546 research outputs found

    Photointerpretation of Skylab photography

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    The author has identified the following significant results. In terms of film grain texture and object definition, the S190B color positive film is distinctly superior to the S190A films, when both are compared in the 9 x 9 inch format. Within the six S190A films, the panchromatic black and white films are superior to the infrared black and white, and the color positive film is superior to the color infrared. Minimum relief differences on the order of 500 to 100 feet could be detected by stereoscopic study, however, it is not possible to determine to what extent vegetation and cultural practices assist in such delineations. Water and wind gaps through major ridges were easily seen. Streams of third order and larger were clearly visible and easy to trace; second order streams were not identified with consistency. Differences in color, tone, and textural patterns rarely supplied clues for differentiating soils or bedrock. The separation of naturally forested areas from areas of cultivation and pasture was effective and a valuable clue to the underlying geology. Suburban and industrial developments were clearly differentiated from urban areas and surrounding agricultural fields. Soil associations could be identified on a regional basis, but no sharp boundary could be drawn separating soil associations

    Modeling the Atmospheric Concentrations of Individual Gas-Phase and Particle-Phase Organic Compounds

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    An Eulerian photochemical airshed model is adapted to track the concentrations of individual vapor-phase, semivolatile, and particle-phase compounds over the carbon number range from C_1 to C_(34). The model incorporates primary emissions of organic gases and particles from sources based on recent source tests. These emissions are processed through a photochemical airshed model whose chemical mechanism has been expanded to explicitly follow the reaction or formation of 125 individual vapor-phase organic compounds plus 11 lumped vapor-phase compound groups. Primary organic compounds in the particle phase can be disaggregated at will from a lumped primary organic compound mass category; in the present model application, 31 individual primary particulate organic compounds are tracked as they are transported from sources to receptor air monitoring sites. The model is applied to study air quality relationships for organics in California's South Coast Air Basin that surrounds Los Angeles during the severe photochemical smog episode that occurred on September 8−9, 1993. The ambient concentra tions of all normal alkanes and most aromatic hydrocarbons are predicted within the correct order of magnitude over 6 orders of magnitude concentration change from most abundant gas phase to least abundant particulate species studied. A formal evaluation of model performance shows that, with the exception of a few outliers, the concentrations of over 100 organic compounds studied were reproduced with an average absolute bias of ±47% and with roughly equal numbers of compounds underpredicted (58) versus overpredicted (46). The time series of observed aromatic hydrocarbons concentrations are reproduced closely, production of methylglyoxal from aromatic precursors is tracked, and the predicted olefinic hydrocarbon concentrations decline dramatically in concentration due to chemical reaction and dilution during downwind transport as is observed in the ambient monitoring database. This ability to simultaneously account for the concentrations of individual gas-phase and particulate organic compounds lays a foundation for future calculations of secondary organic aerosol formation and gas/particle repartitioning in the atmosphere

    N-ftaloil-glicin-hidroksamska kiselina kao kelator željeza u serumu štakora

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the activity of N-phthaloyl-glycine-hydroxamic acid (Phth-Gly-HA) as a new iron chelator in vivo to be used in iron overload diseases. After intraperitoneal application of Phth-Gly-HA to male rats (1 mg kg1 body mass) once a day for seven days, iron serum level decreased by 21%, whereas the iron value dropped by 32% in female rats (1.5 mg kg1 body mass). The results indicate that the tested substance has the ability to bind serum iron by complexation. Besides transferrin iron release, mobilization of ferritin iron is also possibleU cilju pronalaženja novog efikasnog kelatora koji bi mogao poslužiti u liječenju bolesti izazvanih viškom željeza, u ovom je radu ispitano djelovanje N-ftaloil-glicin-hidroksamske kiseline (Phth-Gly-HA) in vivo. Istraživan je utjecaj kelatora na razinu željeza u serumu štakora nakon intraperitonealne primjene vodene otopine Phth-Gly-HA (0,1 mg mL1) jednom dnevno tijekom 7 dana. Kontrolne su životinje primale fiziološku otopinu. Kod mužjaka injektiranje test supstancije (1 mg kg1) uzrokovalo je pad serumskog željeza za 21%. Kod ženki je nakon tretmana (1,5 mg kg1) izmjereno sniženje razine željeza za 35%. Rezultati pokazuju da ispitivana supstanca ima sposobnost kompleksiranja serumskog željeza, pretežno transferinskog, ali da postoji mogućnost mobilizacije željeza i iz feritinskih zaliha

    Shared genetic susceptibility between trigger finger and carpal tunnel syndrome: a genome-wide association study

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    Background: Trigger finger and carpal tunnel syndrome are the two most common non-traumatic connective tissue disorders of the hand. Both of these conditions frequently co-occur, often in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. However, this phenotypic association is poorly understood. Hypothesising that the co-occurrence of trigger finger and carpal tunnel syndrome might be explained by shared germline predisposition, we aimed to identify a specific genetic locus associated with both diseases. Methods: In this genome-wide association study (GWAS), we identified 2908 patients with trigger finger and 436 579 controls from the UK Biobank prospective cohort. We conducted a case-control GWAS for trigger finger, followed by co-localisation analyses with carpal tunnel syndrome summary statistics. To identify putative causal variants and establish their biological relevance, we did fine-mapping analyses and expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) analyses, using fibroblasts from healthy donors (n=79) and tenosynovium samples from patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (n=77). We conducted a Cox regression for time to trigger finger and carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis against plasma IGF-1 concentrations in the UK Biobank cohort. Findings: Phenome-wide analyses confirmed a marked association between carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger in the participants from UK Biobank (odds ratio [OR] 11·97, 95% CI 11·1–13·0; p1·04, p<0·02). Interpretation: In this GWAS, the DIRC3 locus on chromosome 2 was significantly associated with both carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger, possibly explaining their co-occurrence. The disease-protective allele of rs62175241 was associated with increased expression of long non-coding RNA DIRC3 and its transcriptional target, IGBP5, an antagonist of IGF-1 signalling. These findings suggest a model in which IGF-1 is a driver of both carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger, and in which the DIRC3-IGFBP5 axis directly antagonises fibroblastic IGF-1 signalling. Funding: Wellcome Trust, National Institute for Health Research, Medical Research Council

    A coupled method for initializing El Niño Southern Oscillation forecasts using sea surface temperature

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    A simple method for initializing coupled general circulation models (CGCMs) using only sea surface temperature (SST) data is comprehensively tested in an extended set of ensemble hindcasts with the Max-Planck-Institute (MPI) climate model, MPI-OM/ECHAM5. In the scheme, initial conditions for both atmosphere and ocean are generated by running the coupled model with SST nudged strongly to observations. Air–sea interaction provides the mechanism through which SST influences the subsurface. Comparison with observations indicates that the scheme is performing well in the tropical Pacific. Results from a 500-yr control run show that the model's El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability is quite realistic, in terms of strength, structure and period. The hindcasts performed were six months long, initiated four times per year, consisted of nine ensemble members, and covered the period 1969–2001. The ensemble was generated by only varying atmospheric initial conditions, which were sampled from the initialization run to capture intraseasonal variability. At six-month lead, the model is able to capture all the major ENSO extremes of the period. However, because of poor sampling of ocean initial conditions and model deficiencies, the ensemble-mean anomaly correlation skill for Niño3 SST is only 0.6 at six-month lead. None the less, the results presented here demonstrate the potential of such a simple scheme, and provide a simple method by which SST information may be better used in more complex initialization schemes