40 research outputs found

    ICT Implementation and Management of Organizational Change in African Customs: The Case of the PVS System in the Customs of CĂŽte d'Ivoire.

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    Given the importance of customs revenues in the budgets of African countries, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in order to adapt techniques and methods of control to the needs of facilitation of international trade is a major challenge. In this context, this work investigates what become of the technical potentialities of ICTs when confronted to the contextual characteristics of the environment in which they are to be implemented. This is the main purpose of this research that is based on the study of the case of the PVS system in the Customs administration of CĂŽte d’Ivoire. The work is a unique "embedded" case study, in an interpretativist epistemological positioning and an abductive approach. It feeds on data from various sources; but, it is based mainly on semi-structured interviews. The research uses the Actor Network Theory (ANT) as a framework for observation and thematic analysis. The general result is that, the system is implemented but it lacks to convey organizational transformations and coexists with former manual practices. By discussion of these results, two original contributions are made concerning the factors that influence the effective realization of the objectives of organizational change related to ICT implementation in the African Customs. On the one hand, contrary to the national cultural differentiation perspective that is often used in similar work in the African context, the research points out the important role of organizational variables; namely, organizational cultural values. And, on the other hand, in line with its interpretativist positioning, the research underlines the way the process is managed as a determining factor for the results that come out. So, at the managerial level, research highlights the shortcomings of the “top-down” style of management. But above all, from this perspective, it proposes concrete ways of correcting these deficiencies through three recommendations: the application of a polyphonic management model (based on the principles of ANT); the reduction of cultural conflicts; and the rooting of managerial instrumentation in the cultural characteristics of the social environment.Au regard de la place capitale qu’occupent les recettes douaniĂšres dans les budgets des pays africains, la problĂ©matique de l’utilisation maximale des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) afin d’adapter les techniques et mĂ©thodes de contrĂŽle aux besoins de cĂ©lĂ©ritĂ© exigĂ©e par l’évolution du commerce international constitue un dĂ©fi majeur. Dans ce cadre, Ă  travers l’étude du cas du PVS dans les Douanes ivoiriennes, ce travail investigue ce qu’advient concrĂštement des potentialitĂ©s techniques des TIC au contact des caractĂ©ristiques de contexte du milieu destinataire de mise en Ɠuvre. Le travail est une Ă©tude de cas unique « encastrĂ© », dans un positionnement interprĂ©tativiste et une approche abductive. Il s’alimente de donnĂ©es de sources diverses, mais est basĂ©e principalement sur des entretiens semi-structurĂ©s. La recherche utilise la ThĂ©orie de l’acteur rĂ©seau (TAR) comme grille d’observation et d’analyse. Globalement, les rĂ©sultats indiquent que le systĂšme est mis en exploitation et fonctionne. Cependant, il ne rĂ©alise pas les objectifs de transformations organisationnelles spĂ©cifiĂ©s au dĂ©part. Il y a un dĂ©couplage faisant coexister l'innovation technologique avec les pratiques manuelles antĂ©rieures. Par la discussion de ces rĂ©sultats, la recherche fait deux contributions originales sur les facteurs qui influencent la mise en Ɠuvre des objectifs de changement organisationnel liĂ© aux TIC dans les Douanes africaines. D’une part, contrairement Ă  la perspective de la diffĂ©renciation culturelle nationale souvent utilisĂ©e dans les travaux similaires en contexte africain, la recherche pointe le rĂŽle important que jouent les facteurs de contexte internes Ă  l'organisation; notamment, les valeurs de culture organisationnelle. Et, d’autre part, en ligne avec son positionnement interprĂ©tativiste, la recherche relĂšve la place dĂ©terminante du style de gestion du processus dans la qualitĂ© des rĂ©sultats rĂ©ellement obtenus. Sur le plan managĂ©rial, cette Ă©tude structurĂ©e et approfondie met en lumiĂšre les insuffisances d’une gestion de style « Top down ». Mais, surtout, Ă  partir de cet Ă©clairage, la recherche propose des pistes concrĂštes de correction de ces insuffisances Ă  travers des recommandations de trois ordres : l’application d’un modĂšle de management polyphonique (basĂ© sur les principes de la TAR) ; la rĂ©duction des conflits de culture ; et, l’enracinement de l’instrumentation managĂ©riale dans les caractĂ©ristiques culturelles de l’environnement social

