331 research outputs found

    Further mismeasures of animal contests: a new framework for assessment strategies

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    Abstract Competition for resources is a ubiquitous feature of life, and a central topic in behavioral ecology. Organisms use assessment strategies to resolve contests, which can be delineated into two broad categories by the information individuals use to make decisions: mutual assessment (MA) or self-assessment (SA). Most research hitherto has worked to bin a species into one of these categories. In this review, we discuss the limitations of this approach and provide solutions. We posit that assessment strategies do not need to be fixed within a species, individuals, or interactions, and that many organisms should adjust their assessment strategy as the environment, opponent, and opportunities for information gathering change. We show that assessment strategies are an individual-level characteristic, can vary within and between contests, and are not mutually exclusive. We argue that MA is the midpoint along a spectrum of self only and opponent only assessment. We discuss the effects of resource distribution, demographics, experience, information transfer, and ontogeny on assessment strategy evolution and behavior. We conclude by providing empirical guidelines and an example with a simulated dataset.</jats:p

    Climate and species affect fine root production with long-term fertilization in acidic tussock tundra near Toolik Lake, Alaska

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Oecologia 153 (2007): 643-652, doi:10.1007/s00442-007-0753-8.Long-term fertilization of acidic tussock tundra has led to changes in plant species composition, increases in aboveground production and biomass and substantial losses of soil organic carbon (SOC). Root litter is an important input to SOC pools, though little is known about fine root demography in tussock tundra. In this study, we examined the response of fine root production and live standing fine root biomass to short- and long-term fertilization, as changes in fine root demography may contribute to observed declines in SOC. Live standing fine root biomass increased with long-term fertilization, while fine root production declined, reflecting replacement of the annual fine root system of Eriophorum vaginatum, with the long-lived fine roots of Betula nana. Fine root production increased in fertilized plots during an unusually warm growing season, but remained unchanged in control plots, consistent with observations that B. nana shows a positive response to climate warming. Calculations based on a few simple assumptions suggest changes in fine root demography with long-term fertilization and species replacement could account for between 20 and 39% of observed declines in SOC stocks.This project was supported by National Science Foundation research grants 9810222, 9911681, 0221606 and 0528748

    Shallow water marine sediment bacterial community shifts along a natural CO2 gradient in the Mediterranean Sea off Vulcano, Italy.

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    The effects of increasing atmospheric CO(2) on ocean ecosystems are a major environmental concern, as rapid shoaling of the carbonate saturation horizon is exposing vast areas of marine sediments to corrosive waters worldwide. Natural CO(2) gradients off Vulcano, Italy, have revealed profound ecosystem changes along rocky shore habitats as carbonate saturation levels decrease, but no investigations have yet been made of the sedimentary habitat. Here, we sampled the upper 2 cm of volcanic sand in three zones, ambient (median pCO(2) 419 μatm, minimum Ω(arag) 3.77), moderately CO(2)-enriched (median pCO(2) 592 μatm, minimum Ω(arag) 2.96), and highly CO(2)-enriched (median pCO(2) 1611 μatm, minimum Ω(arag) 0.35). We tested the hypothesis that increasing levels of seawater pCO(2) would cause significant shifts in sediment bacterial community composition, as shown recently in epilithic biofilms at the study site. In this study, 454 pyrosequencing of the V1 to V3 region of the 16S rRNA gene revealed a shift in community composition with increasing pCO(2). The relative abundances of most of the dominant genera were unaffected by the pCO(2) gradient, although there were significant differences for some 5 % of the genera present (viz. Georgenia, Lutibacter, Photobacterium, Acinetobacter, and Paenibacillus), and Shannon Diversity was greatest in sediments subject to long-term acidification (>100 years). Overall, this supports the view that globally increased ocean pCO(2) will be associated with changes in sediment bacterial community composition but that most of these organisms are resilient. However, further work is required to assess whether these results apply to other types of coastal sediments and whether the changes in relative abundance of bacterial taxa that we observed can significantly alter the biogeochemical functions of marine sediments

    Carbon cycling and budget in a forested basin of southwestern Hokkaido, northern Japan

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    Quantification of annual carbon sequestration is very important in order to assess the function of forest ecosystems in combatting global climate change and the ecosystem responses to those changes. Annual cycling and budget of carbon in a forested basin was investigated to quantify the carbon sequestration of a cool-temperate deciduous forest ecosystem in the Horonai stream basin, Tomakomai Experimental Forest, northern Japan. Net ecosystem exchange, soil respiration, biomass increment, litterfall, soil-solution chemistry, and stream export were observed in the basin from 1999–2001 as a part of IGBP-TEMA project. We found that 258 g C m–2 year–1 was sequestered annually as net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in the forested basin. Discharge of carbon to the stream was 4 g C m–2 year–1 (about 2% of NEE) and consisted mainly of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). About 43% of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) was retained in the vegetation, while about 57% of NEP was sequestered in soil, suggesting that the movement of sequestered carbon from aboveground to belowground vegetation was an important process for net carbon accumulation in soil. The derived organic carbon from aboveground vegetation that moved to the soil mainly accumulated in the solid phase of the soil, with the result that the export of dissolved organic carbon to the stream was smaller than that of dissolved inorganic carbon. Our results indicated that the aboveground and belowground interaction of carbon fluxes was an important process for determining the rate and retention time of the carbon sequestration in a cool-temperate deciduous forest ecosystem in the southwestern part of Hokkaido, northern Japan

    Testing the Growth Rate Hypothesis in Vascular Plants with Above- and Below-Ground Biomass

