50 research outputs found

    North Andean origin and diversification of the largest ithomiine butterfly genus

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    The Neotropics harbour the most diverse flora and fauna on Earth. The Andes are a major centre of diversification and source of diversity for adjacent areas in plants and vertebrates, but studies on insects remain scarce, even though they constitute the largest fraction of terrestrial biodiversity. Here, we combine molecular and morphological characters to generate a dated phylogeny of the butterfly genus Pteronymia\textit{Pteronymia} (Nymphalidae: Danainae), which we use to infer spatial, elevational and temporal diversification patterns. We first propose six taxonomic changes that raise the generic species total to 53, making Pteronymia\textit{Pteronymia} the most diverse genus of the tribe Ithomiini. Our biogeographic reconstruction shows that Pteronymia\textit{Pteronymia} originated in the Northern Andes, where it diversified extensively. Some lineages colonized lowlands and adjacent montane areas, but diversification in those areas remained scarce. The recent colonization of lowland areas was reflected by an increase in the rate of evolution of species' elevational ranges towards present. By contrast, speciation rate decelerated with time, with no extinction. The geological history of the Andes and adjacent regions have likely contributed to Pteronymia\textit{Pteronymia} diversification by providing compartmentalized habitats and an array of biotic and abiotic conditions, and by limiting dispersal between some areas while promoting interchange across others.ME acknowledges financial support from ANR SPECREP and CNRS (France) and the Leverhulme trust (UK). LDS’s postdoc was funded by an ATIP (CNRS, France) grant awarded to ME. NC was funded by a doctoral grant from the Doctoral School 227 (Sciences de la Nature et de l’Homme: Evolution et Ecologie, France). KW acknowledges funding from NSF (DEB-0639861, DEB-0103746), the National Geographic Society, the Darwin Initiative and the Leverhulme Trust. A.V.L.F. thanks CNPq (fellowships 302585/2011-7 and 303834/2015-3), RedeLep-SISBIOTABrasil/CNPq (563332/2010-7), BR-BoL (MCT/CNPq/FNDCT 50/2010) and FAPESP (BIOTA-FAPESP Programs 2011/50225-3, 2012/50260-6 and 2013/50297-0). KLSB acknowledges support by FAPESP (2012/16266-6). Support for components of this work was provided through a collaborative grant, Dimensions US-Biota-São Paulo, supported by the US National Science Foundation (NSF DEB 1241056), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP Grant 2012/50260-6). Molecular work was performed at the GenePool (University of Edinburgh, UK), UCL (UK) and the Service of Molecular Systematics UMS2700 of the MNHN (France). Work by SK and TS to construct the original Solanaceae phylogeny was funded by the National Science Foundation (DEB-0316614)

    Comportamento da pressão arterial em homens pré-hipertensos participantes em um programa regular de natação

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A natação tem sido recomendada como tipo de atividade física para a prevenção, tratamento e controle da hipertensão arterial. OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos da prática regular de natação sobre a pressão arterial de adultos pré-hipertensos. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por 36 homens pré-hipertensos divididos em dois grupos: Experimental - GE (n=24, 40,60±9,36 anos) e Controle - GC (n=12, 40,57±8,05 anos). O GE realizou um programa regular de natação, com três sessões semanais de 45 min, durante 12 semanas, enquanto o GC não alterou seus hábitos alimentares e permaneceu sem praticar atividade física no período. O procedimento estatístico utilizado para verificar as diferenças entre as médias antes e depois de 12 semanas do programa regular de natação foi o teste-t de Student. O estudo admitiu o nível de p < 0.05 para a significância estatística. RESULTADOS: O grupo GE apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas variáveis analisadas quando comparadas com o GC, tanto na pressão arterial sistólica, PAS (Δ = - 5,89 mmHg, p = 0,00), como na pressão arterial diastólica, PAD (Δ = - 5,15mmHg, p = 0,00). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados mostram que um programa regular de natação provoca reduções significativas na pressão arterial em repouso em homens pré-hipertensos

    Bacterial endotoxin adhesion to different types of orthodontic adhesives

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    Bacterial endotoxin (LPS) adhesion to orthodontic brackets is a known contributing factor to inflammation of the adjacent gingival tissues. Objective The aim of this study was to assess whether LPS adheres to orthodontic adhesive systems, comparing two commercial brands. Material and Methods Forty specimens were fabricated from Transbond XT and Light Bond composite and bonding agent components (n=10/component), then contaminated by immersion in a bacterial endotoxin solution. Contaminated and non-contaminated acrylic resin samples were used as positive and negative control groups, respectively. LPS quantification was performed by the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate QCL-1000™ test. Data obtained were scored and subjected to the Chi-square test using a significance level of 5%. Results There was endotoxin adhesion to all materials (p;0.05). There was no significant difference (p>;0.05) among commercial brands. Affinity of endotoxin was significantly greater for the bonding agents (p=0.0025). Conclusions LPS adhered to both orthodontic adhesive systems. Regardless of the brand, the endotoxin had higher affinity for the bonding agents than for the composites. There is no previous study assessing the affinity of LPS for orthodontic adhesive systems. This study revealed that LPS adheres to orthodontic adhesive systems. Therefore, additional care is recommended to orthodontic applications of these materials