    Evaluation of Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service methane products

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    The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) provides continuous data and information on atmospheric composition in an operational mode. The CAMS products include analyses/re-analyses of the greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) for recent years. In this report, we evaluate the quality of the CAMS methane (CH4) products, focussing on the "near real time analyses" of the atmospheric CH4 concentrations (from the ECMWF IFS assimilation system) and the re-analyses of CH4 concentrations and fluxes (from the TM5-4DVAR inverse modelling system, provided by TNO / SRON). The CAMS CH4 products are compared to comprehensive independent observational data sets (from surface monitoring stations, ship cruises, various aircraft programmes, AirCore balloon soundings up to the middle stratosphere, and measurements of column averaged CH4 mole fractions) during 2010-2017. Furthermore, CH4 flux inversions from the JRC TM5-4DVAR system (which was used as prototype of the operational CAMS inversion system) are included in the analysis, providing a benchmark to evaluate the CAMS CH4 flux inversion products. Overall, the CAMS and JRC inversions show very similar performance and compare well to observations over remote regions near the surface and within the free troposphere, confirming that in general CH4 mole fractions in the background troposphere far from CH4 emissions are realistically simulated. Due to the relatively coarse horizontal resolution of 3o (longitude) x 2o (latitude), however, both CAMS and JRC inversions show clear limitations in simulating regional surface monitoring stations (which are influenced by regional CH4 emissions), in most cases underestimating measured CH4 mole fractions in these areas. Furthermore, the inversions show large differences to the observed CH4 mole fractions in the lower to middle stratosphere at mid to high latitudes, most likely due to shortcomings in simulating the transport and/or chemistry in the stratosphere and the stratospheric-tropospheric exchange. In contrast to the flux inversions, the CAMS "near real time analyses" show generally large biases (varying in space and time) in the simulated CH4 mole fractions compared to observations in the background troposphere. These large biases are probably mainly due to the assimilation strategy of including only satellite retrievals (but no surface observations) and potential biases in the assimilated satellite products, while the flux inversions assimilate satellite retrievals and surface observations simultaneously and thus correct for biases in the satellite data (along with potential biases of the models to simulate the stratosphere). The surface CH4 fluxes derived from the CAMS inversion system are in general similar to the JRC estimates. However, the latitudinal gradients of the fluxes are slightly different between the two inversion systems, probably in part due to the two different convection schemes applied.JRC.C.5-Air and Climat

    Evaluation of the Antifungal Activity of Five Medicinal Plants on the in vitro Growth of a Multi-resistant Strain of Candida Albicans

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    This study was conducted to determine the antifungal potential of plants traditionally used in the treatment of infections. Five (5) plants were collected. The anti-candida albicans activity was evaluated by the double dilution method in tilted tubes with the aqueous and hydroethanolic extracts of the different plants. The results showed that the 70% ethanolic extracts were more active than the aqueous extracts for all plants. The 70% ethanolic extract of T. ivorensis (FMC = 1.56 mg/ml) was the most active on the tested strain. It was followed by T. superba (MFC = 3.125 mg/ml) D. benthamianus (MFC = 50 mg/mL), G. arborea (MFC= 50 mg/mL) and J. secunda (MFC ˃ 50 mg/mL). The phytochemical screening revealed the presence of seven major groups of compounds, among which saponins and catechins are the most abundant in the aqueous extracts. Polyphenols, Flavonoids, Polyterpenes and Sterols as well as Tannins are equally present in the alcoholic and aqueous extracts of the different plants at variable levels. These compounds could justify its activity and its traditional use

    Evaluation of the Antifungal Activity of Five Medicinal Plants on the in vitro Growth of a Multi-resistant Strain of Candida Albicans

