29 research outputs found

    Spacelike localization of long-range fields in a model of asymptotic electrodynamics

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    A previously proposed algebra of asymptotic fields in quantum electrodynamics is formulated as a net of algebras localized in regions which in general have unbounded spacelike extension. Electromagnetic fields may be localized in `symmetrical spacelike cones', but there are strong indications this is not possible in the present model for charged fields, which have tails extending in all space directions. Nevertheless, products of appropriately `dressed' fermion fields (with compensating charges) yield bi-localized observables.Comment: 29 pages, accepted for publication in Annales Henri Poincar\'

    Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism in perturbative algebraic quantum field theory

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    On the basis of a thorough discussion of the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism for classical field theory presented in our previous publication, we construct in this paper the Batalin-Vilkovisky complex in perturbatively renormalized quantum field theory. The crucial technical ingredient is a proof that the renormalized time-ordered product is equivalent to the pointwise product of classical field theory. The renormalized Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra is then the classical algebra but written in terms of the time-ordered product, together with an operator which replaces the ill defined graded Laplacian of the unrenormalized theory. We identify it with the anomaly term of the anomalous Master Ward Identity of Brennecke and D\"utsch. Contrary to other approaches we do not refer to the path integral formalism and do not need to use regularizations in intermediate steps.Comment: 34 page

    A Cohomological Perspective on Algebraic Quantum Field Theory

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    Algebraic quantum field theory is considered from the perspective of the Hochschild cohomology bicomplex. This is a framework for studying deformations and symmetries. Deformation is a possible approach to the fundamental challenge of constructing interacting QFT models. Symmetry is the primary tool for understanding the structure and properties of a QFT model. This perspective leads to a generalization of the algebraic quantum field theory framework, as well as a more general definition of symmetry. This means that some models may have symmetries that were not previously recognized or exploited. To first order, a deformation of a QFT model is described by a Hochschild cohomology class. A deformation could, for example, correspond to adding an interaction term to a Lagrangian. The cohomology class for such an interaction is computed here. However, the result is more general and does not require the undeformed model to be constructed from a Lagrangian. This computation leads to a more concrete version of the construction of perturbative algebraic quantum field theory

    Cosmological perturbation theory and quantum gravity

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    It is shown how cosmological perturbation theory arises from a fully quantized perturbative theory of quantum gravity. Central for the derivation is a non-perturbative concept of gauge-invariant local observables by means of which perturbative invariant expressions of arbitrary order are generated. In particular, in the linearised theory, first order gauge-invariant observables familiar from cosmological perturbation theory are recovered. Explicit expressions of second order quantities are presented as well

    Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism in the functional approach to classical field theory

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    We develop the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism for classical field theory on generic globally hyperbolic spacetimes. A crucial aspect of our treatment is the incorporation of the principle of local covariance which amounts to formulate the theory without reference to a distinguished spacetime. In particular, this allows a homological construction of the Poisson algebra of observables in classical gravity. Our methods heavily rely on the differential geometry of configuration spaces of classical fields.Comment: 42 pages, improved formulation, typos correcte

    Properties of field functionals and characterization of local functionals

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    Functionals (i.e. functions of functions) are widely used in quantum field theory and solid-state physics. In this paper, functionals are given a rigorous mathematical framework and their main properties are described. The choice of the proper space of test functions (smooth functions) and of the relevant concept of differential (Bastiani differential) are discussed. The relation between the multiple derivatives of a functional and the corresponding distributions is described in detail. It is proved that, in a neighborhood of every test function, the support of a smooth functional is uniformly compactly supported and the order of the corresponding distribution is uniformly bounded. Relying on a recent work by Yoann Dabrowski, several spaces of functionals are furnished with a complete and nuclear topology. In view of physical applications, it is shown that most formal manipulations can be given a rigorous meaning. A new concept of local functionals is proposed and two characterizations of them are given: the first one uses the additivity (or Hammerstein) property, the second one is a variant of Peetre's theorem. Finally, the first step of a cohomological approach to quantum field theory is carried out by proving a global Poincar\'e lemma and defining multi-vector fields and graded functionals within our framework.Comment: 32 pages, no figur

    The Quantum Sine-Gordon model in perturbative AQFT

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    We study the Sine-Gordon model with Minkowski signature in the framework of perturbative algebraic quantum field theory. We calculate the vertex operator algebra braiding property. We prove that in the finite regime of the model, the expectation value—with respect to the vacuum or a Hadamard state—of the Epstein Glaser S-matrix and the interacting current or the field respectively converge, both given as formal power series

    An analogue of the Coleman-Mandula theorem for quantum field theory in curved spacetimes

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    The Coleman-Mandula (CM) theorem states that the Poincaré and internal symmetries of a Minkowski spacetime quantum field theory cannot combine nontrivially in an extended symmetry group. We establish an analogous result for quantum field theory in curved spacetimes, assuming local covariance, the timeslice property, a local dynamical form of Lorentz invariance, and additivity. Unlike the CM theorem, our result is valid in dimensions n≥2 and for free or interacting theories. It is formulated for theories defined on a category of all globally hyperbolic spacetimes equipped with a global coframe, on which the restricted Lorentz group acts, and makes use of a general analysis of symmetries induced by the action of a group G on the category of spacetimes. Such symmetries are shown to be canonically associated with a cohomology class in the second degree nonabelian cohomology of G with coefficients in the global gauge group of the theory. Our main result proves that the cohomology class is trivial if G is the universal cover S of the restricted Lorentz group. Among other consequences, it follows that the extended symmetry group is a direct product of the global gauge group and S, all fields transform in multiplets of S, fields of different spin do not mix under the extended group, and the occurrence of noninteger spin is controlled by the centre of the global gauge group. The general analysis is also applied to rigid scale covariance