70 research outputs found

    Examination of Health Care Personnel's Knowledge About Technique And Site Selection And Influential Factors For Parenteral Vaccinations

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    Giriş: Aşı uygulamaları çocuk sağlığı girişimleri arasında öncelikli bir yer tutmaktadır. Aşıların istenen immün yanıtı oluşturabilmesi,yüksek derecede koruma sağlaması ve en az yan etki oluşturabilmesi kurallara uygun yapılması ile sağlanabilmektedir. Bu nedenle aşıuygulamalarında görevli sağlık personelinin aşılar konusundaki bilgileri çocuk sağlığını önemli oranda etkilemektedir. Amaç: Bu çalışma,sağlık personelinin parenteral aşıların uygulanmasında bölge seçimi ve uygulama tekniği konusunda bilgilerini ve etkileyen etmenleriincelemek amacıyla yapılmış, tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel bir çalışmadır. Yöntem: Araştırmanın örneklemini, İzmir ilinde randomize yöntemleseçilen 19 sağlık ocağı ve 13 ana çocuk sağlığı ve aile planlaması (AÇSAP) merkezinde çalışan, aşı uygulamalarında görev alan 96 sağlıkpersoneli oluşturmuştur. Veriler "Tanımlayıcı Özellikler Soru Formu" ve "Parenteral Aşı Uygulamalarını Tanılama Formu" kullanılarakdeğerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Ebe ve hemşirelerin aşı türlerine göre bölge seçimini %5.2 ile %100 oranında, uygulama tekniğini ise %83.3ile %97.9 oranında doğru bildiği saptanmıştır. Aşıların uygulanmasında sekiz aşı için bölge seçimini doğru bilen yalnız iki kişi (%2.1),uygulama tekniğini doğru bilen 55 kişi (%57.3) bulunmaktadır. Sonuç: Ebe ve hemşirelerin aşı uygulamalarında bölge seçimi ve uygulamatekniği konusunda yeterli bilgiye sahip olmadıkları saptanmıştır. Background: Vaccination practices among child health interventions is a priority place. Can create the desired immune response tovaccines, and to provide a high degree of protection to be achieved at least according to the rules can create side effects. Therefore,information on vaccines, health care personnel in charge of vaccine applications significantly affects children's health. Objectives: Thisstudy was conducted as a descriptive and cross sectional study for the purpose of examining health care personnel's knowledge of andinfluential factors regarding technique and site selection for administration of parenteral vaccinations. Methods: The research sample wascomprised of 96 health care personnel who administer vaccinations and who were chosen using a randomized method from 19 HealthCenters (without bed) and 13 Mother-Child Health and Family Planning Centers in Izmir. The data were collected using the DemographicData Collection Form and the Parenteral Vaccination Administration Description Form. Results: It was determined that 5.2-100% of thehealth care personnel knew the correct choice of site according to type of vaccination and 83.3%-97.9% knew the correct technique ofadministration. Only two individuals (2.1%) knew the correct site selection for the administration of eight vaccinations, and 55 individuals(57.3%) knew the correct administration technique. Conclusion: In conclusion health care personnel do not have sufficient knowledge aboutsite selection and technique for administration of vaccinations

    The relationship between postpartum social support and attitudes towards breastfeeding: A cultural perspective

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    Aim: This study intends to provide an analysis of the relationship between postpartum social support and women’s breastfeeding attitudes from different cultural perspectives. Method: This study was conducted between April-September 2019.The study population comprised of 430 women with 4-24 week old babies who visited health centers in the provinces of Adıyaman (Region 1), Kahramanmaraş (Region 2) and Malatya (Region 3). Findings: The mean scores of women from the BAES were 105.54 ± 13.16 in Region 1, 103.30 ± 15.77 in Region 2, and 99.46 ± 13.47 in Region 3 (P<0.05).The mean scores of women from the “Importance of the Need” subscale on the PSQ were 157.38±45.57 in Region 1, 140.73±55.18 in Region 2, and 144.89±48.144 in Region 3 (P<0.05).The mean scores of women from the “Support Received” subscale on the PSQ were 112.39±51.58 in Region 1; 116.87±52.69 in Region 2, and 108.89±50.79 in Region 3 (P>0.05).In Region 2, a significant and positive correlation was found between the subscales “Importance of the Need” and the “Perceived Support” on the BAES and the PSQ (r=0.259, r=0.255, P<0.05, respectively). Conclusion: A comparison of the relationship between postpartum social support and attitudes towards breastfeeding revealed major differences between the Regions