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    This study was conducted to determine the antifungal potential of plants traditionally used in the treatment of infections. Five (5) plants were collected. The anti-candida albicans activity was evaluated by the double dilution method in tilted tubes with the aqueous and hydroethanolic extracts of the different plants. The results showed that the 70% ethanolic extracts were more active than the aqueous extracts for all plants. The 70% ethanolic extract of T. ivorensis (FMC = 1.56 mg/ml) was the most active on the tested strain. It was followed by T. superba (MFC = 3.125 mg/ml) D. benthamianus (MFC = 50 mg/mL), G. arborea (MFC= 50 mg/mL) and J. secunda (MFC ˃ 50 mg/mL). The phytochemical screening revealed the presence of seven major groups of compounds, among which saponins and catechins are the most abundant in the aqueous extracts. Polyphenols, Flavonoids, Polyterpenes and Sterols as well as Tannins are equally present in the alcoholic and aqueous extracts of the different plants at variable levels. These compounds could justify its activity and its traditional use

    Evaluation of the Antifungal Activity of Five Medicinal Plants on the In vitro Growth of a Multi-resistant Strain of Candida albicans

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    This paper focuses on determining the antifungal potential of plants traditionally used to treat infections. Five (5) plants were collected. The anti-Candida albicans activity was evaluated by the double dilution method in tilted tubes with the aqueous and hydroethanolic extracts of the different plants. The results showed that 70% ethanolic extracts were more active than the aqueous extracts for all the plants. The 70% ethanolic extract of Terminalia ivorensis (MFC = 1.56 mg/mL) was the most active on the tested strain. This was followed by Terminalia Superba (MFC = 3.125 mg/mL), Distemonanthus benthamianus (MFC = 50 mg/mL), Gmelina arborea (MFC= 50 mg/mL), and Justicia secunda (MFC ˃ 50 mg/mL). The phytochemical screening revealed the presence of seven (7) major groups of compounds. Saponosides are present only in the aqueous extracts of plants. Polyphenols, Flavonoids, Polyterpenes, and Sterols as well as Tanins are present in both alcoholic and aqueous extracts. These compounds could justify its activity and its traditional use. The interesting results obtained with the hydroethanolic extract of Terminalia ivorensis incite further research with this extract. A bio-guided study on the fractions from this extract could lead to the discovery of one or more molecules of interest in the fight against pathogenic fungi

    Use of insecticides in agriculture and the prevention of vector-borne diseases: population knowledge, attitudes, practices and beliefs in Elibou, South Cote d'Ivoire

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    People's knowledge, attitudes, practices and beliefs (KAPB) pertaining to malaria are generally well described. However, little is known about population knowledge and awareness of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors. The aim of this study was to investigate KAPB related to insecticide resistance in malaria vectors due to the use of insecticides in agriculture and the prevention against mosquitoes. In mid-2017, we carried out a cross-sectional survey in Elibou, South CĂŽte d'Ivoire, employing a mixed methods approach. Quantitative data were obtained with a questionnaire addressed to household heads. Interviews were conducted with key opinion leaders, including village chiefs, traditional healers, heads of health centres and pesticide sellers. Focus group discussions were conducted with youth and elders. A total of 203 individuals participated in the questionnaire survey (132 males, 65%). We found that people had good knowledge about malaria and mosquitoes transmitting the disease, while they felt that preventing measures were ineffective. Pesticides were intensively used by farmers, mainly during the rainy season. Among the pesticides used, insecticides and herbicides were most commonly used. While there was poor knowledge about resistance, the interviewees stated that insecticides were not killing the mosquitoes anymore. The main reason given was that insecticides were diluted by the manufacturers as a marketing strategy to sell larger quantities. More than a third of the farmers used agricultural pesticides for domestic purposes to kill weeds or mosquitoes. We observed a misuse of pesticides among farmers, explained by the lack of specific training. In the community, long-lasting insecticidal nets were the most common preventive measure against malaria, followed by mosquito coils and insecticide sprays. The interviewees felt that the most effective way of dealing with insecticide resistance was to combine at least two preventive measures. In conclusion, population attitudes and practices related to insecticides used in agriculture and the prevention against mosquitoes could lead to resistance in malaria vectors, while people's knowledge about insecticide resistance was limited. There is a need to raise awareness in communities about the presence of resistance in malaria vectors and to involve them in resistance management


