74 research outputs found

    The Role of Genetic Polymorphism in the Formation of Arterial Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes and their Comorbidity

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    Background: Hereditary component plays a significant role in the formation of insulin resistance (IR) - one of the pathogenetic links of arterial hypertension (AH) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). However, the genetic predisposition to IR can not be realized and does not manifest itself clinically in the absence of appropriate factors of the environment (excessive nutrition, low physical activity, etc.). Objective: The review summarizes the results of studies which describe the contribution of genetic polymorphism to the formation and progression of AH, DM2 and their comorbidity in various populations. Results: In many studies, it has been established that genetic polymorphism of candidate genes is influenced by the formation, course and complication of AH and DM2. According to research data, the modulating effect of polymorphism of some genetic markers of AH and DM2 on metabolism and hemodynamics has been established. The results of numerous studies have shown a higher frequency of occurrence of AH and DM2, as well as their more severe course with adverse genetic polymorphisms. At the same time, the role of genetic polymorphism in the formation of AH and DM2 differs in different populations. Conclusion: Contradictory data on the influence of gene polymorphisms on the formation of AH and DM2 in different populations, as well as a small number of studies on the combined effects of several polymorphisms on the formation of comorbidity, determine the continuation of research in this direction

    Modern approach to complex treatment of diabetic foot syndrome in a surgical hospital

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    139 patients exposed to surgical interventions concerning the diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) from 2013 to 2015 were analyzed in this article. They were divided in two groups: patients with neuropathic (n=60) and neuroischemic (n=79) types of DFS. The dependence of surgical treatment results from the prevalence of purulent-necrotic processes was evaluated. The tendency of decrease of major amputations was established.В статье проанализированы 139 пациентов, которым выполнены хирургические вмешательства по поводу синдрома диабетической стопы (СДС) в период с 2013-го по 2015 год. Выделены 2 группы: пациенты с нейропатическим (n=60) и нейроишемическим (n=79) типами СДС. В ходе работы была оценена зависимость исходов операций от распространенности гнойно-некротических процессов, а также была установлена тенденция к уменьшению количества больших ампутаций

    Experimental Observation of Plasma Wakefield Growth Driven by the Seeded Self-Modulation of a Proton Bunch

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    We measure the effects of transverse wakefields driven by a relativistic proton bunch in plasma with densities of 2.1 x 10(14) and 7.7 x 10(14) electrons/cm(3). We show that these wakefields periodically defocus the proton bunch itself, consistently with the development of the seeded self-modulation process. We show that the defocusing increases both along the bunch and along the plasma by using time resolved and time-integrated measurements of the proton bunch transverse distribution. We evaluate the transverse wakefield amplitudes and show that they exceed their seed value (< 15 MV/m) and reach over 300 MV/m. All these results confirm the development of the seeded self-modulation process, a necessary condition for external injection of low energy and acceleration of electrons to multi-GeV energy levels