237 research outputs found

    The three-way relationship of polymorphisms of porcine genes encoding terminal complement components, their differential expression, and health-related phenotypes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The complement system is an evolutionary ancient mechanism that plays an essential role in innate immunity and contributes to the acquired immune response. Three modes of activation, known as classical, alternative and lectin pathway, lead to the initiation of a common terminal lytic pathway. The terminal complement components (TCCs: C6, C7, C8A, C8B, and C9) are encoded by the genes <it>C6</it>, <it>C7</it>, <it>C8A</it>, <it>C8B</it>, <it>C8G</it>, and <it>C9</it>. We aimed at experimentally testing the porcine genes encoding TCCs as candidate genes for immune competence and disease resistance by addressing the three-way relationship of genotype, health related phenotype, and mRNA expression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Comparative sequencing of cDNAs of animals of the breeds German Landrace, Piétrain, Hampshire, Duroc, Vietnamese Potbelly Pig, and Berlin Miniature Pig (BMP) revealed 30 SNPs (21 in protein domains, 12 with AA exchange). The promoter regions (each ~1.5 kb upstream the transcription start sites) of <it>C6</it>, <it>C7</it>, <it>C8A</it>, <it>C8G</it>, and <it>C9</it> exhibited 29 SNPs. Significant effects of the TCC encoding genes on hemolytic complement activity were shown in a cross of Duroc and BMP after vaccination against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Aujeszky disease virus and PRRSV by analysis of variance using repeated measures mixed models. Family based association tests (FBAT) confirmed the associations. The promoter SNPs were associated with the relative abundance of TCC transcripts obtained by real time RT-PCR of 311 liver samples of commercial slaughter pigs. Complement gene expression showed significant relationship with the prevalence of acute and chronic lung lesions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The analyses point to considerable variation of the porcine TCC genes and promote the genes as candidate genes for disease resistance.</p

    MicroRNA expression profiling of porcine mammary epithelial cells after challenge with Escherichia coli in vitro

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    Background Coliform mastitis is a symptom of postpartum dysgalactia syndrome (PDS), a multifactorial infectious disease of sows. Our previous study showed gene expression profile change after bacterial challenge of porcine mammary epithelial cells (PMECs). These mRNA expression changes may be regulated through microRNAs (miRNAs) which play critical roles in biological processes. Therefore, miRNA expression profile was investigated in PMECs. Results PMECs were isolated from three lactating sows and challenged with heat-inactivated potential mastitis-causing pathogen Escherichia coli (E. coli) for 3 h and 24 h, in vitro. At 3 h post-challenge with E. coli, target gene prediction identified a critical role of miRNAs in regulation of host immune responses and homeostasis of PMECs mediated by affecting pathways including cytokine binding (miR-202, miR-3277, miR-4903); IL-10/PPAR signaling (miR-3277, miR-4317, miR-548); and NF-ĸB/TNFR2 signaling (miR-202, miR-2262, miR-885-3p). Target genes of miRNAs in PMECs at 24 h were significantly enriched in pathways associated with interferon signaling (miR-210, miR-23a, miR-1736) and protein ubiquitination (miR-125, miR-128, miR-1280). Conclusions This study provides first large-scale miRNA expression profiles and their predicted target genes in PMECs after contact with a potential mastitis-causing E. coli strain. Both, highly conserved miRNAs known from other species as well as novel miRNAs were identified in PMECs, representing candidate predictive biomarkers for PDS. Time-dependent pathogen clearance suggests an important role of PMECs in inflammatory response of the first cellular barrier of the porcine mammary gland

    Genome-wide landscape of runs of homozygosity and differentiation across Egyptian goat breeds

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    : Understanding the genomic features of livestock is essential for successful breeding programs and conservation. This information is scarce for local goat breeds in Egypt. In the current study, genomic regions with selection signatures were identified as well as runs of homozygosity (ROH), genomic inbreeding coefficients (FROH) and fixation index (FST) were detected in Egyptian Nubian, Damascus, Barki and Boer goat breeds. A total of 46,268 SNP markers and 337 animals were available for the genomic analyses. On average, 145.44, 42.02, 87.90 and 126.95 ROHs were detected per individual in the autosomal genome of the respective breeds. The mean accumulative ROH lengths ranged from 46.5&nbsp;Mb in Damascus to 360&nbsp;Mb in Egyptian Nubian. The short ROH segments (&lt; 2&nbsp;Mb) were most frequent in all breeds, while the longest ROH segments (&gt; 16&nbsp;Mb) were exclusively found in the Egyptian Nubian. The highest average FROH was observed in Egyptian Nubian (~ 0.12) followed by Boer (~ 0.11), while the lowest FROH was found in Damascus (~ 0.05) and Barki breed (~ 0.03). The estimated mean FST was 0.14 (Egyptian Nubian and Boer), 0.077 (Egyptian Nubian and Barki), 0.075 (Egyptian Nubian and Damascus), 0.071 (Barki and Boer), 0.064 (Damascus and Boer), and 0.015 (Damascus and Barki), for each pair of breeds. Interestingly, multiple SNPs that accounted for high FST values were observed on chromosome 6 in regions harboring ALPK1 and KCNIP4. Genomic regions overlapping both FST and ROH harbor genes related to immunity (IL4R, PHF23, GABARAP, GPS2, and CD68), reproduction (SPATA2L, TNFSF12, TMEM95, and RNF17), embryonic development (TCF25 and SOX15) and adaptation (MC1R, KDR, and KIT), suggesting potential genetic adaptations to local environmental conditions. Our results contribute to the understanding of the genetic architecture of different goat breeds and may provide valuable information for effective preservation and breeding programs of local goat breeds in Egypt

