65 research outputs found

    Gestion intégrée des ressources en eau dans le bassin versant du lac municipal de Dschang : connaissance et usages

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    Le dĂ©veloppement des ressources en eau du sous-bassin du lac municipal de Dschang suscite un intĂ©rĂȘt croissant. En prĂ©lude Ă  l'Ă©laboration d'une stratĂ©gie de gestion durable de l'eau du sous-bassin, un Ă©tat de lieux a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© et les effets des variations climatiques sur les ressources en eau analysĂ©s. Les donnĂ©es climatiques sur la pĂ©riode 1978-2008, les donnĂ©es secondaires des Ă©tudes antĂ©rieures et les donnĂ©es des prĂ©lĂšvements en eau effectuĂ©s par la Camerounaise des Eaux ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es. Ces donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© complĂ©tĂ©es par des informations observĂ©es sur le terrain et collectĂ©es lors des entretiens avec des acteurs clĂ©s. Les ressources naturelles en eau de surface ont Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©es Ă  24 Mm3. Seulement 2% des eaux de surfaces sont prĂ©levĂ©es (0.48 Mm3), tandis que la capacitĂ© du seul rĂ©servoir dans le bassin est de 0.45 Mm3. Il y a un potentiel d’usage pour la production hydroĂ©lectrique en aval du rĂ©servoir. La qualitĂ© microbiologique du lac laisse Ă  dĂ©sirer pendant certaines pĂ©riodes de l’annĂ©e. La pluviomĂ©trie montre une tendance Ă  la baisse d’environ 2% comparĂ©e au module interannuel. Les principaux problĂšmes identifiĂ©s sont la faible coordination des acteurs impliquĂ©s dans la gestion, l’envasement de la retenue et le manque de donnĂ©es fiables pour une meilleure prise des dĂ©cisions. Pour une gestion durable, une approche holistique basĂ©e sur les principes de la gestion intĂ©grĂ©e des ressources en eau devrait ĂȘtre adoptĂ©e.Mots clĂ©s : Gestion intĂ©grĂ©e, connaissance et usages de l’eau, Ă©tat des lieux et changement climatique

    Characterization of the rainy season in Burkina Faso and it's representation by regional climate models

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    International audienceWest African monsoon is one of the most challenging climate components to model. Five regional climate models (RCMs) were run over the West African region with two lateral boundary conditions, ERA-Interim re-analysis and simulations from two general circulation models (GCMs). Two sets of daily rainfall data were generated from these boundary conditions. These simulated rainfall data are analyzed here in comparison to daily rainfall data collected over a network of ten synoptic stations in Burkina Faso from 1990 to 2004. The analyses are based on a description of the rainy season throughout a number of it's characteristics. It was found that the two sets of rainfall data produced with the two driving data present significant biases. The RCMs generally produce too frequent low rainfall values (between 0. 1 and 5 mm/day) and too high extreme rainfalls (more than twice the observed values). The high frequency of low rainfall events in the RCMs induces shorter dry spells at the rainfall thresholds of 0. 1-1 mm/day. Altogether, there are large disagreements between the models on the simulate season duration and the annual rainfall amounts but most striking are their differences in representing the distribution of rainfall intensity. It is remarkable that these conclusions are valid whether the RCMs are driven by re-analysis or GCMs. In none of the analyzed rainy season characteristics, a significant improvement of their representation can be found when the RCM is forced by the re-analysis, indicating that these deficiencies are intrinsic to the models. © 2011 The Author(s)

    Hydrological balance of the Boura dam (Burkina Faso)

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    In developing countries, where many basins are ungauged or poorly gauged, small reservoirs could be used as hydrometric stations for estimating runoff of small watersheds upstream of the dams. Thus, hydrological monitoring of dam is essential in water resources management by predicting where there may be shortages or surplus water

    Fonctionnement hydrique de différents types de formations éoliennes en milieu sahélien BurkinabÚ

