257 research outputs found

    Akademik Ertelemenin Yordayıcıları: Sorumluluk, Başarı / Başarısızlığa Yönelik Yükleme Stilleri ve Akademik Özyeterlik İnançları

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    The present study aims to examine the extent to which personal traits, attributional styles and perceptions of academic self-efficacy among university students explain their academic procrastination behaviors. The study used a relational survey model; the sample group consisted of 330 students enrolled in the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Sciences and Letters in Gazi University and Kırıkkale University. Research data were obtained using the “Aitken Academic Procrastination Scale,” “Adjective Based Personality Test,” “Causal Dimension Scale,” and “Academic Self-Efficacy Scale”. Path analysis modeling was used to test the hypothesis models. The results of the study indicated that academic procrastination behaviors of students are predictable through personal traits, attributional styles regarding success or failure, and perceptions academic self-efficacy.Araştırmanın amacı, üniversite öğrencilerinin akademik erteleme davranışlarını kişilik özellikleri, yükleme stilleri ve akademik öz yeterlik inancının ne düzeyde açıkladığını bir model çerçevesinde incelemektir. İlişkisel tarama desenin kullanıldığı araştırmada, araştırma grubunu, Gazi Üniversitesi ve Kırıkkale Üniversitesi’nin Eğitim ve Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesinde 330 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Araştırma verilerinin toplanmasında, “Aitken Akademik Erteleme Ölçeği”, “Beş Faktör Kişilik Ölçeği”; “Nedensel Boyutlar Ölçeği”; “Akademik Öz-yeterlik Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada hipotez modellerinin test edilmesi amacıyla path analizi modellemesi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, öğrencilerin akademik erteleme davranışı, kişilik özellikleri, başarıya ya da başarısızlığa yönelik yükleme stilleri ve akademik özyeterlik inançlarıyla yordandığı belirlenmiştir

    Eğitim ve Bilim Dergisinde Yayınlanan Araştırmaların Eğilimleri: İçerik Analizi

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    The aim of this study is to perform a content analysis of the articles published in TED Education and Science Journal and in this way to define the trends of the articles published in the journal. In the study, a total of 492 articles selected by purposive sampling method were analyzed. For the selection of articles, it was considered that the articles were of the articles published in issues between 2007 and 2013 when the issue of the journal was scanned by SSCI. “Publishing Classification Form” was used for the analysis of the articles determined within this scope. By making content analysis, articles were analyzed to include the aspects such as defining information about the identity of the article, its field, its subject, method, data collection tools, sampling, data analysis methods, and discussions and recommendations. The obtained data was interpreted in a manner based on the percentage and frequency and they were also represented with tables and graphics. Based on the obtained data it was found out that more publications are made by scientists working in larger and great universities like Hacettepe, Ankara and Gazi University. Furthermore, it was identified that most of the publications are on fields such as educational programs and teaching, educational administration, mathematics and science education. In the study where publications based on quantitative and descriptive survey researches were identified as the most common publication type, it was found that attitude, perception, and personality tests were used as data collection tool. It was seen that the studies concentrated in the sampling range of 301-1000 persons at the undergraduate level. For the analysis of data it was found that descriptive analysis were made more commonly and Anova and T-test analysis were also used in the studies intensively. Publication trend of TED Education and Science Journal, and its framework to contribute scientific studies will be developed by following history, profile and trends of the publication based on the present analysis.Bu çalışmanın amacı TED Eğitim ve Bilim dergisinde yayınlanan makalelerin içerik analizini yapmak, bu yolla dergide yayınlanan makalelerin eğilimlerini belirlemektir. Çalışmada amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi ile toplam 492 makale seçilerek analiz edilmiştir. Makalelerin seçiminde derginin SSCI tarafından dizinlendiği sayının yayınlandığı yıl olan 2007 yılı ile 2013 yılları arasındaki sayılarda yayınlanmış makaleler olmasına dikkat edilmiştir. Bu kapsamda tespit edilen makalelerin analizi için “Yayın Sınıflama Formu” kullanılmıştır. Makaleler içerik analizi yapılarak, makalenin kimliği hak-kında tanımlayıcı bilgi, disiplin alanı, makalenin konusu, yöntemi, veri toplama araçları, örneklemi, veri analiz yöntemleri, tartışma ve öneriler boyutlarını kapsayacak şekilde incelenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler, yüzde ve frekansa dayalı bir şekilde yorumlanmış, tablo ve grafiklerle de verilerin gösterimine yer verilmiştir. Elde edilen verilere dayalı olarak en fazla yayının Hacettepe, Ankara ve Gazi üniversitesi gibi büyük ve daha gelişmiş üniversitelerde görev yapan bilim insanları tarafından yapıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Yine en fazla yayının, eğitim programları ve öğretimi, eğitim yönetimi, matematik eğitimi ve fen bilimleri eğitimi alanlarında olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Nicel ve betimsel taramaya dayalı araştırmaların en fazla yayın olarak tespit edildiği çalışmada daha çok tutum, algı ve kişilik testlerinin veri toplama aracı olarak kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Örneklem düzeyi olarak lisans düzeyinde ve 301-1000 kişilik bir örneklem aralığında çalışmaların yoğunlaştığı görülmüştür. Verilerin analizinde ise daha çok betimsel analizlerin yapıldığı, anova ve t-testi analizlerinin çalışmalarda yoğun bir şekilde kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Mevcut analizlerden yola çıkılarak yayın geçmişi, profili ve eğilimleri izlenerek TED Eğitim ve Bilim Dergisinin yayın yönelimi ve bilimsel çalışmalara katkı sağlama çerçevesi geliştirilmeye çalışılacaktır

