526 research outputs found

    Effect of pyridoxine treatment of a homocystinuric patient on the urinary excretion of some sulfur-containing amino acids

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    The effect of pyridoxine treatment of a homocystinuric patient on the urinary excretion of some sulfur-containing amino acids was studied and the following results were obtained. As a result of pyridoxine treatment, urinary homocystine decreased to a fairly great extent, and its unusual metabolites S.(3-hydroxy-3-carboxyn- propylthio) homocysteine (HCPTHC) and S-C8-carboxyethylthio homocysteine (j3-CETHC) increased to some extent. But its oxidation product (homocysteic acid) showed a tendency to decrease slightly. Urinary methionine and cystine increased to some extent, but cysteinehomocysteine mixed disulfide showed no remarkable change.</p

    Speech Synthesis Based on Hidden Markov Models

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    Diagnostic and Interactive Use of PMM by Japanese Local Governments: Does the Context Affect the Fitness of Use?

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    Efforts to “reinvent” government have emphasized the importance of performance measurement and management (PMM) systems to improve government operations. Although it seems clear why organizations adopt PMM systems, less is known about their actual consequences. This study, using a survey to Japanese local government departments, explores whether different uses of PMM and their interaction with the context (predictability and bureaucratic culture) can affect the impact of PMM on organizational performance. Results show that using PMM, not only having it, is not enough to generate performance improvements. It is shown that the fitness of use to the local government context is the way to foster performance. A strong bureaucratic culture shows a positive relation with performance in the Japanese setting

    Local Phonon Density of States in an Elastic Substrate

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    The local, eigenfunction-weighted acoustic phonon density of states (DOS) tensor is calculated for a model substrate consisting of a semi-infinite isotropic elastic continuum with a stress-free surface. On the surface, the local DOS is proportional to the square of the frequency, as for the three-dimensional Debye model, but with a constant of proportionality that is considerably enhanced compared to the Debye value, a consequence of the Rayleigh surface modes. The local DOS tensor at the surface is also anisotropic, as expected. Inside the substrate the local DOS is both spatially anisotropic and non-quadratic in frequency. However, at large depths, the local DOS approaches the isotropic Debye value. The results are applied to a Si substrate.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Dynamic and Static Transmission Electron Microscopy Studies on Structural Evaluation of Au nano islands on Si (100) Surface

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    Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study on morphological changes in gold nanostructures deposited on Si (100) upon annealing under different vacuum conditions has been reported. Au thin films of thickness ~2.0 nm were deposited under high vacuum condition (with the native oxide at the interface of Au and Si) using thermal evaporation. In-situ, high temperature (from room temperature (RT) to 850\degreeC) real time TEM measurements showed the evaluation of gold nanoparticles into rectangular/square shaped gold silicide structures. This has been attributed to selective thermal decomposition of native oxide layer. Ex-situ annealing in low vacuum (10-2 mbar) at 850\degreeC showed no growth of nano-gold silicide structures. Under low vacuum annealing conditions, the creation of oxide could be dominating compared to the decomposition of oxide layers resulting in the formation of barrier layer between Au and Si.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Kerrostalo Tornioon

