105 research outputs found


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    Dijitalleşen ve genişleyen iletişim ortamları ile birlikte, medyalararası bir dünyanın içine hapsolan insanlar, aynı anda çok hızlı ve esnek bir şekilde farklı medyalar arasında yaşamaya başlamışlardır. Bu hızlı akışkanlıktan en iyi yararlanan ve bir hikayenin farklı bölümlerini birden fazla medyaya yayarak, izleyicinin parçaları bütünleştirmede katılımcı olmasına izin veren, yeni bir medya formatı olarak ‘transmedya’ karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Süreklilik ve çeşitlilik gösteren içerikleri sadece tüketmeyip aynı zamanda üreten günümüzün etken izleyicisi, doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak inşa edilen bu dünyanın içine dahil olmakta, fikir ve tecrübeleriyle birer meta haline dönüşmektedir. Transmedya, hikayenin devamlılığı için tüketicinin sadece maddi değil aynı zamanda bilişsel sermayesini kullanmaktadır. Kaynağını bilişsel sermayeden alan bilişsel kapitalizm, üreten tüketicinin bilgi, duygu, tecrübe gibi entelektüel sermayesini sömürü düzenidir. Çalışmanın temel tezi de transmedya, yaratılan tüm medya ortamları ve kullanım biçimleriyle gücünü, ana kaynağını maddi olmayan emekten alan bilişsel kapitalizmin destekçisi rolündedir. Buradan yola çıkarak bu makale ile transmedya ve transmedya hikayelerinin bilişsel kapitalizmle ilişkisini ortaya koymak ve bu ilişkiyi tartışmaya açmak amaçlanmaktadır. Literatür taraması ile hazırlanan çalışmada ayrıca transmedyanın üreten tüketicisi, bilişsel kapitalizmin nasıl bir aracı haline gelmektedir sorusuna cevap aranmaya çalışılmıştır

    Respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma on the anterior nasal septum

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    Respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma (REAH)is a rare benign lesion of the sinonasal cavity. In this report,by physical examination in the anterior part of thenasal cavity, on the septum a mass lesion was detectedand paranasal sinus computed tomography (PSCT) performed.On PSCT; bounded, homogenious, solid lesionwas shown and no evidence of invasion of surroundingbone and cartilage structures. Histopathologic diagnosisof the lesion was evaluated as REAH. Though REAH is avery rare benign lesion of sinonasal cavity the treatmentis only simple excision. Therefore keeping it in mind indifferential diagnosis list, aggressive surgical proceduresshould be avoided. The clinical and radiological featuresare discussed in the light of the literature.Key words: Hamartoma, sinonasal cavity, septu

    Knowledge and skill needs of home caregivers and their care burden perceptions

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    Research problem/aim: Family members are increasingly taking more responsibility for patient care. We were conducted this study to determine knowledge and skill needs of in-home caregivers and their care burden perceptions. Methods: The study was designed as descriptive study. The universe of this study included 350 patients who were registered in a Public Hospital Home Care Services Department by year of 2016 and the research sample consisted of 161 patients and patient relatives. Data was collected to use Patient and Caregiver Forms, Care Burden Scale, and Barthel Index. We were calculated the data with percentage, average, standard deviation, independent samples t test, Mann Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis tests. Finding: Total Care Burden Scale point is 41.32 ± 13.20, caregiver’s age, marital status, educational status, economic status, to get help about care and receiving care duration do not affect CBS points, female caregivers have less CBS points than male caregivers and this difference is statistically significant (p < 0.05), the least skill level part of caregivers are care and prevention of decubitus, patient handling with the proper method, pay attention to their own body mechanisms, wound care, vital measurements, genital care, stress management and constipation. Conclusion: Caregivers have in a low level of training about care and need knowledge and skills according to patient needs. Care burden of men is higher than women


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    Lipomlar, en sık saptanan mezenşimal orjinli benign tümörlerdir. Vücutta herhangi bir yerde izlenebilirler, servikal bölgede ise oldukça nadir olarak karşımıza çıkarlar ve posterior cilt altı düzeyde daha sık rastlanırlar. Asemptomatik yavaş büyüyen yumuşak doku kitlesi olarak karşımıza çıkan lipomlar, dev boyutlara ulaşabilirler. Bu olgu bildirisinde nadir rastlanmaları nedeniyle anterior ve posterior servikal bölgede yerleşimli histopatolojik olarak tanısı doğrulanmış iki dev lipom olgusunun radyolojik bulguları literatür eşliğinde tartışılmıştır. Lipomas are the most frequent benign tumors of mesencymal origin. Even though they can be viewed anywhere in the body, come as quite rare in the cervical region and can be seen more common in the posterior cervical region subcutaneously. Lipomas which appear as asymptomatic, slow growing soft tissue masses can reach giant proportions. In this case report, due to seeing rarely, two cases of giant lipomas in the anterior and posterior servical region are discussed by radiologic findings; the diagnosis was histopathologically confirmed

