393 research outputs found

    A Uterine Stone: A Case Report

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    Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) about Insecticide Treated Net (ITN) usage against Malaria in Kolla Tembien district, Tigray, Ethiopia

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    Optimal use of insecticide treated nets (ITNs) to prevent malaria in a community depends on vector behavior, mass distribution, knowledge and willingness of people to use the nets. This study was aimed at evaluating knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) about ITNs at household level in rural sub-distracts of Kolla Tembien. For this purpose, interview questionnaire containing KAP variables were administered to the randomly selected household heads. A total of 368 households were surveyed, and 70.10 % of the respondents were females. The X number of occupants in the households surveyed was found to be 5.50. However, the X number of ITNs owned by the households was found to be 1.07. Most of the respondents (82.34%) indicated ITNs prevent malaria through protection from mosquito bites. Seventy six percent of the respondents claimed children 0.05). Out of the 260 nets inspected for usage and physical condition during the survey period, more than 50% were kept in a box or other container in the households. Nets that were graded as clean and very dirty accounted for 25% and 25.77%, respectively. Physical inspection of the randomly sampled nets also revealed holes ranging from those that didn’t allow a thumb to pass through ( X number = 3.47) to those that were wider than a closed fist ( X number = 1.64). The over all knowledge, attitude and practice of ITN usage was found to be satisfactory in the study district. However, the occupant net ratio must be narrowed and attention needs to be given to malaria vulnerable groups in the household. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of net usage after distribution should be instituted to avoid misuses and associated net damages in the study areas

    Ex-ante assessment of demand for improved forage seed and planting materials among Ethiopian smallholder farmers: A contingent valuation analysis

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    United States Agency for International Developmen

    Ex-ante assessment of demand for improved forage seed and planting materials among smallholder farmers in Ethiopia: A contingent valuation analysis

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    United States Agency for International Developmen

    Ex-ante assessment of potential market demands and commercial viabilities for private forage seeds production in Ethiopia

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    United States Agency for International Developmen

    Intra- and interspecific polymorphisms ofLeishmania donovani andL. tropica minicircle DNA

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    A pair of degenerate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers (LEI-1, TCG GAT CC[C,T] [G,C]TG GGT AGG GGC GT; LEI-2, ACG GAT CC[G,C] [G,C][A,C]C TAT [A,T]TT ACA CC) defining a 0.15-kb segment ofLeishmania minicircle DNA was constructed. These primers amplified not only inter- but also intraspecifically polymorphic sequences. Individual sequences revealed a higher intraspecific than interspecific divergence. It is concluded that individual sequences are of limited relevance for species determination. In contrast, when a data base of 19 different sequences was analyzed in a dendrographic plot, an accurate species differentiation was feasible

    Overcoming barriers to climate change adaptation policy implementation: insights from Ethiopia

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    This paper discusses Ethiopia’s planned climate adaptation interventions and the barriers that impede implementation of adaptation policies at the local level by using the case study of Raya Azebo district. Data was collected through reviews of policy documents, focus group discussions with farmers and interviews with relevant government actors. Results indicate that climate change is addressed in various policy documents but there is limited progress in implementation of these policies. The study identified various barriers to climate adaptation policy implementation which included a lack of financial resources, poor coordination among institutional actors and local actors’ low technical capacities for addressing climate change. The study contributes to the literature of climate change policy planning and implementation in low-income and lower-middle-income countries and suggests measures to overcome the existing barriers to climate change adaptation policiesRahwa Kidane, Thomas Wanner and Melissa Nursey-Bra

    Mechanism for deep crustal seismicity: Insight from modeling of deformation process at the Main Ethiopian Rift

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    We combine numerical modeling of lithospheric extension with analysis of seismic moment release and earthquake b-value in order to elucidate the mechanism for deep crustal seismicity and seismic swarms in the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER). We run 2-D numerical simulations of lithospheric deformation calibrated by appropriate rheology and extensional history of the MER to simulate migration of deformation from mid-Miocene border faults to ∼30 km wide zone of Pliocene to recent rift floor faults. While currently the highest strain rate is localized in a narrow zone within the rift axis, brittle strain has been accumulated in a wide region of the rift. The magnitude of deviatoric stress shows strong variation with depth. The uppermost crust deforms with maximum stress of 80 MPa, at 8–14 km depth stress sharply decreases to 10 MPa and then increases to a maximum of 160 MPa at ∼18 km depth. These two peaks at which the crust deforms with maximum stress of 80 MPa or above correspond to peaks in the seismic moment release. Correspondingly, the drop in stress at 8–14 km correlates to a low in seismic moment release. At this depth range, the crust is weaker and deformation is mainly accommodated in a ductile manner. We therefore see a good correlation between depths at which the crust is strong and elevated seismic deformation, while regions where the crust is weaker deform more aseismically. Overall, the bimodal depth distribution of seismic moment release is best explained by the rheology of the deforming crust


