41 research outputs found


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    To shed light on previous research trends and future challenges regarding the effect of body position during hair washing on the mental and physical state of the subject, we conducted a literature review on “body position during hair washing” and “the effect on the mental and physical state of the subject of hair washing based on the body position during that process.” Using an online repository of major medical journals (Igaku Chuo Zasshi—WEB), we performed a search for “hair washing” and “body position or posture” without specifying a date range. When we excluded conference proceedings, meeting minutes, reviews, and commentaries and focused on papers describing the mental and physical effects on the subject of hair washing, we found 24 relevant papers. The results of our analysis revealed the following: 1) half of the research subjects were in a healthy group and half were in a disease group, with the most common conditions of those in the latter group being heart disease, threatened premature delivery/miscarriage, and anemia; 2) the body position used the most during hair washing was the supine position; 3) measurement variables were related to objective and subjective aspects, with the most common objective variables being pulse, heart rate, blood pressure, and the electromyogram, whereas the most common subjective variables were suffering, exhilaration,and fatigue; and 4) in patient subject groups, subjective factors, objective factors, and adjustments in the hair washing position according to the patientÊŒs illness or condition were used to investigate the physical and mental effects on the patient.Based on the trends in prior studies, it is hoped that in the future, there will be an increase in the amount of clinical data and further investigations toward generalization.掗髪の䜓䜍が察象者の心身に及がす圱響に぀いお、これたでの研究結果ず今埌の課題を明らかにするこずを目的ずし、「掗髪の䜓䜍」ず「その䜓䜍で掗髪をした際、掗髪を受ける察象者の心身に及がす圱響」に関する文献怜蚎を行った。医孊䞭倮雑誌WEB 版を甚いお発行幎の制限は行わず、「掗髪」、「䜓䜍or 姿勢」でキヌワヌド怜玢を行い、䌚議録、議事録、総説、解説を陀き、掗髪を受ける察象者の心身ぞの圱響を扱った文献に絞ったずころ、24 件が該圓した。結果、1研究察象者は、健康矀ず疟患矀、半数ず぀であり、疟患矀ずしおは、心疟患、切迫流早産、貧血の割合が倚かった、2掗髪䜓䜍ずしお、仰臥䜍を遞択しおいる研究が倚かった、3枬定項目は客芳的指暙ず䞻芳的指暙があり、客芳的指暙では脈拍、心拍数、血圧、筋電図が、䞻芳的指暙では苊痛、爜快感、疲劎感の割合が倚かった、4研究内容では、疟患矀においお察象の疟患や状態に合わせた掗髪の䜓䜍や䞻芳的・客芳的指暙から、患者の心身ぞの圱響を怜蚎しおいた。今埌、これら先行研究における怜蚎結果を螏たえ、さらに、実際に掗髪揎助が必芁な者を察象ずしお臚床などにおいおデヌタ数を増やし䞀般化に向け怜蚎を行うこずが必芁であるず考えられた。論

