24 research outputs found


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    Aim of work – to analyze the etiological structure, epidemiological structure, social-demographic features and the nature of the development of complications of the central nervous system in aseptic meningitis in children in Khmelnitskyi region for the period 2004-2017.Materials and methods. It was conducted a prospective analysis of 208 cases of aseptic meningitis in children of whom 138 people were boys and 70 people were girls. The etiology of the disease was determined by studying cerebrospinal fluid using PCR method. Complications of the central nervous system were diagnosed on the basis of the clinical picture and CT or MRI scans. The analytical method was used to conduct the analysis of the received data.Results. The highest seasonal increase of the incidence was from August to October and it was 65.6% with its peak in September (24.0%). The clinical picture was characterized by a moderate trend in 71.2% of cases and in 28.8% by a severe course. In 100% of cases the disease began with a fever, headache (83.6%), vomiting (76.9%), abdominal pain with diarrhea (6.2%), epileptic seizures (0.9%). The average level of cytosis was 269.4±196.7 cells/mm3with a predominance of lymphocytes and the average protein level in cerebrospinal fluid was 73 ± 36 mg/dl. The etiological factor was established in 18 (8.6%) patients.Conclusions. Enterovirus remains to be the main pathogen which was determined in 72.2% of cases. The second place was taken by herpes viruses (22.2% of cases), the third place was given to the mumps virus (5.6% of cases) (in etiologically verified cases). In most cases the disease ended in complete recovery but in 47 (22.6%) patients the complications were observed. The prevalence of aseptic meningitis among children in Khmelnitskyi region was 6.2 per 100,000 children, and males outnumbered females by a 2:1 ratio.Цель – проанализировать этиологическую структуру, эпидемиологические особенности, социально-демографические профили и характер развития осложнений со стороны ЦНС при серозных менингитах у детей Хмельницкой области за период 2004–2017 гг.Материалы и методы. Проведен проспективный анализ 208 случаев серозного менингита у детей, из которых 138 мальчика и 70 девочек. Этиологию заболевания определяли путем исследования ликвора методом ПЦР. Осложнения со стороны ЦНС диагностировали на основе клинической картины и методом КТ или МРТ. Для проведения анализа полученных данных использовался аналитический метод.Результаты. Наибольший сезонный рост заболеваемости приходится на период с августа по октябрь и составляет 65,6% с пиком в сентябре (24,0%). Клиническая картина характеризовалась среднетяжелым течением в 71,2% случаев и тяжелым течением – в 28,8%. В 100% случаев заболевание начиналось с лихорадки, головной боли (83,6%), рвоты (76,9%), боли в животе с расстройствами стула (6,2%), эпилептических припадков (0,9%). Средний уровень цитоза составлял 269,4 ± 196,7 клеток в мм3с преобладанием лимфоцитов, а средний уровень белка в ликворе составлял 73 ± 36 мг/дл. Этиологический фактор был установлен у 18 (8,6%) пациентов.Выводы. Главным возбудителем остается энтеровирус, который определялся в 72,2% случаях. Второе место заняли вирусы герпеса (22,2% случаев), третье место занял вирус паротита (5,6% случаев) (из этиологически определенных). В большинстве случаев заболевание заканчивалось полным выздоровлением, однако у 47 (22,6%) пациентов наблюдались осложнения. Распространенность серозного менингита среди детей Хмельницкой области составила 6,2 на 100 тыс. детского населения в соотношении между мужским и женским полом – 2:1


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    Aim of work – to analyze the etiological structure, epidemiological structure, social-demographic features and the nature of the development of complications of the central nervous system in aseptic meningitis in children in Khmelnitskyi region for the period 2004-2017.Materials and methods. It was conducted a prospective analysis of 208 cases of aseptic meningitis in children of whom 138 people were boys and 70 people were girls. The etiology of the disease was determined by studying cerebrospinal fluid using PCR method. Complications of the central nervous system were diagnosed on the basis of the clinical picture and CT or MRI scans. The analytical method was used to conduct the analysis of the received data.Results. The highest seasonal increase of the incidence was from August to October and it was 65.6% with its peak in September (24.0%). The clinical picture was characterized by a moderate trend in 71.2% of cases and in 28.8% by a severe course. In 100% of cases the disease began with a fever, headache (83.6%), vomiting (76.9%), abdominal pain with diarrhea (6.2%), epileptic seizures (0.9%). The average level of cytosis was 269.4±196.7 cells/mm3with a predominance of lymphocytes and the average protein level in cerebrospinal fluid was 73 ± 36 mg/dl. The etiological factor was established in 18 (8.6%) patients.Conclusions. Enterovirus remains to be the main pathogen which was determined in 72.2% of cases. The second place was taken by herpes viruses (22.2% of cases), the third place was given to the mumps virus (5.6% of cases) (in etiologically verified cases). In most cases the disease ended in complete recovery but in 47 (22.6%) patients the complications were observed. The prevalence of aseptic meningitis among children in Khmelnitskyi region was 6.2 per 100,000 children, and males outnumbered females by a 2:1 ratio