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    Limited access to seed of improved varieties is an impediment to agricultural productivity in sub-Saharan Africa. Researchers in the national and international agricultural research systems have been piloting a community based seed multiplication and marketing enterprises (CBSME) model, as an alternative to the formal seed systems, in order to increase availability and accessibility to quality seed of improved common bean ( Phaseolus vulvaris L.) varieties by smallholder farmers. The objective of this study was to assess the profitability of CBSME as an enterprise for seed production and analyse factors that influence farmers\u2019 decisions to participate in it as seed producers or buyers of seed. Gross margins were computed to assess value addition at farm level; while Tobit and multivariate probit models used to respectively, analyse determinants of participation in community based seed multiplication enterprise and its use by producers as a seed source. The community based seed multiplication enterprises were found to be profitable, generating US$792 as gross margins and accessible to farmers for the bean seed, along other seed sources, i.e. formal and informal seed systems. These three seed production and delivery models competed at farm level, but complemented each other in terms of reaching users in different social groups and locations. Community based seed multiplication enterprises as sources of seed were used by farmers located in rural areas and those in farmer organisations/cooperatives. However, seed production through this model is concentrated closer to urban areas, where individual seed producers are easily linked to the formal seed system. This, however, makes the marketing of seed reliant on big buyers for redistribution among remote farming communities.L\u2019acc\ue8s limit\ue9 aux semences de vari\ue9t\ue9s am\ue9lior\ue9es est un obstacle \ue0 la productivit\ue9 agricole en Afrique sub-Saharienne. Les cherheurs dans les systems nationaux de recherches agricoles sont entrain de tester des mod\ue8les d\u2019entreprises communautaires de multiplication et de commercialisation (CBSME); comme une alternative aux syst\ue8mes semenciers formels, dans le but d\u2019accro\ueetre la disponibilit\ue9 et l\u2019accessibilit\ue9 aux semences de qualit\ue9 de l\u2019haricot commun ( Phaseolus vulvaris L.) par les petits producteurs. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9valuer la profitabilit\ue9 de CBSME comme une entreprise de production des semences et d\u2019analyser les facteurs qui influencent les d\ue9cisions des producteurs \ue0 y participer en tant que producteurs et acheteurs de semences. Les marges brutes \ue9taient calcul\ue9es pour \ue9valuer la value ajout\ue9e au niveau de l\u2019exploitation agricole, tandis que les mod\ue8les de Tobit et multivari\ue9 de Probit \ue9taient utilis\ue9s respectivelement, pour analyser les determinants de participation \ue0 l\u2019entreprise de multiplication des semences communautaires et son utilisation par les producteurs comme une source de semences. Les entreprises de multiplication des semences communautaires ont \ue9t\ue9 identifi\ue9es rentables, g\ue9n\ue9rant des marges brutes de 792 US dollars et les semences de l\u2019haricot sont accessibles aux producteurs, compar\ue9es \ue0 d\u2019autres sources de semences, c\u2019est-\ue0-dire les syst\ue8mes semenciers formel et informel. Ces trois mod\ue8les de production et de distribution des semences se rivalisent \ue0 l\u2019\ue9chelle de l\u2019exploitation agricole, mais se compl\ue8tent en atteignant differents groupes sociaux d\u2019utilisateurs dans de localit\ue9s diff\ue9rentes. Les entreprises de multiplication des semences communautaires comme sources de semences, \ue9taient utilis\ue9es par les producteurs situ\ue9s dans les milieux ruraux et ceux en organisations/coop\ue9ratives paysannes. N\ue9amoins, la production des semences \ue0 travers ce mod\ue8le est plus concentr\ue9e dans les zones urbaines, o\uf9 les producteurs individuels de semences entrent facilement en contact avec le syst\ue8me semencier formel. Ceci, cependant met la commercialisation de la semence en \ue9troit contact avec les grands acheteurs pour la redistribution des semences entre les communaut\ue9s paysannes isol\ue9es
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