is larger than its angular strain. Although the sigma and pi electrons are coupled by a mutual Coulomb interaction V-ee(sigmapi), several attempts of their decoupling is made by using three partitioning schemes: stockholder, equipartition, and standard pi-electron theory recipe. The latter allocates the V-nn and V-ee(sigmapi) terms to the sigma- and pi-electron frameworks, respectively. The nuclear repulsion term V-nn is dissected into sigma and pi components in the former two partitioning schemes by using stockholder criterion. It appears that the extrinsic antiaromatic destabilization E(ean)(CBD) is determined by the pi-electron framework according to all three partitioning models

    The widow maker warning sign or wellens' syndrome: A case report

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    Wellens' syndrome, also known as LAD (left anterior descending) coronary T-wave syndrome, widow maker or warning sign, is a potentially unrecognized critical proximal LAD stenosis with possible fatal consequences. It can be associated with extensive acute anterior wall myocardial infarction, with left ventricular dysfunction and a lethal outcome within a few days after the onset of symptoms. It usually consists of a typical ECG finding in the precordial leads that represents a significant proximal LAD stenosis in patients with unstable angina pectoris. Although this syndrome is not indicated for PCI (the patient is usually pain-free at the time of electrocardiography registration), it is necessary to recognize the characteristic pattern and perform an emergency coronary angiography and percutaneous or surgical revascularisation of the affected blood vessel. Here we present the case report of a 47 year-old woman without previous anamnesis of coronary disease. On admission to the Coronary Care Unit she was chest pain-free and had all the indicators of Wellens' syndrome

    Activation of hepatic glutaminase by spermine

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