45 research outputs found

    Postural control anomalies in children with Tourette syndrome

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    The goal of the present study was to determine whether postural control is affected in Gilles-de-la-Tourette syndrome (TS). Center of pressure (COP) displacements were recorded in children with TS and unaffected siblings (7-16 yrs) in three conditions using a force platform: 1) Eyes-Open, 2) Eyes-Closed, 3) One-Leg standing with eyes open. The COP range and velocity were higher in children with TS than in unaffected siblings in all conditions. These differences could not be attributed to age, present tic severity, comorbidities (hyperactivity and compulsions) or medication. The data suggest that sub-clinical postural control anomalies are present in TS

    Network-based social capital and capacity-building programs: an example from Ethiopia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Capacity-building programs are vital for healthcare workforce development in low- and middle-income countries. In addition to increasing human capital, participation in such programs may lead to new professional networks and access to social capital. Although network development and social capital generation were not explicit program goals, we took advantage of a natural experiment and studied the social networks that developed in the first year of an executive-education Master of Hospital and Healthcare Administration (MHA) program in Jimma, Ethiopia.</p> <p>Case description</p> <p>We conducted a sociometric network analysis, which included all program participants and supporters (formally affiliated educators and mentors). We studied two networks: the Trainee Network (all 25 trainees) and the Trainee-Supporter Network (25 trainees and 38 supporters). The independent variable of interest was out-degree, the number of program-related connections reported by each respondent. We assessed social capital exchange in terms of resource exchange, both informational and functional. Contingency table analysis for relational data was used to evaluate the relationship between out-degree and informational and functional exchange.</p> <p>Discussion and evaluation</p> <p>Both networks demonstrated growth and inclusion of most or all network members. In the Trainee Network, those with the highest level of out-degree had the highest reports of informational exchange, χ<sup>2 </sup>(1, <it>N </it>= 23) = 123.61, p < 0.01. We did not find a statistically significant relationship between out-degree and functional exchange in this network, χ<sup>2</sup>(1, <it>N </it>= 23) = 26.11, p > 0.05. In the Trainee-Supporter Network, trainees with the highest level of out-degree had the highest reports of informational exchange, χ<sup>2 </sup>(1, <it>N </it>= 23) = 74.93, p < 0.05. The same pattern held for functional exchange, χ<sup>2 </sup>(1, <it>N </it>= 23) = 81.31, p < 0.01.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We found substantial and productive development of social networks in the first year of a healthcare management capacity-building program. Environmental constraints, such as limited access to information and communication technologies, or challenges with transportation and logistics, may limit the ability of some participants to engage in the networks fully. This work suggests that intentional social network development may be an important opportunity for capacity-building programs as healthcare systems improve their ability to manage resources and tackle emerging problems.</p

    Strengthening field-based training in low and middle-income countries to build public health capacity: Lessons from Australia's Master of Applied Epidemiology program

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    BACKGROUND: The International Health Regulations (2005) and the emergence and global spread of infectious diseases have triggered a re-assessment of how rich countries should support capacity development for communicable disease control in low and medium income countries (LMIC). In LMIC, three types of public health training have been tried: the university-based model; streamed training for specialised workers; and field-based programs. The first has low rates of production and teaching may not always be based on the needs and priorities of the host country. The second model is efficient, but does not accord the workers sufficient status to enable them to impact on policy. The third has the most potential as a capacity development measure for LMIC, but in practice faces challenges which may limit its ability to promote capacity development. DISCUSSION: We describe Australia's first Master of Applied Epidemiology (MAE) model (established in 1991), which uses field-based training to strengthen the control of communicable diseases. A central attribute of this model is the way it partners and complements health department initiatives to enhance workforce skills, health system performance and the evidence-base for policies, programs and practice. SUMMARY: The MAE experience throws light on ways Australia could collaborate in regional capacity development initiatives. Key needs are a shared vision for a regional approach to integrate training with initiatives that strengthen service and research, and the pooling of human, financial and technical resources. We focus on communicable diseases, but our findings and recommendations are generalisable to other areas of public health