12 research outputs found

    Limnological study on a newly built drinking water reservoir near Tirana, Albania

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    Bovilla Lake is a reservoir constructed 12years ago for supplying the city of Tirana (Albania) mainly with drinking water. It has a surface area of 4.6km2, a maximum depth of originally 60m and is monomictic with a stratification period from early spring to end of October. The lake is oligotrophic with low nutrient concentrations (e.g. SRP in spring about 8μgL − 1) and minor oxygen depletion in the hypolimnion during thermal stagnation. The lake is highly turbid due to severe particle import by several rivers during rain periods. This led to a massive deposition of sediments, lifting the maximum depth to 45m in 2008. Furthermore, the photic zone reached hardly more than 10m. Algal species diversity is high; however, diatoms from the genus Cyclotella dominate most of the year both in numbers and biomass. Our study describes for the first time the hydrography and limnology of the Bovilla Reservoi

    Laparoskopik vs Açık Nefron Koruyucu Cerrahide Yaşam Kalitesi

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    The aim of this study is to prospectively evaluate the effect of surgery on quality of life in patients undergone laparoscopic nephron sparing surgery (LNSS) versus open nephron sparing surgery (ONSS) for small renal masses. Between December 2007 - December 2011, 65 patients (M/F = 37/28) underwent nephron sparing surgery (open/laparoscopic = 45/20) for small renal masses. Patients demographic data, body mass index, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score, renal mass characteristics were registered preoperatively and patients were divided in 2 groups; the 1st group (LNSS) and the 2nd group (ONSS), respectively. Quality of life was evaluated prospectively using SF-36 health survey pre- and post-operatively (1, 6 and 12 months after surgery). Postoperative pain was evaluated 48 hours after surgery using VAS pain score. Per- and post-operative complications, oral feeding time, drain removal time and hospital stay were also registered. Patients mean age, BMI and ASA score was 53.78 (17-87) years, 28.52 (20.3-45.7) and 1.39 (0-3), respectively. Renal masses were right-sided in 28, left-sided in 26 patients; mean size was 26.4 mm in LNSS and 31.6 mm in the ONSS group (P=0,244). Mean operative time and blood loss was 137.19 min and 55.26 cc in the LNSS group; 133.4 min (P=0,778) and 202.8 cc (P=0,037) in the ONSS group. No peroperative complication observed in the LNSS group; in the ONSS group 1 patient underwent splenectomy due to peroperative lasseration. Postoperative VAS score in the LNSS and ONSS group was 2.81 and 4.9 (P=0.002), respectively. Oral feding time, drain removal time and hospital stay was 15.71 hrs, 1.94 days, 2.95 days in the LNSS group and 24 hrs (P=0,002), 2.72 days (P=0,003), 5.25 days (P=0,000) in the ONSS one. Pre- and postoperative SF-36 health survey scores in both groups are shown in Table 1. One postoperative complication was observed in the LNSS group and three complications in the ONSS one. Open radical nephrectomy was performed in one LNSS patient due to wide positive surgical margin. In the ONSS group: one patient had wound infection, percutaneous dreinage catheter was placed in two other patients for intraabdominal abces, thereafter one of them showed no progress and underwent surgical exploration and simple nephrectomy thereby.Bu çalısmanın amacı, renal kitle nedeniyle laparoskopik nefron koruyucu cerrahi (LNKC) vs açık nefron koruyucu cerrahi (ANKC) yapılan hastaların yasam kalitesi üzerindeki etkisini prospektif olarak degerlendirmek. Aralık 2007 - Aralık 2011 tarihleri arasında toplam 65 hastaya (E/K = 37/28), renal kitle nedeniyle nefron koruyucu cerrahi (açık/laparoskopik = 45/20) yapılmıstır. Hastaların demografik bilgilerinin yanında vücut kitle indeksi (BMI), Amerikan Anestezioloji Derneginin (ASA) skoru, renal kitlenin özellikleri de preoperatif olarak kaydedilmis olup hastalar 1. grup (LNKC) ve 2. grup (ANKC) olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılmıstır. Hastaların yasam kalitesini degerlendirmek amacıyla SF-36 kısa formu kullanılmıstır. SF-36 kısa formu preoperatif dönemde, postoperatif 1.ayda, 6.ayda ve 12.ayda hastalara doldurtulmus olup veriler kaydedilmistir. VAS agrı skorlaması kullanılarak her iki grupta postoperatif 48.saatte hastaların agrısı degerlendirilmistir. Postoperatif dönemde oral alım, dren çekilme zamanı, hastanede yatıs süresi, perioperatif ve postoperatif komplikasyonlar kaydedilmistir. Hastaların ortalama yası, BMI ve ASA skoru sırasıyla; 53.78 (17-87), 28.52 (20.3-45.7) ve 1.39 (0-3) idi. Renal kitlelerin 28’i sag, 26’sı sol yerlesimli olup ortalama boyutları LNKC’de 26.4 mm, ANKC’de 31.6 mm idi (P=0,244). Ortalama operasyon süresi ve kanama miktarı sırasıyla LNKC’de 137.19 dk ve 55.26 cc; ANKC’de 133.4 dk (P=0,778) ve 202.8 cc idi (P=0,037). LNKC’de peroperatif komplikasyon görülmemesine ragmen ANKC’de 1 hastada dalak laserasyonu gelismesi üzerine splenektomi yapıldı. Postoperatif dönemde ortalama VAS agrı skoru LNKC’de 2.81; ANKC’de 4.9 idi (P=0,002). Oral alım zamanı, dren çekilme zamanı, hastanede yatıs süresi sırasıyla LNKC’de 15.71 saat, 1.94 gün ve 2.95 gün; ANKC’de 24 saat (P=0,002), 2.72 gün (P=0,003) ve 5.25 gün idi (P=0,000). Hastaların preoperatif ve postoperatif dönemdeki yasam kalitesi skorları tablo 1’de gösterilmistir. Postoperatif komplikasyonlar olarak: LNKC’de 1 hastaya cerrahi sınır pozitifligi nedeniyle radikal nefrektomi yapılmıstır; ANKC’de 1 hastada yara yeri enfeksiyonu, 2 hastada ameliyat lojunda abse gelismesi üzerine perkütan drenaj kateteri konmustur. Hastaların 1’inde drenaj kateteri yeterli olmayıp eksplorasyona gidilmistir, peroperatif degerlendirmede böbregin etkilenmis oldugu görülmesiyle basit nefrektomi uygulanmıstır

