3,392 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of micellization of oppositely charged polymers

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    The complexation of oppositely charged colloidal objects is considered in this paper as a thermodynamic micellization process where each kind of object needs the others to micellize. This requirement gives rise to quantitatively different behaviors than the so-called mixed-micellization where each specie can micellize separately. A simple model of the grand potential for micelles is proposed to corroborate the predictions of this general approach.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Acoustic attenuation analysis program for ducts with mean flow

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    A computerized acoustic attenuation prediction procedure has been developed to evaluate acoustically lined ducts for various geometric and environmental parameters. The analysis procedure is based on solutions to the acoustic wave equation, assuming uniform airflow on a duct cross section, combined with appropriate mathematical lining impedance models. The impedance models included in the analysis procedure are representative of either perforated sheet or porous polyimide impregnated fiberglass facing sheet coupled with a cellular backing space. Advantages and limitations of the analysis procedure are reviewed

    Electronic transport properties through thiophenes on switchable domains

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    The electronic transport of electrons and holes through stacks of α\alpha,\ome ga-dicyano-β\beta,β\beta'-dibutyl- quaterthiophene (DCNDBQT) as part of a nov el organic ferroic field-effect transistor (OFFET) is investigated. The novel ap plication of a ferroelectric instead of a dielectric substrate provides the poss ibility to switch bit-wise the ferroelectric domains and to employ the polarizat ion of these domains as a gate field in an organic semiconductor. A device conta ining very thin DCNDBQT films of around 20 nm thickness is intended to be suitab le for logical as well as optical applications. We investigate the device proper ties with the help of a phenomenological model called multilayer organic light-e mitting diodes (MOLED), which was extended to transverse fields. The results sho wed, that space charge and image charge effects play a crucial role in these org anic devices

    Compared and restructured wordnets for BCs in French, German, Czeck and Estonian

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    New electronic device for driving surface acoustic wave actuators

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    Surface acoustic wave (SAW) actuators are driven by a high frequency signal. The frequency range for an ideal SAW-generation is usually very narrow banded and may shift depending on various environmental conditions. We present a new electronic device which self-aligns to the optimal excitation frequency within a wide range. Any kind of SAW-actuator can be used. The device continuously scans a certain frequency range and characterizes the SAW-component. The ideal excitation frequency is then determined and used to drive the SAW-device. In case of changes like loading conditions or temperature variations the device automatically readjusts to the optimal frequency and prevents possible damage of the device or actuator in case of an error. © 2009

    Інтегро-диференціальні системи псевдопараболічного типу: апріорні оцінки та імпульсно-точкова керованість

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    Для вольтеррівського інтегро-диференціального оператора псевдопараболічного типу одержано апріорні оцінки у негативних нормах, теореми існування та єдиності узагальнених розв'язків відповідних крайових задач. Розглянуто питання імпульсно-точкової керованості систем, що описуються інтегро-диференціальними псевдопараболічними рівняннями.Для вольтерровского интегро-дифференциального оператора псевдопараболического типа получены априорные оценки в негативных нормах, теоремы существования и единственности обобщенных решений соответствующих граничных задач. Рассмотрен вопрос импульсно-точечной управляемости систем, описываемых интегро-дифференциальными псевдопараболическими уравнениями.For a pseudoparabolic Volterra integro-differential operator, the a priori estimates in negative norms and the unique generalized solvability theorems for the corresponding boundary value problems are obtained. The question of impulse-point controllability of systems governed by pseudoparabolic integro-differential equations is investigated

    Curved dilatonic brane worlds

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    We construct a broad family of exact solutions to the five-dimensional Einstein equations coupled to a scalar field with an exponential potential. Embedding a three-brane in these bulk space-times in a particular way we obtain a class of self-tuned curved brane worlds in which the vacuum energy on the brane is gravitationally idle, the four-dimensional geometry being insensitive to the value of the brane tension. This self-tuning arises from cancellations, enforced by the junction conditions, between the scalar field potential, the brane vacuum energy and the matter on the brane. Finally, we study some physically relevant examples and their dynamics.Comment: v2: 10 pages, RevTeX4. Minor changes. Typos corrected and references added. New paragraph included in the conclusions discussing the role of the singularities in the self-tuning mechanism. Final version to appear in Physical Review

    The Vlasov limit and its fluctuations for a system of particles which interact by means of a wave field

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    In two recent publications [Commun. PDE, vol.22, p.307--335 (1997), Commun. Math. Phys., vol.203, p.1--19 (1999)], A. Komech, M. Kunze and H. Spohn studied the joint dynamics of a classical point particle and a wave type generalization of the Newtonian gravity potential, coupled in a regularized way. In the present paper the many-body dynamics of this model is studied. The Vlasov continuum limit is obtained in form equivalent to a weak law of large numbers. We also establish a central limit theorem for the fluctuations around this limit.Comment: 68 pages. Smaller corrections: two inequalities in sections 3 and two inequalities in section 4, and definition of a Banach space in appendix A1. Presentation of LLN and CLT in section 4.3 improved. Notation improve