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    The growth rate hypothesis (GRH) proposes that higher growth rate (the rate of change in biomass per unit biomass, μ) is associated with higher P concentration and lower C∶P and N∶P ratios. However, the applicability of the GRH to vascular plants is not well-studied and few studies have been done on belowground biomass. Here we showed that, for aboveground, belowground and total biomass of three study species, μ was positively correlated with N∶C under N limitation and positively correlated with P∶C under P limitation. However, the N∶P ratio was a unimodal function of μ, increasing for small values of μ, reaching a maximum, and then decreasing. The range of variations in μ was positively correlated with variation in C∶N∶P stoichiometry. Furthermore, μ and C∶N∶P ranges for aboveground biomass were negatively correlated with those for belowground. Our results confirm the well-known association of growth rate with tissue concentration of the limiting nutrient and provide empirical support for recent theoretical formulations

    Reconstructing terrestrial nutrient cycling using stable nitrogen isotopes in wood

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    Although recent anthropogenic effects on the global nitrogen (N) cycle have been significant, the consequences of increased anthropogenic N on terrestrial ecosystems are unclear. Studies of the impact of increased reactive N on forest ecosystems—impacts on hydrologic and gaseous loss pathways, retention capacity, and even net primary productivity— have been particularly limited by a lack of long-term baseline biogeochemical data. Stable nitrogen isotope analysis (ratio of ¹⁵N to ¹⁴N, termed δ¹⁵N) of wood chronologies offers the potential to address changes in ecosystem N cycling on millennial timescales and across broad geographic regions. Currently, nearly 50 studies have been published utilizing wood δ¹⁵N records; however, there are significant differences in study design and data interpretation. Here, we identify four categories of wood δ¹⁵N studies, summarize the common themes and primary findings of each category, identify gaps in the spatial and temporal scope of current wood δ¹⁵N chronologies, and synthesize methodological frameworks for future research by presenting eight suggestions for common methodological approaches and enhanced integration across studies. Wood δ¹⁵N records have the potential to provide valuable information for interpreting modern biogeochemical cycling. This review serves to advance the utility of this technique for long-term biogeochemical reconstructions

    Angular and Current-Target Correlations in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA

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    Correlations between charged particles in deep inelastic ep scattering have been studied in the Breit frame with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 6.4 pb-1. Short-range correlations are analysed in terms of the angular separation between current-region particles within a cone centred around the virtual photon axis. Long-range correlations between the current and target regions have also been measured. The data support predictions for the scaling behaviour of the angular correlations at high Q2 and for anti-correlations between the current and target regions over a large range in Q2 and in the Bjorken scaling variable x. Analytic QCD calculations and Monte Carlo models correctly describe the trends of the data at high Q2, but show quantitative discrepancies. The data show differences between the correlations in deep inelastic scattering and e+e- annihilation.Comment: 26 pages including 10 figures (submitted to Eur. J. Phys. C

    TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access

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    Plant traits-the morphological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and phenological characteristics of plants-determine how plants respond to environmental factors, affect other trophic levels, and influence ecosystem properties and their benefits and detriments to people. Plant trait data thus represent the basis for a vast area of research spanning from evolutionary biology, community and functional ecology, to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem and landscape management, restoration, biogeography and earth system modelling. Since its foundation in 2007, the TRY database of plant traits has grown continuously. It now provides unprecedented data coverage under an open access data policy and is the main plant trait database used by the research community worldwide. Increasingly, the TRY database also supports new frontiers of trait-based plant research, including the identification of data gaps and the subsequent mobilization or measurement of new data. To support this development, in this article we evaluate the extent of the trait data compiled in TRY and analyse emerging patterns of data coverage and representativeness. Best species coverage is achieved for categorical traits-almost complete coverage for 'plant growth form'. However, most traits relevant for ecology and vegetation modelling are characterized by continuous intraspecific variation and trait-environmental relationships. These traits have to be measured on individual plants in their respective environment. Despite unprecedented data coverage, we observe a humbling lack of completeness and representativeness of these continuous traits in many aspects. We, therefore, conclude that reducing data gaps and biases in the TRY database remains a key challenge and requires a coordinated approach to data mobilization and trait measurements. This can only be achieved in collaboration with other initiatives

    Patterns of Spatial Variation of Assemblages Associated with Intertidal Rocky Shores: A Global Perspective

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    Assemblages associated with intertidal rocky shores were examined for large scale distribution patterns with specific emphasis on identifying latitudinal trends of species richness and taxonomic distinctiveness. Seventy-two sites distributed around the globe were evaluated following the standardized sampling protocol of the Census of Marine Life NaGISA project (www.nagisa.coml.org). There were no clear patterns of standardized estimators of species richness along latitudinal gradients or among Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs); however, a strong latitudinal gradient in taxonomic composition (i.e., proportion of different taxonomic groups in a given sample) was observed. Environmental variables related to natural influences were strongly related to the distribution patterns of the assemblages on the LME scale, particularly photoperiod, sea surface temperature (SST) and rainfall. In contrast, no environmental variables directly associated with human influences (with the exception of the inorganic pollution index) were related to assemblage patterns among LMEs. Correlations of the natural assemblages with either latitudinal gradients or environmental variables were equally strong suggesting that neither neutral models nor models based solely on environmental variables sufficiently explain spatial variation of these assemblages at a global scale. Despite the data shortcomings in this study (e.g., unbalanced sample distribution), we show the importance of generating biological global databases for the use in large-scale diversity comparisons of rocky intertidal assemblages to stimulate continued sampling and analyses