6,692 research outputs found

    Full-size solar dynamic heat receiver thermal-vacuum tests

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    The testing of a full-size, 120 kW, solar dynamic heat receiver utilizing high-temperature thermal energy storage is described. The purpose of the test program was to quantify receiver thermodynamic performance, operating temperatures, and thermal response to changes in environmental and power module interface boundary conditions. The heat receiver was tested in a vacuum chamber with liquid nitrogen cold shrouds and an aperture cold plate to partly simulate a low-Earth-orbit environment. The cavity of the receiver was heated by an infrared quartz lamp heater with 30 independently controllable zones to allow axially and circumferentially varied flux distributions. A closed-Brayton cycle engine simulator conditioned a helium-xenon gas mixture to specific interface conditions to simulate the various operational modes of the solar dynamic power module on the Space Station Freedom. Inlet gas temperature, pressure, and flow rate were independently varied. A total of 58 simulated orbital cycles, each 94 minutes in duration, was completed during the test conduct period

    Ground test program for a full-size solar dynamic heat receiver

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    Test hardware, facilities, and procedures were developed to conduct ground testing of a full size, solar dynamic heat receiver in a partially simulated, low Earth orbit environment. The heat receiver was designed to supply 102 kW of thermal energy to a helium and xenon gas mixture continuously over a 94 minute orbit, including up to 36 minutes of eclipse. The purpose of the test program was to quantify the receiver thermodynamic performance, its operating temperatures, and thermal response to changes in environmental and power module interface boundary conditions. The heat receiver was tested in a vacuum chamber using liquid nitrogen cold shrouds and an aperture cold plate. Special test equipment were designed to provide the required ranges in interface boundary conditions that typify those expected or required for operation as part of the solar dynamic power module on the Space Station Freedom. The support hardware includes an infrared quartz lamp heater with 30 independently controllable zones and a closed Brayton cycle engine simulator to circulate and condition the helium xenon gas mixture. The test article, test support hardware, facilities, and instrumentation developed to conduct the ground test program are all described

    HESS J1507-622: an unique unidentified source off the Galactic Plane

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    Galactic very high energy (VHE, > 100 GeV) gamma ray sources in the inner Galaxy H.E.S.S. survey tend to cluster within 1 degree in latitude around the Galactic plane. HESS J1507-622 instead is unique, since it is located at latitude of ~3.5 degrees. HESS J1507-622 is slightly extended over the PSF of the instrument and hence its Galactic origin is clear. The search for counterparts in other wavelength regimes (radio, infrared and X-rays) failed to show any plausible counterparts; and given its position off the Galactic plane and hence the absorption almost one order of magnitude lower, it is very surprising to not see any counterparts especially at X-rays wavelengths (by ROSAT, XMM Newton and Chandra). Its latitude implies that it is either rather close, within about 1 kpc, or is located well off the Galactic plane. And also the models reflect the uniqueness of this object: a leptonic PWN scenario would place this source due to its quite small extension to multi-kpc distance whereas a hadronic scenario would preferentially locate this object at distances of < 1 kpc where the density of target material is higher

    Interpretation of transverse tune spectra in a heavy-ion synchrotron at high intensities

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    Two different tune measurement systems have been installed in the GSI heavy-ion synchrotron SIS-18. Tune spectra are obtained with high accuracy using these fast and sensitive systems. Besides the machine tune, the spectra contain information about the intensity dependent coherent tune shift and the incoherent space charge tune shift. The space charge tune shift is derived from a fit of the observed shifted positions of the synchrotron satellites to an analytic expression for the head-tail eigenmodes with space charge. Furthermore, the chromaticity is extracted from the measured head-tail mode structure. The results of the measurements provide experimental evidence of the importance of space charge effects and head-tail modes for the interpretation of transverse beam signals at high intensity