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     Le Sahel burkinabĂ©, comme l’ensemble des rĂ©gions sahĂ©liennes, est confrontĂ© depuis quelques dĂ©cennies Ă  divers phĂ©nomĂšnes de dĂ©gradation naturelle et anthropique des Ă©cosystĂšmes. C’est particuliĂšrement le cas des formations Ă©oliennes, les seules unitĂ©s Ă©cologiques susceptibles d’ĂȘtre utilisables dans cette rĂ©gion car prĂ©sentant une capacitĂ© d’infiltration notable et supportant l’essentiel de la vĂ©gĂ©tation. Compte tenu du rĂŽle assignĂ© Ă  ces formations Ă©oliennes dans cette zone, des mesures de terrain ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es pour Ă©valuer l’impact de la dĂ©gradation du milieu sur leur fonctionnement hydrique (pluie, ruissellement, conductivitĂ© hydraulique Ă  saturation, masse volumique apparente sĂšche, fonction K(O) par infiltromĂštrie Ă  50 cm de profondeur, charge de pression, teneur en eau par la mĂ©thode neutronique). C’est dans ce contexte qu’un dispositif expĂ©rimental de neuf sites de mesure a Ă©tĂ© installĂ© dans trois zones bien distinctes. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus durant cette annĂ©e de mesure mettent en Ă©vidence une nette diffĂ©renciation du fonctionnement hydrique des sols selon l’état de surface.  Les sites situĂ©s sur croĂ»te d’érosion et sur croĂ»te de dessiccation en transition vers une croĂ»te d’érosion, prĂ©sentent en saison des pluies des conductivitĂ©s hydrauliques Ă  saturation variant entre 2.7 Ă  25 mm/h. Ces sites, favorables au ruissellement superficiel, ont des coefficients de ruissellement qui varient entre 60 et 85 %. Leur stock hydrique est de l’ordre de 30 mm pour la pĂ©riode du 13 juillet 2003 au 28 aoĂ»t 2003 aprĂšs un cumul pluviomĂ©trique de 276 mm. Quant aux sites placĂ©s sur croĂ»te de dessiccation (S5, S8 et S9), leurs conductivitĂ©s hydrauliques Ă  saturation sont plus Ă©levĂ©es (de l’ordre de 34 Ă  41% en saison des pluies) que celles des autres sites, leur coefficient de ruissellement moyen est de l’ordre de 28%. Ce sont des milieux favorables Ă  l’infiltration avec un stock hydrique d’environ 80 mm pour la pĂ©riode du 13 juillet 2003 au 28 aoĂ»t 2003 et pour le mĂȘme cumul pluviomĂ©trique que prĂ©cĂ©demment

    Comparison of one-site vs. multi-sites calibration schemes for hydrological modelling of nested catchments in the West African Sahel

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    Runoff simulation in highly anthropized catchments is complex, but essential for water management, especially in poorly gauged and data-scarce hydrosystems of the West African Sahel. This study aims to evaluate the effect of different calibration schemes on runoff simulation. The physically-based and semi-distributed hydrological SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model is used to simulate daily runoff in the NakanbĂ© catchment at Wayen station in Burkina Faso (in the West African Sahel) over the period 2006–2012. Four (4) hydrometric stations (DombrĂ©, Rambo, Ramsa and Wayen) gauging 4 nested catchments (ranging from 1060 to 21 178 km2 in size) are considered. The added value of the consideration of nested catchments is assessed through the following 3 calibration schemes: one-site (OS) at the entire catchment outlet (Wayen); multi-sites with nested sub-catchments (MS1); and multi-sites without considering nested sub-catchments (MS2). The results indicate that OS and MS2 schemes perform well (KGE &gt; 0.7, |PBIAS|&lt;3 %), with MS2 scheme being superior (KGE, PBIAS). However, the MS1 scheme (KGE = 0.68; PBIAS = −22.9 %) performed worse in comparison to the traditional OS scheme. The comparison of the three modelling schemes provides evidence that accounting for nested sub-catchments does not necessarily improve the quality of rainfall-runoff simulations. Yet, multi-site calibration should be favoured when catchments are not nested.</p

    A Theoretical Analysis of the Geography of Schistosomiasis in Burkina Faso Highlights the Roles of Human Mobility and Water Resources Development in Disease Transmission

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    We study the geography of schistosomiasis across Burkina Faso by means of a spatially explicit model of water-based disease dynamics. The model quantitatively addresses the geographic stratification of disease burden in a novel framework by explicitly accounting for drivers and controls of the disease, including spatial information on the distributions of population and infrastructure, jointly with a general description of human mobility and climatic/ecological drivers. Spatial patterns of disease are analysed by the extraction and the mapping of suitable eigenvectors of the Jacobian matrix subsuming the stability of the disease-free equilibrium. The relevance of the work lies in the novel mapping of disease burden, a byproduct of the parametrization induced by regional upscaling, by model-guided field validations and in the predictive scenarios allowed by exploiting the range of possible parameters and processes. Human mobility is found to be a primary control at regional scales both for pathogen invasion success and the overall distribution of disease burden. The effects of water resources development highlighted by systematic reviews are accounted for by the average distances of human settlements from water bodies that are habitats for the parasite's intermediate host. Our results confirm the empirical findings about the role of water resources development on disease spread into regions previously nearly disease-free also by inspection of empirical prevalence patterns. We conclude that while the model still needs refinements based on field and epidemiological evidence, the proposed framework provides a powerful tool for large-scale public health planning and schistosomiasis management

    Apport des multifractals à l'études des longues series pluviométriques

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