    New insights into the mechanism of graphene oxide and radionuclideinteraction

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    The sorption of U(VI), Am(III)/Eu(III) and Cs(I) radionuclides by graphene oxides (GOs) synthesized byHummers’s, Brodie’s and Tour’s methods was studied through a combination of batch experiments withcharacterization by microscopic and spectroscopic techniques such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS), attenuated total reflection fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), high-energy resolutionfluorescence detected X-Ray absorption spectroscopy (HERFD-XANES), extended X-ray absorptionfine structure (EXAFS) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Remarkablydifferent sorption capacity and affinity of radionuclides was found towards GOs synthesized by Hummers’sand Brodie’s methods reflecting different structure and oxidation state of these materials.Mechanism underlying GO e radionuclide interaction is determined using variety of experimentaltechniques. For the first time it is shown here that GO - radionuclides interaction takes place on the smallholes or vacancy defects in the GO sheets. Mechanism of GO’s interaction with radionuclides wasanalyzed and specific functional groups responsible for this interaction were identified. Therefore, a newstrategy to produce improved materials with high capacity for radionuclides suggests the use perforatedand highly defected GO with a larger proportion of carboxylic functional groups

    Solubility of Nanocrystalline Cerium Dioxide: Experimental Data and Thermodynamic Modeling

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    Ultrafine 5 nm ceria isotropic nanoparticles were prepared using the rapid chemical precipitation approach from cerium­(III) nitrate and ammonium hydroxide aqueous solutions. The as-prepared nanoparticles were shown to contain predominantly Ce­(IV) species. The solubility of nanocrystalline CeO<sub>2</sub> at several pH values was determined using ICP-MS and radioactive tracer methods. Phase composition of the ceria samples remained unchanged upon partial dissolution, while the shape of the particles changed dramatically, yielding nanorods under neutral pH conditions. According to X-ray absorption spectroscopy investigation of the supernatant, Ce­(III) was the main cerium species in solution at pH < 4. Based on the results obtained, a reductive dissolution model was used for data interpretation. According to this model, the solubility product for ceria nanoparticles was determined to be log <i>K</i><sub>sp</sub> = −59.3 ± 0.3 in 0.01 M NaClO<sub>4</sub>. Taken together, our results show that the pH dependence of ceria anti- and pro-oxidant activity can be related to the dissolution of CeO<sub>2</sub> in aqueous media

    Towards the surface hydroxyl species in CeO2 nanoparticles

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    Understanding the complex chemistry of functional nanomaterials is of fundamental importance. Controlled synthesis and characterization at the atomic level is essential to gain deeper insight into the unique chemical reactivity exhibited by many nanomaterials. Cerium oxide nanoparticles have many industrial and commercial applications, resulting from very strong catalytic, pro- and anti-oxidant activity. However, the identity of the active species and the chemical mechanisms imparted by nanoceria remain elusive, impeding the further development of new applications. Here, we explore the behavior of cerium oxide nanoparticles of different sizes at different temperatures and trace the electronic structure changes by state-of-the-art soft and hard X-ray experiments combined with computational methods. We confirm the absence of the Ce(III) oxidation state at the surface of CeO2 nanoparticles, even for particles as small as 2 nm. Synchrotron X-ray absorption experiments at Ce L-3 and M-5 edges, combined with X-ray diffraction (XRD), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and theoretical calculations demonstrate that in addition to the nanoceria charge stability, the formation of hydroxyl groups at the surface profoundly affects the chemical performance of these nanomaterials