253 research outputs found

    Ein neues Konzept zur Realisierung von Software-Kopierschutz

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    Zur sicheren Realisierung von Software Kopierschutz ist unserer Meinung nach eine zusĂ€tzliche Hardwarekomponente notwendig. Bei reinen Softwarelösungen, wie zB. einer Passwortabfrage oder dem Ausgeben einer Lizenz meldung auf dem Bildschirm, reduziert sich das Problem, einen effektiven Kopierschutz zu realisieren, auf die Aufgabe, Codemanipulationen zu verhindern. Dazu muß auf den Code wie auf Daten zugegriffen werden, zB. um Vergleichsoperationen durchfĂŒhren zu können. Da aber Code und Datensegmente leicht zu trennen sind, können solche Zugriffe auf das Codesegment relativ einfach isoliert und gepatcht werden

    "C'est incroyable" : Goethe et la gravure satirique du Directoire ou La comparaison infinie

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    En passant par Francfort, sa ville natale, le 23 aoĂ»t 1797, Goethe fait la dĂ©couverte d'"environ deux cents gravures satiriques françaises" comme il l'Ă©crit le lendemain Ă  Schiller. Il s'agit de gravures faites il y a deux ou trois ans Ă  Paris, la derniĂšre au mois de mars 1797. [...] De toute façon Goethe choisit 55 de ces gravures, les "schĂ©matise" (ibid.), comme il dit lui-mĂȘme, et en donne une brĂšve description. RĂ©sultat: le manuscrit "Recension einer Anzahl französischer satyrischer Kupferstiche" que son secrĂ©taire du nom de Geist recopie sous la dictĂ©e de son maĂźtre

    Disturbing visual working memory:electrophysiological evidence for a role of the prefrontal cortex in recovery from interference

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    Single cell recordings in monkeys support the notion that the lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) controls reactivation of visual working memory representations when rehearsal is disrupted. In contrast, recent fMRI findings yielded a double dissociation for PFC and the medial temporal lobe (MTL) in a letter working memory task. PFC was engaged in interference protection during reactivation while MTL was prominently involved in the retrieval of the letter representations. We present event-related potential data (ERP) that support PFC involvement in the top-down control of reactivation during a visual working memory task with endogenously triggered recovery after visual interference. A differentiating view is proposed for the role of PFC in working memory with respect to endogenous/exogenous control and to stimulus type. General implications for binding and retention mechanisms are discussed

    The sound of concepts: The link between auditory and conceptual brain systems

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    Concepts in long-term memory are important building blocks of human cognition and are the basis for object recognition, language and thought. While it is well accepted that concepts are comprised of features related to sensory object attributes, it is still unclear how these features are represented in the brain. Of central interest is whether concepts are essentially grounded in perception. This would imply a common neuroanatomical substrate for perceptual and conceptual processing. Here we show using functional magnetic resonance imaging and recordings of event-related potentials that acoustic conceptual features rapidly recruit auditory areas even when implicitly presented through visual words. Recognizing words denoting objects for which acoustic features are highly relevant (e.g. "telephone") suffices to ignite cell assemblies in the posterior superior and middle temporal gyrus (pSTG/MTG) that were also activated by listening to real sounds. Activity in pSTG/MTG had an onset of 150 ms and increased parametrically as a function of acoustic feature relevance. Both findings suggest a conceptual origin of this effect rather than post-conceptual strategies such as imagery. The presently demonstrated link between auditory and conceptual brain systems parallels observations in other memory systems suggesting that modality-specificity represents a general organizational principle in cortical memory representation. The understanding of concepts as a partial reinstatement of brain activity during perception stresses the necessity of rich sensory experiences for concept acquisition. The modality-specific nature of concepts could also explain the difficulties in achieving a consensus about overall definitions of abstract concepts such as freedom or justice unless embedded in a concrete, experienced situation

    Digitale Wissensvermittlung im Spracherwerb

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    Ein neues Konzept zur Realisierung von Software-Kopierschutz