    Ratlara Malathion ve rutin uygulamaları sonrası akciğer dokularında metalloproteinaz düzeyleri ile oksidatif stres ve apoptoz belirteçlerinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Malathion (MLT) is an important environmental pollutant in the organophosphate class. Rutin (RUT), on the other hand, is one of the flavonoid family members whose effectiveness against various toxic agents has been extensively studied. In the present study, the effects of MLT and RUT treatments on oxidative stress, apoptosis and metalloproteinases in lung tissues of rats were investigated. In the study, MDA, GSH, Nrf2, HO-1, MMP2, MMP9 and caspase-3 levels in lung tissues were analyzed by biochemical or RT-PCR method after rats received MLT and/or RUT treatment for 28 days. The data showed that MLT-induced MDA levels decreased after RUT treatment. In addition, it was determined that Nrf2 and HO-1 mRNA transcript levels and GSH levels suppressed by MLT approached the control group levels after RUT treatment. MLT up-regulated the expression of metalloproteinases (MMP2 and MMP9) in lung tissues, while RUT down-regulated the expression of these genes. In addition, it was observed that MLT triggered caspase-3 expression, while RUT exerted an anti-apoptotic effect by suppressing caspase-3. As a result, it was determined that while MLT showed toxic effects in the lung tissues of rats through oxidative stress, apoptosis and metalloproteinases, RUT could alleviate these toxic effects.Malathion (MLT), organofosfat sınıfında önemli bir çevresel kirleticidir. Rutin (RUT) ise çeşitli toksik ajanlara karşı etkinliği yoğun olarak araştırılan flavonoid aile üyelerinden biridir. Bu çalışmada, MLT ve RUT tedavilerinin sıçanların akciğer dokularında oksidatif stres, apoptoz ve metalloproteinazlar üzerine etkileri araştırıldı. Çalışmada, sıçanlara 28 gün MLT ve/veya RUT tedavisi verildikten sonra akciğer dokularındaki MDA, GSH, Nrf2, HO-1, MMP2, MMP9 ve kaspaz-3 seviyeleri biyokimyasal veya RT-PCR yöntemi ile analiz edildi. Veriler, MLT ile indüklenen MDA seviyelerinin RUT tedavisinden sonra düştüğünü gösterdi. Ayrıca Nrf2 ve HO-1 mRNA transkript düzeyleri ile MLT tarafından baskılanan GSH düzeylerinin RUT tedavisi sonrası kontrol grubu düzeylerine yaklaştığı belirlendi. MLT, akciğer dokularında metalloproteinazların (MMP2 ve MMP9) ekspresyonunu yukarı doğru düzenlerken, RUT bu genlerin ekspresyonunu aşağı regüle etti. Ayrıca MLT'nin kaspaz-3 ekspresyonunu tetiklediği, RUT'nin ise kaspaz-3'ü baskılayarak anti-apoptotik etki gösterdiği gözlendi. Sonuç olarak, MLT'nin oksidatif stres, apoptoz ve metalloproteinazlar yoluyla sıçanların akciğer dokularında toksik etkiler gösterirken, RUT'nin bu toksik etkileri azaltabileceği belirlendi

