876 research outputs found

    Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Property of Ag-Nanoparticles and Prospects as Imminent Multi-Functional Colorant

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    1.   Hauser PJ, Tabba AH. Improving the environmental and economic aspects of cotton dyeing using a cationised cotton†. Coloration Technology. 2001, 117:282-2882.   Lewis DM, Lei X. Improved cellulose dyeability by chemical modification of the fiber. Textile Chemist Colorist. 1989, 213.   ƞen S, Demirer G. Anaerobic treatment of real textile wastewater with a fluidized bed reactor. Water Research. 2003, 37:1868-18784.   Mittal A, Kaur D, Malviya A, Mittal J, Gupta V. Adsorption studies on the removal of coloring agent phenol red from wastewater using waste materials as adsorbents. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2009, 337:345-3545.   Knapp J, Newby P. The decolourisation of a chemical industry effluent by white rot fungi. Water Research. 1999, 33:575-5776.   Cavaco SA, Fernandes S, Quina MM, Ferreira LM. Removal of chromium from electroplating industry effluents by ion exchange resins. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2007, 144:634-6387.   Li X-q, Brown DG, Zhang W-x. 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    Partially gapped fermions in 2D

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    We compute mean field phase diagrams of two closely related interacting fermion models in two spatial dimensions (2D). The first is the so-called 2D t-t'-V model describing spinless fermions on a square lattice with local hopping and density-density interactions. The second is the so-called 2D Luttinger model that provides an effective description of the 2D t-t'-V model and in which parts of the fermion degrees of freedom are treated exactly by bosonization. In mean field theory, both models have a charge-density-wave (CDW) instability making them gapped at half-filling. The 2D t-t'-V model has a significant parameter regime away from half-filling where neither the CDW nor the normal state are thermodynamically stable. We show that the 2D Luttinger model allows to obtain more detailed information about this mixed region. In particular, we find in the 2D Luttinger model a partially gapped phase that, as we argue, can be described by an exactly solvable model.Comment: v1: 36 pages, 10 figures, v2: minor corrections; equation references to arXiv:0903.0055 updated

    Ergogenic and psychological effects of synchronous music during circuit-type exercise

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    This is the post print version of the article. The official published version can be obtained from the link below.Objectives: Motivational music when synchronized with movement has been found to improve performance in anaerobic and aerobic endurance tasks, although gender differences pertaining to the potential benefits of such music have seldom been investigated. The present study addresses the psychological and ergogenic effects of synchronous music during circuit-type exercise. Design: A mixed-model design was employed in which there was a within-subjects factor (two experimental conditions and a control) and a between-subjects factor (gender). Methods: Participants (N ÂŒ 26) performed six circuit-type exercises under each of three synchronous conditions: motivational music, motivationally-neutral (oudeterous) music, and a metronome control. Dependent measures comprised anaerobic endurance, which was assessed using the number of repetitions performed prior to the failure to maintain synchronicity, and post-task affect, which was assessed using Hardy and Rejeski’s (1989) Feeling Scale. Mixed-model 3 (Condition) X 2 (Gender) ANOVAs, ANCOVAs, and MANOVA were used to analyze the data. Results: Synchronous music did not elicit significant (p < .05) ergogenic or psychological effects in isolation; rather, significant (p < .05) Condition X Gender interaction effects emerged for both total repetitions and mean affect scores. Women and men showed differential affective responses to synchronous music and men responded more positively than women to metronomic regulation of their movements. Women derived the greatest overall benefit from both music conditions. Conclusions: Men may place greater emphasis on the metronomic regulation of movement than the remaining, extra-rhythmical, musical qualities. Men and women appear to exhibit differential responses in terms of affective responses to synchronous music

    Quantum-classical transition of the escape rate of uniaxial antiferromagnetic particles in an arbitrarily directed field

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    Quantum-classical escape rate transition has been studied for uniaxial antiferromagnetic particles with an arbitrarily directed magnetic field. In the case that the transverse and longitudinal fileds coexist, we calculate the phase boundary line between first- and second-order transitions, from which phase diagrams can be obtained. It is shown that the effects of the applied longitudinal magnetic field on quantum-classical transition vary greatly for different relative magnitudes of the non-compensation.Comment: to be appeared in Phys. Rev.

