7 research outputs found

    Identification process and denial in the shadow of Nazism identification process

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    W artykule przedstawiono analizę zmian w procesach identyfikacji indywidualnej i grupowej u osób ocalonych, podczas i po okresie Holokaustu. Rozważany jest mechanizm identyfikacji z reprezentacjami dobrych obiektów jako kluczowy w walce o psychiczne przetrwanie, w opozycji do dotychczas częściej uwzględnianego mechanizmu identyfikacji z agresorem. Omawiany jest także mechanizm zaprzeczania (swoisty dla tej grupy osób jako zaprzeczenie podtrzymywane przez fantazje, słowa i działanie) i jego znaczenie w konfrontacji ze zmasowaną traumą, oraz w okresie readaptacji i reintegracji do życia. Wszystkie wymienione procesy pozostają w związku z trudem przeżycia żałoby i procesem reindywiduacji koniecznym dla zdrowia psychicznego i radzenia sobie w życiu kolejnych pokoleń - dzieci osób ocalonych z Holokaustu. Kazuistyka zaprezentowana w artykule ilustruje omawiane mechanizmy oraz pokazuje, jak w drugim pokoleniu proces żałoby dotyczy zaprzeczania żałoby rodziców, przez identyfikowanie się z ich "Mitem Przetrwania".The paper presents an analysis of the vicissitudes of individual and group identification processes during and after the Holocaust. We also examine denial as a defense mechanism when confronted with massive traumatization, and in the period of readaptation and reintegration to life. Identification with (idealized) lost objects and with group myths, in fantasy as well as in action, and denial sustained by fantasy, words and acts, were connected to the mourning processes which helped to initiate the re-individuation process developing in face of danger. We consider some of the basic problems of survivors of the Holocaust such as avoidance of mourning and rebuilding of self-structure with reemergence of superego, in connexion to various processes of identification and denial. We focus on the "Myths of Survival" which reveals a special way of coping with life and death problems, and attempt to show how processes of identification connected with it, influence the survivors way of mourning up to the second and third generation. The aim of therapy with children of survivors is to aid the process of mourning for lost objects, to free them from the burden of the past, by differentiating between their own experience and that of their parents, thus helping them in the process of re-individuation

    A Formação na Maturidade como Apropriação da Própria História de Vida

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    No presente artigo, a disposição e a competência para a apropriação da própria história de vida são consideradas como modos de formação1 na maturidade. Estas se relacionam com fatores históricos e sócio-políticos e estão inscritas em contextos multigeracionais de formação e processos de desenvolvimento ao longo da vida. Nesta perspectiva, conceitos como geração, geracionalidade, geratividade e transmissão transgeracional ganham destaque e serão aprofundados no texto. A linha argumentativa que sustenta este ponto de vista baseia-se em estudos de países de língua alemã sobre crianças da Segunda Guerra Mundial que envelheceram. Apesar de se tratar de uma situação específica, nos parece possível a extensão das reflexões também para o contexto brasileiro

    El papel del analista en la cura analítica en las épocas de crisis

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