262 research outputs found

    Cryptococcus neoformans meningitis in a diabetic patient - the perils of an overzealous immune response: a case report

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    Uncontrolled diabetics are prone to infections due to numerous factors as the glucose-rich blood serves as an excellent media for growth. Cryptococcus neoformans is an opportunistic fungus that is an important cause of CNS infections among immunocompromised patients, but it has only sporadically been reported in non-HIV-positive persons. The presence of elevated pro-inflammatory cytokines and abnormalities in numerous systemic indicators of inflammation in diabetics makes it conceivable that diabetics mount an exaggerated immune response to C. neoformans (paradoxical to their defective immune state) leading to grave outcomes. We present a fatal case of C. neoformans meningitis in a diabetic patient which emphasizes the perils of an overzealous immune response

    Atomic super-resolution tomography

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    We consider the problem of reconstructing a nanocrystal at atomic resolution from electron microscopy images taken at a few tilt angles. A popular reconstruction approach called discrete tomography confines the atom locations to a coarse spatial grid, which is inspired by the physical a priori knowledge that atoms in a crystalline solid tend to form regular lattices. Although this constraint has proven to be powerful for solving this very under-determined inverse problem in many cases, its key limitation is that, in practice, defects may occur that cause atoms to deviate from regular lattice positions. Here we propose a grid-free discrete tomography algorithm that allows for continuous deviations of the atom locations similar to super-resolution approaches for microscopy. The new formulation allows us to define atomic interaction potentials explicitly, which results in a both meaningful and powerful incorporation of the available physical a priori knowledge about the crystal's properties. In computational experiments, we compare the proposed grid-free method to established grid-based approaches and show that our approach can indeed recover the atom positions more accurately for common lattice defects

    Schwannoma-like pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid

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    Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign salivary gland tumour. It can occur in any salivary gland, but is most frequently found in the parotid gland. Chondroid metaplasia is a frequent finding in pleomorphic adenoma. Other forms of metaplasia have been described, but are encountered less frequently. We report a rare case of unusual pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland with schwannoma-like feature

    Proton spectroscopic imaging of brain metabolites in basal ganglia of healthy older adults

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    Object: We sought to measure brain metabolite levels in healthy older people. Materials and methods: Spectroscopic imaging at the level of the basal ganglia was applied in 40 participants aged 73–74 years. Levels of the metabolites N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), choline, and creatine were determined in "institutional units" (IU) corrected for T1 and T2 relaxation effects. Structural imaging enabled determination of grey matter (GM), white matter (WM), and cerebrospinal fluid content. ANOVA analysis was carried out for voxels satisfying quality criteria. Results: Creatine levels were greater in GM than WM (57 vs. 44 IU, p < 0.001), whereas choline and NAA levels were greater in WM than GM [13 vs. 10 IU (p < 0.001) and 76 versus 70 IU (p = 0.03), respectively]. The ratio of NAA/cre was greater in WM than GM (2.1 vs. 1.4, p = 0.001) as was that of cho/cre (0.32 vs. 0.16, p < 0.001). A low voxel yield was due to brain atrophy and the difficulties of shimming over an extended region of brain. Conclusion: This study addresses the current lack of information on brain metabolite levels in older adults. The normal features of ageing result in a substantial loss of reliable voxels and should be taken into account when planning studies. Improvements in shimming are also required before the methods can be applied more widely

    Does the Mediterranean diet predict longevity in the elderly? A Swedish perspective

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    Dietary pattern analysis represents a useful improvement in the investigation of diet and health relationships. Particularly, the Mediterranean diet pattern has been associated with reduced mortality risk in several studies involving both younger and elderly population groups. In this research, relationships between dietary macronutrient composition, as well as the Mediterranean diet, and total mortality were assessed in 1,037 seventy-year-old subjects (540 females) information. Diet macronutrient composition was not associated with mortality, while a refined version of the modified Mediterranean diet index showed a significant inverse association (HR = 0.93, 95% CI: 0.89; 0.98). As expected, inactive subjects, smokers and those with a higher waist circumference had a higher mortality, while a reduced risk characterized married and more educated people. Sensitivity analyses (which confirmed our results) consisted of: exclusion of one food group at a time in the Mediterranean diet index, exclusion of early deaths, censoring at fixed follow-up time, adjusting for activities of daily living and main cardiovascular risk factors including weight/waist circumference changes at follow up. In conclusion, we can reasonably state that a higher adherence to a Mediterranean diet pattern, especially by consuming wholegrain cereals, foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, and a limited amount of alcohol, predicts increased longevity in the elderly

