416 research outputs found

    Temperature-induced reversal of magnetic interlayer exchange coupling

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    For epitaxial trilayers of the magnetic rare-earth metals Gd and Tb, exchange coupled through a non-magnetic Y spacer layer, element-specific hysteresis loops were recorded by the x-ray magneto-optical Kerr effect at the rare-earth M5M_5 thresholds. This allowed us to quantitatively determine the strength of interlayer exchange coupling (IEC). In addition to the expected oscillatory behavior as a function of spacer-layer thickness dYd_Y, a temperature-induced sign reversal of IEC was observed for constant dYd_Y, arising from magnetization-dependent electron reflectivities at the magnetic interfaces.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; accepted version; minor changes and new Figs. 2 and 4 containing more dat

    Rashba Effect at Magnetic Metal Surfaces

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    We give experimental and theoretical evidence of the Rashba effect at the magnetic rare-earth metal surface Gd(0001). The Rashba effect is substantially enhanced and the Rashba parameter changes its sign when a metal-oxide surface layer is formed. The experimental observations are quantitatively described by ab initio calculations that give a detailed account of the near-surface charge density gradients causing the Rashba effect. Since the sign of the Rashba splitting depends on the magnetization direction, the findings open up new opportunities for the study of surface and interface magnetism.Comment: 4 Fig

    Nodal quasiparticle meltdown in ultra-high resolution pump-probe angle-resolved photoemission

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    High-TcT_c cuprate superconductors are characterized by a strong momentum-dependent anisotropy between the low energy excitations along the Brillouin zone diagonal (nodal direction) and those along the Brillouin zone face (antinodal direction). Most obvious is the d-wave superconducting gap, with the largest magnitude found in the antinodal direction and no gap in the nodal direction. Additionally, while antinodal quasiparticle excitations appear only below TcT_c, superconductivity is thought to be indifferent to nodal excitations as they are regarded robust and insensitive to TcT_c. Here we reveal an unexpected tie between nodal quasiparticles and superconductivity using high resolution time- and angle-resolved photoemission on optimally doped Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta}. We observe a suppression of the nodal quasiparticle spectral weight following pump laser excitation and measure its recovery dynamics. This suppression is dramatically enhanced in the superconducting state. These results reduce the nodal-antinodal dichotomy and challenge the conventional view of nodal excitation neutrality in superconductivity.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure. To be published in Nature Physic

    X-ray magneto-optics of lanthanide materials: principles and applications

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    Lanthanide metals are a particular class of magnetic materials in which the magnetic moments are carried mainly by the localized electrons of the 4f shell. They are frequently found in technically relevant systems, to achieve, e.g., high magnetic anisotropy. Magneto-optical methods in the x-ray range are well suited to study complex magnetic materials in an element-specific way. In this work, we report on recent progress on the quantitative determination of magneto-optical constants of several lanthanides in the soft x-ray region and we show some examples of applications of magneto-optics to hard-magnetic interfaces and exchange-coupled layered structures containing lanthanide elements.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, invited contribution to the Symposium "X-ray magneto-optics" of the Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society held in Regensburg, Germany, 8-12 March 2004. Revised version, minor change

    Ce-L3-XAS study of the temperature dependence of the 4f occupancy in the Kondo system Ce2Rh3Al9

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    We have used temperature dependent x-ray absorption at the Ce-L3 edge to investigate the recently discovered Kondo compound Ce2Rh3Al9. The systematic changes of the spectral lineshape with decreasing temperature are analyzed and found to be related to a change in the 4f4f occupation number, n_f, as the system undergoes a transition into a Kondo state. The temperature dependence of nfn_f indicates a characteristic temperature of 150K, which is clearly related with the high temperature anomaly observed in the magnetic susceptibility of the same system. The further anomaly observed in the resistivity of this system at low temperature (ca. 20K) has no effect on n_f and is thus not of Kondo origin.Comment: 7 pages, three figures, submitted to PR

    The electronic structure of the doped one-dimensional transition metal oxide Y1-xCaxBaNiO5 studied using x-ray absorption

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    A strong anisotropic distribution of the holes in Ni 3d and O 2p orbitals is observed in the polarization dependent O1s and Ni2p3/2 x-ray absorption spectroscopy of the linear-chain nickelate Y1-xCaxBaNiO5 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2), which demonstrates the one-dimensional nature of the electronic state in these compounds. Furthermore, the additional holes introduced by Ca-doping occupy both O 2p and Ni 3d orbitals along the NiO5 chains. By comparing the experimental Ni 2p3/2 absorption spectra of Y1-xCaxBaNiO5 to those from charge transfer multiplet calculations we can derive the orbital character of the additional holes to be of ca. 60% O2p and ca. 40% Ni 3d.Comment: pdf only. Submitted to PR

    Prediction of huge X-ray Faraday rotation at the Gd N_4,5 threshold

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    X-ray absorption spectra in a wide energy range around the 4d-4f excitation threshold of Gd were recorded by total electron yield from in-plane magnetized Gd metal films. Matching the experimental spectra to tabulated absorption data reveals unprecedented short light absorption lengths down to 3 nm. The associated real parts of the refractive index for circularly polarized light propagating parallel or antiparallel to the Gd magnetization, determined through the Kramers-Kronig transformation, correspond to a magneto-optical Faraday rotation of 0.7 degrees per atomic layer. This finding shall allow the study of magnetic structure and magnetization dynamics of lanthanide elements in nanosize systems and dilute alloys.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, final version resubmitted to Phys. Rev. B, Brief Reports. Minor change

    Relaxation Dynamics of Photoinduced Changes in the Superfluid Weight of High-Tc Superconductors

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    In the transient state of d-wave superconductors, we investigate the temporal variation of photoinduced changes in the superfluid weight. We derive the formula that relates the nonlinear response function to the nonequilibrium distribution function. The latter qunatity is obtained by solving the kinetic equation with the electron-electron and the electron-phonon interaction included. By numerical calculations, a nonexponential decay is found at low temperatures in contrast to the usual exponential decay at high temperatures. The nonexponential decay originates from the nonmonotonous temporal variation of the nonequilibrium distribution function at low energies. The main physical process that causes this behavior is not the recombination of quasiparticles as previous phenomenological studies suggested, but the absorption of phonons.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures; to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 80, No.