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    Zur sicheren Realisierung von Software Kopierschutz ist unserer Meinung nach eine zusĂ€tzliche Hardwarekomponente notwendig. Bei reinen Softwarelösungen, wie zB. einer Passwortabfrage oder dem Ausgeben einer Lizenz meldung auf dem Bildschirm, reduziert sich das Problem, einen effektiven Kopierschutz zu realisieren, auf die Aufgabe, Codemanipulationen zu verhindern. Dazu muß auf den Code wie auf Daten zugegriffen werden, zB. um Vergleichsoperationen durchfĂŒhren zu können. Da aber Code und Datensegmente leicht zu trennen sind, können solche Zugriffe auf das Codesegment relativ einfach isoliert und gepatcht werden

    Carl Einstein und der Mythos

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    Der von Nietzsche ausgerufene Tod Gottes zeitigt im Werk Carl Einsteins mehrere Reaktionen. In den Dilettanten des Wunders und in G.F.R.G. ĂŒberwiegt die Skepsis hinsichtlich eines Ersatzmythos, den er gleichzeitig mit Nachdruck fordert. Der Begriff der Gemeinschaft spielt dabei eine zentrale Rolle, erst in kommunistischer, dann anarchistisch-syndikalistischer Gestalt. Unter dem Einfluss der Negerplastik sucht Einstein aber auch eine Ă€sthetische Lösung des transzendentalen Problems, die um 1930 in der direkten Forderung nach einem neuen Mythos gipfelt. WĂ€hrend er die fremdkulturelle Primitive „ethnologisiert“, glaubt Einstein nun ĂŒber surrealistische Verfahren das kollektive Unbewusste erreichen zu können. 1933 wird diese Hoffnung durch einen anderen Mythos, den des Dritten Reiches, zerschmettert – „jude ohne gott“, erwacht Einstein aus seinen utopischen TrĂ€umen im Exil: In der Fabrikation der Fiktionen wendet er nunmehr seine „Ethnologie du Blanc“ zur radikalen Ideologiekritik, in die er sich selber mit einschließt. Ideell und auch wirtschaftlich ruiniert, engagiert er sich in Spanien im antifaschistischen Kampf und erlebt wiederum Gemeinschaft auf Seiten des legendĂ€ren Buonaventura Durutti.La mort de Dieu, proclamĂ©e par Nietzsche, provoque tout un complexe de rĂ©actions dans l’Ɠuvre de Carl Einstein. Dans les Dilettantes du miracle et dans G.F.R.G., son scepticisme l’emporte sur l’espoir d’un Ersatz mythique qu’il revendique en mĂȘme temps avec la plus grande insistance. Dans ce contexte, l’idĂ©e de communautĂ© joue un rĂŽle central, d’abord sous la forme du communisme, plus tard sous la forme anarcho-syndicaliste. Pourtant, sous l’influence de la Sculpture nĂšgre, Einstein cherche aussi une solution esthĂ©tique au problĂšme transcendantal, recherche qui parvient Ă  son apogĂ©e avec la crĂ©ation postulĂ©e d’un mythe nouveau. Soumettant les cultures primitives Ă  une analyse ethnologique, il croit pouvoir atteindre l’inconscient collectif de son public Ă  l’aide de procĂ©dĂ©s surrĂ©alistes. En 1933, cet espoir est anĂ©anti par un autre mythe, celui du TroisiĂšme Reich – « juif sans dieu », Einstein se rĂ©veille de ses rĂȘves utopiques en exil. Dans Fabrication des fictions, il transforme son « Ethnologie du Blanc » en une critique idĂ©ologique radicale, incluant aussi sa propre position. Devant l’échec de sa quĂȘte spirituelle, et Ă©conomiquement ruinĂ©, Einstein s’engage dans la lutte antifasciste en Espagne, oĂč il vit une nouvelle expĂ©rience communautaire aux cĂŽtĂ©s du lĂ©gendaire Buonaventura Durutti.In Carl Einstein’s work, the death of God, as proclaimed by Nietzsche, provokes several responses. In the Dilettantes of Miracle or in G.F.R.G., his scepticism prevails over the desire of a mythical Ersatz which Einstein nevertheless postulates vigorously. In this context, the concept of community plays a central role, first in form of communism, then in form of anarcho-syndicalism. But under the influence of Negro Sculpture, Einstein looks out for an aesthetic solution of the transcendental problem which around 1930 culminates in the demand to create a new myth following surrealist procedures. In 1933 this hope is annihilated by another myth, the myth of the Third Reich – “jew without god”, Einstein wakes up from his utopian dreams in exile. In his Fabrication of Fictions, he transforms his “Ethnologie du Blanc” into a radical ideological critique which includes his own position. Ruined intellectually and economically, Einstein engages in the antifascist fight in Spain, and he lives again a mythical community on the side of the legendary Buonaventura Durutti

