13 research outputs found
Detection of Single DNA Molecule Hybridization on a Surface by Atomic Force Microscopy
International audienceImproving the detection of DNA hybridization is a critical issue for several challenging applications encountered in microarray and biosensor domains. Herein, it is demonstrated that hybridization between complementary single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) molecules loosely adsorbed on a mica surface can be achieved thanks to fine-tuning of the composition of the hybridization buffer. Single-molecule DNA hybridization occurs in only a few minutes upon encounters of freely diffusing complementary strands on the mica surface. Interestingly, the specific hybridization between complementary ssDNA is not altered in the presence of large amounts of nonrelated DNA. The detection of single-molecule DNA hybridization events is performed by measuring the contour length of DNA in atomic force microscopy images. Besides the advantage provided by facilitated diffusion, which promotes hybridization between probes and targets on mica, the present approach also allows the detection of single isolated DNA duplexes and thus requires a very low amount of both probe and target molecules
Locking alleviation in the large displacement analysis of beam elements: the strain split method
This paper proposes a new locking alleviation technique for absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF) beam and plate elements based on a strain split approach. The paper also surveys classical finite element (FE) and ANCF locking alleviation techniques discussed in the literature. Because ANCF beam elements, which allow for the cross-sectional stretch fully capture the Poisson effect, Poisson locking is an issue when such beam elements are considered. The two-dimensional fully parameterized ANCF beam element is primarily used in this investigation because such an element can serve as a good surrogate model for three-dimensional ANCF beams and plates as far as membrane, bending and transverse shearing behavior is concerned. In addition to proposing the strain split method (SSM) for ANCF locking alleviation, this work assesses the ANCF element performance in the cases of higher-order interpolation, enhanced assumed strain method, elastic line method, and the enhanced continuum mechanics approach, and demonstrates the design of the enhanced strain interpolation function by using the shape functions of higher-order ANCF elements. Additionally, a new higher-order ANCF two-dimensional beam element is proposed in order to compare its performance with other finite elements that require the use of other locking alleviation techniques proposed and reviewed in the paper. Finally, several numerical examples are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of the locking alleviation methods applied to ANCF elements. The purpose of this investigation, apart from proposing a new locking alleviation technique, a new higher-order beam element, and comparing several existing locking alleviation techniques, is to show that dealing with locking in fully parameterized ANCF elements is feasible and that several methods exist to effectively improve the ANCF element performance without sacrificing important ANCF element properties and features including position vector gradient continuity. Because of the use of ANCF position vector gradients as nodal coordinates, complex stress-free initially-curved geometries can be systematically obtained. Such initially-curved geometries require special attention when attempting to solve locking problems, as will be discussed in this paper