    Atomic super-resolution tomography

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    We consider the problem of reconstructing a nanocrystal at atomic resolution from electron microscopy images taken at a few tilt angles. A popular reconstruction approach called discrete tomography confines the atom locations to a coarse spatial grid, which is inspired by the physical a priori knowledge that atoms in a crystalline solid tend to form regular lattices. Although this constraint has proven to b

    A Template-Dependent Dislocation Mechanism Potentiates K65R Reverse Transcriptase Mutation Development in Subtype C Variants of HIV-1

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    Numerous studies have suggested that the K65R reverse transcriptase (RT) mutation develops more readily in subtype C than subtype B HIV-1. We recently showed that this discrepancy lies partly in the subtype C template coding sequence that predisposes RT to pause at the site of K65R mutagenesis. However, the mechanism underlying this observation and the elevated rates of K65R development remained unknown. Here, we report that DNA synthesis performed with subtype C templates consistently produced more K65R-containing transcripts than subtype B templates, regardless of the subtype-origin of the RT enzymes employed. These findings confirm that the mechanism involved is template-specific and RT-independent. In addition, a pattern of DNA synthesis characteristic of site-specific primer/template slippage and dislocation was only observed with the subtype C sequence. Analysis of RNA secondary structure suggested that the latter was unlikely to impact on K65R development between subtypes and that Streisinger strand slippage during DNA synthesis at the homopolymeric nucleotide stretch of the subtype C K65 region might occur, resulting in misalignment of the primer and template. Consequently, slippage would lead to a deletion of the middle adenine of codon K65 and the production of a -1 frameshift mutation, which upon dislocation and realignment of the primer and template, would lead to development of the K65R mutation. These findings provide additional mechanistic evidence for the facilitated development of the K65R mutation in subtype C HIV-1

    Production of a reference transcriptome and transcriptomic database (PocilloporaBase) for the cauliflower coral, Pocillopora damicornis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Motivated by the precarious state of the world's coral reefs, there is currently a keen interest in coral transcriptomics. By identifying changes in coral gene expression that are triggered by particular environmental stressors, we can begin to characterize coral stress responses at the molecular level, which should lead to the development of more powerful diagnostic tools for evaluating the health of corals in the field. Furthermore, the identification of genetic variants that are more or less resilient in the face of particular stressors will help us to develop more reliable prognoses for particular coral populations. Toward this end, we performed deep mRNA sequencing of the cauliflower coral, <it>Pocillopora damicornis</it>, a geographically widespread Indo-Pacific species that exhibits a great diversity of colony forms and is able to thrive in habitats subject to a wide range of human impacts. Importantly, <it>P. damicornis </it>is particularly amenable to laboratory culture. We collected specimens from three geographically isolated Hawaiian populations subjected to qualitatively different levels of human impact. We isolated RNA from colony fragments ("nubbins") exposed to four environmental stressors (heat, desiccation, peroxide, and hypo-saline conditions) or control conditions. The RNA was pooled and sequenced using the 454 platform.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>Both the raw reads (n = 1, 116, 551) and the assembled contigs (n = 70, 786; mean length = 836 nucleotides) were deposited in a new publicly available relational database called PocilloporaBase <url>http://www.PocilloporaBase.org</url>. Using BLASTX, 47.2% of the contigs were found to match a sequence in the NCBI database at an E-value threshold of ≤.001; 93.6% of those contigs with matches in the NCBI database appear to be of metazoan origin and 2.3% bacterial origin, while most of the remaining 4.1% match to other eukaryotes, including algae and amoebae.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>P. damicornis </it>now joins the handful of coral species for which extensive transcriptomic data are publicly available. Through PocilloporaBase <url>http://www.PocilloporaBase.org</url>, one can obtain assembled contigs and raw reads and query the data according to a wide assortment of attributes including taxonomic origin, PFAM motif, KEGG pathway, and GO annotation.</p

    Directing the evolution of Rubisco and Rubisco activase: first impressions of a new tool for photosynthesis research

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    During the last decade the practice of laboratory-directed protein evolution has become firmly established as a versatile tool in biochemical research by enabling molecular evolution toward desirable phenotypes or detection of novel structure–function interactions. Applications of this technique in the field of photosynthesis research are still in their infancy, but recently first steps have been reported in the directed evolution of the CO2-fixing enzyme Rubisco and its helper protein Rubisco activase. Here we summarize directed protein evolution strategies and review the progressive advances that have been made to develop and apply suitable selection systems for screening mutant forms of these enzymes that improve the fitness of the host organism. The goal of increasing photosynthetic efficiency of plants by improving the kinetics of Rubisco has been a long-term goal scoring modest successes. We discuss how directed evolution methodologies may one day be able to circumvent the problems encountered during this venture