    The Validity and Reliability Study of Therapeutic Alliance Scale: Psychological Counselor Version

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    This study aimed to design a measurement tool for measuring the therapeutic alliance skills of the experts providing psychological counseling services. For the preliminary validity and reliability study of the Therapeutic Alliance Scale, 224 people working as psychological counselors were reached. After the preparation of the data for analysis and establishing the hypotheses, exploratory factor analysis was conducted in the study. As a result of the analysis, the Kaise-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value was found as 0.90, and the Barlett test was determined as χ2 = 1343.61 (

    Evaluation of the effects of chrysin on diclofenac-Induced cardiotoxicity in rats by the markers of oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis

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    Diklofenak (DF), steroid olmayan anti-inflamatuar ilaçlar arasındadır ve yüksek dozlarda kalp dahil çeşitli dokularda toksik etkiler göstermektedir. Krisin (KRS) antioksidan ve anti-apoptotik gibi birçok yararlı etkiye sahiptir. Sunulan çalışmada DF ile indüklenen kardiyotoksisite üzerine KRS’nin etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla Sprague Dawley ratlara DF ve/veya KRS uygulamaları yapıldıktan sonra kalp dokularında oksidatif stres, endoplazmik retikulum stresi ve apoptoz belirteçleri ve serum CK-MB seviyeleri analiz edildi. Elde edilen veriler DF ile indüklenen oksidatif stresin KRS uygulamasından sonra SOD, CAT ve GPx enzimlerinin ekspresyonlarının tetiklenmesi ve GSH seviyelerinin artması ile hafiflediğini ve MDA seviyelerinde azalma meydana geldiğini göstermektedir. Ayrıca ER stres belirteçleri olan ve DF’nin indüklediği ATF-6, PERK, IRE1 ve GRP78 ekspresyonlarının KRS tedavisinden sonra aşağı yönlü düzenlendiği belirlendi. ER stresi ile bağlantılı olarak KRS’nin Bax ve Kaspaz-3 ekspresyonlarını baskıladığı ve Bcl-2 ekspresyonunu arttırdığı da elde edilen veriler arasındadır. Ayrıca kalp hasarının önemli bir göstergesi olan CK-MB seviyelerinin KRS uygulamasından sonra azaldığı görüldü. Sonuç olarak DF’nin neden olduğu kardiyotoksisiteye karşı KRS’nin önemli bir koruma sağladığı tespit edildi.Diclofenac (DF) is among non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and in high doses it has toxic effects on various tissues, including the heart. Chrysin (CRS) has many beneficial effects such as antioxidant and anti-apoptotic. In the present study, the effects of CRS on DF-induced cardiotoxicity were investigated. For this purpose, after DF and/or CRS treatments were applied to Sprague Dawley rats, the markers of oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis in heart tissues and serum CK-MB levels were analyzed. The data obtained displayed that oxidative stress induced by DF was alleviated by triggering the expression of SOD, CAT and GPx enzymes and increasing GSH levels after CRS administration, and a decrease in MDA levels occurred. It was also determined that the expressions of ATF-6, PERK, IRE1 and GRP78, which are ER stress markers and induced by DF, were downregulated after CRS treatment. Additionally, CRS suppressed Bax and Caspase-3 expressions and increased Bcl-2 expression in connection with ER stress. Another finding of this study demonstrated that CK-MB levels, which are an important indicator of heart damage, decreased after CRS administration. As a result, CRS provided a significant protection against cardiotoxicity caused by DF