    Microarray-based transcriptional profiling of Eimeria bovis-infected bovine endothelial host cells

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    Within its life cycle Eimeria bovis undergoes a long lasting intracellular development into large macromeronts in endothelial cells. Since little is known about the molecular basis of E. bovis-triggered host cell regulation we applied a microarray-based approach to define transcript variation in bovine endothelial cells early after sporozoite invasion (4 h post inoculation (p.i.)), during trophozoite establishment (4 days p.i.), during early parasite proliferation (8 days p.i.) and towards macromeront maturation (14 days p.i.). E. bovis infection led to significant changes in the abundance of many host cell gene transcripts. As infection progressed, the number of regulated genes increased such that 12, 45, 175 and 1184 sequences were modulated at 4 h, 4, 8 and 14 days p.i., respectively. These genes significantly interfered with several host cell functions, networks and canonical pathways, especially those involved in cellular development, cell cycle, cell death, immune response and metabolism. The correlation between stage of infection and the number of regulated genes involved in different aspects of metabolism suggest parasite-derived exploitation of host cell nutrients. The modulation of genes involved in cell cycle arrest and host cell apoptosis corresponds to morphological in vitro findings and underline the importance of these aspects for parasite survival. Nevertheless, the increasing numbers of modulated transcripts associated with immune responses also demonstrate the defensive capacity of the endothelial host cell. Overall, this work reveals a panel of novel candidate genes involved in E. bovis-triggered host cell modulation, providing a valuable tool for future work on this topic

    Expression Pattern of Kv11 (Ether à-go-go-Related Gene; erg) K+ Channels in the Mouse Retina

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    In response to light, most retinal neurons exhibit gradual changes in membrane potential. Therefore K+ channels that mediate threshold currents are well-suited for the fine-tuning of signal transduction. In the present study we demonstrate the expression of the different Kv11 (ether-à-go-go related gene; erg) channel subunits in the human and mouse retina by RT PCR and quantitative PCR, respectively. Immunofluorescence analysis with cryosections of mouse retinae revealed the following local distribution of the three Kv11 subunits: Kv11.1 (m-erg1) displayed the most abundant expression with the strongest immunoreactivity in rod bipolar cells. In addition, immunoreactivity was found in the inner part of the outer plexiform layer (OPL), in the inner plexiform layer (IPL) and in the inner segments of photoreceptors. Immunoreactivity for Kv11.2 (m-erg2) was observed in the outer part of the OPL and throughout the IPL. Double-labeling for vGluT1 or synaptophysin indicated a mainly presynaptic localization of Kv11.2. While no significant staining for Kv11.3 (m-erg3) was detected in the neuronal retina, strong Kv11.3 immunoreactivity was present in the apical membrane of the retinal pigment epithelium. The different expression levels were confirmed by real-time PCR showing almost equal levels of Kv11.1 and Kv11.2, while Kv11.3 mRNA expression was significantly lower. The two main splice variants of Kv11.1, isoforms a and b were detected in comparable levels suggesting a possible formation of cGMP/cGK-sensitive Kv11.1 channels in photoreceptors and rod bipolar cells. Taken together, the immunohistological results revealed different expression patterns of the three Kv11 channels in the mouse retina supposing distinct physiological roles

    High-density genotyping reveals signatures of selection related to acclimation and economically important traits in 15 local sheep breeds from Russia

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    Domestication and centuries of selective breeding have changed genomes of sheep breeds to respond to environmental challenges and human needs. The genomes of local breeds, therefore, are valuable sources of genomic variants to be used to understand mechanisms of response to adaptation and artificial selection. As a step toward this we performed a high-density genotyping and comprehensive scans for signatures of selection in the genomes from 15 local sheep breeds reared across Russia

    Ozone depletion events observed in the high latitude surface layer during the TOPSE aircraft program