    Magnetic phase diagram of CePt3B1-xSix

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    We present a study of the main bulk properties (susceptibility, magnetization, resistivity and specific heat) of CePt_3B_(1-x)Si-x, an alloying system that crystallizes in a noncentrosymmetric lattice, and derive the magnetic phase diagram. The materials at the end point of the alloying series have previously been studied, with CePt_3B established as a material with two different magnetic phases at low temperatures (antiferromagnetic below T_N = 7.8 K, weakly ferromagnetic below T_C ~ 5 K), while CePt3Si is a heavy fermion superconductor (T_c = 0.75 K) coexisting with antiferromagnetism (T_N = 2.2 K). From our experiments we conclude that the magnetic phase diagram is divided into two regions. In the region of low Si content (up to x ~ 0.7) the material properties resemble those of CePt3B. Upon increasing the Si concentration further the magnetic ground state continuously transforms into that of CePt3Si. In essence, we argue that CePt_3B can be understood as a low pressure variant of CePt3Si.Comment: 7pages, 9figure

    Communication Between Process and Structure: Modelling and Simulating Message Reference Networks with COM/TE

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    Focusing on observable message signs and referencing structures, communication processes can be described and analysed as message reference networks which are characterized by dynamic pattern evolution. Computational simulation provides a way of obtaining insights into the factors driving such processes. Our paper describes a theoretical framework for communication-oriented modelling ñ€” the COM approach ñ€” that is centred around the notion of social visibility as a reputation mechanism. The approach contrasts with agent-based social networks on the one hand, and with bibliometric document networks on the other. In introducing our simulation environment COM/TE, typical properties of message reference networks are discussed in terms of a case study which deals with the impact of different media and styles of communication on emergent patterns of social visibility.Communication, Communication-Oriented Modelling, Message Sign, Dynamic Networks, Bottom-up Approach, Temporality, Social Visibility, Reputation, Socionics

    Influence of insufflated carbon dioxide on abdominal temperature compared to oesophageal temperature during laparoscopic surgery

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    BACKGROUND Body core temperature is an important vital parameter during surgery and anaesthesia. It is influenced by several patient-related and surgery-related factors. Laparoscopy is considered beneficial in terms of a variety of parameters, for example, postoperative pain and length of hospital stay. Non-humidified, non-warmed insufflated CO2 applied during laparoscopy is standard of care. This prospective observational trial therefore evaluates the impact of non-humidified CO2 at room temperature on abdominal temperature and its correlation to body core temperature. METHODS Seventy patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery were included in this prospective observational study. Temperature was measured oesophageal and abdominal before induction of anaesthesia (T1), right before skin incision (T2), 15 min, 30 min and 60 min after skin incision. All patients were treated according to actual guidelines for perioperative temperature measurement. RESULTS Body core temperature and abdominal temperature correlated moderately (r = 0.6123; p < 0.0001). Bland-Altman plot for comparison of methods showed an average difference of 0.4 °C (bias - 0.3955; 95 agreement of bias from - 2.365 to 1.574). Abdominal temperature further decreased after establishing pneumoperitoneum (T2: 36.2 °C (35.9/36.4) to T5: 36.1 °C (35.6/36.4); p < 0.0001), whereas oesophageal temperature increased (T2: 36.2 °C (35.9/36.4) to 36.4 °C (36.0/36.7); p = 0.0296). Values of oesophageal and abdominal measurement points differed at T4 (36.3 °C (36.0/36.6) vs. 36.1 °C (35.4/36.6); p < 0.0001) and T5 (36.4 °C (36.0/36.7) vs. 36.1 °C (35.6/36.4) p = 0.0003). CONCLUSION This prospective observational trial shows the influence of insufflated, non-humidified carbon dioxide at room temperature on abdominal temperature during laparoscopic surgery. We show that carbon dioxide applied at these conditions decreases abdominal temperature and therefore might be a risk factor for perioperative hypothermia