    ダセむ ドりブツ ホゎク ニ オケル ナりボクミン ト チベットノロバ ノ トチ ゜りゎ リペり ノ むチレむ

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    本調査では囜立公園内での家畜遊牧に぀いお野生動物ずの資源ず空間利甚における競合あるいは共有の実態を把握し評䟡するこずを目的ずした。察象はむンド・ゞャンムヌカシミヌル州のラダック管区ルプシュ地方を幎間遊牧するルプシュ・チャンパ以䞋「ルプシュパ」ずルプシュ地方のツォ・カル湖呚蟺域に生息するチベットノロバ以䞋「キャン」Equus kiang kiangを察象ずした。調査方法は20102013幎の春期繁殖期倏期秋期冬期におけるチャンパぞの聞取り調査キャンの定点芳察及び远跡調査法等によりルプシュパの遊牧移動方法ずツォ・カル湖呚蟺域の繁殖期・非繁殖期における攟牧域ずキャンの分垃域の重耇状況を分析した。その結果ルプシュパずキャンのツォ・カル湖呚蟺域での利甚状況は冬期春期のキャンの分垃は也燥域を䞭心ずしたた攟牧家畜は怍物量の倚い湿地郚也燥域ずに棲み分けおいた。たた繁殖期にキャンはツォ・カル湖呚蟺平坊域に耇数の瞄匵りを展開するが攟牧家畜は同呚蟺域を去り地理的に隔たった他の谷間やより高地を利甚しおおり繁殖期における互いの空間的䟵害は回避されおいた。さらに倏期8月のツォ・カル湖呚蟺平坊域の非攟牧期間ずキャンの非分垃期間の重なりは湿地を含む越冬攟牧地の䌑閑期を䜜りだしおいた。ルプシュパの遊牧方法には食草を維持するために集玄利甚を避ける頻床の高い攟牧地間移動のみならず1ルプシュパ内グルヌプ別移動による攟牧地利甚の時間的地理的なずらし2冬期春期のキャンずの重耇利甚地区での空間的ずらしさらには3キャンの繁殖期ず倏期6月9月の䞍圚によるずらしずいった耇数のずらし機胜が確認できた。このような幟぀ものずらしが野生動物や怍物ぞの䟵害や負荷を軜枛させツォ・カル湖呚蟺域に生息するキャンずの盞互的土地利甚を可胜にする芁因であるず考えられた。In this survey, the objective was to understand and evaluate the actual situation of competition over or sharing of resources and space between nomads and wild animals with regard to nomadic grazing within a national park. The subjects of the survey were the Rupshu Changpa (hereinafter referred to as Rupshupa), who move in the Rupshu area of the Ladakh region in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, and the Kiang (Equus kiang kiang), which inhabit the area around Tso Kar Lake in Rupshu. The survey method consisted of interviewing the Changpa as well as fixed-point observations and focal animal sampling of the Kiang during the spring, breeding period, summer, fall, and winter seasons between 2010 and 2013. Through this survey, an analysis was conducted concerning the nomadic grazing migration method of the Rupshupa and the situation of overlapping of the grazing areas and distribution areas of the Kiang during the breeding and non-breeding periods in the area around Tso Kar Lake. As a result, it was determined that the situation of usage of the areas around Tso Kar Lake by the Rupshupa and the Kiang was as follows : The Kiang mainly inhabited the dry areas during the winter through spring seasons, while grazing livestock separately inhabited wetlands and dry areas abounding in vegetation. In addition, while the Kiang make their territories in many places around the Tso Kar Lake area during the breeding period, the grazing livestock leave the surrounding areas and use other valleys and highlands that are geographically distant. Therefore, mutual spatial infringement between the Kiang and the grazing livestock during the breeding period was avoided. Moreover, the overlapping of the non-grazing period and the non-distribution period of the Kiang in the areas around Tso Kar Lake during the summer (August) had created a period of fallowing for the wintering rangeland that includes the rich wetlands. It was confirmed that the method of nomadic grazing by the Rupshupa consisted of not only very frequent movements among the rangelands intended to avoid concentrated usage of the rangelands in order to maintain edible grass but also several other shifting functions (resulting in keeping the Kiang and the grazing livestock separated) such as the following : 1) temporal and geographical shifting in the use of rangelands by having groups within the Rupshupa move separately ; 2) spatial shifting in areas that are used at the same time as the Kiang during the winter through spring seasons ; and 3) shifting as a result of absence of the Kiang during the breeding period and the summer season (May through September). It is thought that repeated shifting in these ways reduce impacts on wild animals and plants, and is a factor that makes mutual use of rangelands with the Kiang that inhabit the area around Tso Kar Lake possible

    Light-dependent induction of Edn2 expression and attenuation of retinal pathology by endothelin receptor antagonists in Prominin-1- deficient mice