    Educação em saúde a partir de círculos de cultura Educación en salud basada en círculos de cultura Health education based on culture circles

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    O estudo tem os objetivos de sistematizar, mediante Círculos de Cultura, uma proposta de (re)construção das ações de educação em saúde que articule as competências necessárias aos(as) enfermeiros(as) de PSF para uma prática de educação em saúde reflexiva e crítica e realizar uma auto-avaliação dos Círculos. Constitui uma Pesquisa-ação, onde a pesquisadora fundamentada no "Método Paulo Freire" é animadora de debates em oito Círculos de Cultura. Participaram dez enfermeiras. Os Círculos propiciam o exercício da consciência política, indispensável ao processo de "empowerment" do profissional de saúde no exercício de sua competência sociopolítica. A realização de Círculos de Cultura propicia uma relação de cumplicidade entre os profissionais de saúde e os grupos comunitários com as ações de promoção da saúde.<br>El estudio tiene como objetivo sistematizar, con las participantes de los Círculos de Cultura, una propuesta de (re)construcción de las acciones de educación en salud que articule las competencias necesarias a los(as) enfermeros(as) del PSF para una práctica de educación en salud reflexiva y crítica. Constituye una investigación-acción, donde la investigadora fundamentada en el "Método Paulo Freire" es animadora de debates en ocho Círculos de Cultura contando con la participación de diez enfermeras. Los Círculos propician el ejercicio de la conciencia política, indispensable para el proceso de "empowerment" del profesional de salud en el ejercicio de su competencia sociopolítica. La propuesta de realización de Círculos de Cultura fundamenta una relación de complicidad entre los profesionales de salud y los grupos comunitarios con las acciones de promoción de la salud.<br>This study aims at systematizing with the participants of Culture Circles a proposal of reconstruction of actions of health education that show the necessary competences to the nurses of Family Health Program for a practice in education on critical and reflexive health. It is constituted of a research action, where the researcher based in "Paulo Freire Method" is encouraging debates in eight Culture Circles having the participation of ten nurses. The Circles give them the training of a political conscience , essential to the process of " empowerment " of the health professional in practicing his socio-politics competence. The proposal of achieving the Culture Circles establish a link of complicity between health professionals and communitarian groups with the actions of health promotion

    Válvulas da veia braquial comum: estudo anatômico Valves of the common brachial vein: anatomical study

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    CONTEXTO: Boa parte das insuficiências venosas é devida à incompetência de suas válvulas. Como uma das alternativas cirúrgicas, temos os enxertos venosos valvulados no segmento insuficiente. OBJETIVO: Descrever a anatomia das válvulas da veia braquial comum. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 30 cadáveres do sexo masculino, independentemente de raça, que tinham seus membros superiores articulados ao tronco. Os mesmos estavam formolizados e foram mantidos em conservação com solução de formol a 10%. Utilizamos como critério de exclusão a existência de desarticulação de um dos membros ou de alterações deformantes em topografia das estruturas estudadas. RESULTADOS: O número total de válvulas identificadas foi de 28 em membro superior direito e de 33 em membro superior esquerdo, sendo 15 no segmento proximal direito e 21 no segmento proximal esquerdo. Mais de 91% das válvulas foram do tipo bicúspide e parietal. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que a veia braquial comum apresenta freqüentemente válvulas do tipo bicúspide e parietal.<br>BACKGROUND: A great part of venous insufficiencies is due to valve incompetence. Valved venous grafts in the insufficient segment are a surgical alternative. OBJECTIVE: To describe the anatomy of the common brachial vein valves. METHODS: We used 30 male corpses of varied races with their upper limbs articulated to the trunk. They were preserved in formol and fixed in a 10% formol solution. Exclusion criteria were presence of disarticulation in one limb or deforming alterations in the topography of assessed structures. RESULTS: The total number of identified valves was 28 in the right arm and 33 in the left arm, 15 of them in the right proximal segment and 21 in the left proximal segment. More than 91% of the valves were bicuspid and parietal. CONCLUSION: We conclude that the common brachial vein often presents bicuspid and parietal valves