    The Safety and Efficacy of Adjuvant Hemostatic Agents During Laparoscopic Nephron-Sparing Surgery: Comparison of Tachosil and Floseal Versus No Hemostatic Agents

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    Purpose: To coinpare the effectiveness of TachoSil and Floseal during laparoscopic nephron-sparing surgery (LNSS), and to evaluate postoperative complications, especially hemorrhage and urinary leakage

    Quality of Life Survey Following Laparoscopic and Open Radical Nephrectomy

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    Purpose: To compare the quality of life (QoL) of renal cancer patients following laparoscopic and open radical nephrectomy

    Buccal One-Stage Mucosal Graft Urethroplasty for Urethral Stricture. Results of 10 Years of Experience.

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    Aim: Representing our data regarding use of buccal mucosa for treatment of recurrent urethral stricture. Evaluating effectiveness of buccal graft for reconstruction of urethral segment both penile and bulbar urethra. Materials and methods: We repaired 95 urethral strictures with buccal mucosa grafts from 2004 to 2015. Mean patient age was 39 years. The etiology of stricture was unknown in 54% of cases in other cases ischemia, trauma, instrumentation was the reason. 96% had undergone previous urethrotomy or dilation. The buccal mucosa graft was harvested from lower lip mostly. Mean graft length was 3.8 cm. The graft was placed on the ventral and dorsal bulbar urethral surface in 61 and 34 cases, respectively. In pendulous urethra we routinely use the dorsal graft the Asopa inlay graft or Barbagli onlay graft. Clinical outcome was considered a success or failure at the time that any postoperative procedure was needed, including dilation. Mean follow-up was 36 months (range 16 to 62). Results: We had a success rate of 77% with dorsal inlay or onlay flap for pendulous urethra inferior than ventral graft used for bulbar urethra which was 81% success rate. Conclusions: In our experience the placement of buccal mucosa grafts into the ventral or dorsal surface of the bulbar urethra showed an acceptable success rates 81% and 77% respectively. Longer times of follow up is need to see if the results deteriorated more