7 research outputs found

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    Weed management in rabi onionOnion (Allium cepa L.) is short duration, shallow rooted bulb vegetable crops commonly cultivated throughout the India and it is more prone to weed menace. Weed infestation is the one of the limiting factor in quality bulb production in onion. Weeds interfere with development of bulbs also adds cost of cultivation. Removal of weeds through hand weeding method is laborious, costly and time consuming. This situation makes it necessary to use herbicides for effective and timely control of weeds in this crop. It is thus highly imperative to schedule suitable method of weed control by application of different herbicides for enhancing profits to the onion growers of the country. With this background, an experiment was conducted at Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajgurunagar, Pune in clay loam soil using rabi onion cultivar N 2-4-1 with different herbicides like Oxyflurofen, Quizalofop Ethyl and Pendimethalin in comparison with weedy check. It was observed that among the various herbicides evaluated, application of Oxyflurofen 23.5 % EC @ 1.5ml/L before planting and one hand weeding at 40-60 days after onion seedlings transplanting recorded the higher marketable bulb yield (43.5t/ha) with maximum weed control efficiency of 78.4%.The same treatment was also recorded higher cost benefit ratio of 1:3.06.Not Availabl

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    Drip irrigation on onion (Allium cepa) seed production under western condition of MaharashtraAn experiment was conducted at Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, Rajguru Nagar, Pune, Maharshahtra during 2009-2012 to study the feasibility and economic viability of different levels and frequency of drip irrigation in comparison with flood irrigation on growth, yield and yield contributing characters of onion seed crop under western Maharashtra conditions. The experiment results revealed that, there was significant effect on growth, yield and yield contributing characters of onion seed crop as influenced by different methods and levels of irrigation practices. Among the different methods, levels and frequency of irrigation evaluated, drip irrigation at 100% PE daily improved the growth, yield and yield contributing parameters. With regards to yield, among the drip irrigation treatments and frequency, the higher seed yield was recorded at drip irrigation at 100 PE (582.6 kg/ha) in daily interval followed by drip irrigation at 100% PE daily (506.4 kg/ha) interval. Moreover, it was clearly indicated from the experiment results that the saving of irrigation water was to the tune of 37.5 % in drip system under best treatment as compared to surface irrigation, when it was scheduled at 50mm CPE with 7 cm depth.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableOnion and garlic research in India has produced 45 open-pollinated and two F1 hybrids in onion and approximately 25 varieties in garlic. Red onion is used for domestic consumption and export while the white onion is used mostly for processing. Improvement in garlic has been largely through clonal selection and mutation breeding. Somaclonal variations for development of varieties have not been used till now. Research on biotechnology for crop improvement in onion and garlic in India is in a nascent stage. While research on crop production has seen tremendous improvement, research on organic production and precision farming, good agricultural practices and mechanization needs to be carried out in future. Similarly, studies on plant protection have identified researchable issues for future work. This paper gives a brief overview of onion and garlic research scenario in India and technologies needed to be developed and practiced.Not Availabl

    Pathology of the Nervous System

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