    Investigation of Freshness and Oxidative Changes of Fried Sardine Marinades with Barberry or Acorn Extracts

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    This study was carried out to investigate the effects of using barberry or acorn extracts in fried sardine marinade formulations. In line with this purpose, sardines were eviscerated, washed, and filleted. Fillets were marinated with a solution containing 4% salt, 1% vinegar, and 0.2% potassium sorbate. After that, four marinated batches were made, namely C (no antioxidant added), B (200 ppm BHT added), BE (barberry extract added-200 ppm gallic acid equivalent (GAE)), and AE (acorn extract added-200 ppm gallic acid equivalent). Marination uptake, chemical composition, pH, colour, oxidation (peroxide value and lipid oxidation), trimethylamine (TMA-N), and sensory analyses were performed at +4 ℃ for 28 days. Acorn extract exhibited higher total phenolic content and pH value than barberry extract. Both barberry and acorn extract contain various bioactive components, especially phenolic acids, flavonoids, and alkaloids. The incorporation of antioxidants did not alter the chemical composition, initial pH and marinade uptake. Barberry extract was responsible for the lowest oxidation on the 14th day of storage. TBARS and TMA-N values of all extract added treatments were within the acceptable limits. Only flavour and general acceptability scores of AE were lower. All treatments were preferred at the same level except for AE treatment

    Examining the effect of the program developed to adress bullying in primary schools

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    Amaç: Anne-baba izlem ölçeğinin (ABİÖ) Türk örnekleminde geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmasını gerçekleştirmek, zorbalığa yönelik geliştirilen programının etkinliğini değerlendirmek, anne-baba izlem durumu ve öğrencilerin sağlık sorunları ile zorbalık arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemektir. Yöntem: Araştırma metodolojik, deneysel ve tanımlayıcı tipte araştırma bölümlerinden oluşmaktadır. Metodolojik olarak; ABİÖ'nin geçerlik-güvenirlik çalışması İzmir'de üç ilköğretim okulunun altıncı, yedinci ve sekizinci sınıfında 532 öğrenci ile yapılmıştır. Deneysel aşama; iki okulda altıncı sınıfta öğrenim gören 113 öğrenci ile deney kontrol gruplu öntest-sontest izleme modeli kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Veriler Akran Zorbalığı Belirleme Ölçeği Ergen Formu kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Deney grubundaki öğrencilere beş hafta süre ile zorbalığı önleme programı uygulanmış, ebeveynlerine ve öğretmenlere seminerler verilmiştir. Veriler eğitimden iki hafta, altı ay ve bir yıl sonra toplanmıştır. Tanımlayıcı aşama; 113 öğrenci ve ebeveynleri ile yapılmış, ABİÖ ve sağlık sorunlarını tanılama formu kullanılmıştır. Veriler varyans analizi, t-testi, ki-kare ve korelasyon analizi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: ABİÖ'nin altboyutlarında cronbach alfa 0.62-0.78 arasında bulunmuştur. Grupların zorba ve kurban puanlarının grup, zaman ve grup zaman değişkenine göre kurban boyutunda anlamlı olduğu, zorba boyutunda ise sadece grup zaman faktöründe anlamlı olmadığı saptanmıştır. Zorba ve kurban puanları ile düşük düzeyde pozitif yönde kısıtlayıcı izlemde anlamlı ilişki saptanmıştır. Kurban puanı yüksek grupta olan öğrencilerin kurban puanı düşük olanlara oranla daha fazla sorun yaşadıkları saptanmıştır. Sonuç: ABİÖ geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçüm aracıdır. Zorbalığa yönelik geliştirilen programın öğrencilerin zorba ve kurban olma oranlarını azaltmada etkili olduğu, bu etkinin kurbanlarda uzun süre devam ettiği, zorbalarda ise birinci yılda anlamlı olmadığı saptanmıştır. Kurbanlar zorbalara oranla daha fazla sağlık sorunu yaşamaktadır. Objective: This study was conducted in order to test the reliability and validity of Parental Monitoring Instrument (PMI), evaluate the effectiveness of the program developed to address bullying and to determine the relationship between bullying and parental monitoring status and health problems of students. Method: Research was composed of three phases with methodological, experimental and descriptive parts. At the methodological phase, the reliability-validity test of PMI was conducted methodologically on 532 students at sixth, seventh and eighth grades of three primary schools in İzmir. Experimental phase was carried out on 113 students studying at the sixth grades of two schools by using the pretest-posttest with experiment control group and the monitoring model. Data were collected through Peer Bullying Determination Scale Adolescent Form. Bullying prevention program was applied to the students in the experiment group for five weeks, seminars were organized for their parents and teachers. Data were collected two weeks, six weeks and one year after the training. As for the descriptive phase, it was conducted with 113 students and parents, PMI and the health problems identification form were used. Variance analysis, t-test, chi-square and correlation analysis were used. Findings: Cronbach alpha was found to be between 0.62-0.78 in subscales of PMI. It was detected that bully and victim scores of groups were significant in terms of victim according to the group, time and group time variables and it was not significant only in the group time variable in terms of bullies. In the restrictive monitoring, a low level positive and significant relationship was detected with bully scores and victim scores. It was also observed that students included in the group with high victim scores experienced more problems than those with lower victim scores. Conclusion: PMI is a reliable and valid instrument. It was detected that the program developed for bullying became effective in reducing the bullying and victimisation ratios of the students and that this effect continued for a long time in victims while it was not significant in bullies in the first year