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    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and macular dystrophy (MD) are prevalent retinal degenerative diseases associated with gradual photoreceptor death. These diseases are often caused by genetic mutations that result in degeneration of the retina postnatally after it has fully developed. The Prominin-1 gene (Prom1) is a causative gene for RP and MD, and Prom1- knockout (KO) mice recapitulate key features of these diseases including light-dependent retinal degeneration and stenosis of retinal blood vessels. The mechanisms underlying progression of such degeneration have remained unknown, however. We here analysed early events associated with retinal degeneration in Prom1-KO mice. We found that photoreceptor cell death and glial cell activation occur between 2 and 3 weeks after birth. High-throughput analysis revealed that expression of the endothelin-2 gene (Edn2) was markedly up-regulated in the Prom1-deficient retina during this period. Expression of Edn2 was also induced by light stimulation in Prom1-KO mice that had been reared in the dark. Finally, treatment with endothelin receptor antagonists attenuated photoreceptor cell death, gliosis, and retinal vessel stenosis in Prom1-KO mice. Our findings suggest that inhibitors of endothelin signalling may delay the progression of RP and MD and therefore warrant further study as potential therapeutic agents for these diseases


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    The aim of this study was to identify future challenges and trends of Japanese nursingrelated research to date regarding skin care for radiotherapy-induced dermatitis.We conducted a literature review on “skin care” performed by nurses for radiation dermatitis. Using an online repository of major medical journals (Igaku Chuo Zasshi ―WEB), we performed a search for “radiation therapy”, “dermatitis” (or “radiation dermatitis”), and “skincare” without specifying a date range. When we excluded conference proceedings and meeting minutes and focused on papers describing nursing, we found 14 relevant papers.The results of our analysis of these papers revealed the following:1) There were six case studies (42.9%), and many papers dealt with head and neck cancer patients.2) In terms of observation and evaluation items, there were eight papers (64.3%) that used the Common Terms for Adverse Events (CTCAE ver.4, Japanese translation JCOG version) as is; 14 (100.0%) that used skin conditions, such as redness, erosion, dryness, and desquamation as evaluative items; and 11 (78.6%) that observed subjective patient symptoms, such as pain and itching.3) Regarding skin care, there were 11 papers (78.6%) relating to washing, with many describing specific washing methods, such as, “Wash using low pH soap,” “Use soap that has been lathered well,” Rinse with warm water,” and “Wash by gently stroking and not rubbing.” There were 12 papers (85.7%) relating to moisturizing and wound management.4) Although there were many papers that stated that carrying out skin care improved dermatitis and prevented worsening, there was scant evidence illustrating such results.There is a need to investigate evaluative methods and increase the number of case studies in the future in order to make it possible for nurses to deliver skincare suited to the patient’s condition; based on accurate observation and assessment; and in accordance with radiation dermatitis skin conditions, attributes of radiation dermatitis patients, and risk factors. It is hoped that we will build evidence in terms of skin care for radiation dermatitis.攟射線療法により匕き起こされる皮膚炎に察するスキンケア぀いお、これたでわが囜で怜蚎されおいる看護に関連した研究の傟向や今埌の課題を明らかにするこずを目的ずし、攟射線皮膚炎に察するスキンケアに぀いお文献怜蚎を行った。具䜓的には、医孊䞭倮雑誌WEB 版を甚いお発行幎の制限は行わず、「攟射線療法」、「皮膚炎」、たたは、「攟射線皮膚炎」、「スキンケア」でキヌワヌド怜玢を行い、䌚議録、議事録を陀き、看護に関連する文献に絞ったずころ、14件が該圓した。 結果、以䞋のこずが明らかずなった。症䟋研究が件42.9を占めた。頭頞郚がん患者を扱った文献が倚かった。攟射線皮膚炎の芳察・評䟡項目は、有害事象共通甚語基準CTCAE ver.4、日本語蚳JCOG 版におけるGrade 分類をそのたた掻甚しおいた文献が件57.1、「発赀」、「びらん」、「也燥」、「萜屑」など皮膚の芳察状態を評䟡項目ずしお掻甚しおいた文献は14件100.0、「疌痛」、「掻痒感」などの患者の自芚症状を芳察しおいた文献は11件78.6であった。スキンケアは、掗浄に関する文献が11件78.6であり、その掗浄方法では「匱酞性の刺激の少ない掗浄剀たたは石鹞で掗う」「ぬるめのお湯で流す」、「擊らず撫でるように掗う」ずいった基本的な掗浄方法に぀いお蚘述されおいる文献が倚かった。保湿や創傷管理に関する文献は12件85.7であった。スキンケアを実斜するこずで、皮膚炎の改善や悪化を防ぐこずができたず蚘述しおいる文献は12件85.7ず倚かったが、その成果を瀺す根拠は乏しかった。 今埌、攟射線皮膚炎の患者の属性やリスク芁因、攟射線皮膚炎の皮膚状態に応じお、看護垫が的確な芳察やアセスメントを行った䞊で、患者の状態に合わせたスキンケア方法が実斜できるように、さらに症䟋数を増やし評䟡方法を怜蚎するこずが必芁であるず考えられた。攟射線皮膚炎に察するスキンケアにおける゚ビデンスの構築が求められる。論


