168 research outputs found

    К вопросу инвестиций в угольные шахты

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    Визначено доцільність інвестицій у вугільне виробництво України. Розглянуто шляхи підвищення інвестиційної привабливості вугільних шахт України, а також формування відповідного інвестиційного клімату у державі. Ключові слова: економіка, інвестиції, інновації, собівартість, прибуток, вугледобувні підприємства.Определена целесообразность инвестиций в угольное производство Украины. Рассмотрены пути повышения инвестиционной привлекательности угольных шахт Украины, а также формирования соответствующего инвестиционного климата в стране. Ключевые слова: экономика, инвестиции, инновации, себестоимость, прибыль, угледобывающие предприятия.Determine the feasibility of investment in coal production in Ukraine. Ways of improvement of investment attractiveness of Ukraine’s coal mines, as well as the formation of the investment climate in the country. Key words: economy, investment, innovations, prime cost, profit, coal producing plants

    Вплив регуляторів росту на розвиток бактеріальних хвороб сої

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    Вивчено вплив регуляторів росту рослин (агростимуліну, емістиму-С та біолану) на ураженість сої бактеріальними хворобами за передпосівної обробки насіння. Відмічено позитивну дію агростимуліну, який забезпечує стимуляцію росту рослин, зниження рівня їх ураженості бактеріальними хворобами протягом вегетаційного періоду за умов природного і штучного зараження та підвищує урожайність культури.Изучено влияние регуляторов роста (Агростимулина, Емистима С и биолана на пораженность растений сои бактериальными болезнями при предпосевной обработке семян. Отмечено положительное влияние агростимулина, который обеспечивает стимулирование роста растений, снижение уровня их пораженности бактериальными болезнями в течение вегетационного периода в условиях естественного заражения и при искусственном инфицировании и повышает урожайность.The effect of plants growth regulators (Agrostimulin, Emestim S, Biolan) on soybean plant bacterial diseases when presowing seed treating has been tudied. It was established positive impact of Agrostimulin, which guarantees plant growth stimulation, high resistance against bacterial diseases during vegetation in the condition of both natural infection and artificial introduction with agents and yield increase

    Effect of Cell Seeding Density and Inflammatory Cytokines on Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells: an in Vitro Study

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    Adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASCs) are known to be able to promote repair of injured tissue via paracrine factors. However, the effect of cell density and inflammatory cytokines on the paracrine ability of ASCs remains largely unknown. To investigate these effects, ASCs were cultured in 8000 cells/cm2, 20,000 cells/cm2, 50,000 cells/cm2, and 400,000 cells/cm2 with and without 10 or 20 ng/ml tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and 25 or 50 ng/ml interferon gamma (IFNγ). ASC-sheets formed at 400,000 cells/cm2 after 48 h of culture. With increasing concentrations of TNFα and IFNγ, ASC-sheets with 400,000 cells/cm2 had increased production of angiogenic factors Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Fibroblast Growth Factor and decreased expression of pro-inflammatory genes TNFA and Prostaglandin Synthase 2 (PTGS2) compared to lower density ASCs. Moreover, the conditioned medium of ASC-sheets with 400,000 cells/cm2 stimulated with the low concentration of TNFα and IFN

    Heat shock protein expression analysis in canine osteosarcoma reveals HSP60 as a potentially relevant therapeutic target

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    Heat shock proteins (HSP) are highly conserved across eukaryotic and prokaryotic species. These proteins play a role in response to cellular stressors, protecting cells from damage and facilitating recovery. In tumor cells, HSPs can have cytoprotective effects and interfere with apoptotic cascades. This study was performed to assess the prognostic and predictive values of the gene expression of HSP family members in canine osteosarcoma (OS) and their potential for targeted therapy. Gene expressions for HSP were assessed using quantitative PCR (qPCR) on 58 snap-frozen primary canine OS tumors and related to clinic-pathological parameters. A significant increased expression of HSP60 was found in relation to shorter overall survival and an osteoblastic phenotype. Therefore, the function of HSP60 was investigated in more detail. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed heterogeneous staining for HSP60 in tumors. The highest immunoreactivity was found in tumors of short surviving dogs. Next HSP expression was shown in a variety of canine and human OS cell lines by qPCR and Western blot. In two highly metastatic cell lines HSP60 expression was silenced using siRNA resulting in decreased cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis in both cell lines. It is concluded that overexpression of HSP60 is associated with a poor prognosis of OS and should be evaluated as a new target for therapy

    Effects of adipose stem cell sheets on colon anastomotic leakage in an experimental model: Proof of principle

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    The most dreaded complication of colorectal surgery is anastomotic leakage. Adipose tissue-derived stem cell sheets (ASC sheets) prepared from temperature-responsive culture surfaces can be easily transplanted onto tissues. These sheets are proposed to improve cell transplant efficiency and enhance wound healing. The aim of this study was to investigate whether application of ASC sheets could prevent leakage of sutured colorectal anastomoses. Insufficient suturing of colorectal anastomoses was performed in Wistar rats to create a colorectal anastomotic leakage model. Rats were randomized to ASC sheet application or control group. Leakage, abscess formation, adhesion formation, anastomotic bursting pressure (ABP), and histology were evaluated on postoperative day 3 or 7. ASC shee

    Notch pathway inhibition targets chemoresistant insulinoma cancer stem cells

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    Insulinomas (INS) are the most common neuroendocrine pancreatic tumours in humans and dogs. The long-term prognosis for malignant INS is still poor due to a low success rate of the current treatment modalities, particularly chemotherapy. A better understanding of the molecular processes underlying the development and progression of INS is required to develop novel targeted therapies. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are thought to be critical for the engraftment and chemoresistance of many tumours, including INS. This study was aimed to characterise and target INS CSCs in order to develop novel targeted therapies. Highly invasive and tumourigenic human and canine INS CSC-like cells were successfully isolated. These cells expressed stem cell markers (OCT4, SOX9, SOX2, CD133 and CD34), exhibited greater resistance to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), and demonstrated a more invasive and tumourigenic phenotype in vivo compared to non-CSCs. Here, we demonstrated that Notch-signalling-related genes (NOTCH2 and HES1) were overexpressed in INS CSC-like cells. Protein analysis showed an active NOTCH2-HES1 signalling in INS cell lines, especially in cells resistant to 5-FU. Inhibition of the Notch pathway, using a gamma secretase inhibitor (GSI), enhanced the sensitivity of INS CSC-like cells to 5-FU. When used in combination GSI and 5-FU, the clonogenicity in vitro and the tumourigenicity in vivo of INS CSC-like cells were significantly reduced. These findings suggested that the combined strategy of Notch signalling inhibition and 5-FU synergistically attenuated enriched INS CSC populations, providing a rationale for future therapeutic exploitation

    Comparative review of human and canine osteosarcoma: morphology, epidemiology, prognosis, treatment and genetics

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    Osteosarcoma (OSA) is a rare cancer in people. However OSA incidence rates in dogs are 27 times higher than in people. Prognosis in both species is poor, with five year osteosarcoma survival rates in people not having improved in decades. For dogs, one year survival rates are only around ~45%. Improved and novel treatment regimens are urgently required to improve survival in both humans and dogs with OSA. Utilising information from genetic studies could assist in this in both species, with the higher incidence rates in dogs contributing to the dog population being a good model of human disease. This review compares the clinical characteristics, gross morphology and histopathology, aetiology, epidemiology, and genetics of canine and human osteosarcoma. Finally, the current position of canine osteosarcoma genetic research is discussed and areas for additional work within the canine population are identified