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    During the Tropospheric Ozone Production about the Spring Equinox (TOPSE) aircraft program, ozone depletion events (ODEs) in the high latitude surface layer were investigated using lidar and in situ instruments. Flight legs of 100 km or longer distance were flown 32 times at 30 m altitude over a variety of regions north of 58° between early February and late May 2000. ODEs were found on each flight over the Arctic Ocean but their occurrence was rare at more southern latitudes. However, large area events with depletion to over 2 km altitude in one case were found as far south as Baffin Bay and Hudson Bay and as late as 22 May. There is good evidence that these more southern events did not form in situ but were the result of export of ozone-depleted air from the surface layer of the Arctic Ocean. Surprisingly, relatively intact transport of ODEs occurred over distances of 900–2000 km and in some cases over rough terrain. Accumulation of constituents in the frozen surface over the dark winter period cannot be a strong prerequisite of ozone depletion since latitudes south of the Arctic Ocean would also experience a long dark period. Some process unique to the Arctic Ocean surface or its coastal regions remains unidentified for the release of ozone-depleting halogens. There was no correspondence between coarse surface features such as solid ice/snow, open leads, or polynyas with the occurrence of or intensity of ozone depletion over the Arctic or subarctic regions. Depletion events also occurred in the absence of long-range transport of relatively fresh “pollution” within the high latitude surface layer, at least in spring 2000. Direct measurements of halogen radicals were not made. However, the flights do provide detailed information on the vertical structure of the surface layer and, during the constant 30 m altitude legs, measurements of a variety of constituents including hydroxyl and peroxy radicals. A summary of the behavior of these constituents is made. The measurements were consistent with a source of formaldehyde from the snow/ice surface. Median NOx in the surface layer was 15 pptv or less, suggesting that surface emissions were substantially converted to reservoir constituents by 30 m altitude and that ozone production rates were small (0.15–1.5 ppbv/d) at this altitude. Peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN) was by far the major constituent of NOy in the surface layer independent of the ozone mixing ratio

    Evaluation of current gene pool of Kholmogor and Black-and-white cattle breeds based on whole genome SNP analysis

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    Conservation of local cattle genetic resources is an important strategy for achieving Russia’s food security. During last decades, in the Russian Federation, local livestock populations were either crossbred or replaced by highly productive imported breeds, which led to a loss of the major part of original breeds identities. The objective of our study was to identify genetic differences between the populations of Kholmogor and Black-and-white cattle with varying degrees of admixture with the Holstein breed. The aforementioned breeds were studied using their whole-genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes. The Kholmogor breed was subdivided into three groups: purebred (KHLM, n = 3), admixed with Holsteins (KHLM-HLST, n = 4) and representatives of old-type breed (KHLM-INTA, n = 15). Blackand-white was subdivided into four groups: purebred (BLWT, n = 9), with a low (BLWT-75, n = 8) and a high (BLWT-HLST, n = 10) level of admixture with Holstein, and represented by archival samples from the 1970s and 1980s (BLWT-OLD, n = 15). The Holsteins genetic profiles (HLST, n = 27) were taken as a comparison group. PLINK 1.07, Admixture 1.3, SplitsTree 4.14.6 and R package StAMPP were used to infer genetic relationship between the studied groups. After quality control, 29 688 SNPs were selected for analysis. Multidimensional scaling (MDS), Admixture analysis and a dendrogram constructed using the Neighbor-Net method, revealed the presence of three clusters belonging to the Kholmogor, Black-and-white and Holstein breeds. The first one included KHLM and KHLM-INTA, the second – BLWT and BLWT-OLD, and the third – HLST, KHLM-HLST and BLWT-HLST. The BLWT-75 samples were placed between HLST and BLWT. Thus, our results showed that currently the populations of native cattle breeds with valuable genotypes still exist. The populations with a high level of admixture with Holsteins could be considered neither as the Kholmogor nor as Blackand-white breeds, and would rather be referred as the Holstein breed of local breeding

    Identification of expression QTL (eQTL) of genes expressed in porcine M. longissimus dorsi and associated with meat quality traits

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genetic analysis of transcriptional profiles is a promising approach for identifying and dissecting the genetics of complex traits like meat performance. Accordingly, expression levels obtained by microarray analysis were taken as phenotypes in a linkage analysis to map eQTL. Moreover, expression levels were correlated with traits related to meat quality and principle components with high loadings of these traits. By using an up-to-date annotation and localization of the respective probe-sets, the integration of eQTL mapping data and information of trait correlated expression finally served to point to candidate genes for meat quality traits.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genome-wide transcriptional profiles of <it>M. longissimus dorsi </it>RNAs samples of 74 F2 animals of a pig resource population revealed 11,457 probe-sets representing genes expressed in the muscle. Linkage analysis of expression levels of these probe-sets provided 9,180 eQTL at the suggestive significance threshold of LOD > 2. We mapped 653 eQTL on the same chromosome as the corresponding gene and these were designated as 'putative <it>cis-</it>eQTL'. In order to link eQTL to the traits of interest, probe-sets were addressed with relative transcript abundances that showed correlation with meat quality traits at p ≤ 0.05. Out of the 653 'putative <it>cis-</it>eQTL', 262 transcripts were correlated with at least one meat quality trait. Furthermore, association of expression levels with composite traits with high loadings for meat quality traits generated by principle component analysis were taken into account leading to a list of 85 genes exhibiting <it>cis-</it>eQTL and trait dependent expression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Holistic expression profiling was integrated with QTL analysis for meat quality traits. Correlations between transcript abundance and meat quality traits, combined with genetic positional information of eQTL allowed us to prioritise candidate genes for further study.</p