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    This paper examines the actual results of ICT projects in relation to their potentialities in modernizing procedures in African Customs. It reports a qualitative research, based on a single case study, conducted transversely, on the implementation in the Ivorian Customs, of an Internet-based system for risks analysis and management. In the light of the Actor Network Theory, the process is analyzed according to the power games of the concrete action system. Research shows that without adequate management model, the application is installed and is working; but it failed to transform the practices. For best results, the research recommends a polyphonic management capable of handling the implications of links between ICT, operational management system, management control system and organizational change.Ce papier examine les rĂ©sultats effectifs des projets TIC par rapport Ă  leurs objectifs de modernisation des procĂ©dures dans les Douanes africaines. Il rend compte d’une recherche qualitative, reposant sur une Ă©tude de cas unique, menĂ©e de façon transversale, portant sur la mise en Ɠuvre dans les Douanes ivoiriennes, d’une application basĂ©e sur Internet, visant l’automatisation de la procĂ©dure d’élaboration du procĂšs verbal de contentieux douanier. A la lumiĂšre de la ThĂ©orie de l’Acteur RĂ©seau, le processus est analysĂ© suivant les jeux de pouvoir du systĂšme d’action concret. La recherche rĂ©vĂšle qu’à dĂ©faut d’un modĂšle de gestion adĂ©quat, l’application est installĂ©e et fonctionne ; mais, elle n’a pas rĂ©ussi Ă  transformer les pratiques. Pour de meilleurs rĂ©sultats, la recherche recommande un management polyphonique capable de traiter les implications du croisement entre TIC, systĂšme de gestion opĂ©rationnelle, systĂšme de contrĂŽle de gestion et changement organisationnel

    Marché et commercialisation du riz local au Centre-Ouest de la CÎte d\'Ivoire.

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    Face à une augmentation de la demande pour le riz et à une production nationale plus ou moins stable depuis 1980, la CÎte d\'Ivoire déploie beaucoup d\'efforts dans la riziculture, notamment dans les bas-fonds. La présente étude vise à analyser l\'efficacité des systÚmes de commercialisation de riz local. La coexistence de trois grands circuits de commercialisation a été révélée : cycles court, moyen et long. Globalement, le marché est certes concurrentiel, mais on note des pratiques monopolistiques et oligopolistiques de certains intermédiaires commerciaux. Le prix du riz varie dans le temps et l\'espace, et est dominé par les marges bénéficiaires. En outre, une proportionnalité existe entre les marges et les charges supportées par les différents opérateurs.Faced with a growing demand for rice, and a national rice production, which has not increased since 1980, CÎte d\'Ivoire is presently investing considerable effort in the development of rice culture, specially in inland valleys. The objective of the present study is to examine local marketing systems. The results show that there were three channels of distribution : (short, medium and long). The market was characterized by an unperfect concurrence, because of monopolistic and oligopolistic practices of some middlemen. The price of local rice was very variable in space and time. Margins and costs were quite proportional. Keywords: Riz, commercialisation, circuit de distribution, intermédiaires, demande, CÎte d\'IvoireAgronomie Africaine Vol. 18 (3) 2006: pp. 299-30

    ThĂ©orie de l’Acteur RĂ©seau (TAR) : principes et mĂ©thode pour la recherche sur les systĂšmes d’information enracinĂ©e dans le terrain africain

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    peer reviewedQuel cadre thĂ©orique peut-on suggĂ©rer pour une gestion efficace des systĂšmes d’information dans les organisations en contexte africain ? C’est la question qu’explore cet article en recherchant parmi les modĂšles existant dans la littĂ©rature, les thĂ©ories et concepts les plus ouverts et dynamiques susceptibles de prendre en compte les particularitĂ©s de l’environnement Ă©conomique et organisationnel en Afrique. À cet Ă©gard, l’article entend mettre en avant le pouvoir explicatif de la TAR qui, dans l’étude du cas du PVS au sein des Douanes ivoiriennes, permet d’avoir une meilleure comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes par lesquels l’initiative a abouti Ă  des rĂ©sultats mitigĂ©s. Sur cette base, il suggĂšre de transposer les principes qui fondent la TAR, d’une grille d’observation et d’analyse sociologique, en un modĂšle de gestion, afin de faire progresser la mise en Ɠuvre des systĂšmes d’information dans les organisations en Afrique