209 research outputs found

    High school language division students’ perceptions of English as a Lingua Franca

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    This study aims to discover the perceptions of high school language division students towards English as a lingua franca in a Turkish province. For this purpose, a descriptive survey method was chosen via using a questionnaire consisting of 13 questions. The responses were rated on a 4-point Likert scale. The data were gathered from 85 students of three high schools in the fall term of the 2018/19 school year. Being analysed descriptively, the data revealed that most students believed in the importance of teachers’ teaching standard English pronunciation to students and that language teachers should teach good grammar to their students. In spite of the students’ strong-willed attitude towards pronunciation, they reported that their teachers seemed to have a higher expectation of their performance in grammar. The results also showcased that language division students desired their teachers to attach much importance to both pronunciation and grammar. Furthermore, as far as gender is concerned, more females than males perceived that native English speaking teachers (NESTs) are more effective teachers for language students, suggesting that government hire NESTs to teach English in Turkey. In conclusion, the findings suggest that the students strongly cling to normative perceptions about English as if it was still the language spoken primarily by native English speakers

    Study on the use of mobile devices in schools: the case of Turkey

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    This paper reflects on how to promote mobile educational technology by using tablet PCs in classes in private schools. We conducted a review of the studies available at Council of Higher Education (Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu-YÖK), that provides a thesis online database1. This analysis shows time and location pose problems while reaching the information at school based learning. So, teachers and students prefer mobile learning as it enables them to reach the information in an easier and faster way

    A sociological analysis about the use of home during the covid-19 pandemic period

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    Ev, insanların barınma ve hayatlarını devam ettirme gibi temel ihtiyaçlarını karşılayan özel bir mekândır. Covid-19 pandemisiyle birlikte insanların daha çok vakit geçirmek zorunda kaldıkları ev, eğitim ve çalışma gibi sosyal etkinliklerin yürütüldüğü ve gündelik hayatın merkezine yerleşen bir mekâna dönüştü. Bu çalışmanın amacı da pandemi sürecinin evdeki yaşamı, ilişkileri ve evin kullanımı üzerinde nasıl bir etki oluşturduğunu incelemektir. Bu bağlamda evin değişen kullanımı, eve yüklenilen yeni anlamlar, evdeki aile ilişkileri ve sosyal medya kullanımının bireylerin ilişkilerini ve sosyalleşmelerini nasıl etkilediğine odaklanarak pandemi sürecinde evin sosyolojik bir analizi yapılacaktır. Yöntem olarak nicel araştırma tekniği kullanılarak yürütülen çalışmada veri toplamak için nicel araştırma tekniklerinden biri olan anket tekniği kullanılacaktır. Türkiye‟de 18-65 yaş aralığındaki bireylerden anket tekniği ile toplanan veriler SPSS programı kullanılarak analiz edilecektir. Araştırma evrenini temsil eden toplamda 600 kişiden veri toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın temel bulguları ise pandemi sürecinde zamanlarının çoğunu evde geçiren bireylerin eve ilişkin algıları ve pratiklerinin değiştiği, aile içerisinde politik ve dini tartışmaların arttığı, uzun süre evde kalmanın çeşitli konularda kaygıya yol açtığı, geleneksel kadın ve erkek rollerinde bir değişimin ortaya çıktığı görülmektedir. Pandemi sürecinde özellikle internet ve telefon kullanımındaki artışla beraber sosyal medya kullanımının arttığı, bu durumun evi daha katlanılabilir hale getirdiği de bulgular arasındadır.The purpose of this study is to analyse how to pandemic period has affected the life and relations in the home and the use of home. In this regard, a sociological analysis of the home during the pandemic period was done by focusing on the changing use of the home, new meanings attributed to the home and how the family relations and social media use in the home have influenced the relations and socialization of the individuals. In the study carried out using the quantitative research technique as the method, the survey technique which is one of the quantitative research techniques was used for data collection. The data gathered through questionnaire technique from the people between the ages 18 and 65 in Turkey were analysed using SPSS programme. The data were collected from a total of 600 people representing the population of the study. The main findings of the study were that, for the people spending most of their time at home during pandemic period, a change was detected in their perception and practice related the home, political and religious discussions increased among the family members, staying at home for a long time caused anxieties in a variety of issues, and a difference was seen in the traditional roles of woman and man