    The Role of Energy Economics in Sustainable Development

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    For a growing country, the most needed stimulus is energy. Without any access to adequate energy resources it is hard for a growing country to sustain economic development. Especially after the 1973 Oil Crisis, the importance of energy resources has been well understood. Most of the developed countries took measures to avoid the undesirable effects of reliance on these energy resources since then. This page of the history has contributed the most to the evolution of the modern day energy economics field. Thenceforth the developing and the developed world rang the changes to manage their energy policies effectively. Sustainable development on the other hand - most broadly - implies the effective use of resources aiming at development not just for present but also for future generations. As effective managing of the energy policy would entail reaping benefits in the long run, energy economics becomes a field with crucial role in sustainable development. Therefore, this paper promotes the effective use of energy resources for a growing country from both perspectives of energy economics and sustainable development

    The Role of Energy Economics in Sustainable Development

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    For a growing country, the most needed stimulus is energy. Without any access to adequate energy resources it is hard for a growing country to sustain economic development. Especially after the 1973 Oil Crisis, the importance of energy resources has been well understood. Most of the developed countries took measures to avoid the undesirable effects of reliance on these energy resources since then. This page of the history has contributed the most to the evolution of the modern day energy economics field. Thenceforth the developing and the developed world rang the changes to manage their energy policies effectively. Sustainable development on the other hand - most broadly - implies the effective use of resources aiming at development not just for present but also for future generations. As effective managing of the energy policy would entail reaping benefits in the long run, energy economics becomes a field with crucial role in sustainable development. Therefore, this paper promotes the effective use of energy resources for a growing country from both perspectives of energy economics and sustainable development

    Validity and reliability study of Emotional Literacy ScaleDuygusal Okuryazarlık Ölçeğinin geçerlilik ve güvenirlik çalışması

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    The aim of this study is to develop a scale regarding emotional literacy. Within the context of said intentions, totally 267 students who are demographically different and attending different levels of classes, 182 of which are girls and the other 87 are boys, were contacted. For construct validity of scale, Exploratory Factor Analysis was applied to the scale and three factor construct was finally revealed. Then, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was applied to the construct determined. As a result of CFA, adaptive values of Emotional Literacy Scale (ELS) are as follows: X2, 3.47; RMSEA, .06; CFI, .98; GFI, .95; NFI, .97; IFI, .99; RFI, .96 and AGFI, .93. In addition to CFA, Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficients based on item analysis were scrutinized in order to detect reliability level of points yielded by ELS. Özet Bu araştırmanın amacı, duygusal okuryazarlıkla ilgili bir ölçek geliştirmektir. Bu amaçlar bağlamında, farklı demografik özelliklere sahip ve farklı sınıf düzeylerinde olan 182 kız ve 87 erkek olmak üzere toplam 269 öğrenciye ulaşılmıştır. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliliği için ölçeğe Açımlayıcı Faktör Analizi (AFA) uygulanmış ve sonucunda üç faktörlü yapı açığa çıkmıştır. Daha sonra, belirlenen yapıya Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi (DFA) yapılmıştır. Öncelikli olarak yapılan DFA sonucunda Duygusal Okuryazarlık Ölçeğinin (DOYÖ)uyum değerleri:X2, 3.47; RMSEA, .06; CFI,.98; GFI, .95;NFI, .97; IFI, .99; RFI, .96 ve AGFI, .93’tür. DFA’ya ek olarak, DOYÖ’nden elde edilen puanların ne derece güvenilir olduğunu değerlendirmek için madde analizine dayalı olarak hesaplanan Cronbach alfa iç-tutarlılık katsayılarına bakılmıştır