    Teacher opinions on the use of educational games in social information teaching

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    Geçmişten günümüze insanoğlunun hayatında yaşanan bilimsel ve teknolojik gelişmeler hayatın her alanında değişim ve gelişime etki ettiği gibi eğitime de yansımıştır. Özellikle oyunun çocuklar üzerindeki etkilerine yönelik yapılan araştırmalar, oyunun eğitimde kullanılarak işlevselliğinin artırılacağını göstermiştir. Böylelikle eğitsel oyun tasarlanarak eğitim yapmak önem kazanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı İlköğretim Sosyal Bilgiler dersinde eğitsel oyun kullanımına yönelik öğretmen görüşlerinin araştırılmasıdır. Araştırma 2019-2020 eğitim-öğretim döneminde Kayseri, Nevşehir, Sivas, Ordu, İstanbul Ağrı, Ankara gibi çeşitli illerde Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı'na bağlı okullarda öğretmenlik yapan 30 Sosyal Bilgiler öğretmeni katılmıştır. Araştırmada online görüş formundan faydalanılmış, veri toplama aracı oluşturulurken literatür taraması yapılarak,10 maddelik görüş formu oluşturulmuştur. Eğitsel oyunlar ve nitel araştırma noktalarında uzman görüşü alınarak sorulara son hali verilmiştir. Katılımcılara 10 soru sorulmuş ve katılımcıların yanıtları online formda kayıt altına alınmıştır. Elde edilen veriler içerik analizine göre değerlendirilmiştir. Tartışma sonuç ve öneriler başlığı altında ise araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular ışığında ortaya çıkacak sonuçlar maddeler halinde verilmiş ve bu sonuçlara dayalı olarak çeşitli önerilerde bulunulmuştur.Scientific and technological developments experienced in the lives of human beings from past to present have affected the change and development in all areas of life as well as it has in education. Especially the studies on the effects of the game on children have shown that the functionality of the game can be increased by using it in education. Thus, educating by designing an educational game has gained great importance. The aim of this study is to investigate teachers' views on the use of educational games in Social Studies class in Primary Schools.30 Social Studies teachers working at state schools underneath the Ministry of National Education in various provinces such as Kayseri, Nevşehir, Sivas, Ordu, Istanbul, Ağrı, and Ankara participated in the study in the 2019-2020 academic year. The semi-structured interview technique was used in the study and the participants were asked 10 questions in order to create data collection tool. The interview form was finalized by obtaining experts' opinion and approval in educational games and qualitative research points.10 questions were asked to the participants and the interviews were recorded in written and audio form. The obtained data were evaluated according to content analysis. Under the title of discussion, conclusion and recommendations, the results obtained in the light of the findings of the study were given as items and various suggestions were made based on these results

    Ortaöğretim kurumlarında yürütülen psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik hizmetlerine yönelik okul müdürü , sınıf rehber öğretmeni, öğrenci ve okul rehber öğretmeninin (psikolojik danışman) görüşlerinin incelenmesi