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    Tiivistelmä. Kandidaatintyön tein rakennusopin kurssista, kerrostalosuunnittelun kurssi. Suunnittelussa otin erityisesti huomioon viheralueiden ja yhteistilojen runsauden. Suunnittelualueen läpi menevä viherpolku yhdistää pohjoisessa sijaitsevan Kirkkopuiston ja lounaassa sijaitsevan Felixin puiston. Viherpolun varrelle on sijoitettu lukuisia eri aktiviteettimahdollisuuksia, kuten ulkosali ja grillikatos. Kaupungintalon eteläpuolelle sijoittuu toriaukio, jota rajaavat kaksi kerrostaloa. Yhteisöllisyys on ollut läheinen teema heti suunnittelun alusta saakka ja tämä näkyy varsinkin pihasuunnittelussa. Piha ei ole pelkästään taloyhtiön oma rajattu piha, vaan se laajenee myös julkiselle puolelle. Laajentamalla käyttäjäkuntaa saadaan luotua yhä suurempi ja sosiaalinen yhteisö alueelle. Pohjaratkaisussa pyrin myös yhteisöllisyyteen ja avoimuuteen. Ensimmäisen kerroksen torille päin aukeava nurkka on kaikille julkinen lounge-tila. Täysin lasitettu seinä, varustettu liukuovilla, yhdistää torin ja loungen yhteen. Loungen vierestä löytyy työtila, joka on myös hyvin avoin torille, mutta tarkoitettu asukkaille. Julkisivumateriaaliksi on valittu Rieter, concrete skin. Tuote on lasikuituvahvisteista betonilevyä, joka kiinnitetään kantavaan rakenteeseen metallirangoilla. Levymateriaalilla ja sen värillä mukailin vieressä olevan kaupungintalon julkisivua. Kerrostalon sisäänkäynti ja parvekkeet ovat sisäänvedettyjä ja niiden pintamateriaali on tummaa mäntyä. Materiaalin vaihdolla halusin luoda ulkoisen kovan levypinnan ja sen alta paljastuvan pehmeän puupinnan kontrastin. Rakennuksen sisäänkäynti on tehty juhlavaksi leveine portaineen. Asukas tuntee olonsa tervetulleeksi kotiin jo heti kerrostalon ulko-ovesta, eikä vasta oman asunnon eteisessä. Postilaatikoille on varattu tilaa heti tuulikaapissa. Tämä lisäisi ihmisten välistä kanssäkäymistä, kun törmää naapuriin postia hakiessa. Myös samalla voidaan käydä kurkkaamassa loungetila, jos sieltä löytyisi tuttuja. Hissin edusta on jätetty myös tilavaksi ja portaiden välitasanteet ovat pitkiä ja leveitä, joista näkee suoraan torille. Nämä ovat kaikki pieniä pysähtymis- ja tapaamispaikkoja kerrostalon sisällä. Kaikkea neliöitä en halunnut ahdata asuintoihin, vaan pyrin myös panostamaan asukkaan kokemukseen kerrostalon sisällä, asunnon ulkopuolella. Rakennuksessa on kolmea eri tyyppistä parveketta. Detaljikuvat tein suurimmasta ja ranskalaisesta parvekkeesta, sillä niissä oli eniten eroja. Suuressa parvekkeessa otinerityisen tarkastelun kohteeksi parvekelautojen näyttäytyminen asukkaalle. Lautojen alla olevat kannakkeet ovat höylätty muotoon, jolla mahdollistetaan laudoituksen jatkuminen aivan parvekelasin pintaan ja kiinnikkeet jäävät laudoituksen alle. Ransakalisessa parvekkeessa on hyödynnetty lasiliukuovea ja vain toiselle puolelle on asennettu pinnakaiteet. Tämä luo erilaisen tunnelman julkisivuun, kuin tavallinen täysleveä kaide

    Whole-genome sequencing of Theileria parva strains provides insight into parasite migration and diversification in the african continent

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    The disease caused by the apicomplexan protozoan parasite Theileria parva, known as East Coast fever or Corridor disease, is one of the most serious cattle diseases in Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa. We performed whole-genome sequencing of nine T. parva strains, including one of the vaccine strains (Kiambu 5), field isolates from Zambia, Uganda, Tanzania, or Rwanda, and two buffalo-derived strains. Comparison with the reference Muguga genome sequence revealed 34 814–121 545 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were more abundant in buffalo-derived strains. High-resolution phylogenetic trees were constructed with selected informative SNPs that allowed the investigation of possible complex recombination events among ancestors of the extant strains. We further analysed the dN/dS ratio (non-synonymous substitutions per non-synonymous site divided by synonymous substitutions per synonymous site) for 4011 coding genes to estimate potential selective pressure. Genes under possible positive selection were identified that may, in turn, assist in the identification of immunogenic proteins or vaccine candidates. This study elucidated the phylogeny of T. parva strains based on genome-wide SNPs analysis with prediction of possible past recombination events, providing insight into the migration, diversification, and evolution of this parasite species in the African continent

    Deposition Kinetics and Compositional Control of Vacuum Processed CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite

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    Halide perovskites have generated considerable research interest due to their excellent optoelectronic properties in the past decade. To ensure the formation of high quality semiconductors, the deposition process for the perovskite film is a critical issue. Vacuum based processing is considered a promising method allowing, in principle, also for large areas. One of the benefits of vacuum processing is the control over the film composition through the use of quartz crystal microbalances (QCMs) that in-situ monitor the rates of the components. In metal halide perovskites, however, one frequently employed component or precursor, CH3NH3I, exhibits non-standard sublimation properties. Here, we study in detail the sublimation properties of CH3NH3I and demonstrate that by correcting for its complex adsorption properties and by modeling the film growth, accurate predictions about the stoichiometry of the final perovskite film can be obtained