    Validity and Reliability of Turkish version of the Schizophrenia Hope Scale

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    This study aimed to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Schizophrenia Hope Scale (SHS). This methodological study was carried out with 214 participants diagnosed with schizophrenia who were followed up in the psychiatry outpatient clinics of a university hospital between August 2021 and August 2022. Data were collected using an Information Form and the Schizophrenia Hope Scale (SHS). Language and content validity, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, item-total correlation, Cronbach alpha coefficient, and test-retest reliability methods were used in the validity and reliability analysis of the scale. As a result of the exploratory factor analysis, no item was excluded from the scale and it was determined that the scale has nine items and a single-factor structure. The single-factor structure of the scale was confirmed with the confirmatory factor analysis. The Cronbach Alpha coefficient of the scale was 0.901 and the factor loads ranged between 0.70 and 1.0. The test-retest correlation coefficient was r=0.959. The Turkish version of the scale was found to be valid and reliable. SCH is important since it represents the subjective meaning of hope from schizophrenic patients’ perspective and allows an easier measurement of the level of hope in this population. Mental health professionals can use SHS to determine or increase the level of hope of schizophrenia patients in their studies

    İsrail ile Suriyede kadının sosyal ve ekonomik hayattaki yeri

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    İsrail Devleti, başkenti Tel Aviv olan ve yüz ölçümü olarak küçük bir devlettir. Başkenti Şam olan Suriye ise İsrail’e göre yüz ölçümü daha büyük olan bir ülkedir. İsrail ve bölgenin bir diğer devleti olan Suriye arasında birçok sorun bulunmaktadır. Bu sorunların asıl nedeni toplumların birbirini “farklı” olarak görmeleridir. Oysa ki, kadının toplum hayatındaki yeri incelendiğinde İsrail ve Suriye toplumu arasında benzerlikler bulunmaktadır. Örneğin, İsrail`de kadının aile hayatındaki görevleri ile Suriye`de kadınına ile hayatındaki rolleri benzer özellikler göstermektedir. Her iki ülkede de kadınlar sosyal yaşamda yeni yeni gelişme göstermektedirler. Siyasi hayatta birçok teşvik olmasına rağmen, kadınlar erkeklerin gölgesinde kalmaktadırlar. Tolumdaki genel rollerinin bir uzantısı olarak, her iki ülkede de kadınlar çalışma hayatında birçok sorun yaşamaktadırlar. Genel olarak değerlendirildiğinde, Suriye ve İsrail`de kadınların sosyal hayatta karşılaştıkları sorunlar birbirine benzemektedir ve her iki ülke de kadınlar sosyal statülerini geliştirmeye çalışmaktadır. ABSTRACT Israel is a state in Middle East having a small surface area. Capital is Tel Aviv. According to Syria, which Damascus is the capital of Israel is a country with a larger surface area. There are many problems among Israel and another state of there gion Syria. Main reason of those problems is that both society considers each other as “different”. However, when statues of the women in society area analyzed, it is understood that there are many similarities among those countries. For example, roles of the Israeli women in family life and roles of Syrian women in family life are similar. In both societies, women are not integrated in religious affairs enough and attempts for integration of women are just started to be held. Despite the fact that there are many in centives in those countries about making women take part in politics, those attempts are not enough. As a result of social problems, women have many problems in economic life in both of the countries. In Syria and Israel, women face similar problems in social life and both states try to solve those problems

    Gözenekli ortam içerisinde ultrason yayılımının teorik ve deneysel olarak incelenmesi.

