967 research outputs found

    Closure theorems with applications to entire functions with gaps

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    In this paper we consider questions of completeness for spaces of continuous functions on a half line which satisfy appropriate growth conditions. The results obtained have consequences in the theory of entire functions with gap power series. In particular we show that, under an appropriate gap hypothesis, the rate of growth of an entire function in the whole plane is determined by its rate of growth along any given ray

    Flow equation analysis of the anisotropic Kondo model

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    We use the new method of infinitesimal unitary transformations to calculate zero temperature correlation functions in the strong-coupling phase of the anisotropic Kondo model. We find the dynamics on all energy scales including the crossover behaviour from weak to strong coupling. The integrable structure of the Hamiltonian is not used in our approach. Our method should also be useful in other strong-coupling models since few other analytical methods allow the evaluation of their correlation functions on all energy scales.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 2 eps figures include

    Antiferromagnetic resonance in ferroborate NdFe3_3(BO3_3)$_4

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    The AFMR spectra of the NdFe3_3(BO3_3)4_4 crystal are measured in a wide range of frequencies and temperatures. It is found that by the type of magnetic anisotropy the compound is an "easy-plane" antiferromagnet with a weak anisotropy in the basal plane. The effective magnetic parameters are determined: anisotropy fields Ha1H_{a1}=1.14 kOe and Ha2H_{a2}=60 kOe and magnetic excitation gaps Δν1\Delta\nu_1=101.9 GHz and Δν2\Delta \nu_2=23.8 GHz. It is shown that commensurate-incommensurate phase transition causes a shift in resonance field and a considerable change in absorption line width. At temperatures below 4.2 K nonlinear regimes of AFMR excitation at low microwave power levels are observed

    The Numerical Renormalization Group Method for correlated electrons

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    The Numerical Renormalization Group method (NRG) has been developed by Wilson in the 1970's to investigate the Kondo problem. The NRG allows the non-perturbative calculation of static and dynamic properties for a variety of impurity models. In addition, this method has been recently generalized to lattice models within the Dynamical Mean Field Theory. This paper gives a brief historical overview of the development of the NRG and discusses its application to the Hubbard model; in particular the results for the Mott metal-insulator transition at low temperatures.Comment: 14 pages, 7 eps-figures include

    Phase transitions in two-dimensional anisotropic quantum magnets

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    We consider quantum Heisenberg ferro- and antiferromagnets on the square lattice with exchange anisotropy of easy-plane or easy-axis type. The thermodynamics and the critical behaviour of the models are studied by the pure-quantum self-consistent harmonic approximation, in order to evaluate the spin and anisotropy dependence of the critical temperatures. Results for thermodynamic quantities are reported and comparison with experimental and numerical simulation data is made. The obtained results allow us to draw a general picture of the subject and, in particular, to estimate the value of the critical temperature for any model belonging to the considered class.Comment: To be published on Eur. Phys. J.

    Effective action and density functional theory

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    The effective action for the charge density and the photon field is proposed as a generalization of the density functional. A simple definition is given for the density functional, as the functional Legendre transform of the generator functional of connected Green functions for the density and the photon field, offering systematic approximation schemes. The leading order of the perturbation expansion reproduces the Hartree-Fock equation. A renormalization group motivated method is introduced to turn on the Coulomb interaction gradually and to find corrections to the Hartree-Fock and the Kohn-Sham schemes.Comment: New references and a numerical algorithm added, to appear in Phys. Rev. B. 30 pages, no figure

    Entanglement between a qubit and the environment in the spin-boson model

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    The quantitative description of the quantum entanglement between a qubit and its environment is considered. Specifically, for the ground state of the spin-boson model, the entropy of entanglement of the spin is calculated as a function of α\alpha, the strength of the ohmic coupling to the environment, and ϵ\epsilon, the level asymmetry. This is done by a numerical renormalization group treatment of the related anisotropic Kondo model. For ϵ=0\epsilon=0, the entanglement increases monotonically with α\alpha, until it becomes maximal for αlim1\alpha \lim 1^-. For fixed ϵ>0\epsilon>0, the entanglement is a maximum as a function of α\alpha for a value, α=αM<1\alpha = \alpha_M < 1.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Shortened version restricted to groundstate entanglemen

    Fourier Analysis of Gapped Time Series: Improved Estimates of Solar and Stellar Oscillation Parameters

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    Quantitative helio- and asteroseismology require very precise measurements of the frequencies, amplitudes, and lifetimes of the global modes of stellar oscillation. It is common knowledge that the precision of these measurements depends on the total length (T), quality, and completeness of the observations. Except in a few simple cases, the effect of gaps in the data on measurement precision is poorly understood, in particular in Fourier space where the convolution of the observable with the observation window introduces correlations between different frequencies. Here we describe and implement a rather general method to retrieve maximum likelihood estimates of the oscillation parameters, taking into account the proper statistics of the observations. Our fitting method applies in complex Fourier space and exploits the phase information. We consider both solar-like stochastic oscillations and long-lived harmonic oscillations, plus random noise. Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate the existence of cases for which our improved fitting method is less biased and has a greater precision than when the frequency correlations are ignored. This is especially true of low signal-to-noise solar-like oscillations. For example, we discuss a case where the precision on the mode frequency estimate is increased by a factor of five, for a duty cycle of 15%. In the case of long-lived sinusoidal oscillations, a proper treatment of the frequency correlations does not provide any significant improvement; nevertheless we confirm that the mode frequency can be measured from gapped data at a much better precision than the 1/T Rayleigh resolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physics Topical Issue "Helioseismology, Asteroseismology, and MHD Connections