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    Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, ortaöğretim kurumlarında yürütülen psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik hizmetlerine yönelik okul müdürü, sınıf rehber öğretmeni, öğrenci ve okul rehber öğretmeninin (psikolojik d anışman) görüşlerini belirlemektir. Araştırmada nitel araştırma desenlerinden olgu bilim çalışması kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışma 2010 -2011 öğretim yılında altı okul müdürü, on altı sınıf rehber öğretmeni, yirmi üç öğrenci ve yedi okul rehber öğretmeni olmak üzere toplam 52 katılımcı ile yürütülmüştür. Veriler araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu aracılığıyla yüz yüze toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları; okul müdürü, sınıf rehber öğretmeni, öğrenci ve okul rehber öğretmenlerinin, PDR hizmetlerini farklı tanımladıklarını göstermektedir. Müdür, sınıf rehber öğretmeni ve öğrencilerin okul rehber öğretmenlerin den farklı olarak, PDR hizmetlerini daha çok sorun çözücü, öğüt verici ve dert ortaklığı olarak tanımladıkları görülmüştür. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgular alan yazın ışığında tartışılmış ve sonuçlarla ilgili öneriler geliştirilmiştir

    Perceived social support, depression and life satisfaction as the predictor of the resilience of secondary school students: The case of Burdur

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    Problem statement: It has been observed that there are a limited number of studies on the resilience of primary and secondary school students in Turkey. However, it is acknowledged that secondary school students with difficult conditions of life also have to cope with rapid physical, psychological and social changes brought about by adolescence. For this reason, conducting research on the resilience characteristics of students within this age range would be an opportunity to enable them to acquire the abilities that will increase their resilience level. Moreover, the findings obtained from this research would contribute to the acknowledgement of protective factors, especially crisis response studies in the fields of psychological counseling and guidance services. Purpose of the Study: The general purpose of this research is to analyze perceived social support, depression and life satisfaction as predictors of the resilience of secondary school students of low socioeconomic levels. The examination of students' levels of resilience was based on gender, who they lived with, and whether their parents were together/separated and were alive/not alive. Method: The study group of the research consists of 386secondary school students. Of the students in the sample, 202 (52%) are girls, and 184 (48%) are boys. Of these students, 130 (34%) attend sixth-grade, 138 (36%) attend seventh-grade, and 118 (30%) attend eighth-grade. In this research used the relational screening method. To obtain the data for the Resilience Scale for Secondary School Students, The Brief Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale (BMSLSS), Social Support Appraisal Scale for Children and Adolescents and Depression Scale for Children were used. A t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and multi-standard linear regression analysis were used for data analysis in the research. Findings and Results: The results obtained from the research indicate that perceived social support and life satisfaction significantly predict resilience, whereas depression is not a significant predictor of resilience. Moreover, the resilience of students does not express a significant difference based on gender. The resilience levels of students who live with their parents and whose parents are together was found to be higher when compared to other students. Conclusions and Recommendation: First of all, in order to increase their resilience abilities, psychological training can be provided through counseling in schools for students who live with only one of their parents or their relatives. Within the scope of student personality services, various social support resources can be allocated for secondary school students whose parents have separated and the father/mother is/are not alive. Since social support and life satisfaction are important variables in regard to resilience, an appropriate education-teaching environment can be provided for such studies to be conducted at schools. İn considering schools as important social support elements, increasing school services that meet the needs of the students and transforming the school into an important living area that encourages students to love school can be useful. This can be achieved through sports activities, functional clubs, and creating environments where students can comfortably express themselves. İn order to increase resilience levels, psycho-training program start getting risk groups can be developed, and these programs can be experimentally tested. The most important restriction of this study is that the sample group consisted of students living in Burdur, a small city that does not receive many immigrants. © 2015 ANI Publishing. All rights reserved

    A Study of Bullying Against Nursing Students

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    Background: Many institutions have conducted research on the subject of bullying. The literature includes many studies of the effects of widespread bullying among primary and secondary school students. Bullying against hospital nurses and also bullying against university students are well-known and frequently discussed research topics. Yet, the exposure of nursing students to bullying has not been sufficiently explored, and few studies have focused on the issue of bullying against nursing students