    The Role of Hematological Parameters in the Diagnosis of Childhood Allergic Conjunctivitis

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    Objective:We aimed to investigate the parameters of complete blood count and the levels of systemic inflammatory biomarkers in children with allergic conjunctivit and to evaluate their role in diagnosis in this study.Method:We included 71 pediatric patients with allergic conjunctivit diagnosis referred from the ophthalmology outpatient clinics who had sensitivity to at least one allergen and 71 age- and sex-matched healthy controls and compared complete blood count results, immunoglobulin E (IgE), neutrophil/lymphocyte, and platelet/lymphocyte ratios and systemic immune-inflammation index results. We built a multivariate model with correlated results.Results:Eosinophil counts and serum total IgE values were significantly higher in the patient group compared to the control group (p<0.001). Other parameters were not statistically different. 70.4% (n=50) of the patients had seasonal allergic conjunctivit, and 29.6% (n=21) had perennial allergic conjunctivit. In the skin prick tests performed in the patient group, 60.6% (n=43) of the patients had pollen, 54.9% (n=39) mite, 12.7% (n=9) dander, 11.3% (n=8) cockroach, and 4.2% (n=3) had alternaria sensitivities. In the multivariate analysis, every 100-cell increase in eosinophil count increased the hazard ratio of allergic conjunctivitis 1.3 times (95% confidence interval: 1.1-1.5), and every 100-units increase in total IgE levels increased 1.2 times (95% confidence interval: 1.1-1.5).Conclusion:We found no significant relationship between neutrophil/lymphocyte and platelet/lymphocyte ratios, and SII with allergic conjunctivit. Increasing eosinophil count and serum total IgE levels increase the hazard ratio for developing allergic conjunctivit. Pollen sensitivity was the most common factor in the skin test in allergic conjunctivit-diagnosed patients

    Effects of sinapic acid on lead acetate-induced oxidative stress, apoptosis and inflammation in testicular tissue

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    In this study, the effect of lead acetate (PbAc) and sinapic acid (SNP) administration on oxidative stress, apoptosis, inflammation, sperm quality and histopathology in testicular tissue of rats was tried to be determined. PbAc was administered at a dose of 30 mg/kg/bw for 7 days to induce testicular toxicity in rats. Oral doses of 5 and 10 mg/kg/bw SNP were administered to rats for 7 days after PbAc administration. According to our findings, while PbAc administration increased MDA content in rats, it decreased GPx, SOD, CAT activity and GSH content. NF-kB, IL-1β, TNF-α, and COX-2, which are among the inflammation parameters that increased due to PbAc, decreased with the administration of SNP. Nrf2, HO-1, and NQO1 mRNA transcript levels decreased with PbAc, but SNP treatments increased these mRNA levels in a dose-dependent manner. RAGE and NLRP3 gene expression were upregulated in PbAc treated rats. MAPK14, MAPK15, and JNK relative mRNA levels decreased with SNP treatment in PbAc treated rats. While the levels of apoptosis markers Bax, Caspase-3, and Apaf-1 increased in rats treated with PbAc, the level of Bcl-2 decreased, but SNP inhibited this apoptosis markers. PbAc caused histopathological deterioration in testis tissue and negatively affected spermatogenesis. When the sperm quality was examined, the decrease in sperm motility and spermatozoon density caused by PbAc, and the increase in the ratio of dead and abnormal spermatozoa were inhibited by SNP. As a result, while PbAc increased apoptosis and inflammation by inducing oxidative stress in testicles, SNP treatment inhibited these changes and increased sperm quality