64 research outputs found

    Os Andarilhos do Bem: feitiçaria a cultos agrários nos séculos XVI e XVII

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    GINZBURG, Carlo. "Os, Andarilhos do Bem: feitiçaria a cultos agrários nos séculos XVI e XVI

    Mitos, emblemas, sinais: morfología e história

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    GUINZBURG, Carlos. Mitos, emblemas, sinais: morfología e história. Trad, de Frederico Carotti. São Paulo: Cia. das Letras 1989, p. 281

    Search for an exosphere in sodium and calcium in the transmission spectrum of exoplanet 55 Cancri e

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    [Abridged] The aim of this work is to search for an absorption signal from exospheric sodium (Na) and singly ionized calcium (Ca+^+) in the optical transmission spectrum of the hot rocky super-Earth 55 Cancri e. Although the current best-fitting models to the planet mass and radius require a possible atmospheric component, uncertainties in the radius exist, making it possible that 55 Cancri e could be a hot rocky planet without an atmosphere. High resolution (R\sim110000) time-series spectra of five transits of 55 Cancri e, obtained with three different telescopes (UVES/VLT, HARPS/ESO 3.6m & HARPS-N/TNG) were analysed. Targeting the sodium D lines and the calcium H and K lines, the potential planet exospheric signal was filtered out from the much stronger stellar and telluric signals, making use of the change of the radial component of the orbital velocity of the planet over the transit from -57 to +57 km/sec. Combining all five transit data sets, we detect a signal potentially associated with sodium in the planet exosphere at a statistical significance level of 3σ\sigma. Combining the four HARPS transits that cover the calcium H and K lines, we also find a potential signal from ionized calcium (4.1 σ\sigma). Interestingly, this latter signal originates from just one of the transit measurements - with a 4.9σ\sigma detection at this epoch. Unfortunately, due to the low significance of the measured sodium signal and the potentially variable Ca+^+ signal, we estimate the p-values of these signals to be too high (corresponding to <4σ\sigma) to claim unambiguous exospheric detections. By comparing the observed signals with artificial signals injected early in the analysis, the absorption by Na and Ca+^+ are estimated to be at a level of approximately 2.3×103\times 10^{-3} and 7.0×102\times 10^{-2} respectively, relative to the stellar spectrum.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, submission updated after English language editing, submission updated to correct a mistaken cross-reference noticed in A&A proo

    Helical cyclic pentapeptides constrain HIV-1 Rev peptide for enhanced RNA binding

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    HIV-1 Rev is a 116 residue transporter protein that enters the host cell nucleus and uses its 17 amino acid segment (Rev34–50) to bind and capture a specific piece of RNA, the Rev Response Element (RRE), for transport to the cytoplasm. This is critical for HIV replication. In isolation, Rev34–50 shows negligible structure in water, but is alpha helical in a mixture of water and 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE) or when bound to RRE. Here we report that helix-constrained cyclic pentapeptides, either appended to the N-terminus or incorporated within Rev34–50, are efficient helix nucleators in water. They induce up to 90% alpha helicity for isolated Rev peptides in water and confer high RNA-binding affinity

    The tale of TILs in breast cancer : a report from the International Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Working Group

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    The advent of immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) in modern oncology has significantly improved survival in several cancer settings. A subgroup of women with breast cancer (BC) has immunogenic infiltration of lymphocytes with expression of programmed deathligand 1 (PD-L1). These patients may potentially benefit from ICI targeting the programmed death 1 (PD-1)/PD-L1 signaling axis. The use of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) as predictive and prognostic biomarkers has been under intense examination. Emerging data suggest that TILs are associated with response to both cytotoxic treatments and immunotherapy, particularly for patients with triple-negative BC. In this review from The International Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Working Group, we discuss (a) the biological understanding of TILs, (b) their analytical and clinical validity and efforts toward the clinical utility in BC, and (c) the current status of PD-L1 and TIL testing across different continents, including experiences from low-to-middle-income countries, incorporating also the view of a patient advocate. This information will help set the stage for future approaches to optimize the understanding and clinical utilization of TIL analysis in patients with BC.The National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia; the Cure; the Royal Australasian College of Physicians; the NIH/NCI ; the National Breast Cancer Foundation of Australia Endowed Chair; the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, New York and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF).www.nature.com/npjbcanceram2022Immunolog