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    Ultrasound propagation through porous medium is investigated theoretically and experimentally in this study. Allowing measurements with opaque medium, giving fast measurements, requiring low cost and being non-invasive make the use of ultrasound based techniques convenient. Propagation of sound is directly related to the physical properties of a porous medium such as porosity, bulk modulus of medium, density of medium, particle size and physical properties of sound such as frequency. Therefore, it becomes possible to characterize a porous medium by using ultrasonic techniques provided that useful models capturing the sound propagation through such medium are readily available. Newton – Laplace equation is available for the investigation of ultrasound propagation through porous medium. According to Newton-Laplace equation, as porosity increases, sound velocity shows a negative dispersion as expected. Since this equation includes only the bulk modulus, density and porosity, dependence of the sound speed on different characteristics of porous medium, such as particle size, cannot be captured. Therefore, Biot model is used to investigate frequency effect on sound speed. In Biot model, frequency range is in between 1 to 200 kHz for water saturated medium sand medium in which wavelength to grain size ratio is changing between 375 and 18.75. For the water saturated glass beads media, lower limit of frequency again set as 1 kHz but upper limit is changing due to wavelength to grain size ratio. For that reason, upper limits of frequency are selected as 400 kHz, 1 MHz and 3.5 MHZ, where wavelength to grain size ratio are 3.75, 2.14 and 1.6, for the porous media with size of grains 1 mm, 700 microns and 300 microns, respectively. In all porous media, phase velocity shows positive dispersion. Also investigation of attenuation coefficient shows that it increases with frequency up to a value; however it starts to decrease from that point. Since decrease in attenuation coefficient is an unexpected results, it is concluded that Biot model is not applicable for high frequency values. That’s why experimental studies are needed to be conducted for the investigation of high frequency effect on sound velocity. Frequency values, f, used in the experiments are 1 MHz, 2 MHz and 4 MHz. Size of medium sand is 400 microns and glass beads are 1 mm, 700 microns and 300 microns. In all cases, wavelength to grain size ratio is very small which means value of wavelength is similar to grain size. Even for the frequency value of 4 MHz, grain size values are larger than wavelength. It is observed that phase velocity shows negative dispersion for each medium. Opposite to literature, deviation in sound speed has the lowest value for the medium with the highest grain size. Similarly, in contrast to literature, frequency dependency has the lowest value in the medium with the highest grain size. This is because of this medium having the higher grain size than wavelength.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Antisosyal kişilik bozukluğu olan ve agresif bavranış sergileyen erkek bireylerde y kromozomu düzensizliklerinin araştırılması

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    TEZ7555Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2009.Kaynakça (s.61-67) var.ix, 71 s. : rnk.res. ; 29 cm.Cinsiyet kromozom anormalliklerinin psikozlarla ili?kisi olduğu bilinmektedir. XYY kromozomları olan erkek bireyler fenotipik olarak uzun boylu, güçlü kas yapılı ve normal bir zekaya sahiptirler. Bu erkeklerin çoğunluğu fenotipik olarak normal olmasına rağmen deği?ken derecede klinik özellikler gösterebilir. Fakat bu kimselerin, anormal kromozom bile?imleriyle davranı? biçimleri arasındaki bağlantı tam olarak da çözümlenebilmi? değildir. Bu çalı?mada; antisosyal ki?ilik bozukluğu olan ve agresif davranı? sergileyen erkek bireylerde Y kromozomu düzensizliklerinin ara?tırılmasının yanında bu olgular üzerindeki sitogenetik faktörlerin rölü belirlenmeye çalı?ıldı. Bunun için Dr. Ekrem Tok, Adana Ruh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hastanesinde ve Çukurova Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Psikiyatri Servisinde tedavi altında olan toplam 132 erkek bireyin ve kontrol amaçlı sağlıklı 60 bireyin kan örnekleri alınarak sitogenetik incelemeleri yapıldı...It is known that sex chromosome abnormalities are related with psychosis. Individuals having XYY chromosome constitution are phenotypically tall, strong muscled and have normal intelligence. Although most of these men are phenotypically normal, they may show variable clinical characteristics. However, relation between the abnormal chromosome constitution and the behavior patterns of these individuals is not fully known. In this study; Y chromosome disorders in male individuals who have antisocial personality disorder and shoving aggressive behavior are researched together with the role of cytogenetic factors on these cases. For this purpose, blood samples of 132 male patients who are under observation in Dr. Ekrem Tok Adana Mental Hospital and Çukurova University, Medical School, Psychiatry Department, and 60 healthy males are taken and cytogenetic analyses are done. In addition to, we aim to help the medical stuff by clinical follow up and diagnosis of the cases that have quantitative and constitutional Y chromosome disorders for bringing them back to society by following an appropriate socio-psychologic approach including their genetic counseling.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No:TF2008YL