    Evaluation of Peptide Nucleic Acid Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (PNA FISH) Method in the Identification of Candida Species Isolated From Blood Cultures

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    In recent years, increased number of patients who are hospitalized in intensive care units, received immunosuppressive therapy and treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics that can lead an increase in the incidence of systemic candidiasis. In these patients, the most common clinical manifestation is candidemia. Since the identification of Candida species isolated from blood cultures is time consuming by conventional (morphological and biochemical) methods, rapid, reliable and accurate methods are needed. For this purpose novel systems have been developed to identify the agent directly. The aim of this study was to evaluate the peptide nucleic acid fluorescent in situ hybridization (PNA FISH) method for the identification of Candida species by comparing with the conventional methods. A total of 50 patients who were admitted to Erciyes University Medical Faculty Hospital clinics and followed with prediagnosis of systemic fungal infections whose blood cultures were positive for the yeasts between July 2011 and July 2012 were included in the study. The conventional identification of Candida isolates was performed by considering macroscopic and microscopic morphology, germ tube test, cycloheximide sensitivity, urease activity and carbohydrate assimilation patterns with API 20C AUX (bioMerieux, France) test. PNA FISH method was conducted by the use of a commercial kit namely Yeast Traffic Light PNA FISH (AdvanDx, USA). According to morphological and biochemical characteristics (conventional methods), 19 (38%) out of 50 Candida isolates were identified as C.albicans, 12 (24%) as C.glabrata, five (10%) as C.parapsilosis, five (10%) as C.kefyr, four (8%) as C.krusei, two (4%) as C.guilliermondii, two (4%) as C.tropicalis and one (2%) as C.lusitaniae. On the other hand, 24 (48%) of the isolates were identified as C.albicans/C.parapsilosis (with green fluorescence), 16 (32%) as C.glabrata/C.krusei (with red fluorescence) and one (%2) as C.tropicalis (with yellow fluorescence) properly, however one C.tropicalis strain was misidentified as C.albicans by PNA FISH method. Other eight (16%) strains which were not presented in the evaluation panel of PNA FISH kit (5 C.kefyr, 2 C.guillermondii and 1 C.lusitaniae), gave no fluorescence and determined as other Candida spp. According to this, when the species that could be detected with the kit (C.albicans, C.parapsilosis, C.glabrata, C.krusei and C.tropicalis) were considered, the concordance rate with the conventional methods was determined as 97.6% (41/42) and the total evaluation rate for all the species was 84% (41/50). In conclusion, the most frequent isolated species from blood cultures in our hospital was C.albicans, followed by C.glabrata and C.parapsilosis. Since PNA FISH testing is a practical, reliable and rapid (resulted in 90 minutes) method for the identification of Candida strains at species level isolated from blood cultures, it was thought to be useful in routine laboratories. However, further comparative studies are required with large number of strains with the consideration of cost-effectiveness

    Candida species isolated from urine specimens and antifungal susceptibility in hospitalized patients Yatan hastalarin idrar kültürlerinden izole edilen Candida türleri ve antifungal duyarliliklari

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    Objective: Urinary system infections caused by Candida species are the most common nosocomial infections. Diabetes mellitus, urinary system defects, chronic renal failure, neutopenia, immunsuppressive treatment, and use of antimicrobials of patients increase the incidence of these infections. Antifungal tests should be applied with identification of species for effective treatment. In this study, identification of Candida species isolated from urine and investigation of susceptibility of these strains to amphotericin B, fluconazole, voriconazole and caspofungin by E-test method are aimed to be investigated. Method: 61 Candida strains isolated from urine cultures of hospitalized patients between June-December 2011 are included in the study. Germ tube test, growth on Cornmeal-Tween 80 agar and chylamidospore formation, presence of psudohyphae, carbohydrate fermentation and assimilation tests, urease test and nitrate tests were used to identificate Candida species. The antifungal (amphotericin B, fluconazole, voriconazole, and caspofungin) susceptibility of the identified Candida strains was investigated by E-test (AB Biodisk, Sweden) method. For this method, RPMI 1640 medium with 2% glucose and 1.5% agar (Sigma, USA) was used. The results were evaluated according to manufacturer recommendation. Results: Total of 61 strains were identified as follows; 18 (30%) were C. albicans, 18 (30%) were C. glabrata, 14 (23%) were C. tropicalis, 7 (11%) were C. parapsilosis, 2 (3%) were C. krusei and 2 (3%) were C. kefyr. All of the strains were found as susceptible to amphotericin B, caspofungin, voriconazole and fluconazole except two C. krusei strains resistant to fluconazole and one C. glabrata strain dose-dependant susceptible to fluconazole. Conclusion: In our hospital, C. albicans was the most frequently isolated Candida species from urine cultures, however, C. glabrata was found as the second most frequent species. As a result, in parallel to the increase of patient population who are at risk for Candida infections, the necessity of doing epidemiological studies for identification of species and susceptibility tests including new antifungal agents was concluded