    En memoria de John Manuel Monteiro (1956-2013) [Obituario]

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    The Guarani ethnographic collections of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnology (MAE/USP)

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    Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta um catálogo organizado dos artefatos guarani que se encontram, atualmente, na reserva técnica do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo, provenientes do Museu Paulista (MP) e do Acervo Plinio Ayrosa (APA). O objetivo principal é viabilizar a divulgação das coleções etnográficas para os Guarani, coletadas em diferentes aldeias e períodos, por diversos coletores. Com isso, pretende-se não apenas reconstituir a \"biografia do objeto\", como também fornecer dados para adensar as trajetórias históricas dos grupos Guarani. No entanto, a elaboração do catálogo prescinde de uma investigação sobre as representações ameríndias elaboradas em museus e baseadas em objetos, que reificaram certas imagens em circulação até os dias de hoje. Se, no século XIX, os habitantes da América eram representados como extintos, em vias de extinção ou com sinais visíveis de degenerescência, no século XXI, numa reviravolta histórica, os povos ameríndios criaram suas próprias representações e objetos, apropriando-se dos museus como espaços de mobilização pelos direitos e de reconstrução de suas próprias trajetórias, lutas, memórias e identidades.This master\'s thesis presents an organized catalog of Guarani artifacts that are currently in the technical reserve of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnology of the University of São Paulo, from the Paulista Museum (MP) and the Plinio Ayrosa Collection (APA). The main objective is to enable the dissemination of ethnographic collections to the Guarani, collected in different villages and periods, by various collectors. With this, it is intended not only to reconstruct the \"biography of the object\", but also to provide data to add to the historical trajectories of the Guarani groups. However, the elaboration of the Catalog precludes an investigation into Amerindian representations made in museums and based on objects, which have reified certain images in circulation to the present day. If, in the nineteenth century, the inhabitants of America were represented as extinct, on the verge of extinction or with visible signs of degeneracy, in the twenty-first century, in a historical turnaround, the Amerindian peoples created their own representations and objects, appropriating museums as spaces of mobilization for rights and reconstruction of their own trajectories, struggles, memories and identities

    The Guarani ethnographic collections of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnology (MAE/USP)

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    Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta um catálogo organizado dos artefatos guarani que se encontram, atualmente, na reserva técnica do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo, provenientes do Museu Paulista (MP) e do Acervo Plinio Ayrosa (APA). O objetivo principal é viabilizar a divulgação das coleções etnográficas para os Guarani, coletadas em diferentes aldeias e períodos, por diversos coletores. Com isso, pretende-se não apenas reconstituir a \"biografia do objeto\", como também fornecer dados para adensar as trajetórias históricas dos grupos Guarani. No entanto, a elaboração do catálogo prescinde de uma investigação sobre as representações ameríndias elaboradas em museus e baseadas em objetos, que reificaram certas imagens em circulação até os dias de hoje. Se, no século XIX, os habitantes da América eram representados como extintos, em vias de extinção ou com sinais visíveis de degenerescência, no século XXI, numa reviravolta histórica, os povos ameríndios criaram suas próprias representações e objetos, apropriando-se dos museus como espaços de mobilização pelos direitos e de reconstrução de suas próprias trajetórias, lutas, memórias e identidades.This master\'s thesis presents an organized catalog of Guarani artifacts that are currently in the technical reserve of the Museum of Archeology and Ethnology of the University of São Paulo, from the Paulista Museum (MP) and the Plinio Ayrosa Collection (APA). The main objective is to enable the dissemination of ethnographic collections to the Guarani, collected in different villages and periods, by various collectors. With this, it is intended not only to reconstruct the \"biography of the object\", but also to provide data to add to the historical trajectories of the Guarani groups. However, the elaboration of the Catalog precludes an investigation into Amerindian representations made in museums and based on objects, which have reified certain images in circulation to the present day. If, in the nineteenth century, the inhabitants of America were represented as extinct, on the verge of extinction or with visible signs of degeneracy, in the twenty-first century, in a historical turnaround, the Amerindian peoples created their own representations and objects, appropriating museums as spaces of mobilization for rights and reconstruction of their own trajectories, struggles, memories and identities