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     本研究の目的は足济が膝関節などの運動噚に負担をかけない有酞玠運動ずなるか怜蚎するこずである。高霢者29名平均73.2歳を察象に、3人1組で開始42℃、終了時40℃の足济を30分間行った。脈拍数、前額郚および䞡䞋肢皮膚枩の枬定、䞻芳的な運動感の評䟡を行い、分析は察応のある䞀元配眮分散分析、Friedman怜定を行った。結果、脈拍数の増加が認められたが、40の運動匷床ずなる脈拍数になった者はいなかった。前額郚皮膚枩は足济による圱響の傟向がみられ P = 0.058、䞋肢皮膚枩は圱響が認められた P  0.000。䞻芳的評䟡では「運動した感じ」、「身䜓が軜くなった感じ」、「足が軜くなった感じ」の倉化に有意差があったいずれも P  0.000。足济が有酞玠運動ずなるかの指暙ずしおは、脈拍数のみではなく、酞玠消費量等の芳点からの怜蚎も必芁ず考えられた

    Expression and characterization of protein disulfide isomerase family proteins in bread wheat.

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    [Background]The major wheat seed proteins are storage proteins that are synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of starchy endosperm cells. Many of these proteins have intra- and intermolecular disulfide bonds. In eukaryotes, the formation of most intramolecular disulfide bonds in the ER is thought to be catalyzed by protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) family proteins. The cDNAs that encode eight groups of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) PDI family proteins have been cloned, and their expression levels in developing wheat grains have been determined. The purpose of the present study was to characterize the enzymatic properties of the wheat PDI family proteins and clarify their expression patterns in wheat caryopses. [Results]PDI family cDNAs, which are categorized into group I (TaPDIL1Aα, TaPDIL1Aβ, TaPDIL1Aγ, TaPDIL1AΎ, and TaPDIL1B), group II (TaPDIL2), group III (TaPDIL3A), group IV (TaPDIL4D), and group V (TaPDIL5A), were cloned. The expression levels of recombinant TaPDIL1Aα, TaPDIL1B, TaPDIL2, TaPDIL3A, TaPDIL4D, and TaPDIL5A in Escherichia coli were established from the cloned cDNAs. All recombinant proteins were expressed in soluble forms and purified. Aside from TaPDIL3A, the recombinant proteins exhibited oxidative refolding activity on reduced and denatured ribonuclease A. Five groups of PDI family proteins were distributed throughout wheat caryopses, and expression levels of these proteins were higher during grain filling than in the late stage of maturing. Localization of these proteins in the ER was confirmed by fluorescent immunostaining of the immature caryopses. In mature grains, the five groups of PDI family proteins remained in the aleurone cells and the protein matrix of the starchy endosperm. [Conclusions]High expression of PDI family proteins during grain filling in the starchy endosperm suggest that these proteins play an important role in forming intramolecular disulfide bonds in seed storage proteins. In addition, these PDI family proteins that remain in the aleurone layers of mature grains likely assist in folding newly synthesized hydrolytic enzymes during germination

    Skin Reaction Induced by Aldehydes for Food Flavoring Agents

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