585 research outputs found

    Lipid Adjustment in the Analysis of Environmental Contaminants and Human Health Risks

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    The literature on exposure to lipophilic agents such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is conflicting, posing challenges for the interpretation of potential human health risks. Laboratory variation in quantifying PCBs may account for some of the conflicting study results. For example, for quantification purposes, blood is often used as a proxy for adipose tissue, which makes it necessary to model serum lipids when assessing health risks of PCBs. Using a simulation study, we evaluated four statistical models (unadjusted, standardized, adjusted, and two-stage) for the analysis of PCB exposure, serum lipids, and health outcome risk (breast cancer). We applied eight candidate true causal scenarios, depicted by directed acyclic graphs, to illustrate the ramifications of misspecification of underlying assumptions when interpreting results. Statistical models that deviated from underlying causal assumptions generated biased results. Lipid standardization, or the division of serum concentrations by serum lipids, was observed to be highly prone to bias. We conclude that investigators must consider biology, biologic medium (e.g., nonfasting blood samples), laboratory measurement, and other underlying modeling assumptions when devising a statistical plan for assessing health outcomes in relation to environmental exposures

    The contribution of the environment (especially diet) to breast cancer risk

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    Environmental factors play an important role in breast carcinogenesis. Opportunities for prevention are limited, however, because most of the known or suspected risk factors are not targets for modification. Dietary factors have generally not emerged as crucial contributors to mammary tumor causation. We still appear to be missing a critical piece of the breast cancer puzzle because we can only explain a moderate proportion of international and national variation in breast cancer rates. Research needs to pursue new avenues, focusing on exposure windows that have not yet been sufficiently explored, such as events between conception and adolescence, and on modifiable risk factors that show large variation within or between populations

    Carbon budgets of Scotia Sea mesopelagic zooplankton and micronekton communities during austral spring

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordData availability: Macrozooplankton and nekton vertical distribution and abundance at the sustained observation location P3 in the northern Scotia Sea (Southern Ocean) during November and December 2017 https://doi.org/10.5285/e184e81a-e43c-424e-abec-122036ee2cfd. Micronekton and zooplankton respiration rates on COMICS Cruises DY086 and DY090 https://doi.org/10.5285/b9f5c5ec-100a-7ff0-e053-6c86abc0f494. All other data is available on request.Zooplankton form an integral component of epi- and mesopelagic ecosystems, and there is a need to better understand their role in ocean biogeochemistry. The export and remineralisation of particulate organic matter at depth plays an important role in controlling atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Pelagic mesozooplankton and micronekton communities may influence the fate of organic matter in a number of ways, including: the consumption of primary producers and export of this material as fast-sinking faecal pellets, and the active flux of carbon by animals undertaking diel vertical migration (DVM) into the mesopelagic. We present day and night vertical biomass profiles of mesozooplankton and micronekton communities in the upper 500 m during three visits to an ocean observatory station (P3) to the NW of South Georgia (Scotia Sea, South Atlantic) in austral spring, alongside estimates of their daily rates of ingestion and respiration throughout the water column. Day and night community biomass estimates were dominated by copepods >330 μm, including the lipid-rich species, Calanoides acutus and Rhincalanus gigas. We found little evidence of synchronised DVM, with only Metridia spp. and Salpa thompsoni showing patterns consistent with migratory behaviour. At depths below 250 m, estimated community carbon ingestion rates exceeded those of metabolic costs, supporting the understanding that food quality in the mesopelagic is relatively poor, and organisms have to consume a large amount of food in order to fulfil their nutritional requirements. By contrast, estimated community rates of ingestion and metabolic costs at shallower depths were approximately balanced, but only when we assumed that the animals were predominantly catabolising lipids (i.e. respiratory quotient = 0.7) and had relatively high absorption efficiencies. Our work demonstrates that it is possible to balance the metabolic budgets of mesopelagic animals to within observational uncertainties, but highlights the need for a better understanding of the physiology of lipid-storing animals and how it influences carbon budgeting in the pelagic.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Expression of CXCL10 is associated with response to radiotherapy and overall survival in squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue

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    Five-year survival for patients with oral cancer has been disappointingly stable during the last decades, creating a demand for new biomarkers and treatment targets. Lately, much focus has been set on immunomodulation as a possible treatment or an adjuvant increasing sensitivity to conventional treatments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prognostic importance of response to radiotherapy in tongue carcinoma patients as well as the expression of the CXC-chemokines in correlation to radiation response in the same group of tumours. Thirty-eight patients with tongue carcinoma that had received radiotherapy followed by surgery were included. The prognostic impact of pathological response to radiotherapy, N-status, T-stage, age and gender was evaluated using Cox's regression models, Kaplan-Meier survival curves and chi-square test. The expression of 23 CXC-chemokine ligands and their receptors were evaluated in all patients using microarray and qPCR and correlated with response to treatment using logistic regression. Pathological response to radiotherapy was independently associated to overall survival with a 2-year survival probability of 81 % for patients showing a complete pathological response, while patients with a non-complete response only had a probability of 42 % to survive for 2 years (p = 0.016). The expression of one CXC-chemokine, CXCL10, was significantly associated with response to radiotherapy and the group of patients with the highest CXCL10 expression responded, especially poorly (p = 0.01). CXCL10 is a potential marker for response to radiotherapy and overall survival in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue

    Polychlorinated biphenyls, cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) polymorphisms, and breast cancer risk among African American women and white women in North Carolina: a population-based case-control study

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    INTRODUCTION: Epidemiologic studies have not shown a strong relationship between blood levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and breast cancer risk. However, two recent studies showed a stronger association among postmenopausal white women with the inducible M2 polymorphism in the cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) gene. METHODS: In a population-based case-control study, we evaluated breast cancer risk in relation to PCBs and the CYP1A1 polymorphisms M1 (also known as CYP1A1*2A), M2 (CYP1A1*2C), M3 (CYP1A1*3), and M4 (CYP1A1*4). The study population consisted of 612 patients (242 African American, 370 white) and 599 controls (242 African American, 357 white). RESULTS: There was no evidence of strong joint effects between CYP1A1 M1-containing genotypes and total PCBs in African American or white women. Statistically significant multiplicative interactions were observed between CYP1A1 M2-containing genotypes and elevated plasma total PCBs among white women (P value for likelihood ratio test = 0.02). Multiplicative interactions were also observed between CYP1A1 M3-containing genotypes and elevated total PCBs among African American women (P value for likelihood ratio test = 0.10). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm previous reports that CYP1A1 M2-containing genotypes modify the association between PCB exposure and risk of breast cancer. We present additional evidence suggesting that CYP1A1 M3-containing genotypes modify the effects of PCB exposure among African American women. Additional studies are warranted, and meta-analyses combining results across studies will be needed to generate more precise estimates of the joint effects of PCBs and CYP1A1 genotypes

    Migrant health in French Guiana: Are undocumented immigrants more vulnerable?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Few data exist on the health status of the immigrant population in French Guiana. The main objective of this article was to identify differences in its health status in relation to that of the native-born population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A representative, population-based, cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2009 among 1027 adults living in Cayenne and St-Laurent du Maroni. Health status was assessed in terms of self-perceived health, chronic diseases and functional limitations. The migration variables were immigration status, the duration of residence in French Guiana and the country of birth. Logistic regression models were conducted.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Immigrants account for 40.5% and 57.8% of the adult population of Cayenne and St-Laurent du Maroni, respectively. Most of them (60.7% and 77.5%, respectively) had been living in French Guiana for more than 10 years. A large proportion were still undocumented or had a precarious legal status. The undocumented immigrants reported the worst health status (OR = 3.18 [1.21-7.84] for self-perceived health, OR = 2.79 [1.22-6.34] for a chronic disease, and OR = 2.17 [1.00-4.70] for a functional limitation). These differences are partially explained by socioeconomic status and psychosocial factors. The country of birth and the duration of residence also had an impact on health indicators.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Data on immigrant health are scarce in France, and more generally, immigrant health problems have been largely ignored in public health policies. Immigrant health status is of crucial interest to health policy planners, and it is especially relevant in French Guiana, considering the size of the foreign-born population in that region.</p