    Nonconstant electronic density of states tunneling inversion for A15 superconductors: Nb3Sn

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    We re-examine the tunneling data on A15 superconductors by performing a generalized McMillan-Rowell tunneling inversion that incorporates a nonconstant electronic density of states obtained from band-structure calculations. For Nb3Sn, we find that the fit to the experimental data can be slightly improved by taking into account the sharp structure in the density of states, but it is likely that such an analysis alone is not enough to completely explain the superconducting tunneling characteristics of this material. Nevertheless, the extracted Eliashberg function displays a number of features expected to be present for the highest quality Nb3Sn samples.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Constraints on cosmic hemispherical power anomalies from quasars

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    Recent analyses of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps from the WMAP satellite have uncovered evidence for a hemispherical power anomaly, i.e. a dipole modulation of the CMB power spectrum at large angular scales with an amplitude of +/-14 percent. Erickcek et al have put forward an inflationary model to explain this anomaly. Their scenario is a variation on the curvaton scenario in which the curvaton possesses a large-scale spatial gradient that modulates the amplitude of CMB fluctuations. We show that this scenario would also lead to a spatial gradient in the amplitude of perturbations sigma_8, and hence to a dipole asymmetry in any highly biased tracer of the underlying density field. Using the high-redshift quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we find an upper limit on such a gradient of |nabla sigma_8|/sigma_8<0.027/r_{lss} (99% posterior probability), where r_{lss} is the comoving distance to the last-scattering surface. This rules out the simplest version of the curvaton spatial gradient scenario.Comment: matches JCAP accepted version (minor revisions

    The High Redshift Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect

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    In this paper we rely on the quasar (QSO) catalog of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Six (SDSS DR6) of about one million photometrically selected QSOs to compute the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect at high redshift, aiming at constraining the behavior of the expansion rate and thus the behaviour of dark energy at those epochs. This unique sample significantly extends previous catalogs to higher redshifts while retaining high efficiency in the selection algorithm. We compute the auto-correlation function (ACF) of QSO number density from which we extract the bias and the stellar contamination. We then calculate the cross-correlation function (CCF) between QSO number density and Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature fluctuations in different subsamples: at high z>1.5 and low z<1.5 redshifts and for two different choices of QSO in a conservative and in a more speculative analysis. We find an overall evidence for a cross-correlation different from zero at the 2.7\sigma level, while this evidence drops to 1.5\sigma at z>1.5. We focus on the capabilities of the ISW to constrain the behaviour of the dark energy component at high redshift both in the \LambdaCDM and Early Dark Energy cosmologies, when the dark energy is substantially unconstrained by observations. At present, the inclusion of the ISW data results in a poor improvement compared to the obtained constraints from other cosmological datasets. We study the capabilities of future high-redshift QSO survey and find that the ISW signal can improve the constraints on the most important cosmological parameters derived from Planck CMB data, including the high redshift dark energy abundance, by a factor \sim 1.5.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, and 7 table

    Low temperature electronic properties of Sr_2RuO_4 I: Microscopic model and normal state properties

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    Starting from the quasi one-dimensional kinetic energy of the d_{yz} and d_{zx} bands we derive a bosonized description of the correlated electron system in Sr_2RuO_4. At intermediate coupling the magnetic correlations have a quasi one-dimensional component along the diagonals of the basal plane of the tetragonal unit cell that accounts for the observed neutron scattering results. Together with two-dimensional correlations the model consistently accounts for the normal phase specific heat, cyclotron mass enhancement, static susceptibility, and Wilson ratio and implies an anomalous high temperature resistivity.Comment: 12 pages REVTEX, 6 figure

    Doping dependence of the superconducting gap in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O{8 + delta}

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    Bi2Sr2CaCu2O{8 + \delta} crystals with varying hole concentrations (0.12 < p < 0.23) were studied to investigate the effects of doping on the symmetry and magnitude of the superconducting gap. Electronic Raman scattering experiments that sample regions of the Fermi surface near the diagonal (B_{2g}) and principal axes (B_{1g}) of the Brillouin Zone have been utilized. The frequency dependence of the Raman response function at low energies is found to be linear for B_{2g} and cubic for B_{1g} (T< T_c). The latter observations have led us to conclude that the doping dependence of the superconducting gap is consistent with d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry, for slightly underdoped and overdoped crystals. Studies of the pair-breaking peak found in the B_{1g} spectra demonstrate that the magnitude of the maximum gap decreases monotonically with increasing hole doping, for p > 0.12. Based on the magnitude of the B_{1g} renormalization, it is found that the number of quasiparticles participating in pairing increases monotonically with increased doping. On the other hand, the B_{2g} spectra show a weak "pair-breaking peak" that follows a parabolic-like dependence on hole concentration, for 0.12 < p < 0.23.Comment: 9 pages REvTex document including 8 eps figures; new table II; changes to Fig. 5 and tex