    Relationship between hippocampal structure and memory function in elderly humans

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    With progressing age, the ability to recollect personal events declines, whereas familiarity-based memory remains relatively intact. It has been hypothesized that age-related hippocampal atrophy may contribute to this pattern because of its critical role for recollection in younger humans and after acute injury. Here, we show that hippocampal volume loss in healthy older persons correlates with gray matter loss (estimated with voxel-based morphometry) of the entire limbic system and shows no correlation with an electrophysiological (event-related potential [ERP]) index of recollection. Instead, it covaries with more substantial and less specific electrophysiological changes of stimulus processing. Age-related changes in another complementary structural measure, hippocampal diffusion, on the other hand, seemed to be more regionally selective and showed the expected correlation with the ERP index of recollection. Thus, hippocampal atrophy in older persons accompanies limbic atrophy, and its functional impact on memory is more fundamental than merely affecting recollection

    Broadband multi-wavelength campaign on PKS 2005-489

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    The spectral energy distribution (SED) of high-frequency peaked BL Lac objects (HBL) is characterized by two peaks: one in the UV-X-ray and one in the GeV-TeV regime. An interesting object for analyzing these broadband characteristics is PKS 2005-489, which in 2004 showed the softest TeV spectrum ever measured. In 2009, a multi-wavelength campaign has been conducted with, for the first time, simultaneous observations by H.E.S.S. (TeV), Fermi/LAT (GeV), RXTE (keV), Swift (keV, UV, optical) and ATOM (optical) to cover the two peaks of the SED. During this campaign PKS 2005-489 underwent a high state in all wavebands which gives the opportunity to study in detail the emission processes of a high state of this interesting HBL.Comment: 2009 Fermi Symposium; eConf Proceedings C09112

    Fertility control in a male rabbit using a deslorelin implant. A case report

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    [EN] Continuous low-dose release of the GnRH analogue deslorelin (Suprelorin, Peptech, Australia) causes a suppression of reproductive function in different species such as dogs, koalas, or kangaroos. No studies concerning the efficacy and safety in male rabbits have yet been conducted. A male rabbit with hypospadia was introduced to the Clinic for Animal Reproduction. The owner intended to keep it together with a fertile female rabbit. To avoid reproduction, a 4.7 mg deslorelin implant was injected subcutaneously. No negative reaction to implant placement was diagnosed by daily examination of the injection site for one week. To test the effectiveness of the treatment, blood samples were taken and the testes size was measured regularly. After an initial rise in testosterone levels for 14 d, a down regulation for seven month with values lower than 0.1 ng/mL was observed. In the same period, the size of the testes declined to 50 % of the original dimensions. Afterwards, both testes regained their former shape and size. Since it was not a stud rabbit, semen parameters were not determined. During the suppression of the reproductive function, no sexual activity was observed by the owners. These findings have yet to be proven by clinical trials with a sufficient number of animals, but this case indicates the efficacy of deslorelin implants in male rabbits.Arlt, S.; Spankowski, S.; Kaufmann, T.; Kostelnik, K.; Heuwieser, W. (2010). Fertility control in a male rabbit using a deslorelin implant. A case report. World Rabbit Science. 18(3). doi:10.4995/wrs.2010.819018

    Rapid spectral and flux time variations in a solar burst observed at various dm-mm wavelengths and at hard X-rays

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    A solar burst was observed with high sensitivity and time resolution at cm-mm wavelengths by two different radio observatories (Itapetinga and Algonquin), with high spectral time resolution at dm-mm wavelengths by patrol instruments (Sagamore Hill), and at hard X-rays (HXM Hinotori). At the onset of the major burst time structure there was a rapid rise in the spectral turnover frequency (from 5 to 15 GHz), in about 10s, coincident to a reduction of the spectral index in the optically thin part of the spectrum. The burst maxima were not time coincident at the optically thin radio frequencies and at the different hard X-ray energy ranges. The profiles at higher radio frequencies exhibited better time coincidence to the high energy X-rays. The hardest X-ray spectrum (-3) coincided with peak radio emission at the higher frequency (44 GHz). The event appeared to be built up by a first major injection of softer particles followed by other injections of harder particles. Ultrafast time structures were identified as superimposed on the burst emission at the cm-mm high sensitivity data at X-rays, with predominant repetition rates ranging from 2.0 to 3.5 Hz
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